#!/usr/bin/perl # -*- cperl -*- # This script processes a .gcov coverage report to honor purecov # annotations: lines marked as inspected or as deadcode are changed # from looking like lines with code that was never executed to look # like lines that have no executable code. use strict; use warnings; foreach my $in_file_name ( @ARGV ) { my $out_file_name=$in_file_name . ".tmp"; my $skipping=0; open(IN, "<", $in_file_name) || next; open(OUT, ">", $out_file_name); while() { my $line= $_; my $check= $line; # process purecov: start/end multi-blocks my $started=0; my $ended= 0; while (($started=($check =~ s/purecov: *begin *(deadcode|inspected)//)) || ($ended=($check =~ s/purecov: *end//))) { $skipping= $skipping + $started - $ended; } if ($skipping < 0) { print OUT "WARNING: #####: incorrect order of purecov begin/end annotations\n"; $skipping= 0; } # Besides purecov annotations, also remove uncovered code mark from cases # like the following: # # -: 211:*/ # -: 212:class Field_value : public Value_dep # #####: 213:{ # -: 214:public: # # I have no idea why would gcov think there is uncovered code there # my @arr= split(/:/, $line); if ($skipping || $line =~ /purecov: *(inspected|deadcode)/ || $arr[2] =~ m/^{ *$/) { # Change '####' to '-'. $arr[0] =~ s/#####/ -/g; $line= join(":", @arr); } print OUT $line; } close(IN); close(OUT); system("mv", "-f", $out_file_name, $in_file_name); }