/********************************************************************** Data dictionary system (c) 1996 Innobase Oy Created 1/8/1996 Heikki Tuuri ***********************************************************************/ #include "dict0dict.h" #ifdef UNIV_NONINL #include "dict0dict.ic" #endif #include "buf0buf.h" #include "data0type.h" #include "mach0data.h" #include "dict0boot.h" #include "dict0mem.h" #include "trx0undo.h" #include "btr0btr.h" #include "btr0cur.h" #include "btr0sea.h" #include "pars0pars.h" #include "pars0sym.h" #include "que0que.h" dict_sys_t* dict_sys = NULL; /* the dictionary system */ #define DICT_HEAP_SIZE 100 /* initial memory heap size when creating a table or index object */ #define DICT_POOL_PER_PROCEDURE_HASH 512 /* buffer pool max size per stored procedure hash table fixed size in bytes */ #define DICT_POOL_PER_TABLE_HASH 512 /* buffer pool max size per table hash table fixed size in bytes */ #define DICT_POOL_PER_COL_HASH 128 /* buffer pool max size per column hash table fixed size in bytes */ #define DICT_POOL_PER_VARYING 4 /* buffer pool max size per data dictionary varying size in bytes */ /************************************************************************** Adds a column to the data dictionary hash table. */ static void dict_col_add_to_cache( /*==================*/ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ dict_col_t* col); /* in: column */ /************************************************************************** Repositions a column in the data dictionary hash table when the table name changes. */ static void dict_col_reposition_in_cache( /*=========================*/ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ dict_col_t* col, /* in: column */ char* new_name); /* in: new table name */ /************************************************************************** Removes a column from the data dictionary hash table. */ static void dict_col_remove_from_cache( /*=======================*/ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ dict_col_t* col); /* in: column */ /************************************************************************** Removes an index from the dictionary cache. */ static void dict_index_remove_from_cache( /*=========================*/ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ dict_index_t* index); /* in, own: index */ /*********************************************************************** Adds a column to index. */ UNIV_INLINE void dict_index_add_col( /*===============*/ dict_index_t* index, /* in: index */ dict_col_t* col, /* in: column */ ulint order); /* in: order criterion */ /*********************************************************************** Copies fields contained in index2 to index1. */ static void dict_index_copy( /*============*/ dict_index_t* index1, /* in: index to copy to */ dict_index_t* index2, /* in: index to copy from */ ulint start, /* in: first position to copy */ ulint end); /* in: last position to copy */ /*********************************************************************** Tries to find column names for the index in the column hash table and sets the col field of the index. */ static ibool dict_index_find_cols( /*=================*/ /* out: TRUE if success */ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ dict_index_t* index); /* in: index */ /*********************************************************************** Builds the internal dictionary cache representation for a clustered index, containing also system fields not defined by the user. */ static dict_index_t* dict_index_build_internal_clust( /*============================*/ /* out, own: the internal representation of the clustered index */ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ dict_index_t* index); /* in: user representation of a clustered index */ /*********************************************************************** Builds the internal dictionary cache representation for a non-clustered index, containing also system fields not defined by the user. */ static dict_index_t* dict_index_build_internal_non_clust( /*================================*/ /* out, own: the internal representation of the non-clustered index */ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ dict_index_t* index); /* in: user representation of a non-clustered index */ /************************************************************************** In an index tree, finds the index corresponding to a record in the tree. */ UNIV_INLINE dict_index_t* dict_tree_find_index_low( /*=====================*/ /* out: index */ dict_tree_t* tree, /* in: index tree */ rec_t* rec); /* in: record for which to find correct index */ /************************************************************************** Prints a table data. */ static void dict_table_print_low( /*=================*/ dict_table_t* table); /* in: table */ /************************************************************************** Prints a column data. */ static void dict_col_print_low( /*===============*/ dict_col_t* col); /* in: column */ /************************************************************************** Prints an index data. */ static void dict_index_print_low( /*=================*/ dict_index_t* index); /* in: index */ /************************************************************************** Prints a field data. */ static void dict_field_print_low( /*=================*/ dict_field_t* field); /* in: field */ /************************************************************************ Reserves the dictionary system mutex for MySQL. */ void dict_mutex_enter_for_mysql(void) /*============================*/ { mutex_enter(&(dict_sys->mutex)); } /************************************************************************ Releases the dictionary system mutex for MySQL. */ void dict_mutex_exit_for_mysql(void) /*===========================*/ { mutex_exit(&(dict_sys->mutex)); } /************************************************************************ Gets the nth column of a table. */ dict_col_t* dict_table_get_nth_col_noninline( /*=============================*/ /* out: pointer to column object */ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ ulint pos) /* in: position of column */ { return(dict_table_get_nth_col(table, pos)); } /************************************************************************ Gets the first index on the table (the clustered index). */ dict_index_t* dict_table_get_first_index_noninline( /*=================================*/ /* out: index, NULL if none exists */ dict_table_t* table) /* in: table */ { return(dict_table_get_first_index(table)); } /************************************************************************ Gets the next index on the table. */ dict_index_t* dict_table_get_next_index_noninline( /*================================*/ /* out: index, NULL if none left */ dict_index_t* index) /* in: index */ { return(dict_table_get_next_index(index)); } /************************************************************************** Returns an index object. */ dict_index_t* dict_table_get_index_noninline( /*===========================*/ /* out: index, NULL if does not exist */ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ char* name) /* in: index name */ { return(dict_table_get_index(table, name)); } /************************************************************************ Looks for column n in an index. */ ulint dict_index_get_nth_col_pos( /*=======================*/ /* out: position in internal representation of the index; if not contained, returns ULINT_UNDEFINED */ dict_index_t* index, /* in: index */ ulint n) /* in: column number */ { dict_field_t* field; dict_col_t* col; ulint pos; ulint n_fields; ut_ad(index); ut_ad(index->magic_n == DICT_INDEX_MAGIC_N); if (index->type & DICT_CLUSTERED) { col = dict_table_get_nth_col(index->table, n); return(col->clust_pos); } n_fields = dict_index_get_n_fields(index); for (pos = 0; pos < n_fields; pos++) { field = dict_index_get_nth_field(index, pos); col = field->col; if (dict_col_get_no(col) == n) { return(pos); } } return(ULINT_UNDEFINED); } /************************************************************************** Returns a table object, based on table id, and memoryfixes it. */ dict_table_t* dict_table_get_on_id( /*=================*/ /* out: table, NULL if does not exist */ dulint table_id, /* in: table id */ trx_t* trx) /* in: transaction handle */ { dict_table_t* table; if (ut_dulint_cmp(table_id, DICT_FIELDS_ID) <= 0) { /* It is a system table which will always exist in the table cache: we avoid acquiring the dictionary mutex, because if we are doing a rollback to handle an error in TABLE CREATE, for example, we already have the mutex! */ ut_ad(mutex_own(&(dict_sys->mutex))); return(dict_table_get_on_id_low(table_id, trx)); } mutex_enter(&(dict_sys->mutex)); table = dict_table_get_on_id_low(table_id, trx); mutex_exit(&(dict_sys->mutex)); return(table); } /************************************************************************ Looks for column n postion in the clustered index. */ ulint dict_table_get_nth_col_pos( /*=======================*/ /* out: position in internal representation of the clustered index */ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ ulint n) /* in: column number */ { return(dict_index_get_nth_col_pos(dict_table_get_first_index(table), n)); } /************************************************************************** Inits the data dictionary module. */ void dict_init(void) /*===========*/ { dict_sys = mem_alloc(sizeof(dict_sys_t)); mutex_create(&(dict_sys->mutex)); mutex_set_level(&(dict_sys->mutex), SYNC_DICT); dict_sys->table_hash = hash_create(buf_pool_get_max_size() / (DICT_POOL_PER_TABLE_HASH * UNIV_WORD_SIZE)); dict_sys->table_id_hash = hash_create(buf_pool_get_max_size() / (DICT_POOL_PER_TABLE_HASH * UNIV_WORD_SIZE)); dict_sys->col_hash = hash_create(buf_pool_get_max_size() / (DICT_POOL_PER_COL_HASH * UNIV_WORD_SIZE)); dict_sys->procedure_hash = hash_create(buf_pool_get_max_size() / (DICT_POOL_PER_PROCEDURE_HASH * UNIV_WORD_SIZE)); dict_sys->size = 0; UT_LIST_INIT(dict_sys->table_LRU); } /************************************************************************** Returns a table object and memoryfixes it. NOTE! This is a high-level function to be used mainly from outside the 'dict' directory. Inside this directory dict_table_get_low is usually the appropriate function. */ dict_table_t* dict_table_get( /*===========*/ /* out: table, NULL if does not exist */ char* table_name, /* in: table name */ trx_t* trx) /* in: transaction handle or NULL */ { dict_table_t* table; UT_NOT_USED(trx); mutex_enter(&(dict_sys->mutex)); table = dict_table_get_low(table_name); mutex_exit(&(dict_sys->mutex)); if (table != NULL) { if (table->stat_last_estimate_counter == (ulint)(-1)) { dict_update_statistics(table); } } return(table); } /************************************************************************** Adds a table object to the dictionary cache. */ void dict_table_add_to_cache( /*====================*/ dict_table_t* table) /* in: table */ { ulint fold; ulint id_fold; ulint i; ut_ad(table); ut_ad(mutex_own(&(dict_sys->mutex))); ut_ad(table->n_def == table->n_cols - DATA_N_SYS_COLS); ut_ad(table->magic_n == DICT_TABLE_MAGIC_N); ut_ad(table->cached == FALSE); fold = ut_fold_string(table->name); id_fold = ut_fold_dulint(table->id); table->cached = TRUE; /* NOTE: the system columns MUST be added in the following order (so that they can be indexed by the numerical value of DATA_ROW_ID, etc.) and as the last columns of the table memory object. The clustered index will not always physically contain all system columns. */ dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "DB_ROW_ID", DATA_SYS, DATA_ROW_ID, 0, 0); ut_ad(DATA_ROW_ID == 0); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "DB_TRX_ID", DATA_SYS, DATA_TRX_ID, 0, 0); ut_ad(DATA_TRX_ID == 1); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "DB_ROLL_PTR", DATA_SYS, DATA_ROLL_PTR, 0, 0); ut_ad(DATA_ROLL_PTR == 2); dict_mem_table_add_col(table, "DB_MIX_ID", DATA_SYS, DATA_MIX_ID, 0, 0); ut_ad(DATA_MIX_ID == 3); ut_ad(DATA_N_SYS_COLS == 4); /* This assert reminds that if a new system column is added to the program, it should be dealt with here */ /* Look for a table with the same name: error if such exists */ { dict_table_t* table2; HASH_SEARCH(name_hash, dict_sys->table_hash, fold, table2, (ut_strcmp(table2->name, table->name) == 0)); ut_a(table2 == NULL); } /* Look for a table with the same id: error if such exists */ { dict_table_t* table2; HASH_SEARCH(id_hash, dict_sys->table_id_hash, id_fold, table2, (ut_dulint_cmp(table2->id, table->id) == 0)); ut_a(table2 == NULL); } if (table->type == DICT_TABLE_CLUSTER_MEMBER) { table->mix_id_len = mach_dulint_get_compressed_size( table->mix_id); mach_dulint_write_compressed(table->mix_id_buf, table->mix_id); } /* Add the columns to the column hash table */ for (i = 0; i < table->n_cols; i++) { dict_col_add_to_cache(table, dict_table_get_nth_col(table, i)); } /* Add table to hash table of tables */ HASH_INSERT(dict_table_t, name_hash, dict_sys->table_hash, fold, table); /* Add table to hash table of tables based on table id */ HASH_INSERT(dict_table_t, id_hash, dict_sys->table_id_hash, id_fold, table); /* Add table to LRU list of tables */ UT_LIST_ADD_FIRST(table_LRU, dict_sys->table_LRU, table); /* If the dictionary cache grows too big, trim the table LRU list */ dict_sys->size += mem_heap_get_size(table->heap); /* dict_table_LRU_trim(); */ } /************************************************************************** Renames a table object. */ ibool dict_table_rename_in_cache( /*=======================*/ /* out: TRUE if success */ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ char* new_name) /* in: new name */ { ulint fold; ulint old_size; char* name_buf; ulint i; ut_ad(table); ut_ad(mutex_own(&(dict_sys->mutex))); old_size = mem_heap_get_size(table->heap); fold = ut_fold_string(new_name); /* Look for a table with the same name: error if such exists */ { dict_table_t* table2; HASH_SEARCH(name_hash, dict_sys->table_hash, fold, table2, (ut_strcmp(table2->name, new_name) == 0)); if (table2) { return(FALSE); } } /* Reposition the columns in the column hash table; they are hashed according to the pair (table name, column name) */ for (i = 0; i < table->n_cols; i++) { dict_col_reposition_in_cache(table, dict_table_get_nth_col(table, i), new_name); } /* Remove table from the hash tables of tables */ HASH_DELETE(dict_table_t, name_hash, dict_sys->table_hash, ut_fold_string(table->name), table); name_buf = mem_heap_alloc(table->heap, ut_strlen(new_name) + 1); ut_memcpy(name_buf, new_name, ut_strlen(new_name) + 1); table->name = name_buf; /* Add table to hash table of tables */ HASH_INSERT(dict_table_t, name_hash, dict_sys->table_hash, fold, table); dict_sys->size += (mem_heap_get_size(table->heap) - old_size); return(TRUE); } /************************************************************************** Removes a table object from the dictionary cache. */ void dict_table_remove_from_cache( /*=========================*/ dict_table_t* table) /* in, own: table */ { dict_index_t* index; ulint size; ulint i; ut_ad(table); ut_ad(mutex_own(&(dict_sys->mutex))); ut_ad(table->magic_n == DICT_TABLE_MAGIC_N); /* printf("Removing table %s from dictionary cache\n", table->name); */ /* Remove the indexes from the cache */ index = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(table->indexes); while (index != NULL) { dict_index_remove_from_cache(table, index); index = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(table->indexes); } /* Remove the columns of the table from the cache */ for (i = 0; i < table->n_cols; i++) { dict_col_remove_from_cache(table, dict_table_get_nth_col(table, i)); } /* Remove table from the hash tables of tables */ HASH_DELETE(dict_table_t, name_hash, dict_sys->table_hash, ut_fold_string(table->name), table); HASH_DELETE(dict_table_t, id_hash, dict_sys->table_id_hash, ut_fold_dulint(table->id), table); /* Remove table from LRU list of tables */ UT_LIST_REMOVE(table_LRU, dict_sys->table_LRU, table); size = mem_heap_get_size(table->heap); ut_ad(dict_sys->size >= size); dict_sys->size -= size; mem_heap_free(table->heap); } /************************************************************************** Frees tables from the end of table_LRU if the dictionary cache occupies too much space. Currently not used! */ void dict_table_LRU_trim(void) /*=====================*/ { dict_table_t* table; dict_table_t* prev_table; ut_a(0); ut_ad(mutex_own(&(dict_sys->mutex))); table = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(dict_sys->table_LRU); while (table && (dict_sys->size > buf_pool_get_max_size() / DICT_POOL_PER_VARYING)) { prev_table = UT_LIST_GET_PREV(table_LRU, table); if (table->mem_fix == 0) { dict_table_remove_from_cache(table); } table = prev_table; } } /************************************************************************** Adds a column to the data dictionary hash table. */ static void dict_col_add_to_cache( /*==================*/ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ dict_col_t* col) /* in: column */ { ulint fold; ut_ad(table && col); ut_ad(mutex_own(&(dict_sys->mutex))); ut_ad(table->magic_n == DICT_TABLE_MAGIC_N); fold = ut_fold_ulint_pair(ut_fold_string(table->name), ut_fold_string(col->name)); /* Look for a column with same table name and column name: error */ { dict_col_t* col2; HASH_SEARCH(hash, dict_sys->col_hash, fold, col2, (ut_strcmp(col->name, col2->name) == 0) && (ut_strcmp((col2->table)->name, table->name) == 0)); ut_a(col2 == NULL); } HASH_INSERT(dict_col_t, hash, dict_sys->col_hash, fold, col); } /************************************************************************** Removes a column from the data dictionary hash table. */ static void dict_col_remove_from_cache( /*=======================*/ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ dict_col_t* col) /* in: column */ { ulint fold; ut_ad(table && col); ut_ad(mutex_own(&(dict_sys->mutex))); ut_ad(table->magic_n == DICT_TABLE_MAGIC_N); fold = ut_fold_ulint_pair(ut_fold_string(table->name), ut_fold_string(col->name)); HASH_DELETE(dict_col_t, hash, dict_sys->col_hash, fold, col); } /************************************************************************** Repositions a column in the data dictionary hash table when the table name changes. */ static void dict_col_reposition_in_cache( /*=========================*/ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ dict_col_t* col, /* in: column */ char* new_name) /* in: new table name */ { ulint fold; ut_ad(table && col); ut_ad(mutex_own(&(dict_sys->mutex))); ut_ad(table->magic_n == DICT_TABLE_MAGIC_N); fold = ut_fold_ulint_pair(ut_fold_string(table->name), ut_fold_string(col->name)); HASH_DELETE(dict_col_t, hash, dict_sys->col_hash, fold, col); fold = ut_fold_ulint_pair(ut_fold_string(new_name), ut_fold_string(col->name)); HASH_INSERT(dict_col_t, hash, dict_sys->col_hash, fold, col); } /************************************************************************** Adds an index to the dictionary cache. */ ibool dict_index_add_to_cache( /*====================*/ /* out: TRUE if success */ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table on which the index is */ dict_index_t* index) /* in, own: index; NOTE! The index memory object is freed in this function! */ { dict_index_t* new_index; dict_tree_t* tree; dict_table_t* cluster; dict_field_t* field; ulint n_ord; ibool success; ulint i; ut_ad(index); ut_ad(mutex_own(&(dict_sys->mutex))); ut_ad(index->n_def == index->n_fields); ut_ad(index->magic_n == DICT_INDEX_MAGIC_N); ut_ad(mem_heap_validate(index->heap)); { dict_index_t* index2; index2 = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(table->indexes); while (index2 != NULL) { ut_ad(ut_strcmp(index->name, index2->name) != 0); index2 = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(indexes, index2); } ut_a(UT_LIST_GET_LEN(table->indexes) == 0 || (index->type & DICT_CLUSTERED) == 0); } success = dict_index_find_cols(table, index); if (!success) { dict_mem_index_free(index); return(FALSE); } /* Build the cache internal representation of the index, containing also the added system fields */ if (index->type & DICT_CLUSTERED) { new_index = dict_index_build_internal_clust(table, index); } else { new_index = dict_index_build_internal_non_clust(table, index); } new_index->search_info = btr_search_info_create(new_index->heap); /* Set the n_fields value in new_index to the actual defined number of fields in the cache internal representation */ new_index->n_fields = new_index->n_def; /* Add the new index as the last index for the table */ UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(indexes, table->indexes, new_index); new_index->table = table; new_index->table_name = table->name; /* Increment the ord_part counts in columns which are ordering */ if (index->type & DICT_UNIVERSAL) { n_ord = new_index->n_fields; } else { n_ord = dict_index_get_n_unique(new_index); } for (i = 0; i < n_ord; i++) { field = dict_index_get_nth_field(new_index, i); dict_field_get_col(field)->ord_part++; } if (table->type == DICT_TABLE_CLUSTER_MEMBER) { /* The index tree is found from the cluster object */ cluster = dict_table_get_low(table->cluster_name); tree = dict_index_get_tree(UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(cluster->indexes)); new_index->tree = tree; new_index->page_no = tree->page; } else { /* Create an index tree memory object for the index */ tree = dict_tree_create(new_index); ut_ad(tree); new_index->tree = tree; } /* Add the index to the list of indexes stored in the tree */ UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(tree_indexes, tree->tree_indexes, new_index); /* If the dictionary cache grows too big, trim the table LRU list */ dict_sys->size += mem_heap_get_size(new_index->heap); /* dict_table_LRU_trim(); */ dict_mem_index_free(index); return(TRUE); } /************************************************************************** Removes an index from the dictionary cache. */ static void dict_index_remove_from_cache( /*=========================*/ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ dict_index_t* index) /* in, own: index */ { dict_field_t* field; ulint size; ulint i; ut_ad(table && index); ut_ad(table->magic_n == DICT_TABLE_MAGIC_N); ut_ad(index->magic_n == DICT_INDEX_MAGIC_N); ut_ad(mutex_own(&(dict_sys->mutex))); ut_ad(UT_LIST_GET_LEN((index->tree)->tree_indexes) == 1); dict_tree_free(index->tree); /* Decrement the ord_part counts in columns which are ordering */ for (i = 0; i < dict_index_get_n_unique(index); i++) { field = dict_index_get_nth_field(index, i); ut_ad(dict_field_get_col(field)->ord_part > 0); (dict_field_get_col(field)->ord_part)--; } /* Remove the index from the list of indexes of the table */ UT_LIST_REMOVE(indexes, table->indexes, index); size = mem_heap_get_size(index->heap); ut_ad(dict_sys->size >= size); dict_sys->size -= size; mem_heap_free(index->heap); } /*********************************************************************** Tries to find column names for the index in the column hash table and sets the col field of the index. */ static ibool dict_index_find_cols( /*=================*/ /* out: TRUE if success */ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ dict_index_t* index) /* in: index */ { dict_col_t* col; dict_field_t* field; ulint fold; ulint i; ut_ad(table && index); ut_ad(table->magic_n == DICT_TABLE_MAGIC_N); ut_ad(mutex_own(&(dict_sys->mutex))); for (i = 0; i < index->n_fields; i++) { field = dict_index_get_nth_field(index, i); fold = ut_fold_ulint_pair(ut_fold_string(table->name), ut_fold_string(field->name)); HASH_SEARCH(hash, dict_sys->col_hash, fold, col, (ut_strcmp(col->name, field->name) == 0) && (ut_strcmp((col->table)->name, table->name) == 0)); if (col == NULL) { return(FALSE); } else { field->col = col; } } return(TRUE); } /*********************************************************************** Adds a column to index. */ UNIV_INLINE void dict_index_add_col( /*===============*/ dict_index_t* index, /* in: index */ dict_col_t* col, /* in: column */ ulint order) /* in: order criterion */ { dict_field_t* field; dict_mem_index_add_field(index, col->name, order); field = dict_index_get_nth_field(index, index->n_def - 1); field->col = col; } /*********************************************************************** Copies fields contained in index2 to index1. */ static void dict_index_copy( /*============*/ dict_index_t* index1, /* in: index to copy to */ dict_index_t* index2, /* in: index to copy from */ ulint start, /* in: first position to copy */ ulint end) /* in: last position to copy */ { dict_field_t* field; ulint i; /* Copy fields contained in index2 */ for (i = start; i < end; i++) { field = dict_index_get_nth_field(index2, i); dict_index_add_col(index1, field->col, field->order); } } /*********************************************************************** Copies types of fields contained in index to tuple. */ void dict_index_copy_types( /*==================*/ dtuple_t* tuple, /* in: data tuple */ dict_index_t* index, /* in: index */ ulint n_fields) /* in: number of field types to copy */ { dtype_t* dfield_type; dtype_t* type; ulint i; if (index->type & DICT_UNIVERSAL) { dtuple_set_types_binary(tuple, n_fields); return; } for (i = 0; i < n_fields; i++) { dfield_type = dfield_get_type(dtuple_get_nth_field(tuple, i)); type = dict_col_get_type(dict_field_get_col( dict_index_get_nth_field(index, i))); *dfield_type = *type; } } /*********************************************************************** Copies types of columns contained in table to tuple. */ void dict_table_copy_types( /*==================*/ dtuple_t* tuple, /* in: data tuple */ dict_table_t* table) /* in: index */ { dtype_t* dfield_type; dtype_t* type; ulint i; ut_ad(!(table->type & DICT_UNIVERSAL)); for (i = 0; i < dtuple_get_n_fields(tuple); i++) { dfield_type = dfield_get_type(dtuple_get_nth_field(tuple, i)); type = dict_col_get_type(dict_table_get_nth_col(table, i)); *dfield_type = *type; } } /*********************************************************************** Builds the internal dictionary cache representation for a clustered index, containing also system fields not defined by the user. */ static dict_index_t* dict_index_build_internal_clust( /*============================*/ /* out, own: the internal representation of the clustered index */ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ dict_index_t* index) /* in: user representation of a clustered index */ { dict_index_t* new_index; dict_field_t* field; dict_col_t* col; ulint fixed_size; ulint trx_id_pos; ulint i; ut_ad(table && index); ut_ad(index->type & DICT_CLUSTERED); ut_ad(mutex_own(&(dict_sys->mutex))); ut_ad(table->magic_n == DICT_TABLE_MAGIC_N); /* Create a new index object with certainly enough fields */ new_index = dict_mem_index_create(table->name, index->name, table->space, index->type, index->n_fields + table->n_cols); /* Copy other relevant data from the old index struct to the new struct: it inherits the values */ new_index->n_user_defined_cols = index->n_fields; new_index->id = index->id; new_index->page_no = index->page_no; if (table->type != DICT_TABLE_ORDINARY) { /* The index is mixed: copy common key prefix fields */ dict_index_copy(new_index, index, 0, table->mix_len); /* Add the mix id column */ dict_index_add_col(new_index, dict_table_get_sys_col(table, DATA_MIX_ID), 0); /* Copy the rest of fields */ dict_index_copy(new_index, index, table->mix_len, index->n_fields); } else { /* Copy the fields of index */ dict_index_copy(new_index, index, 0, index->n_fields); } if (index->type & DICT_UNIVERSAL) { /* No fixed number of fields determines an entry uniquely */ new_index->n_uniq = ULINT_MAX; } else if (index->type & DICT_UNIQUE) { /* Only the fields defined so far are needed to identify the index entry uniquely */ new_index->n_uniq = new_index->n_def; } else { /* Also the row id is needed to identify the entry */ new_index->n_uniq = 1 + new_index->n_def; } new_index->trx_id_offset = 0; if (!(index->type & DICT_IBUF)) { /* Add system columns, trx id first */ trx_id_pos = new_index->n_def; ut_ad(DATA_ROW_ID == 0); ut_ad(DATA_TRX_ID == 1); ut_ad(DATA_ROLL_PTR == 2); if (!(index->type & DICT_UNIQUE)) { dict_index_add_col(new_index, dict_table_get_sys_col(table, DATA_ROW_ID), 0); trx_id_pos++; } dict_index_add_col(new_index, dict_table_get_sys_col(table, DATA_TRX_ID), 0); dict_index_add_col(new_index, dict_table_get_sys_col(table, DATA_ROLL_PTR), 0); for (i = 0; i < trx_id_pos; i++) { fixed_size = dtype_get_fixed_size( dict_index_get_nth_type(new_index, i)); if (fixed_size == 0) { new_index->trx_id_offset = 0; break; } new_index->trx_id_offset += fixed_size; } } /* Set auxiliary variables in table columns as undefined */ for (i = 0; i < table->n_cols; i++) { col = dict_table_get_nth_col(table, i); col->aux = ULINT_UNDEFINED; } /* Mark with 0 the table columns already contained in new_index */ for (i = 0; i < new_index->n_def; i++) { field = dict_index_get_nth_field(new_index, i); (field->col)->aux = 0; } /* Add to new_index non-system columns of table not yet included there */ for (i = 0; i < table->n_cols - DATA_N_SYS_COLS; i++) { col = dict_table_get_nth_col(table, i); ut_ad(col->type.mtype != DATA_SYS); if (col->aux == ULINT_UNDEFINED) { dict_index_add_col(new_index, col, 