# If timestamping is used, it can (rarely) fail, when public timestamping service has issues. # # To handle the error gracefully and tranparently, we'll retry the signtool command, # second time without "/t URL" parameter SET(SIGNTOOL_PARAMETERS_NO_TIMESTAMP "@SIGNTOOL_PARAMETERS@") LIST(FIND SIGNTOOL_PARAMETERS_NO_TIMESTAMP /t idx) IF(NOT(idx EQUAL -1)) LIST(REMOVE_AT SIGNTOOL_PARAMETERS_NO_TIMESTAMP ${idx}) #remove the URL following /t , as well LIST(REMOVE_AT SIGNTOOL_PARAMETERS_NO_TIMESTAMP ${idx}) ENDIF() GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(SIGNTOOL_DIR "@SIGNTOOL_EXECUTABLE@" DIRECTORY) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(SIGNTOOL_NAME "@SIGNTOOL_EXECUTABLE@" NAME) FILE(GLOB_RECURSE files "@CMAKE_BINARY_DIR@/*.signme") MESSAGE(STATUS "signing files") FOREACH(f ${files}) STRING(REPLACE ".signme" "" exe_location "${f}") string (REPLACE ";" " " params "@SIGNTOOL_PARAMETERS@") EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND cmd /c "${SIGNTOOL_NAME}" sign @SIGNTOOL_PARAMETERS@ "${exe_location}" 2>NUL || "${SIGNTOOL_NAME}" sign ${SIGNTOOL_PARAMETERS_NO_TIMESTAMP} "${exe_location}" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${SIGNTOOL_DIR} RESULT_VARIABLE ERR) IF(NOT ${ERR} EQUAL 0) MESSAGE( "Error ${ERR} signing ${exe_location}") ELSE() FILE(REMOVE ${f}) ENDIF() ENDFOREACH()