# Sel the file LICENSE for redistribution information. # # Copyright (c) 1999-2002 # Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved. # # $Id: rpc002.tcl,v 1.17 2002/07/16 20:53:03 bostic Exp $ # # TEST rpc002 # TEST Test invalid RPC functions and make sure we error them correctly proc rpc002 { } { global __debug_on global __debug_print global errorInfo global rpc_svc source ./include.tcl set testfile "rpc002.db" set home [file tail $rpc_testdir] # # First start the server. # puts "Rpc002: Unsupported interface test" if { [string compare $rpc_server "localhost"] == 0 } { set dpid [exec $util_path/$rpc_svc -h $rpc_testdir &] } else { set dpid [exec rsh $rpc_server $rpc_path/$rpc_svc \ -h $rpc_testdir &] } puts "\tRpc002.a: Started server, pid $dpid" tclsleep 2 remote_cleanup $rpc_server $rpc_testdir $testdir puts "\tRpc002.b: Unsupported env options" # # Test each "pre-open" option for env's. These need to be # tested on the 'berkdb_env' line. # set rlist { { "-data_dir $rpc_testdir" "Rpc002.b0"} { "-log_buffer 512" "Rpc002.b1"} { "-log_dir $rpc_testdir" "Rpc002.b2"} { "-log_max 100" "Rpc002.b3"} { "-lock_conflict {3 {0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1}}" "Rpc002.b4"} { "-lock_detect default" "Rpc002.b5"} { "-lock_max 100" "Rpc002.b6"} { "-mmapsize 100" "Rpc002.b7"} { "-shm_key 100" "Rpc002.b9"} { "-tmp_dir $rpc_testdir" "Rpc002.b10"} { "-txn_max 100" "Rpc002.b11"} { "-txn_timestamp 100" "Rpc002.b12"} { "-verbose {recovery on}" "Rpc002.b13"} } set e "berkdb_env_noerr -create -mode 0644 -home $home \ -server $rpc_server -client_timeout 10000 -txn" foreach pair $rlist { set cmd [lindex $pair 0] set msg [lindex $pair 1] puts "\t$msg: $cmd" set stat [catch {eval $e $cmd} ret] error_check_good $cmd $stat 1 error_check_good $cmd.err \ [is_substr $errorInfo "meaningless in an RPC env"] 1 } # # Open an env with all the subsystems (-txn implies all # the rest) # puts "\tRpc002.c: Unsupported env related interfaces" set env [eval {berkdb_env_noerr -create -mode 0644 -home $home \ -server $rpc_server -client_timeout 10000 -txn}] error_check_good envopen [is_valid_env $env] TRUE set dbcmd "berkdb_open_noerr -create -btree -mode 0644 -env $env \ $testfile" set db [eval $dbcmd] error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE # # Test each "post-open" option relating to envs, txns, locks, # logs and mpools. # set rlist { { " lock_detect default" "Rpc002.c0"} { " lock_get read 1 $env" "Rpc002.c1"} { " lock_id" "Rpc002.c2"} { " lock_stat" "Rpc002.c3"} { " lock_vec 1 {get $env read}" "Rpc002.c4"} { " log_archive" "Rpc002.c5"} { " log_file {0 0}" "Rpc002.c6"} { " log_flush" "Rpc002.c7"} { " log_cursor" "Rpc002.c8"} { " log_stat" "Rpc002.c9"} { " mpool -create -pagesize 512" "Rpc002.c10"} { " mpool_stat" "Rpc002.c11"} { " mpool_sync {0 0}" "Rpc002.c12"} { " mpool_trickle 50" "Rpc002.c13"} { " txn_checkpoint -min 1" "Rpc002.c14"} { " txn_stat" "Rpc002.c15"} } foreach pair $rlist { set cmd [lindex $pair 0] set msg [lindex $pair 1] puts "\t$msg: $cmd" set stat [catch {eval $env $cmd} ret] error_check_good $cmd $stat 1 error_check_good $cmd.err \ [is_substr $errorInfo "meaningless in an RPC env"] 1 } error_check_good dbclose [$db close] 0 # # The database operations that aren't supported are few # because mostly they are the ones Tcl doesn't support # either so we have no way to get at them. Test what we can. # puts "\tRpc002.d: Unsupported database related interfaces" # # NOTE: the type of database doesn't matter, just use btree. # puts "\tRpc002.d0: -cachesize" set dbcmd "berkdb_open_noerr -create -btree -mode 0644 -env $env \ -cachesize {0 65536 0} $testfile" set stat [catch {eval $dbcmd} ret] error_check_good dbopen_cache $stat 1 error_check_good dbopen_cache_err \ [is_substr $errorInfo "meaningless in an RPC env"] 1 puts "\tRpc002.d1: Try to upgrade a database" # # NOTE: the type of database doesn't matter, just use btree. set stat [catch {eval {berkdb upgrade -env} $env $testfile} ret] error_check_good dbupgrade $stat 1 error_check_good dbupgrade_err \ [is_substr $errorInfo "meaningless in an RPC env"] 1 error_check_good envclose [$env close] 0 tclkill $dpid }