# Check if CrashReporter is enabled and would open a window perl; sub skip_test { # Only relevant on Mac OS X return 0 unless $^O eq 'darwin'; my $crep= `defaults read com.apple.CrashReporter DialogType`; return 0 if $?; chomp ($crep); $crep= lc $crep; return ($crep eq 'basic' || $crep eq 'developer'); } my $skip= skip_test(); open (F, ">" . $ENV{'MYSQL_TMP_DIR'} . "/crashrep.inc"); print F "let \$crashrep= $skip;\n"; close F; EOF --source $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/crashrep.inc --remove_file $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/crashrep.inc if ($crashrep) { --skip CrashReporter would popup a window } # the test will crash mysqld. flush tables now to make sure that # system tables aren't corrupted by the crash --disable_query_log ONCE FLUSH TABLES;