yaSSL FLOSS License Exception

Version 0.2, 31 August 2006

The Sawtooth Consulting Ltd. Exception for Free/Libre and Open Source
Software-only Applications Using yaSSL Libraries (the "FLOSS Exception").

*Exception Intent*

We want specified Free/Libre and Open Source Software ("FLOSS")
applications to be able to use specified GPL-licensed yaSSL
libraries (the "Program") despite the fact that not all FLOSS
licenses are compatible with version 2 of the GNU General Public
License (the "GPL").

*Legal Terms and Conditions*

As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 2.0 of
the GPL:

  1.     You are free to distribute a Derivative Work that is formed
     entirely from the Program and one or more works (each, a "FLOSS
     Work") licensed under one or more of the licenses listed below
     in section 1, as long as:

       1.      You obey the GPL in all respects for the Program and the
          Derivative Work, except for identifiable sections of the
          Derivative Work which are not derived from the Program,
          and which can reasonably be considered independent and
          separate works in themselves,

       2.      all identifiable sections of the Derivative Work which
          are not derived from the Program, and which can reasonably be
          considered independent and separate works in themselves,

             *       i

               are distributed subject to one of the FLOSS licenses
               listed below, and

             *       ii

               the object code or executable form of those sections are
               accompanied by the complete corresponding machine-readable
               source code for those sections on the same medium and under
               the same FLOSS license as the corresponding object code or
               executable forms of those sections, and

       3.      any works which are aggregated with the Program or with
          a Derivative Work on a volume of a storage or distribution
          medium in accordance with the GPL, can reasonably be considered
          independent and separate works in themselves which are not
          derivatives of either the Program, a Derivative Work or a FLOSS

     If the above conditions are not met, then the Program may only be
     copied, modified, distributed or used under the terms and
     conditions of the GPL or another valid licensing option from
     Sawtooth Consulting Ltd.

  2.     FLOSS License List

     *License name*                            *Version(s)/Copyright Date*
     Academic Free License                              2.0
     Apache Software License                            1.0/1.1/2.0
     Apple Public Source License                        2.0
     Artistic license                                   From Perl 5.8.0
     BSD license                                        "July 22 1999"
     Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) 1.0
     Common Public License                              1.0
     GNU Library or "Lesser" General Public             2.0/2.1
     License (LGPL)                           
     Jabber Open Source License                         1.0
     MIT license                                        -
     Mozilla Public License (MPL)                       1.0/1.1
     Open Software License                              2.0
     PHP License                                        3.0
     Python license (CNRI Python License)               -
     Python Software Foundation License                 2.1.1
     Sleepycat License                                  "1999"
     University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License    -
     W3C License                                        "2001"
     X11 License                                        "2001"
     Zlib/libpng License                                -
     Zope Public License                                2.0

     Due to the many variants of some of the above licenses, we require
     that any version follow the 2003 version of the Free Software
     Foundation's Free Software Definition
     (http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html))    or version 1.9 of
     the Open Source Definition by the Open Source    Initiative

  3.     Definitions

       1.      Terms used, but not defined, herein shall have the
          meaning provided in the GPL.

       2.      Derivative Work means a derivative work under copyright

  4.     Applicability This FLOSS Exception applies to all Programs that
     contain a notice placed by Sawtooth Consulting Ltd. saying that the
     Program may be distributed under the terms of this FLOSS Exception.
     If you create or distribute a work which is a Derivative Work of
     both the Program and any other work licensed under the GPL, then
     this FLOSS Exception is not available for that work; thus, you
     must remove the FLOSS Exception notice from that work and
     comply with the GPL in all respects, including by retaining all
     GPL notices. You may choose to redistribute a copy of the
     Program exclusively under the terms of the GPL by removing the
     FLOSS Exception notice from that copy of the Program, provided
     that the copy has never been modified by you or any third party.