# # Test of multiple key caches, simple and segmented # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1, t2, t3; --enable_warnings SET @save_key_buffer_size=@@key_buffer_size; SET @save_key_cache_block_size=@@key_cache_block_size; SET @save_key_cache_segments=@@key_cache_segments; SET @save_key_cache_file_hash_size=@@key_cache_file_hash_size; SELECT @@key_buffer_size, @@small.key_buffer_size; # Change default key cache size SET @@global.key_buffer_size=16*1024*1024; SET @@global.default.key_buffer_size=16*1024*1024; SET @@global.default.key_buffer_size=16*1024*1024; SET @@global.small.key_buffer_size=1*1024*1024; SET @@global.medium.key_buffer_size=4*1024*1024; # Drop buffer SET @@global.medium.key_buffer_size=0; # Test double drop SET @@global.medium.key_buffer_size=0; # Print key buffer with different syntaxes SHOW VARIABLES like "key_buffer_size"; SELECT @@key_buffer_size; SELECT @@global.key_buffer_size; SELECT @@global.default.key_buffer_size; SELECT @@global.default.`key_buffer_size`; SELECT @@global.`default`.`key_buffer_size`; SELECT @@`default`.key_buffer_size; SELECT @@small.key_buffer_size; SELECT @@medium.key_buffer_size; SET @@global.key_buffer_size=@save_key_buffer_size; # # Errors # --error 1064 SELECT @@default.key_buffer_size; --error ER_VARIABLE_IS_NOT_STRUCT SELECT @@skr.storage_engine="test"; select @@keycache1.key_cache_block_size; select @@keycache1.key_buffer_size; set global keycache1.key_cache_block_size=2048; select @@keycache1.key_buffer_size; select @@keycache1.key_cache_block_size; set global keycache1.key_buffer_size=1*1024*1024; select @@keycache1.key_buffer_size; select @@keycache1.key_cache_block_size; set global keycache2.key_buffer_size=4*1024*1024; select @@keycache2.key_buffer_size; select @@keycache2.key_cache_block_size; set global keycache1.key_buffer_size=0; select @@keycache1.key_buffer_size; select @@keycache1.key_cache_block_size; select @@key_buffer_size; select @@key_cache_block_size; select @@key_cache_file_hash_size; set global keycache1.key_buffer_size=1024*1024; let org_key_blocks_unused=`select unused_blocks as unused from information_schema.key_caches where key_cache_name="default"`; --disable_query_log eval set @org_key_blocks_unused=$org_key_blocks_unused; --enable_query_log create table t1 (p int primary key, a char(10)) delay_key_write=1; create table t2 (p int primary key, i int, a char(10), key k1(i), key k2(a)); select @org_key_blocks_unused-unused_blocks as key_blocks_unused, used_blocks as key_blocks_used from information_schema.key_caches where key_cache_name="default"; insert into t1 values (1, 'qqqq'), (11, 'yyyy'); insert into t2 values (1, 1, 'qqqq'), (2, 1, 'pppp'), (3, 1, 'yyyy'), (4, 3, 'zzzz'); select * from t1; select * from t2; update t1 set p=2 where p=1; update t2 set i=2 where i=1; select @org_key_blocks_unused-unused_blocks as key_blocks_unused, used_blocks as key_blocks_used from information_schema.key_caches where key_cache_name="default"; cache index t1 key (`primary`) in keycache1; explain select p from t1; select p from t1; explain select i from t2; select i from t2; explain select count(*) from t1, t2 where t1.p = t2.i; select count(*) from t1, t2 where t1.p = t2.i; cache index t2 in keycache1; update t2 set p=p+1000, i=2 where a='qqqq'; cache index t2 in keycache2; insert into t2 values (2000, 3, 'yyyy'); cache index t2 in keycache1; update t2 set p=3000 where a='zzzz'; select * from t2; explain select p from t2; select p from t2; explain select i from t2; select i from t2; explain select a from t2; select a from t2; # Test some error conditions --error 1284 cache index t1 in unknown_key_cache; cache index t1 key (unknown_key) in keycache1; select @@keycache2.key_buffer_size; select @@keycache2.key_cache_block_size; set global keycache2.key_buffer_size=0; select @@keycache2.key_buffer_size; select @@keycache2.key_cache_block_size; set global keycache2.key_buffer_size=1024*1024; select @@keycache2.key_buffer_size; update t2 set p=4000 where a='zzzz'; update t1 set p=p+1; set global keycache1.key_buffer_size=0; select * from t2; select p from t2; explain select i from t2; select i from t2; explain select a from t2; select a from t2; select * from t1; select p from t1; # Use the 'small' key cache create table t3 (like t1); cache index t3 in small; insert into t3 select * from t1; cache index t3 in keycache2; cache index t1,t2 in default; drop table t1,t2,t3; select @org_key_blocks_unused-unused_blocks as key_blocks_unused, used_blocks as key_blocks_used from information_schema.key_caches where key_cache_name="default"; create table t1 (a int