# # Start of 10.3 tests # # # MDEV-13965 Parameter data type control for Item_longlong_func # SELECT ROW(1,1) | 1; ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation '|' SELECT 1 | ROW(1,1); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation '|' SELECT ROW(1,1) & 1; ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation '&' SELECT 1 & ROW(1,1); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation '&' SELECT ROW(1,1) << 1; ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation '<<' SELECT 1 << ROW(1,1); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation '<<' SELECT ROW(1,1) >> 1; ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation '>>' SELECT 1 >> ROW(1,1); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation '>>' SELECT ~ROW(1,1); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation '~' SELECT TO_SECONDS(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'to_seconds' SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,ROW(1,1), 1); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'timestampdiff' SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,1, ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'timestampdiff' SELECT INET_ATON(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'inet_aton' SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'last_insert_id' # # MDEV-13967 Parameter data type control for Item_long_func # SELECT STRCMP(ROW(1,1),''); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'strcmp' SELECT STRCMP('',ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'strcmp' SELECT CHAR_LENGTH(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'char_length' SELECT OCTET_LENGTH(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'octet_length' SELECT UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'uncompressed_length' SELECT COERCIBILITY(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'coercibility' SELECT ASCII(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'ascii' SELECT CRC32(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'crc32' SELECT ORD(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'ord' SELECT SIGN(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'sign' SELECT LOCATE(ROW(1,1),'a',1); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'locate' SELECT LOCATE('a',ROW(1,1),1); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'locate' SELECT LOCATE('a','a',ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'locate' SELECT BIT_COUNT(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'bit_count' SELECT BENCHMARK(1, ROW(1,1)); ERROR 21000: Operand should contain 1 column(s) SELECT BENCHMARK(ROW(1,1),''); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'benchmark' SELECT SLEEP(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'sleep' SELECT GET_LOCK('x', ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'get_lock' SELECT GET_LOCK(ROW(1,1),'x'); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'get_lock' SELECT PERIOD_ADD(ROW(1,1),1); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'period_add' SELECT PERIOD_ADD(1,ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'period_add' SELECT PERIOD_DIFF(ROW(1,1),1); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'period_diff' SELECT PERIOD_DIFF(1,ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'period_diff' SELECT TO_DAYS(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'to_days' SELECT DAYOFMONTH(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'dayofmonth' SELECT DAYOFYEAR(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'dayofyear' SELECT QUARTER(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'quarter' SELECT YEAR(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'year' SELECT YEARWEEK(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'yearweek' SELECT WEEK(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'week' SELECT WEEK(ROW(1,1),1); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'week' SELECT WEEK(1,ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'week' SELECT HOUR(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'hour' SELECT MINUTE(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'minute' SELECT SECOND(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'second' SELECT MICROSECOND(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'microsecond' SELECT JSON_DEPTH(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'json_depth' SELECT JSON_LENGTH(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'json_length' SELECT JSON_LENGTH('json', ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'json_length' SELECT JSON_LENGTH(ROW(1,1), ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'json_length' SELECT REGEXP_INSTR(ROW(1,1),''); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'regexp_instr' SELECT REGEXP_INSTR('',ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'regexp_instr' SELECT FIND_IN_SET(ROW(1,1),''); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'find_in_set' SELECT FIND_IN_SET('',ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'find_in_set' SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'release_lock' SELECT IS_FREE_LOCK(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'is_free_lock' SELECT IS_USED_LOCK(ROW(1,1)); ERROR HY000: Illegal parameter data type row for operation 'is_used_lock' # # End of 10.3 tests #