--source include/master-slave.inc --echo # --echo # New --dump-slave, --apply-slave-statements functionality --echo # # There is a gap between when START SLAVE returns and when MASTER_LOG_FILE and # MASTER_LOG_POS are set. Ensure that we don't call SHOW SLAVE STATUS during # that gap. --sync_slave_with_master connection master; use test; connection slave; # Execute mysqldump with --dump-slave --replace_regex /MASTER_LOG_POS=[0-9]+/MASTER_LOG_POS=BINLOG_START/ --exec $MYSQL_DUMP_SLAVE --compact --dump-slave test # Execute mysqldump with --dump-slave and --apply-slave-statements --replace_regex /MASTER_LOG_POS=[0-9]+/MASTER_LOG_POS=BINLOG_START/ --exec $MYSQL_DUMP_SLAVE --compact --dump-slave --apply-slave-statements test --replace_regex /MASTER_LOG_POS=[0-9]+/MASTER_LOG_POS=BINLOG_START/ --replace_result $MASTER_MYPORT MASTER_MYPORT # Execute mysqldump with --dump-slave ,--apply-slave-statements and --include-master-host-port --exec $MYSQL_DUMP_SLAVE --compact --dump-slave --apply-slave-statements --include-master-host-port test # # MDEV-5624 mysqldump --dump-slave option does not restart the replication if the dump has failed # start slave; --replace_regex /MASTER_LOG_POS=[0-9]+/MASTER_LOG_POS=BINLOG_START/ --error 2 --exec $MYSQL_DUMP_SLAVE --compact --dump-slave no_such_db start slave; --echo *** Test mysqldump --dump-slave GTID functionality. --connection master SET gtid_seq_no = 1000; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT PRIMARY KEY); DROP TABLE t1; --sync_slave_with_master --connection slave # Inject a local transaction on the slave to check that this is not considered # for --dump-slave. CREATE TABLE t2 (a INT PRIMARY KEY); DROP TABLE t2; --echo --echo 1. --dump-slave=1 --echo --replace_regex /MASTER_LOG_POS=[0-9]+/MASTER_LOG_POS=BINLOG_START/ --exec $MYSQL_DUMP_SLAVE --compact --dump-slave=1 --gtid test --echo --echo 2. --dump-slave=2 --echo --replace_regex /MASTER_LOG_POS=[0-9]+/MASTER_LOG_POS=BINLOG_START/ --exec $MYSQL_DUMP_SLAVE --compact --dump-slave=2 --gtid test --echo *** Test mysqldump --master-data GTID functionality. --echo --echo 1. --master-data=1 --echo --replace_regex /MASTER_LOG_POS=[0-9]+/MASTER_LOG_POS=BINLOG_START/ --exec $MYSQL_DUMP_SLAVE --compact --master-data=1 --gtid test --echo --echo 2. --master-data=2 --echo --replace_regex /MASTER_LOG_POS=[0-9]+/MASTER_LOG_POS=BINLOG_START/ --exec $MYSQL_DUMP_SLAVE --compact --master-data=2 --gtid test --echo --echo 3. --master-data --single-transaction --echo --replace_regex /MASTER_LOG_POS=[0-9]+/MASTER_LOG_POS=BINLOG_START/ --exec $MYSQL_DUMP_SLAVE --compact --master-data --single-transaction --gtid test --source include/rpl_end.inc