primary key); cache index t1 in keycache2; insert t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8); # delete keycache2, t1 is reassigned to default set global keycache2.key_buffer_size=0; select * from t1; drop table t1; # Test to set up a too small size for a key cache (bug #2064) set global keycache3.key_buffer_size=100; set global keycache3.key_buffer_size=0; # Test case for bug 6447 create table t1 (mytext text, FULLTEXT (mytext)); insert t1 values ('aaabbb'); check table t1; set @my_key_cache_block_size= @@global.key_cache_block_size; set GLOBAL key_cache_block_size=2048; check table t1; drop table t1; # Restore the changed variable value set global key_cache_block_size= @my_key_cache_block_size; # # Bug #19079: corrupted index when key_cache_block_size is not multiple of # myisam_block_size CREATE TABLE t1(a int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY); SET @my_key_cache_block_size= @@global.key_cache_block_size; SET GLOBAL key_cache_block_size=1536; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); SELECT @@key_cache_block_size; CHECK TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1(a int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, b int); CREATE TABLE t2(a int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, b int); SET GLOBAL key_cache_block_size=1536; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,0); INSERT INTO t2(b) SELECT b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(b) SELECT b FROM t2; INSERT INTO t2(b) SELECT b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(b) SELECT b FROM t2; INSERT INTO t2(b) SELECT b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(b) SELECT b FROM t2; INSERT INTO t2(b) SELECT b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(b) SELECT b FROM t2; INSERT INTO t2(b) SELECT b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(b) SELECT b FROM t2; INSERT INTO t2(b) SELECT b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(b) SELECT b FROM t2; INSERT INTO t2(b) SELECT b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(b) SELECT b FROM t2; INSERT INTO t2(b) SELECT b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(b) SELECT b FROM t2; INSERT INTO t2(b) SELECT b FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(b) SELECT b FROM t2; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1; SELECT @@key_cache_block_size; CHECK TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t1,t2; # Restore changed variables set global key_cache_block_size= @my_key_cache_block_size; # # Bug#10473 - Can't set 'key_buffer_size' system variable to ZERO # (One cannot drop the default key cache.) # --error ER_WARN_CANT_DROP_DEFAULT_KEYCACHE set @@global.key_buffer_size=0; select @@global.key_buffer_size; # # Bug#28478 - Improper key_cache_block_size corrupts MyISAM tables # SET @bug28478_key_cache_block_size= @@global.key_cache_block_size; SET GLOBAL key_cache_block_size= 1536; CREATE TABLE t1 ( id BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, c1 CHAR(150), c2 CHAR(150), c3 CHAR(150), KEY(c1, c2, c3) ) ENGINE= MyISAM; INSERT INTO t1 (c1, c2, c3) VALUES ('a', 'b', 'c'), ('b', 'c', 'd'), ('c', 'd', 'e'), ('d', 'e', 'f'), ('e', 'f', 'g'), ('f', 'g', 'h'), ('g', 'h', 'i'), ('h', 'i', 'j'), ('i', 'j', 'k'), ('j', 'k', 'l'), ('k', 'l', 'm'), ('l', 'm', 'n'), ('m', 'n', 'o'), ('n', 'o', 'p'), ('o', 'p', 'q'), ('p', 'q', 'r'), ('q', 'r', 's'), ('r', 's', 't'), ('s', 't', 'u'), ('t', 'u', 'v'), ('u', 'v', 'w'), ('v', 'w', 'x'), ('w', 'x', 'y'), ('x', 'y', 'z'); INSERT INTO t1 (c1, c2, c3) SELECT c1, c2, c3 from t1; INSERT INTO t1 (c1, c2, c3) SELECT c1, c2, c3 from t1; INSERT INTO t1 (c1, c2, c3) SELECT c1, c2, c3 from t1; CHECK TABLE t1; SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'key_cache_block_size'; SET GLOBAL key_cache_block_size= @bug28478_key_cache_block_size; DROP TABLE t1; # End of 4.1 tests --echo # --echo # Bug#12361113: crash when load index into cache --echo # --echo # Note that this creates an empty disabled key cache! SET GLOBAL key_cache_none.key_cache_block_size = 1024; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b INTEGER NOT NULL, KEY (b) ) ENGINE = MYISAM; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 1); --error ER_UNKNOWN_KEY_CACHE CACHE INDEX t1 in key_cache_none; --echo # The bug crashed the server at LOAD INDEX below. Now it will succeed --echo # since the default cache is used due to CACHE INDEX failed for --echo # key_cache_none. LOAD INDEX INTO CACHE t1; DROP TABLE t1; # End of 5.1 tests # # Test cases for segmented key caches # # Test usage of the KEY_CACHE table from