set @subselect_innodb_tmp=@@optimizer_switch; set optimizer_switch='mrr=on,mrr_sort_keys=on,index_condition_pushdown=on'; drop table if exists t1,t2,t3; CREATE TABLE t1 ( FOLDERID VARCHAR(32)BINARY NOT NULL , FOLDERNAME VARCHAR(255)BINARY NOT NULL , CREATOR VARCHAR(255)BINARY , CREATED TIMESTAMP NOT NULL , DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(255)BINARY , FOLDERTYPE INTEGER NOT NULL , MODIFIED TIMESTAMP , MODIFIER VARCHAR(255)BINARY , FOLDERSIZE INTEGER NOT NULL , PARENTID VARCHAR(32)BINARY , REPID VARCHAR(32)BINARY , ORIGINATOR INTEGER , PRIMARY KEY ( FOLDERID ) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE INDEX FFOLDERID_IDX ON t1 (FOLDERID); CREATE INDEX CMFLDRPARNT_IDX ON t1 (PARENTID); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES("0c9aab05b15048c59bc35c8461507deb", "System", "System", "2003-06-05 16:30:00", "The system content repository folder.", "3", "2003-06-05 16:30:00", "System", "0", NULL, "9c9aab05b15048c59bc35c8461507deb", "1"); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES("2f6161e879db43c1a5b82c21ddc49089", "Default", "System", "2003-06-09 10:52:02", "The default content repository folder.", "3", "2003-06-05 16:30:00", "System", "0", NULL, "03eea05112b845949f3fd03278b5fe43", "1"); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES("c373e9f5ad0791724315444553544200", "AddDocumentTest", "admin", "2003-06-09 10:51:25", "Movie Reviews", "0", "2003-06-09 10:51:25", "admin", "0", "2f6161e879db43c1a5b82c21ddc49089", "03eea05112b845949f3fd03278b5fe43", NULL); SELECT 'c373e9f5ad0791a0dab5444553544200' IN(SELECT t1.FOLDERID FROM t1 WHERE t1.PARENTID='2f6161e879db43c1a5b82c21ddc49089' AND t1.FOLDERNAME = 'Level1'); 'c373e9f5ad0791a0dab5444553544200' IN(SELECT t1.FOLDERID FROM t1 WHERE t1.PARENTID='2f6161e879db43c1a5b82c21ddc49089' AND t1.FOLDERNAME = 'Level1') 0 drop table t1; create table t1 (a int) engine=innodb; create table t2 (a int) engine=innodb; create table t3 (a int) engine=innodb; insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4); insert into t2 values (10),(20),(30),(40); insert into t3 values (1),(2),(10),(50); select a from t3 where t3.a in (select a from t1 where a <= 3 union select * from t2 where a <= 30); a 1 2 10 drop table t1,t2,t3; CREATE TABLE t1 ( processor_id INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (processor_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE t3 ( yod_id BIGINT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, login_processor INTEGER UNSIGNED , PRIMARY KEY (yod_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE t2 ( processor_id INTEGER NOT NULL, yod_id BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (processor_id, yod_id), INDEX (processor_id), INDEX (yod_id), FOREIGN KEY (processor_id) REFERENCES t1(processor_id), FOREIGN KEY (yod_id) REFERENCES t3(yod_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2),(3); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (1,1),(2,2),(3,3); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,1),(2,2),(3,3); SELECT distinct p1.processor_id, (SELECT y.yod_id FROM t1 p2, t2 y WHERE p2.processor_id = p1.processor_id and p2.processor_id = y.processor_id) FROM t1 p1; processor_id (SELECT y.yod_id FROM t1 p2, t2 y WHERE p2.processor_id = p1.processor_id and p2.processor_id = y.processor_id) 1 1 2 2 3 3 drop table t2,t1,t3; CREATE TABLE t1 ( id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', b int(11) default NULL, c char(3) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY t2i1 (b) ) ENGINE=innodb DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0,0,'GPL'),(1,0,'GPL'),(2,1,'GPL'),(3,2,'GPL'); CREATE TABLE t2 ( id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', b int(11) default NULL, c char(3) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY t2i (b) ) ENGINE=innodb DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (0,0,'GPL'),(1,0,'GPL'),(2,1,'GPL'),(3,2,'GPL'); select (select max(id) from t2 where b=1 group by b) as x,b from t1 where b=1; x b 2 1 drop table t1,t2; create table t1 (id int not null, value char(255), primary key(id)) engine=innodb; create table t2 (id int not null, value char(255)) engine=innodb; insert