These are the assorted notes that will be turned into a manual eventually. ========================== Tests are organized in suites. A "suite" is a subdirectory inside, one of, /mysql-test/suite /mysql-test /share/mysql-test/suite /share/mysql-test /share/mysql/mysql-test/suite /share/mysql/mysql-test /storage/*/mysql-test-suites This is supposed to cover running mtr from a source directory and installed. ========================== A suite contains *.test and *.result files. They can be in the t/ and r/ subdirectories under the suitedir or directly in the suitedir (that is suitedir/t/*.test or suitedir/*.test, same for *.result)) ========================== A suite can contain a suite.opt file - at the same location where .test files are. As usual, the .opt file can use $-substitutions for the environment variables. Usually, using my.cnf template (see below) is preferrable. ========================== A suite can have file in the suitedir. It must declare a package that inherits from My::Suite. The needs to have @ISA=qw(My::Suite) and it must end with bless {}; - that is it must return an object of that class. It can also return a string - in this case all tests in the suite will be skipped, with this string being printed as a reason. A suite class can define config_files() and servers() methods. A config_files method returns a list of additional config files (besides my.cnf), that this suite needs to be created. For every file it specifies a function that will create it, when given a My::Config object. For example: sub config_files { ( 'config.ini' => \&write_ini, 'new.conf' => \&do_new_conf ) } A servers method returns a list of processes that needs to be started for this suite. A process is specified as a pair (regex, hash). A regex must match a section in the my.cnf template (for example, qr/mysqld\./ corresponds to all mysqld processes), a hash contains these options: SORT => a number, processes are started in the order of increasing SORT values (and stopped in the reverse order). mysqld has number 300. START => a function to start a process. It takes two arguments, My::Config::Group and My::Test. If START is undefined the process will not be started. WAIT => a function waits for the process to be started. It takes My::Config::Group as an argument. Internallys mtr first invokes START for all processes, then WAIT for all started processes. example: sub servers { ( qr/^foo$/ => { SORT => 200, START => \&start_foo, WAIT => \&wait_foo } ) } See sphinx suite for an example. ========================== A suite can have my.cnf template file in the suitedir. A my.cnf template uses a normal my.cnf syntax - groups, options, and values - with templating extensions. They are * There can be groups with non-standard names, not used by mysqld. These groups may be used by the file somehow. For example, they can be written to the additional config files. See sphinx suite for an example. * There can be ENV group. It sets values for the environment variables. * Values can refer to each other - they will be expanded as needed. A reference to a value of an option looks like @groupname.optionname. For example [mysqld.2] master-port= @mysqld.1.port it sets the master-port in the mysqld.2 group to the value of port in the mysqld.1 group. * An option name may start from '#'. In the resulting my.cnf it will look like a comment, but it still can be referred to. For example: [example] #foo = localhost:@mysqld.1.port bar = http://@example.#foo/index.html * There are two special - in this regard - groups. Via the ENV group one can refer to any environment variable, not only to values in the [ENV] group of my.cnf file. Via the OPT group one can refer to special values: @OPT.vardir - a path to vardir @OPT.port - a new port number is reserved out of the pool. It will not match any other port number used by this test run. See sphinx suite for an example. Most probably a suite my.cnf will need to start from !include include/default_my.cnf and then modify the configuration as necessary. ========================== A suite can have combinations file in the suitedir. It uses my.cnf syntax but it cannot use @-substitutions. Instead, it can use $-substitutions for the environment variables. Because the combination options will not be merged to a my.cnf, but will be added to the command line. Example: [conf1] opt1=val1 [conf2] opt1=val2 opt2=$HAVE_SOMETHING Such a file will cause every test from the suite to be run twice - once with mysqld using --opt1=val1 and the other one with mysqld using --opt1=val2 --opt2=$HAVE_SOMETHING One can limit mtr run to a subset of combinations by setting environment variable SUITENAME_COMBINATIONS to the ':'-separated set of combination names. E.g. RPL_COMBINATIONS=mix:row ./mtr --suite rpl See innodb_plugin suite for an example of how may set this variable to exclude unsupported configurations. ==========================