information schema # for a simple key cache set global key_buffer_size=@save_key_buffer_size; set global key_cache_block_size=@save_key_cache_block_size; select @@key_buffer_size; select @@key_cache_block_size; select @@key_cache_segments; create table t1 ( p int not null auto_increment primary key, a char(10)); create table t2 ( p int not null auto_increment primary key, i int, a char(10), key k1(i), key k2(a)); select @@key_cache_segments; --replace_column 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; insert into t1 values (1, 'qqqq'), (2, 'yyyy'); insert into t2 values (1, 1, 'qqqq'), (2, 1, 'pppp'), (3, 1, 'yyyy'), (4, 3, 'zzzz'); select * from t1; select * from t2; update t1 set p=3 where p=1; update t2 set i=2 where i=1; select * from information_schema.session_status where variable_name like 'key_%' and variable_name != 'Key_blocks_unused'; select variable_value into @key_blocks_unused from information_schema.session_status where variable_name = 'Key_blocks_unused'; --replace_column 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; delete from t2 where a='zzzz'; --replace_column 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; delete from t1; delete from t2; --replace_column 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; # For the key cache with 2 segments execute the same sequence of # statements as for the simple cache above. # The statistical information on the number of i/o requests and # the number of is expected to be the same. set global key_cache_segments=2; select @@key_cache_segments; --replace_column 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; insert into t1 values (1, 'qqqq'), (2, 'yyyy'); insert into t2 values (1, 1, 'qqqq'), (2, 1, 'pppp'), (3, 1, 'yyyy'), (4, 3, 'zzzz'); select * from t1; select * from t2; update t1 set p=3 where p=1; update t2 set i=2 where i=1; select * from information_schema.session_status where variable_name like 'key_%' and variable_name != 'Key_blocks_unused'; select variable_value < @key_blocks_unused from information_schema.session_status where variable_name = 'Key_blocks_unused'; --replace_column 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; delete from t1; delete from t2; --replace_column 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; # Check that we can work with one segment with the same results set global key_cache_segments=1; select @@key_cache_segments; --replace_column 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; insert into t1 values (1, 'qqqq'), (2, 'yyyy'); insert into t2 values (1, 1, 'qqqq'), (2, 1, 'pppp'), (3, 1, 'yyyy'), (4, 3, 'zzzz'); select * from t1; select * from t2; update t1 set p=3 where p=1; update t2 set i=2 where i=1; select * from information_schema.session_status where variable_name like 'key_%' and variable_name != 'Key_blocks_unused'; select variable_value = @key_blocks_unused from information_schema.session_status where variable_name = 'Key_blocks_unused'; --replace_column 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; delete from t1; delete from t2; --replace_column 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; flush tables; flush status; --replace_column 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; # Switch back to 2 segments set global key_buffer_size=32*1024; set global key_cache_file_hash_size=128; select @@key_buffer_size; set global key_cache_segments=2; select @@key_cache_segments; --replace_column 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; insert into t1 values (1, 'qqqq'), (2, 'yyyy'); insert into t2 values (1, 1, 'qqqq'), (2, 1, 'pppp'), (3, 1, 'yyyy'), (4, 3, 'zzzz'); select * from t1; select * from t2; update t1 set p=3 where p=1; update t2 set i=2 where i=1; --replace_column 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; # Add more rows to tables t1 and t2 insert into t1(a) select a from t1; insert into t1(a) select a from t1; insert into t1(a) select a from t1; insert into t1(a) select a from t1; insert into t1(a) select a from t1; insert into t1(a) select a from t1; insert into t1(a) select a from t1; insert into t1(a) select a from t1; insert into t2(i,a) select i,a from t2; insert into t2(i,a) select i,a from t2; insert into t2(i,a) select i,a from t2; insert into t2(i,a) select i,a from t2; insert into t2(i,a) select i,a from t2; insert into t2(i,a) select i,a from t2; insert into t2(i,a) select i,a from t2; insert into t2(i,a) select i,a from t2; --replace_column 6 # 7 # 10 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; select * from t1 where p between 1010 and 1020 ; select * from t2 where p between 1010 and 