into t1 values (1,'a'),(2,'b'); insert into t2 values (1,'z'),(2,'x'); select,t2.value,(select t1.value from t1 where from t2; id value (select t1.value from t1 where 1 z a 2 x b select,t2.value,(select t1.value from t1 where from t2; id value (select t1.value from t1 where 1 z a 2 x b drop table t1,t2; create table t1 (a int, b int) engine=innodb; insert into t1 values (1,2), (1,3), (2,3), (2,4), (2,5), (3,4), (4,5), (4,100); create table t2 (a int) engine=innodb; insert into t2 values (1),(2),(3),(4); select a, sum(b) as b from t1 group by a having b > (select max(a) from t2); a b 1 5 2 12 4 105 drop table t1, t2; CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `unit` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', `ingredient` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '') ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `ingredient` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', `unit` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (ingredient, unit)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES ('xx','yy'); INSERT INTO `t2` VALUES ('yy','xx'); SELECT R.unit, R.ingredient FROM t1 R WHERE R.ingredient IN (SELECT N.ingredient FROM t2 N WHERE N.unit = R.unit); unit ingredient xx yy drop table t1, t2; CREATE TABLE t1 ( id INT NOT NULL auto_increment, date1 DATE, coworkerid INT, description VARCHAR(255), sum_used DOUBLE, sum_remaining DOUBLE, comments VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY(id) ) engine=innodb; insert into t1 values (NULL, '1999-01-01', 1,'test', 22, 33, 'comment'), (NULL, '1999-01-01', 1,'test', 22, 33, 'comment'), (NULL, '1999-01-01', 1,'test', 22, 33, 'comment'), (NULL, '1998-01-01', 1,'test', 22, 33, 'comment'), (NULL, '1998-01-01', 1,'test', 22, 33, 'comment'), (NULL, '2004-01-01', 1,'test', 22, 33, 'comment'), (NULL, '2004-01-01', 1,'test', 22, 33, 'comment'); SELECT DISTINCT (SELECT sum(sum_used) FROM t1 WHERE sum_used > 0 AND year(date1) <= '2004') as somallontvangsten, (SELECT sum(sum_used) FROM t1 WHERE sum_used < 0 AND year(date1) <= '2004') as somalluitgaven FROM t1; somallontvangsten somalluitgaven 154 NULL select * from t1; id date1 coworkerid description sum_used sum_remaining comments 1 1999-01-01 1 test 22 33 comment 2 1999-01-01 1 test 22 33 comment 3 1999-01-01 1 test 22 33 comment 4 1998-01-01 1 test 22 33 comment 5 1998-01-01 1 test 22 33 comment 6 2004-01-01 1 test 22 33 comment 7 2004-01-01 1 test 22 33 comment drop table t1; CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `a` char(3) NOT NULL default '', `b` char(3) NOT NULL default '', `c` char(3) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`a`,`b`,`c`)) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE t2 LIKE t1; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,1,1); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,1,1); PREPARE my_stmt FROM "SELECT t1.b, count(*) FROM t1 group by t1.b having count(*) > ALL (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t2 WHERE t2.a=1 GROUP By t2.b)"; EXECUTE my_stmt; b count(*) EXECUTE my_stmt; b count(*) deallocate prepare my_stmt; drop table t1,t2; CREATE TABLE t1 ( school_name varchar(45) NOT NULL, country varchar(45) NOT NULL, funds_requested float NOT NULL, schooltype varchar(45) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; insert into t1 values ("the school", "USA", 1200, "Human"); select count(country) as countrycount, sum(funds_requested) as smcnt, country, (select sum(funds_requested) from t1) as total_funds from t1 group by country; countrycount smcnt country total_funds 1 1200 USA 1200 select count(country) as countrycount, sum(funds_requested) as smcnt, country, (select sum(funds_requested) from t1) as total_funds from t1 group by country; countrycount smcnt country total_funds 1 1200 USA 1200 drop table t1; CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `t3_id` int NOT NULL, `t1_id` int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`t1_id`) ); CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `t2_id` int NOT NULL, `t1_id` int NOT NULL, `b` int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`t2_id`), UNIQUE KEY `idx_t2_t1_b` (`t1_id`,`b`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `t3` ( `t3_id` int NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO `t3` VALUES (3); select (SELECT rs.t2_id FROM t2 rs WHERE rs.t1_id= (SELECT lt.t1_id FROM t1 lt WHERE lt.t3_id=a.t3_id) ORDER BY b DESC LIMIT 1) from t3 AS a; (SELECT rs.t2_id FROM t2 rs WHERE rs.t1_id= (SELECT lt.t1_id FROM t1 lt WHERE lt.t3_id=a.t3_id) ORDER BY b DESC LIMIT 1) NULL DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS p1; create procedure p1() begin declare done int default 3; repeat select (SELECT rs.t2_id FROM t2 rs WHERE rs.t1_id= (SELECT lt.t1_id FROM t1 lt WHERE lt.t3_id=a.t3_id) ORDER BY b DESC LIMIT 1) as x from t3 AS a; set done= done-1; until done <= 0 end repeat; end// call p1(); x NULL x NULL x NULL call p1(); x NULL x NULL x NULL call p1(); x NULL x NULL x NULL drop procedure p1; drop tables t1,t2,t3; # # Bug #58756 # Crash in heap_rrnd on query with HAVING ... IN (subquery) + LIMIT # CREATE TABLE t1 ( col_time_key time DEFAULT NULL, col_datetime_key datetime DEFAULT NULL, col_varchar_nokey varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, KEY col_time_key (col_time_key), KEY col_datetime_key (col_datetime_key) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('17:53:30','2005-11-10 12:40:29','h'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('11:35:49','2009-04-25 00:00:00','b'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL,'2002-11-27 00:00:00','s'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('06:01:40','2004-01-26 20:32:32','e'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('05:45:11','2007-10-26 11:41:40','j'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('00:00:00','2005-10-07 00:00:00','e'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('00:00:00','2000-07-15 05:00:34','f'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('06:11:01','2000-04-03 16:33:32','v'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('13:02:46',NULL,'x'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('21:44:25','2001-04-25 01:26:12','m'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('22:43:58','2000-12-27 00:00:00','c'); CREATE TABLE t2 ( col_time_key time DEFAULT NULL, col_datetime_key datetime DEFAULT NULL, col_varchar_nokey varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, KEY col_time_key (col_time_key), KEY col_datetime_key (col_datetime_key) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ('11:28:45','2004-10-11 18:13:16','w'); SELECT col_time_key, col_datetime_key FROM ( SELECT * FROM t1 ) AS table1 HAVING ( 'r' , 'e' ) IN ( SELECT col_varchar_nokey , col_varchar_nokey FROM t2 ) ORDER BY col_datetime_key LIMIT 10; col_time_key col_datetime_key DROP TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t2; # End of Bug #58756 # # Bug#60085 crash in Item::save_in_field() with time data type # CREATE TABLE t1(a date, b int, unique(b), unique(a), key(b)) engine=innodb; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('2011-05-13', 0); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE b < (SELECT CAST(a as date) FROM t1 GROUP BY a); a b 2011-05-13 0 DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug #11766300 59387: FAILING ASSERTION: CURSOR->POS_STATE == 1997660512 (BTR_PCUR_IS_POSITIONE # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT) ENGINE=INNODB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0); CREATE TABLE t2 (d BINARY(2), PRIMARY KEY (d(1)), UNIQUE KEY (d)) ENGINE=INNODB; SELECT 1 FROM t1 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM t2 WHERE d = (SELECT d FROM t2 WHERE a >= 1) ORDER BY d); 1 1 EXPLAIN SELECT 1 FROM t1 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM t2 WHERE d = (SELECT d FROM t2 WHERE a >= 1) ORDER BY d); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 PRIMARY t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 Using where 2 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY t2 eq_ref PRIMARY,d PRIMARY 1 func 1 Using where 3 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY t2 index NULL d 2 NULL 1 Using index DROP TABLE t2; CREATE TABLE t2 (b INT, c INT, UNIQUE KEY (b), UNIQUE KEY (b, c )) ENGINE=INNODB; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1, 1); SELECT 1 FROM t1 WHERE a != (SELECT 1 FROM t2 WHERE a <=> b OR a > '' AND 6 = 7 ORDER BY b, c); 1 DROP TABLE t1, t2; # # Bug #13639204 64111: CRASH ON SELECT SUBQUERY WITH NON UNIQUE # INDEX # CREATE TABLE t1 ( id int ) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 (id) VALUES (11); CREATE TABLE t2 ( t1_id int, position int, KEY t1_id (t1_id), KEY t1_id_position (t1_id,position) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; EXPLAIN SELECT (SELECT position FROM t2 WHERE t2.t1_id = ORDER BY t2.t1_id , t2.position LIMIT 10,1 ) AS maxkey FROM t1 LIMIT 1; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 PRIMARY t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 2 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY t2 ref t1_id,t1_id_position t1_id_position 5 1 Using where; Using index SELECT (SELECT position FROM t2 WHERE t2.t1_id = ORDER BY t2.t1_id , t2.position LIMIT 10,1 ) AS maxkey FROM t1 LIMIT 1; maxkey NULL DROP TABLE t1,t2; End of 5.1 tests # # lp:827416 Crash in select_describe() on EXPLAIN with DISTINCT in nested subqueries # CREATE TABLE t3 ( b int) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE t2 ( c int) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE t1 ( a int NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (a)) ENGINE=InnoDB; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE t1.a = ( SELECT SUM( c ) FROM t2 WHERE (SELECT DISTINCT b FROM t3) > 0); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 PRIMARY NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables 2 SUBQUERY NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Impossible WHERE 3 SUBQUERY t3 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 Using temporary SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE t1.a = ( SELECT SUM( c ) FROM t2 WHERE (SELECT DISTINCT b FROM t3) > 0); a DROP TABLE t1, t2, t3; # # lp:858148 Fourth crash in select_describe() with nested subqueries # CREATE TABLE t1 ( f1 int(11)) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE t2 ( f1 int(11), f2 int(11), PRIMARY KEY (f1)) ; CREATE TABLE t3 ( f3 int(11)) ENGINE=InnoDB; EXPLAIN SELECT MAX( f1 ) FROM t2 WHERE f2 >= ( SELECT SUM( f1 ) FROM t1 WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT f3 FROM t3 GROUP BY 1 ) ); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 PRIMARY NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables 2 SUBQUERY NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Impossible WHERE 3 SUBQUERY t3 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 SELECT MAX( f1 ) FROM t2 WHERE f2 >= ( SELECT SUM( f1 ) FROM t1 WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT f3 FROM t3 GROUP BY 1 ) ); MAX( f1 ) NULL drop table t1, t2, t3; # # LP BUG#1006231 crash in select_describe # create table t1(a1 int) ENGINE=InnoDB; insert into t1 values (1); explain select 1 from t1 where 1 like (select 1 from t1 where 1 <=> (select 1 from t1 group by a1)); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 PRIMARY t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 2 SUBQUERY t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 3 SUBQUERY t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 Using temporary; Using filesort select 1 from t1 where 1 like (select 1 from t1 where 1 <=> (select 1 from t1 group by a1)); 1 1 drop table t1; # # MDEV-3988 crash in create_tmp_table # drop table if exists `t1`,`t2`; Warnings: Note 1051 Unknown table 'test.t1' Note 1051 Unknown table 'test.t2' create table `t1`(`a` char(1) character set utf8)engine=innodb; create table `t2`(`b` char(1) character set utf8)engine=memory; select distinct (select 1 from `t2` where `a`) `d2` from `t1`; d2 select distinct (select 1 from `t2` where `a`) `d2`, a from `t1`; d2 a select distinct a, (select 1 from `t2` where `a`) `d2` from `t1`; a d2 select distinct (1 + (select 1 from `t2` where `a`)) `d2` from `t1`; d2 drop table t1,t2; # # MDEV-4042: Assertion `table->key_read == 0' fails in close_thread_table on EXPLAIN with GROUP BY and HAVING in EXISTS SQ, # MDEV-4536: ...sql/ bool close_thread_table(THD*, TABLE**): Assertion `table->key_read == 0' failed. CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE t2 (b INT PRIMARY KEY, c INT) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE t3 (d INT) ENGINE=InnoDB; EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT b FROM t2, t3 GROUP BY b HAVING b != 3 ); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 PRIMARY NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Impossible WHERE 2 SUBQUERY t2 index NULL PRIMARY 4 NULL 1 Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort 2 SUBQUERY t3 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 Using join buffer (flat, BNL join) SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT b FROM t2, t3 GROUP BY b HAVING b != 3 ); a DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3; CREATE TABLE t1 ( pk int auto_increment primary key, col_int_key int(11), key col_int_key (col_int_key),col_varchar_key varchar(128), key (col_varchar_key) ) engine=innodb; EXPLAIN SELECT 1 FROM t1 AS alias1 WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT SQ2_alias1 . col_int_key AS SQ2_field1 FROM ( t1 AS SQ2_alias1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN t1 AS SQ2_alias2 ON (SQ2_alias2 . col_int_key = SQ2_alias1 . col_int_key ) ) GROUP BY SQ2_field1 HAVING SQ2_alias1 . col_int_key >= 7 ); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 PRIMARY NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Impossible WHERE 2 SUBQUERY SQ2_alias2 index NULL col_int_key 5 NULL 1 Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort 2 SUBQUERY SQ2_alias1 ref col_int_key col_int_key 5 test.SQ2_alias2.col_int_key 1 Using where; Using index SELECT 1 FROM t1 AS alias1 WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT SQ2_alias1 . col_int_key AS SQ2_field1 FROM ( t1 AS SQ2_alias1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN t1 AS SQ2_alias2 ON (SQ2_alias2 . col_int_key = SQ2_alias1 . col_int_key ) ) GROUP BY SQ2_field1 HAVING SQ2_alias1 . col_int_key >= 7 ); 1 drop table t1; set optimizer_switch=@subselect_innodb_tmp; # # MDEV-9635:Server crashes in part_of_refkey or assertion # `!created && key_to_save < (int)s->keys' failed in # TABLE::use_index(int) or with join_cache_level>2 # SET join_cache_level=3; CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 VARCHAR(1024)) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE ALGORITHM=TEMPTABLE VIEW v1 AS SELECT * FROM t1; CREATE TABLE t2 (f2 VARCHAR(4)) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ('foo'),('bar'); SELECT * FROM v1, t2 WHERE ( f1, f2 ) IN ( SELECT f1, f1 FROM t1 ); f1 f2 set join_cache_level = default; drop view v1; drop table t1,t2; # # MDEV-10693: cost-based choice between materialization and in-to-exists # for a subquery from the expression used in ref access # CREATE TABLE t1 (i1 INT PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2); CREATE TABLE t2 (i2 INT) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE t3 (i3 INT PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (3); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE NULL IN ( SELECT i2 FROM t2 WHERE i1 IN ( i2 IN ( SELECT i3 FROM t3 ) ) AND i2 = 2 ); i1 DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3; # # MDEV-6041: ORDER BY+subqueries: subquery_table.key=outer_table.col is not recongized as binding # create table t1(a int) engine=innodb; insert into t1 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9); create table t2( id int primary key, key1 int, col1 int, key(key1) ) engine=innodb; insert into t2 select A.a + B.a*10 + C.a*100 + D.a* 1000, A.a + 10*B.a, 123456 from t1 A, t1 B, t1 C, t1 D; # Table tsubq: # - must use 'ref' (not 'index'), and must not use 'Using filesort' # - shows a bad estimate for 'rows' (but I'm not sure if one can do better w/o histograms) explain select (SELECT concat(id, '-', key1, '-', col1) FROM t2 WHERE t2.key1 = t1.a ORDER BY ASC LIMIT 1) from t1; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 PRIMARY t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 10 2 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY t2 ref key1 key1 5 test.t1.a 1 Using where # # MDEV-6081: ORDER BY+ref(const): selectivity is very incorrect (MySQL Bug#14338686) # alter table t2 add key2 int; update t2 set key2=key1; alter table t2 add key(key2); analyze table t2; Table Op Msg_type Msg_text test.t2 analyze status OK flush tables; # Table tsubq must use 'ref' + Using filesort (not 'index' w/o filesort) explain select (SELECT concat(id, '-', key1, '-', col1) FROM t2 WHERE t2.key1 = t1.a ORDER BY t2.key2 ASC LIMIT 1) from t1; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 PRIMARY t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL # 2 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY t2 ref key1 key1 5 test.t1.a # Using where; Using filesort drop table t1,t2; # # mdev-12931: semi-join in ON expression of STRAIGHT_JOIN # joining a base table and a mergeable derived table # CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 int) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3),(2); CREATE TABLE t2 (f2 int) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1),(4); CREATE TABLE t3 (f3 int) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (5),(6); CREATE TABLE t4 (f4 int) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t4 VALUES (1),(8); SELECT * FROM t1 INNER JOIN ( t2 STRAIGHT_JOIN ( SELECT * FROM t3 ) AS sq ON ( 1 IN ( SELECT f4 FROM t4 ) ) ) ON ( f1 >= f2 ); f1 f2 f3 3 1 5 2 1 5 3 1 6 2 1 6 EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT * FROM t1 INNER JOIN ( t2 STRAIGHT_JOIN ( SELECT * FROM t3 ) AS sq ON ( 1 IN ( SELECT f4 FROM t4 ) ) ) ON ( f1 >= f2 ); id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows filtered Extra 1 PRIMARY eq_ref distinct_key distinct_key 4 func 1 100.00 1 PRIMARY t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using join buffer (flat, BNL join) 1 PRIMARY t2 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using where; Using join buffer (incremental, BNL join) 1 PRIMARY t3 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using join buffer (incremental, BNL join) 3 MATERIALIZED t4 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 100.00 Using where Warnings: Note 1003 select `test`.`t1`.`f1` AS `f1`,`test`.`t2`.`f2` AS `f2`,`test`.`t3`.`f3` AS `f3` from `test`.`t1` join `test`.`t2` semi join (`test`.`t4`) join `test`.`t3` where `test`.`t4`.`f4` = 1 and `test`.`t1`.`f1` >= `test`.`t2`.`f2` DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3,t4; # # MDEV-23535: SIGSEGV, SIGABRT and SIGILL in typeinfo for Item_func_set_collation (on optimized builds) # set @save_character_set_connection=@@character_set_connection; set character_set_connection='utf8'; CREATE TABLE t1(a DATETIME, b VARCHAR(50)) ENGINE=INNODB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('2019-03-10 02:55:05', '2019-03-10 02:55:05'); CREATE TABLE t2(a VARCHAR(50)) ENGINE=INNODB; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ('2019-03-10 02:55:05'); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (SELECT 1,CONCAT(a) FROM t1) = (SELECT 1,CONCAT(a) FROM t2); a b 2019-03-10 02:55:05 2019-03-10 02:55:05 DROP TABLE t1,t2; set character_set_connection=@save_character_set_connection; # # MDEV-26047: MariaDB server crash at Item_subselect::init_expr_cache_tracker # CREATE TABLE t1 (a int) engine=innodb; SELECT 1 IN ( SELECT NULL FROM t1 WHERE a IS NOT NULL GROUP BY (SELECT NULL from dual WHERE a = 1) ); 1 IN ( SELECT NULL FROM t1 WHERE a IS NOT NULL GROUP BY (SELECT NULL from dual WHERE a = 1) ) 0 drop table t1; # Testcase from MDEV-26164 create table t1(a int); # Disable the warning as it includes current time and changes for every test run. select 1 from t1 where not exists ( select 1 from t1 where binary current_time() group by (select a),(select 1) ); 1 drop table t1; # # MDEV-28437: Assertion `!eliminated' failed in Item_subselect::exec # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2); CREATE TABLE t2 (b INT PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3),(4); SELECT 1 IN (SELECT a FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON (a = b AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM t1))); 1 IN (SELECT a FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON (a = b AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM t1))) 1 drop table t1,t2;