0); } } ut_ad((index->type & DICT_IBUF) || (UT_LIST_GET_LEN(table->indexes) == 0)); /* Store to the column structs the position of the table columns in the clustered index */ for (i = 0; i < new_index->n_def; i++) { field = dict_index_get_nth_field(new_index, i); (field->col)->clust_pos = i; } new_index->cached = TRUE; return(new_index); } /*********************************************************************** Builds the internal dictionary cache representation for a non-clustered index, containing also system fields not defined by the user. */ static dict_index_t* dict_index_build_internal_non_clust( /*================================*/ /* out, own: the internal representation of the non-clustered index */ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ dict_index_t* index) /* in: user representation of a non-clustered index */ { dict_field_t* field; dict_index_t* new_index; dict_index_t* clust_index; ulint i; ut_ad(table && index); ut_ad(0 == (index->type & DICT_CLUSTERED)); ut_ad(mutex_own(&(dict_sys->mutex))); ut_ad(table->magic_n == DICT_TABLE_MAGIC_N); /* The clustered index should be the first in the list of indexes */ clust_index = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(table->indexes); ut_ad(clust_index); ut_ad(clust_index->type & DICT_CLUSTERED); ut_ad(!(clust_index->type & DICT_UNIVERSAL)); /* Create a new index */ new_index = dict_mem_index_create(table->name, index->name, index->space, index->type, index->n_fields + 1 + clust_index->n_uniq); /* Copy other relevant data from the old index struct to the new struct: it inherits the values */ new_index->n_user_defined_cols = index->n_fields; new_index->id = index->id; new_index->page_no = index->page_no; /* Copy fields from index to new_index */ dict_index_copy(new_index, index, 0, index->n_fields); /* Set the auxiliary variables in the clust_index unique columns as undefined */ for (i = 0; i < clust_index->n_uniq; i++) { field = dict_index_get_nth_field(clust_index, i); (field->col)->aux = ULINT_UNDEFINED; } /* Mark with 0 table columns already contained in new_index */ for (i = 0; i < new_index->n_def; i++) { field = dict_index_get_nth_field(new_index, i); (field->col)->aux = 0; } /* Add to new_index columns necessary to determine the clustered index entry uniquely */ for (i = 0; i < clust_index->n_uniq; i++) { field = dict_index_get_nth_field(clust_index, i); if ((field->col)->aux == ULINT_UNDEFINED) { dict_index_add_col(new_index, field->col, 0); } } if ((index->type) & DICT_UNIQUE) { new_index->n_uniq = index->n_fields; } else { new_index->n_uniq = new_index->n_def; } /* Set the n_fields value in new_index to the actual defined number of fields */ new_index->n_fields = new_index->n_def; new_index->cached = TRUE; return(new_index); } /************************************************************************** Adds a stored procedure object to the dictionary cache. */ void dict_procedure_add_to_cache( /*========================*/ dict_proc_t* proc) /* in: procedure */ { ulint fold; mutex_enter(&(dict_sys->mutex)); fold = ut_fold_string(proc->name); /* Look for a procedure with the same name: error if such exists */ { dict_proc_t* proc2; HASH_SEARCH(name_hash, dict_sys->procedure_hash, fold, proc2, (ut_strcmp(proc2->name, proc->name) == 0)); ut_a(proc2 == NULL); } /* Add the procedure to the hash table */ HASH_INSERT(dict_proc_t, name_hash, dict_sys->procedure_hash, fold, proc); mutex_exit(&(dict_sys->mutex)); } /************************************************************************** Reserves a parsed copy of a stored procedure to execute. If there are no free parsed copies left at the moment, parses a new copy. Takes the copy off the list of copies: the copy must be returned there with dict_procedure_release_parsed_copy. */ que_t* dict_procedure_reserve_parsed_copy( /*===============================*/ /* out: the query graph */ dict_proc_t* proc) /* in: dictionary procedure node */ { que_t* graph; proc_node_t* proc_node; ut_ad(!mutex_own(&kernel_mutex)); mutex_enter(&(dict_sys->mutex)); #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG UT_LIST_VALIDATE(graphs, que_t, proc->graphs); #endif graph = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(proc->graphs); if (graph) { UT_LIST_REMOVE(graphs, proc->graphs, graph); /* printf("Graph removed, list length %lu\n", UT_LIST_GET_LEN(proc->graphs)); */ #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG UT_LIST_VALIDATE(graphs, que_t, proc->graphs); #endif } mutex_exit(&(dict_sys->mutex)); if (graph == NULL) { graph = pars_sql(proc->sql_string); proc_node = que_fork_get_child(graph); proc_node->dict_proc = proc; printf("Parsed a new copy of graph %s\n", proc_node->proc_id->name); } /* printf("Returning graph %lu\n", (ulint)graph); */ return(graph); } /************************************************************************** Releases a parsed copy of an executed stored procedure. Puts the copy to the list of copies. */ void dict_procedure_release_parsed_copy( /*===============================*/ que_t* graph) /* in: query graph of a stored procedure */ { proc_node_t* proc_node; ut_ad(!mutex_own(&kernel_mutex)); mutex_enter(&(dict_sys->mutex)); proc_node = que_fork_get_child(graph); UT_LIST_ADD_FIRST(graphs, (proc_node->dict_proc)->graphs, graph); mutex_exit(&(dict_sys->mutex)); } /************************************************************************** Returns an index object if it is found in the dictionary cache. */ dict_index_t* dict_index_get_if_in_cache( /*=======================*/ /* out: index, NULL if not found */ dulint index_id) /* in: index id */ { dict_table_t* table; dict_index_t* index; if (dict_sys == NULL) { return(NULL); } mutex_enter(&(dict_sys->mutex)); table = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(dict_sys->table_LRU); while (table) { index = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(table->indexes); while (index) { if (0 == ut_dulint_cmp(index->id, index_id)) { goto found; } index = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(indexes, index); } table = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(table_LRU, table); } index = NULL; found: mutex_exit(&(dict_sys->mutex)); return(index); } /************************************************************************** Creates an index tree struct. */ dict_tree_t* dict_tree_create( /*=============*/ /* out, own: created tree */ dict_index_t* index) /* in: the index for which to create: in the case of a mixed tree, this should be the index of the cluster object */ { dict_tree_t* tree; tree = mem_alloc(sizeof(dict_tree_t)); /* Inherit info from the index */ tree->type = index->type; tree->space = index->space; tree->page = index->page_no; tree->id = index->id; UT_LIST_INIT(tree->tree_indexes); tree->magic_n = DICT_TREE_MAGIC_N; rw_lock_create(&(tree->lock)); rw_lock_set_level(&(tree->lock), SYNC_INDEX_TREE); return(tree); } /************************************************************************** Frees an index tree struct. */ void dict_tree_free( /*===========*/ dict_tree_t* tree) /* in, own: index tree */ { ut_ad(tree); ut_ad(tree->magic_n == DICT_TREE_MAGIC_N); rw_lock_free(&(tree->lock)); mem_free(tree); } /************************************************************************** In an index tree, finds the index corresponding to a record in the tree. */ UNIV_INLINE dict_index_t* dict_tree_find_index_low( /*=====================*/ /* out: index */ dict_tree_t* tree, /* in: index tree */ rec_t* rec) /* in: record for which to find correct index */ { dict_index_t* index; dict_table_t* table; dulint mix_id; ulint len; index = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(tree->tree_indexes); ut_ad(index); table = index->table; if ((index->type & DICT_CLUSTERED) && (table->type != DICT_TABLE_ORDINARY)) { /* Get the mix id of the record */ mix_id = mach_dulint_read_compressed( rec_get_nth_field(rec, table->mix_len, &len)); while (ut_dulint_cmp(table->mix_id, mix_id) != 0) { index = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(tree_indexes, index); table = index->table; ut_ad(index); } } return(index); } /************************************************************************** In an index tree, finds the index corresponding to a record in the tree. */ dict_index_t* dict_tree_find_index( /*=================*/ /* out: index */ dict_tree_t* tree, /* in: index tree */ rec_t* rec) /* in: record for which to find correct index */ { dict_index_t* index; index = dict_tree_find_index_low(tree, rec); return(index); } /************************************************************************** In an index tree, finds the index corresponding to a dtuple which is used in a search to a tree. */ dict_index_t* dict_tree_find_index_for_tuple( /*===========================*/ /* out: index; NULL if the tuple does not contain the mix id field in a mixed tree */ dict_tree_t* tree, /* in: index tree */ dtuple_t* tuple) /* in: tuple for which to find index */ { dict_index_t* index; dict_table_t* table; dulint mix_id; ut_ad(dtuple_check_typed(tuple)); if (UT_LIST_GET_LEN(tree->tree_indexes) == 1) { return(UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(tree->tree_indexes)); } index = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(tree->tree_indexes); ut_ad(index); table = index->table; if (dtuple_get_n_fields(tuple) <= table->mix_len) { return(NULL); } /* Get the mix id of the record */ mix_id = mach_dulint_read_compressed( dfield_get_data( dtuple_get_nth_field(tuple, table->mix_len))); while (ut_dulint_cmp(table->mix_id, mix_id) != 0) { index = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(tree_indexes, index); table = index->table; ut_ad(index); } return(index); } /************************************************************************** Checks that a tuple has n_fields_cmp value in a sensible range, so that no comparison can occur with the page number field in a node pointer. */ ibool dict_tree_check_search_tuple( /*=========================*/ /* out: TRUE if ok */ dict_tree_t* tree, /* in: index tree */ dtuple_t* tuple) /* in: tuple used in a search */ { dict_index_t* index; index = dict_tree_find_index_for_tuple(tree, tuple); if (index == NULL) { return(TRUE); } ut_a(dtuple_get_n_fields_cmp(tuple) <= dict_index_get_n_unique_in_tree(index)); return(TRUE); } /************************************************************************** Builds a node pointer out of a physical record and a page number. */ dtuple_t* dict_tree_build_node_ptr( /*=====================*/ /* out, own: node pointer */ dict_tree_t* tree, /* in: index tree */ rec_t* rec, /* in: record for which to build node pointer */ ulint page_no,/* in: page number to put in node pointer */ mem_heap_t* heap) /* in: memory heap where pointer created */ { dtuple_t* tuple; dict_index_t* ind; dfield_t* field; byte* buf; ulint n_unique; ind = dict_tree_find_index_low(tree, rec); if (tree->type & DICT_UNIVERSAL) { /* In a universal index tree, we take the whole record as the node pointer */ n_unique = rec_get_n_fields(rec); } else { n_unique = dict_index_get_n_unique_in_tree(ind); } tuple = dtuple_create(heap, n_unique + 1); /* When searching in the tree for the node pointer, we must not do comparison on the last field, the page number field, as on upper levels in the tree there may be identical node pointers with a different page number; therefore, we set the n_fields_cmp to one less: */ dtuple_set_n_fields_cmp(tuple, n_unique); dict_index_copy_types(tuple, ind, n_unique); buf = mem_heap_alloc(heap, 4); mach_write_to_4(buf, page_no); field = dtuple_get_nth_field(tuple, n_unique); dfield_set_data(field, buf, 4); dtype_set(dfield_get_type(field), DATA_SYS_CHILD, 0, 0, 