# # MDEV-15738 Server crashes in my_strcasecmp_utf8 on query from I_S with UNION # executed as PS # PREPARE stmt1 FROM " SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = 't1_first' UNION ALL SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = 't1_second'"; execute stmt1; execute stmt1; create or replace table t1 (a int primary key, table_name char(40)); insert into t1 values(1,"t1_first"); insert into t1 values(2,"t1_second"); PREPARE stmt2 FROM " SELECT table_name FROM t1 WHERE table_name = 't1_first' UNION ALL SELECT table_name FROM t1 WHERE table_name = 't1_second'"; execute stmt2; execute stmt2; flush tables; execute stmt2; alter table t1 add column b int; execute stmt2; execute stmt2; drop table t1; --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE execute stmt2; create or replace table t1 (a int primary key, table_name char(40)); insert into t1 values(1,"t1_first"); execute stmt2; deallocate prepare stmt1; deallocate prepare stmt2; drop table t1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-25808 PREPARE/EXECUTE makes signed integer out of unsigned --echo # prepare p1 from 'select concat(?)'; execute p1 using 17864960750176564435; prepare p1 from 'select SQRT(?) is not null'; execute p1 using 17864960750176564435; --echo # --echo # End of 10.3 tests --echo # --echo # --echo # MDEV-17869 AddressSanitizer: use-after-poison in Item_change_list::rollback_item_tree_changes --echo # create table t1 (pk int, v1 varchar(1)); insert t1 values (1,'v'),(2,'v'),(3,'c'); create table t2 (pk int, v1 varchar(1)); insert t2 values (1,'x'); create table t3 (pk int, i1 int, v1 varchar(1)); insert t3 values (10,8,9); execute immediate 'select straight_join 1 from (t1 join t2 on (t1.v1 = t2.v1)) where (3, 6) in (select tc.pk, t3.i1 from (t3 join t1 as tc on (tc.v1 = t3.v1)) having tc.pk > 1 );'; drop table t1, t2, t3; --echo # --echo # End of 10.4 tests --echo #