/* yassl.cpp * * Copyright (C) 2003 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd. * * This file is part of yaSSL. * * yaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * yaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ /* yaSSL implements external API */ #include "runtime.hpp" #include "yassl.hpp" #include "yassl_int.hpp" #include "handshake.hpp" #include #include "openssl/ssl.h" // get rid of this // yaSSL overloads hide these void* operator new[](size_t sz) { return ::operator new(sz); } void operator delete[](void* ptr) { ::operator delete(ptr); } namespace yaSSL { using mySTL::min; struct Base { SSL_METHOD* method_; SSL_CTX* ctx_; SSL* ssl_; char* ca_; char* cert_; char* key_; DH* dh_; Base() : method_(0), ctx_(0), ssl_(0), ca_(0), cert_(0), key_(0), dh_(0) {} ~Base() { if (dh_) DH_free(dh_); delete[] key_; delete[] cert_; delete[] ca_; SSL_CTX_free(ctx_); // frees method_ too SSL_free(ssl_); } }; void SetDH(Base&); void SetUpBase(Base& base, ConnectionEnd end, SOCKET_T s) { base.method_ = new SSL_METHOD(end, ProtocolVersion(3,1)); base.ctx_ = new SSL_CTX(base.method_); if (base.ca_) if (SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(base.ctx_, base.ca_, 0) != SSL_SUCCESS) assert(0); if (base.cert_) if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(base.ctx_, base.cert_, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) != SSL_SUCCESS) assert(0); if (base.key_) if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(base.ctx_, base.key_, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) != SSL_SUCCESS) assert(0); if (end == server_end) SetDH(base); base.ssl_ = new SSL(base.ctx_); base.ssl_->useSocket().set_fd(s); } void SetDH(Base& base) { static unsigned char dh512_p[] = { 0xDA,0x58,0x3C,0x16,0xD9,0x85,0x22,0x89,0xD0,0xE4,0xAF,0x75, 0x6F,0x4C,0xCA,0x92,0xDD,0x4B,0xE5,0x33,0xB8,0x04,0xFB,0x0F, 0xED,0x94,0xEF,0x9C,0x8A,0x44,0x03,0xED,0x57,0x46,0x50,0xD3, 0x69,0x99,0xDB,0x29,0xD7,0x76,0x27,0x6B,0xA2,0xD3,0xD4,0x12, 0xE2,0x18,0xF4,0xDD,0x1E,0x08,0x4C,0xF6,0xD8,0x00,0x3E,0x7C, 0x47,0x74,0xE8,0x33, }; static unsigned char dh512_g[] = { 0x02, }; if ( (base.dh_ = DH_new()) ) { base.dh_->p = BN_bin2bn(dh512_p, sizeof(dh512_p), 0); base.dh_->g = BN_bin2bn(dh512_g, sizeof(dh512_g), 0); } if (!base.dh_->p || !base.dh_->g) { DH_free(base.dh_); base.dh_ = 0; } SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(base.ctx_, base.dh_); } void NewCopy(char*& dst, const char* src) { size_t len = strlen(src) + 1; dst = new char[len]; strncpy(dst, src, len); } // Client Implementation struct Client::ClientImpl { Base base_; }; Client::Client() : pimpl_(new ClientImpl) {} Client::~Client() { delete pimpl_; } int Client::Connect(SOCKET_T s) { SetUpBase(pimpl_->base_, client_end, s); return SSL_connect(pimpl_->base_.ssl_); } int Client::Write(const void* buffer, int sz) { return sendData(*pimpl_->base_.ssl_, buffer, sz); } int Client::Read(void* buffer, int sz) { Data data(min(sz, MAX_RECORD_SIZE), static_cast(buffer)); return receiveData(*pimpl_->base_.ssl_, data); } void Client::SetCA(const char* name) { NewCopy(pimpl_->base_.ca_, name); } void Client::SetCert(const char* name) { NewCopy(pimpl_->base_.cert_, name); } void Client::SetKey(const char* name) { NewCopy(pimpl_->base_.key_, name); } // Server Implementation struct Server::ServerImpl { Base base_; }; Server::Server() : pimpl_(new ServerImpl) {} Server::~Server() { delete pimpl_; } int Server::Accept(SOCKET_T s) { SetUpBase(pimpl_->base_, server_end, s); return SSL_accept(pimpl_->base_.ssl_); } int Server::Write(const void* buffer, int sz) { return sendData(*pimpl_->base_.ssl_, buffer, sz); } int Server::Read(void* buffer, int sz) { Data data(min(sz, MAX_RECORD_SIZE), static_cast(buffer)); return receiveData(*pimpl_->base_.ssl_, data); } void Server::SetCA(const char* name) { NewCopy(pimpl_->base_.ca_, name); } void Server::SetCert(const char* name) { NewCopy(pimpl_->base_.cert_, name); } void Server::SetKey(const char* name) { NewCopy(pimpl_->base_.key_, name); } } // namespace yaSSL