0); rec_copy_prefix_to_dtuple(tuple, rec, n_unique, heap); ut_ad(dtuple_check_typed(tuple)); return(tuple); } /************************************************************************** Copies an initial segment of a physical record, long enough to specify an index entry uniquely. */ rec_t* dict_tree_copy_rec_order_prefix( /*============================*/ /* out: pointer to the prefix record */ dict_tree_t* tree, /* in: index tree */ rec_t* rec, /* in: record for which to copy prefix */ byte** buf, /* in/out: memory buffer for the copied prefix, or NULL */ ulint* buf_size)/* in/out: buffer size */ { dict_index_t* ind; rec_t* order_rec; ulint n_fields; ind = dict_tree_find_index_low(tree, rec); n_fields = dict_index_get_n_unique_in_tree(ind); if (tree->type & DICT_UNIVERSAL) { n_fields = rec_get_n_fields(rec); } order_rec = rec_copy_prefix_to_buf(rec, n_fields, buf, buf_size); return(order_rec); } /************************************************************************** Builds a typed data tuple out of a physical record. */ dtuple_t* dict_tree_build_data_tuple( /*=======================*/ /* out, own: data tuple */ dict_tree_t* tree, /* in: index tree */ rec_t* rec, /* in: record for which to build data tuple */ mem_heap_t* heap) /* in: memory heap where tuple created */ { dtuple_t* tuple; dict_index_t* ind; ulint n_fields; ind = dict_tree_find_index_low(tree, rec); n_fields = rec_get_n_fields(rec); tuple = dtuple_create(heap, n_fields); dict_index_copy_types(tuple, ind, n_fields); rec_copy_prefix_to_dtuple(tuple, rec, n_fields, heap); ut_ad(dtuple_check_typed(tuple)); return(tuple); } /************************************************************************* Calculates new estimates for table and index statistics. The statistics are used in query optimization. */ void dict_update_statistics( /*===================*/ dict_table_t* table) /* in: table */ { mem_heap_t* heap; dict_index_t* index; dtuple_t* start; dtuple_t* end; ulint n_rows; ulint n_vals; ulint size; ulint sum_of_index_sizes = 0; /* Estimate the number of records in the clustered index */ index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); heap = mem_heap_create(500); start = dtuple_create(heap, 0); end = dtuple_create(heap, 0); n_rows = btr_estimate_n_rows_in_range(index, start, PAGE_CUR_G, end, PAGE_CUR_L); mem_heap_free(heap); if (n_rows > 0) { /* For small tables our estimate function tends to give values 1 too big */ n_rows--; } mutex_enter(&(dict_sys->mutex)); table->stat_last_estimate_counter = table->stat_modif_counter; table->stat_n_rows = n_rows; mutex_exit(&(dict_sys->mutex)); /* Find out the sizes of the indexes and how many different values for the key they approximately have */ while (index) { n_vals = btr_estimate_number_of_different_key_vals(index); size = btr_get_size(index, BTR_TOTAL_SIZE); sum_of_index_sizes += size; mutex_enter(&(dict_sys->mutex)); index->stat_n_diff_key_vals = n_vals; index->stat_index_size = size; mutex_exit(&(dict_sys->mutex)); index = dict_table_get_next_index(index); } index = dict_table_get_first_index(table); table->stat_clustered_index_size = index->stat_index_size; table->stat_sum_of_other_index_sizes = sum_of_index_sizes - index->stat_index_size; table->stat_last_estimate_counter = table->stat_modif_counter; } /************************************************************************** Prints a table data. */ void dict_table_print( /*=============*/ dict_table_t* table) /* in: table */ { mutex_enter(&(dict_sys->mutex)); dict_table_print_low(table); mutex_exit(&(dict_sys->mutex)); } /************************************************************************** Prints a table data when we know the table name. */ void dict_table_print_by_name( /*=====================*/ char* name) { dict_table_t* table; mutex_enter(&(dict_sys->mutex)); table = dict_table_get_low(name); ut_a(table); dict_table_print_low(table); mutex_exit(&(dict_sys->mutex)); } /************************************************************************** Prints a table data. */ static void dict_table_print_low( /*=================*/ dict_table_t* table) /* in: table */ { ulint i; dict_index_t* index; ut_ad(mutex_own(&(dict_sys->mutex))); printf("--------------------------------------\n"); printf("TABLE INFO: name %s, columns %lu, indexes %lu\n", table->name, table->n_cols, UT_LIST_GET_LEN(table->indexes)); for (i = 0; i < table->n_cols; i++) { printf(" "); dict_col_print_low(dict_table_get_nth_col(table, i)); } index = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(table->indexes); while (index != NULL) { dict_index_print_low(index); index = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(indexes, index); } } /************************************************************************** Prints a column data. */ static void dict_col_print_low( /*===============*/ dict_col_t* col) /* in: column */ { dtype_t* type; ut_ad(mutex_own(&(dict_sys->mutex))); type = dict_col_get_type(col); printf("COLUMN: name %s; ", col->name); dtype_print(type); } /************************************************************************** Prints an index data. */ static void dict_index_print_low( /*=================*/ dict_index_t* index) /* in: index */ { ulint i; dict_tree_t* tree; ut_ad(mutex_own(&(dict_sys->mutex))); tree = index->tree; printf( "INDEX INFO: name %s, table name %s, fields %lu, type %lu\n", index->name, index->table_name, index->n_fields, index->type); printf(" root node: space %lu, page number %lu\n", tree->space, tree->page); for (i = 0; i < index->n_fields; i++) { printf(" "); dict_field_print_low(dict_index_get_nth_field(index, i)); } btr_print_size(tree); btr_print_tree(tree, 7); } /************************************************************************** Prints a field data. */ static void dict_field_print_low( /*=================*/ dict_field_t* field) /* in: field */ { ut_ad(mutex_own(&(dict_sys->mutex))); printf("FIELD: column name %s, order criterion %lu\n", field->name, field->order); }