# # This is generic tests using dbt3_s001 tables # This file uses the Aria storage engine # set default_storage_engine=Aria; CREATE DATABASE dbt3_s001; use dbt3_s001; --disable_query_log --source include/dbt3_s001.inc --enable_query_log --echo # --echo # MDEV-30325 Wrong result upon range query using index condition --echo # SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem force index (i_l_orderkey_quantity,i_l_shipdate) WHERE l_shipdate < '1994-01-01' AND l_orderkey < 800 OR l_quantity > 3 AND l_orderkey NOT IN ( 157, 1444 ); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem ignore index (i_l_orderkey_quantity,i_l_shipdate) WHERE l_shipdate < '1994-01-01' AND l_orderkey < 800 OR l_quantity > 3 AND l_orderkey NOT IN ( 157, 1444 ); --echo # --echo # MDEV-30373 Wrong result with range access --echo # explain SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem WHERE l_orderkey BETWEEN 111 AND 262 OR ( l_orderkey BETWEEN 152 AND 672 AND l_linenumber BETWEEN 4 AND 9 ); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lineitem WHERE l_orderkey BETWEEN 111 AND 262 OR ( l_orderkey BETWEEN 152 AND 672 AND l_linenumber BETWEEN 4 AND 9 ); --echo # --echo # MDEV-30486 Table is not eliminated in bb-11.0 --echo # explain SELECT c_custkey, c_name AS currency2 FROM partsupp LEFT JOIN part ON ( p_partkey = ps_partkey ) JOIN supplier ON (s_suppkey = ps_suppkey) JOIN lineitem ON ( ps_suppkey = l_suppkey ) JOIN orders ON ( l_orderkey = o_orderkey ) JOIN customer ON ( o_custkey = c_custkey ) HAVING c_custkey > 150; DROP DATABASE dbt3_s001; --echo # --echo # End of 10.5 tests --echo #