/* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as it is applied to this software. View the full text of the exception in file EXCEPTIONS-CLIENT in the directory of this software distribution. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Error messages for MySQL clients */ /* error messages for the daemon is in share/language/errmsg.sys */ #include #include #include "errmsg.h" #ifdef GERMAN const char *client_errors[]= { "Unbekannter MySQL Fehler", "Kann UNIX-Socket nicht anlegen (%d)", "Keine Verbindung zu lokalem MySQL Server, socket: '%-.100s' (%d)", "Keine Verbindung zu MySQL Server auf %-.100s (%d)", "Kann TCP/IP-Socket nicht anlegen (%d)", "Unbekannter MySQL Server Host (%-.100s) (%d)", "MySQL Server nicht vorhanden", "Protokolle ungleich. Server Version = % d Client Version = %d", "MySQL client got out of memory", "Wrong host info", "Localhost via UNIX socket", "%-.100s via TCP/IP", "Error in server handshake", "Lost connection to MySQL server during query", "Commands out of sync; You can't run this command now", "Verbindung ueber Named Pipe; Host: %-.100s", "Kann nicht auf Named Pipe warten. Host: %-.64s pipe: %-.32s (%lu)", "Kann Named Pipe nicht oeffnen. Host: %-.64s pipe: %-.32s (%lu)", "Kann den Status der Named Pipe nicht setzen. Host: %-.64s pipe: %-.32s (%lu)", "Can't initialize character set %-.32s (path: %-.100s)", "Got packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet'", "Embedded server", "Error on SHOW SLAVE STATUS:", "Error on SHOW SLAVE HOSTS:", "Error connecting to slave:", "Error connecting to master:", "SSL connection error", "Malformed packet", "This client library is licensed only for use with MySQL servers having '%s' license" }; /* Start of code added by Roberto M. Serqueira - martinsc@uol.com.br - 05.24.2001 */ #elif defined PORTUGUESE const char *client_errors[]= { "Erro desconhecido do MySQL", "Não pode criar 'UNIX socket' (%d)", "Não pode se conectar ao servidor MySQL local através do 'socket' '%-.100s' (%d)", "Não pode se conectar ao servidor MySQL em '%-.100s' (%d)", "Não pode criar 'socket TCP/IP' (%d)", "'Host' servidor MySQL '%-.100s' (%d) desconhecido", "Servidor MySQL desapareceu", "Incompatibilidade de protocolos. Versão do Servidor: %d - Versão do Cliente: %d", "Cliente do MySQL com falta de memória", "Informação inválida de 'host'", "Localhost via 'UNIX socket'", "%-.100s via 'TCP/IP'", "Erro na negociação de acesso ao servidor", "Conexão perdida com servidor MySQL durante 'query'", "Comandos fora de sincronismo. Você não pode executar este comando agora", "%-.100s via 'named pipe'", "Não pode esperar pelo 'named pipe' para o 'host' %-.64s - 'pipe' %-.32s (%lu)", "Não pode abrir 'named pipe' para o 'host' %-.64s - 'pipe' %-.32s (%lu)", "Não pode estabelecer o estado do 'named pipe' para o 'host' %-.64s - 'pipe' %-.32s (%lu)", "Não pode inicializar conjunto de caracteres %-.32s (caminho %-.100s)", "Obteve pacote maior do que 'max_allowed_packet'", "Embedded server" "Error on SHOW SLAVE STATUS:", "Error on SHOW SLAVE HOSTS:", "Error connecting to slave:", "Error connecting to master:", "SSL connection error", "Malformed packet", "This client library is licensed only for use with MySQL servers having '%s' license" }; #else /* ENGLISH */ const char *client_errors[]= { "Unknown MySQL error", "Can't create UNIX socket (%d)", "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '%-.100s' (%d)", "Can't connect to MySQL server on '%-.100s' (%d)", "Can't create TCP/IP socket (%d)", "Unknown MySQL Server Host '%-.100s' (%d)", "MySQL server has gone away", "Protocol mismatch. Server Version = %d Client Version = %d", "MySQL client run out of memory", "Wrong host info", "Localhost via UNIX socket", "%-.100s via TCP/IP", "Error in server handshake", "Lost connection to MySQL server during query", "Commands out of sync; You can't run this command now", "%-.100s via named pipe", "Can't wait for named pipe to host: %-.64s pipe: %-.32s (%lu)", "Can't open named pipe to host: %-.64s pipe: %-.32s (%lu)", "Can't set state of named pipe to host: %-.64s pipe: %-.32s (%lu)", "Can't initialize character set %-.32s (path: %-.100s)", "Got packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet'", "Embedded server", "Error on SHOW SLAVE STATUS:", "Error on SHOW SLAVE HOSTS:", "Error connecting to slave:", "Error connecting to master:", "SSL connection error", "Malformed packet", "This client library is licensed only for use with MySQL servers having '%s' license" }; #endif void init_client_errs(void) { my_errmsg[CLIENT_ERRMAP] = &client_errors[0]; }