# # MDEV-23843 Assertions in Diagnostics_area upon table operations under # FTWRL # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT); FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; connect con1,localhost,root,,; SET lock_wait_timeout= 1; OPTIMIZE TABLE t1; ERROR HY000: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction disconnect con1; connection default; UNLOCK TABLES; DROP TABLE t1; FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; connect con1,localhost,root,,test; SET lock_wait_timeout= 1; FLUSH TABLES; ERROR HY000: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction connection default; disconnect con1; unlock tables; # Second test from MDEV-23843 CREATE TABLE t (a INT); FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; connect con1,localhost,root,,; SET lock_wait_timeout= 1; ANALYZE TABLE t; ERROR HY000: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction disconnect con1; connection default; UNLOCK TABLES; DROP TABLE t;