1020 ; --replace_column 6 # 7 # 10 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; flush tables; flush status; update t1 set a='zzzz' where a='qqqq'; update t2 set i=1 where i=2; --replace_column 6 # 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; # Now test how we can work with 7 segments set global keycache1.key_buffer_size=256*1024; select @@keycache1.key_buffer_size; set global keycache1.key_cache_segments=7; select @@keycache1.key_cache_segments; --replace_column 6 # 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; --replace_column 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where key_cache_name like "key%" and segment_number is null; cache index t1 key (`primary`) in keycache1; explain select p from t1 where p between 1010 and 1020; select p from t1 where p between 1010 and 1020; explain select i from t2 where p between 1010 and 1020; select i from t2 where p between 1010 and 1020; explain select count(*) from t1, t2 where t1.p = t2.i; select count(*) from t1, t2 where t1.p = t2.i; --replace_column 6 # 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; --replace_column 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where key_cache_name like "key%" and segment_number is null; cache index t2 in keycache1; update t2 set p=p+3000, i=2 where a='qqqq'; --replace_column 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where key_cache_name like "key%" and segment_number is null; set global keycache2.key_buffer_size=1024*1024; cache index t2 in keycache2; insert into t2 values (2000, 3, 'yyyy'); --replace_column 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where key_cache_name like "keycache2" and segment_number is null; --replace_column 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where key_cache_name like "key%" and segment_number is null; cache index t2 in keycache1; update t2 set p=p+5000 where a='zzzz'; select * from t2 where p between 1010 and 1020; explain select p from t2 where p between 1010 and 1020; select p from t2 where p between 1010 and 1020; explain select i from t2 where a='yyyy' and i=3; select i from t2 where a='yyyy' and i=3; explain select a from t2 where a='yyyy' and i=3; select a from t2 where a='yyyy' and i=3 ; --replace_column 6 # 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; set global keycache1.key_cache_block_size=2*1024; insert into t2 values (7000, 3, 'yyyy'); --replace_column 6 # 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; set global keycache1.key_cache_block_size=8*1024; --replace_column 6 # 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; insert into t2 values (8000, 3, 'yyyy'); --replace_column 6 # 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; set global keycache1.key_buffer_size=64*1024; --replace_column 6 # 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; set global keycache1.key_cache_block_size=2*1024; --replace_column 6 # 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; set global keycache1.key_cache_block_size=8*1024; --replace_column 6 # 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; set global keycache1.key_buffer_size=0; --replace_column 6 # 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; set global keycache1.key_cache_block_size=8*1024; --replace_column 6 # 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; set global keycache1.key_buffer_size=0; --replace_column 6 # 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; set global keycache1.key_buffer_size=128*1024; --replace_column 6 # 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; set global keycache1.key_cache_block_size=1024; --replace_column 6 # 7 # select * from information_schema.key_caches where segment_number is null; drop table t1,t2; set global keycache1.key_buffer_size=0; set global keycache2.key_buffer_size=0; set global key_buffer_size=@save_key_buffer_size; set global key_cache_segments=@save_key_cache_segments; set global key_cache_file_hash_size=@save_key_cache_file_hash_size; # End of 5.2 tests --echo # --echo # SIGSEGV in flush_all_key_blocks when changing --echo # key_buffer_size / ASAN: heap-use-after-free in flush_all_key_blocks --echo # SET GLOBAL keycache1.key_cache_segments=7; SET GLOBAL keycache1.key_buffer_size=1*1024*1024; SET GLOBAL keycache1.key_buffer_size=0; SET GLOBAL keycache1.key_buffer_size=128*1024; create table t1 (p int primary key, a char(10)) delay_key_write=1; cache index t1 key (`primary`) in keycache1; insert into t1 values (1, 'qqqq'), (11, 'yyyy'); select * from t1; drop table t1; SET GLOBAL keycache1.key_buffer_size=0; --echo # --echo # End of 10.3 tests --echo #