# Maria helper script # Copies tables' data and index file to other directory, and control file. # Tables are $mms_tname1...$mms_tname[$mms_tables]. # Later, mysqld is shutdown, and that snapshot is put back into the # datadir, control file too ("flashing recovery's brain"), and recovery is let # to run on it (see maria_verify_recovery.inc). # API: # set $mms_tname to a string, and $mms_tables to a number N, the script will # cover tables mysqltest.$mms_tname1,...$mms_tnameN connection admin; --source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc let $mms_table_to_use=$mms_tables; let $mms_purpose=feeding_recovery; let $mms_copy=1; --disable_query_log --disable_warnings eval drop database if exists mysqltest_for_$mms_purpose; --enable_warnings eval create database mysqltest_for_$mms_purpose; --enable_query_log while ($mms_table_to_use) { -- source include/maria_make_snapshot.inc dec $mms_table_to_use; } let $mms_copy=0; let $MYSQLD_DATADIR= `SELECT @@datadir`; --disable_warnings -- error 0,1 remove_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mms_for_$mms_purpose.aria_log_control; --enable_warnings copy_file $MYSQLD_DATADIR/$MARIA_LOG/aria_log_control $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mms_for_$mms_purpose.aria_log_control; connection default;