/****************************************************** Transaction system (c) 1996 Innobase Oy Created 3/26/1996 Heikki Tuuri *******************************************************/ #ifndef trx0sys_h #define trx0sys_h #include "univ.i" #include "trx0types.h" #include "mtr0mtr.h" #include "mtr0log.h" #include "ut0byte.h" #include "mem0mem.h" #include "sync0sync.h" #include "ut0lst.h" #include "buf0buf.h" #include "fil0fil.h" #include "fut0lst.h" #include "fsp0fsp.h" #include "read0types.h" /* In a MySQL replication slave, in crash recovery we store the master log file name and position here. We have successfully got the updates to InnoDB up to this position. If .._pos is -1, it means no crash recovery was needed, or there was no master log position info inside InnoDB. */ extern char trx_sys_mysql_master_log_name[]; extern ib_longlong trx_sys_mysql_master_log_pos; /* The transaction system */ extern trx_sys_t* trx_sys; /* Doublewrite system */ extern trx_doublewrite_t* trx_doublewrite; extern ibool trx_doublewrite_must_reset_space_ids; extern ibool trx_sys_multiple_tablespace_format; /******************************************************************** Creates the doublewrite buffer to a new InnoDB installation. The header of the doublewrite buffer is placed on the trx system header page. */ void trx_sys_create_doublewrite_buf(void); /*================================*/ /******************************************************************** At a database startup initializes the doublewrite buffer memory structure if we already have a doublewrite buffer created in the data files. If we are upgrading to an InnoDB version which supports multiple tablespaces, then this function performs the necessary update operations. If we are in a crash recovery, this function uses a possible doublewrite buffer to restore half-written pages in the data files. */ void trx_sys_doublewrite_init_or_restore_pages( /*======================================*/ ibool restore_corrupt_pages); /******************************************************************** Marks the trx sys header when we have successfully upgraded to the >= 4.1.x multiple tablespace format. */ void trx_sys_mark_upgraded_to_multiple_tablespaces(void); /*===============================================*/ /******************************************************************** Determines if a page number is located inside the doublewrite buffer. */ ibool trx_doublewrite_page_inside( /*========================*/ /* out: TRUE if the location is inside the two blocks of the doublewrite buffer */ ulint page_no); /* in: page number */ /******************************************************************* Checks if a page address is the trx sys header page. */ UNIV_INLINE ibool trx_sys_hdr_page( /*=============*/ /* out: TRUE if trx sys header page */ ulint space, /* in: space */ ulint page_no);/* in: page number */ /********************************************************************* Creates and initializes the central memory structures for the transaction system. This is called when the database is started. */ void trx_sys_init_at_db_start(void); /*==========================*/ /********************************************************************* Creates and initializes the transaction system at the database creation. */ void trx_sys_create(void); /*================*/ /******************************************************************** Looks for a free slot for a rollback segment in the trx system file copy. */ ulint trx_sysf_rseg_find_free( /*====================*/ /* out: slot index or ULINT_UNDEFINED if not found */ mtr_t* mtr); /* in: mtr */ /******************************************************************* Gets the pointer in the nth slot of the rseg array. */ UNIV_INLINE trx_rseg_t* trx_sys_get_nth_rseg( /*=================*/ /* out: pointer to rseg object, NULL if slot not in use */ trx_sys_t* sys, /* in: trx system */ ulint n); /* in: index of slot */ /******************************************************************* Sets the pointer in the nth slot of the rseg array. */ UNIV_INLINE void trx_sys_set_nth_rseg( /*=================*/ trx_sys_t* sys, /* in: trx system */ ulint n, /* in: index of slot */ trx_rseg_t* rseg); /* in: pointer to rseg object, NULL if slot not in use */ /************************************************************************** Gets a pointer to the transaction system file copy and x-locks its page. */ UNIV_INLINE trx_sysf_t* trx_sysf_get( /*=========*/ /* out: pointer to system file copy, page x-locked */ mtr_t* mtr); /* in: mtr */ /********************************************************************* Gets the space of the nth rollback segment slot in the trx system file copy. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint trx_sysf_rseg_get_space( /*====================*/ /* out: space id */ trx_sysf_t* sys_header, /* in: trx sys file copy */ ulint i, /* in: slot index == rseg id */ mtr_t* mtr); /* in: mtr */ /********************************************************************* Gets the page number of the nth rollback segment slot in the trx system file copy. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint trx_sysf_rseg_get_page_no( /*======================*/ /* out: page number, FIL_NULL if slot unused */ trx_sysf_t* sys_header, /* in: trx sys file copy */ ulint i, /* in: slot index == rseg id */ mtr_t* mtr); /* in: mtr */ /********************************************************************* Sets the space id of the nth rollback segment slot in the trx system file copy. */ UNIV_INLINE void trx_sysf_rseg_set_space( /*====================*/ trx_sysf_t* sys_header, /* in: trx sys file copy */ ulint i, /* in: slot index == rseg id */ ulint space, /* in: space id */ mtr_t* mtr); /* in: mtr */ /********************************************************************* Sets the page number of the nth rollback segment slot in the trx system file copy. */ UNIV_INLINE void trx_sysf_rseg_set_page_no( /*======================*/ trx_sysf_t* sys_header, /* in: trx sys file copy */ ulint i, /* in: slot index == rseg id */ ulint page_no, /* in: page number, FIL_NULL if the slot is reset to unused */ mtr_t* mtr); /* in: mtr */ /********************************************************************* Allocates a new transaction id. */ UNIV_INLINE dulint trx_sys_get_new_trx_id(void); /*========================*/ /* out: new, allocated trx id */ /********************************************************************* Allocates a new transaction number. */ UNIV_INLINE dulint trx_sys_get_new_trx_no(void); /*========================*/ /* out: new, allocated trx number */ /********************************************************************* Writes a trx id to an index page. In case that the id size changes in some future version, this function should be used instead of mach_write_... */ UNIV_INLINE void trx_write_trx_id( /*=============*/ byte* ptr, /* in: pointer to memory where written */ dulint id); /* in: id */ /********************************************************************* Reads a trx id from an index page. In case that the id size changes in some future version, this function should be used instead of mach_read_... */ UNIV_INLINE dulint trx_read_trx_id( /*============*/ /* out: id */ byte* ptr); /* in: pointer to memory from where to read */ /******************************************************************** Looks for the trx handle with the given id in trx_list. */ UNIV_INLINE trx_t* trx_get_on_id( /*==========*/ /* out: the trx handle or NULL if not found */ dulint trx_id); /* in: trx id to search for */ /******************************************************************** Returns the minumum trx id in trx list. This is the smallest id for which the trx can possibly be active. (But, you must look at the trx->conc_state to find out if the minimum trx id transaction itself is active, or already committed.) */ UNIV_INLINE dulint trx_list_get_min_trx_id(void); /*=========================*/ /* out: the minimum trx id, or trx_sys->max_trx_id if the trx list is empty */ /******************************************************************** Checks if a transaction with the given id is active. */ UNIV_INLINE ibool trx_is_active( /*==========*/ /* out: TRUE if active */ dulint trx_id);/* in: trx id of the transaction */ /******************************************************************** Checks that trx is in the trx list. */ ibool trx_in_trx_list( /*============*/ /* out: TRUE if is in */ trx_t* in_trx);/* in: trx */ /********************************************************************* Updates the offset information about the end of the MySQL binlog entry which corresponds to the transaction just being committed. In a MySQL replication slave updates the latest master binlog position up to which replication has proceeded. */ void trx_sys_update_mysql_binlog_offset( /*===============================*/ char* file_name,/* in: MySQL log file name */ ib_longlong offset, /* in: position in that log file */ ulint field, /* in: offset of the MySQL log info field in the trx sys header */ mtr_t* mtr); /* in: mtr */ /********************************************************************* Prints to stderr the MySQL binlog offset info in the trx system header if the magic number shows it valid. */ void trx_sys_print_mysql_binlog_offset(void); /*===================================*/ /********************************************************************* Prints to stdout the MySQL binlog info in the system header if the magic number shows it valid. */ void trx_sys_print_mysql_binlog_offset_from_page( /*========================================*/ byte* page); /* in: buffer containing the trx system header page, i.e., page number TRX_SYS_PAGE_NO in the tablespace */ /********************************************************************* Prints to stderr the MySQL master log offset info in the trx system header if the magic number shows it valid. */ void trx_sys_print_mysql_master_log_pos(void); /*====================================*/ /* The automatically created system rollback segment has this id */ #define TRX_SYS_SYSTEM_RSEG_ID 0 /* Space id and page no where the trx system file copy resides */ #define TRX_SYS_SPACE 0 /* the SYSTEM tablespace */ #define TRX_SYS_PAGE_NO FSP_TRX_SYS_PAGE_NO /* The offset of the transaction system header on the page */ #define TRX_SYS FSEG_PAGE_DATA /* Transaction system header */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define TRX_SYS_TRX_ID_STORE 0 /* the maximum trx id or trx number modulo TRX_SYS_TRX_ID_UPDATE_MARGIN written to a file page by any transaction; the assignment of transaction ids continues from this number rounded up by .._MARGIN plus .._MARGIN when the database is started */ #define TRX_SYS_FSEG_HEADER 8 /* segment header for the tablespace segment the trx system is created into */ #define TRX_SYS_RSEGS (8 + FSEG_HEADER_SIZE) /* the start of the array of rollback segment specification slots */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Max number of rollback segments: the number of segment specification slots in the transaction system array; rollback segment id must fit in one byte, therefore 256; each slot is currently 8 bytes in size */ #define TRX_SYS_N_RSEGS 256 #define TRX_SYS_MYSQL_LOG_NAME_LEN 512 #define TRX_SYS_MYSQL_LOG_MAGIC_N 873422344 /* The offset of the MySQL replication info in the trx system header; this contains the same fields as TRX_SYS_MYSQL_LOG_INFO below */ #define TRX_SYS_MYSQL_MASTER_LOG_INFO (UNIV_PAGE_SIZE - 2000) /* The offset of the MySQL binlog offset info in the trx system header */ #define TRX_SYS_MYSQL_LOG_INFO (UNIV_PAGE_SIZE - 1000) #define TRX_SYS_MYSQL_LOG_MAGIC_N_FLD 0 /* magic number which shows if we have valid data in the MySQL binlog info; the value is ..._MAGIC_N if yes */ #define TRX_SYS_MYSQL_LOG_OFFSET_HIGH 4 /* high 4 bytes of the offset within that file */ #define TRX_SYS_MYSQL_LOG_OFFSET_LOW 8 /* low 4 bytes of the offset within that file */ #define TRX_SYS_MYSQL_LOG_NAME 12 /* MySQL log file name */ /* The offset of the doublewrite buffer header on the trx system header page */ #define TRX_SYS_DOUBLEWRITE (UNIV_PAGE_SIZE - 200) /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define TRX_SYS_DOUBLEWRITE_FSEG 0 /* fseg header of the fseg containing the doublewrite buffer */ #define TRX_SYS_DOUBLEWRITE_MAGIC FSEG_HEADER_SIZE /* 4-byte magic number which shows if we already have created the doublewrite buffer */ #define TRX_SYS_DOUBLEWRITE_BLOCK1 (4 + FSEG_HEADER_SIZE) /* page number of the first page in the first sequence of 64 (= FSP_EXTENT_SIZE) consecutive pages in the doublewrite buffer */ #define TRX_SYS_DOUBLEWRITE_BLOCK2 (8 + FSEG_HEADER_SIZE) /* page number of the first page in the second sequence of 64 consecutive pages in the doublewrite buffer */ #define TRX_SYS_DOUBLEWRITE_REPEAT 12 /* we repeat the above 3 numbers so that if the trx sys header is half-written to disk, we still may be able to recover the information */ #define TRX_SYS_DOUBLEWRITE_SPACE_ID_STORED (24 + FSEG_HEADER_SIZE) /* If this is not yet set to .._N, we must reset the doublewrite buffer, because starting from 4.1.x the space id of a data page is stored to FIL_PAGE_ARCH_LOG_NO_OR_SPACE_NO */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define TRX_SYS_DOUBLEWRITE_MAGIC_N 536853855 #define TRX_SYS_DOUBLEWRITE_SPACE_ID_STORED_N 1783657386 #define TRX_SYS_DOUBLEWRITE_BLOCK_SIZE FSP_EXTENT_SIZE /* Doublewrite control struct */ struct trx_doublewrite_struct{ mutex_t mutex; /* mutex protecting the first_free field and write_buf */ ulint block1; /* the page number of the first doublewrite block (64 pages) */ ulint block2; /* page number of the second block */ ulint first_free; /* first free position in write_buf measured in units of UNIV_PAGE_SIZE */ byte* write_buf; /* write buffer used in writing to the doublewrite buffer, aligned to an address divisible by UNIV_PAGE_SIZE (which is required by Windows aio) */ byte* write_buf_unaligned; /* pointer to write_buf, but unaligned */ buf_block_t** buf_block_arr; /* array to store pointers to the buffer blocks which have been cached to write_buf */ }; /* The transaction system central memory data structure; protected by the kernel mutex */ struct trx_sys_struct{ dulint max_trx_id; /* The smallest number not yet assigned as a transaction id or transaction number */ UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(trx_t) trx_list; /* List of active and committed in memory transactions, sorted on trx id, biggest first */ UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(trx_t) mysql_trx_list; /* List of transactions created for MySQL */ UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(trx_rseg_t) rseg_list; /* List of rollback segment objects */ trx_rseg_t* latest_rseg; /* Latest rollback segment in the round-robin assignment of rollback segments to transactions */ trx_rseg_t* rseg_array[TRX_SYS_N_RSEGS]; /* Pointer array to rollback segments; NULL if slot not in use */ UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(read_view_t) view_list; /* List of read views sorted on trx no, biggest first */ }; /* When a trx id which is zero modulo this number (which must be a power of two) is assigned, the field TRX_SYS_TRX_ID_STORE on the transaction system page is updated */ #define TRX_SYS_TRX_ID_WRITE_MARGIN 256 #ifndef UNIV_NONINL #include "trx0sys.ic" #endif #endif