# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. # # Copyright (c) 1996-2002 # Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved. # # $Id: rpc001.tcl,v 11.33 2002/07/25 22:57:32 mjc Exp $ # # TEST rpc001 # TEST Test RPC server timeouts for cursor, txn and env handles. # TEST Test RPC specifics, primarily that unsupported functions return # TEST errors and such. proc rpc001 { } { global __debug_on global __debug_print global errorInfo global rpc_svc source ./include.tcl # # First test timeouts on server. # set ttime 5 set itime 10 puts "Rpc001: Server timeouts: resource $ttime sec, idle $itime sec" if { [string compare $rpc_server "localhost"] == 0 } { set dpid [exec $util_path/$rpc_svc \ -h $rpc_testdir -t $ttime -I $itime &] } else { set dpid [exec rsh $rpc_server $rpc_path/$rpc_svc \ -h $rpc_testdir -t $ttime -I $itime&] } puts "\tRpc001.a: Started server, pid $dpid" tclsleep 2 remote_cleanup $rpc_server $rpc_testdir $testdir puts "\tRpc001.b: Creating environment" set testfile "rpc001.db" set home [file tail $rpc_testdir] set env [eval {berkdb_env -create -mode 0644 -home $home \ -server $rpc_server -client_timeout 10000 -txn}] error_check_good lock_env:open [is_valid_env $env] TRUE puts "\tRpc001.c: Opening a database" # # NOTE: the type of database doesn't matter, just use btree. set db [eval {berkdb_open -auto_commit -create -btree -mode 0644} \ -env $env $testfile] error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE set curs_list {} set txn_list {} puts "\tRpc001.d: Basic timeout test" puts "\tRpc001.d1: Starting a transaction" set txn [$env txn] error_check_good txn_begin [is_valid_txn $txn $env] TRUE lappend txn_list $txn puts "\tRpc001.d2: Open a cursor in that transaction" set dbc [$db cursor -txn $txn] error_check_good db_cursor [is_valid_cursor $dbc $db] TRUE lappend curs_list $dbc puts "\tRpc001.d3: Duplicate that cursor" set dbc [$dbc dup] error_check_good db_cursor [is_valid_cursor $dbc $db] TRUE lappend curs_list $dbc puts "\tRpc001.d4: Starting a nested transaction" set txn [$env txn -parent $txn] error_check_good txn_begin [is_valid_txn $txn $env] TRUE set txn_list [linsert $txn_list 0 $txn] puts "\tRpc001.d5: Create a cursor, no transaction" set dbc [$db cursor] error_check_good db_cursor [is_valid_cursor $dbc $db] TRUE lappend curs_list $dbc puts "\tRpc001.d6: Timeout cursor and transactions" set sleeptime [expr $ttime + 2] tclsleep $sleeptime # # Perform a generic db operations to cause the timeout routine # to trigger. # set stat [catch {$db stat} ret] error_check_good dbstat $stat 0 # # Check that every handle we opened above is timed out # foreach c $curs_list { set stat [catch {$c close} ret] error_check_good dbc_close:$c $stat 1 error_check_good dbc_timeout:$c \ [is_substr $errorInfo "DB_NOSERVER_ID"] 1 } foreach t $txn_list { set stat [catch {$t commit} ret] error_check_good txn_commit:$t $stat 1 error_check_good txn_timeout:$t \ [is_substr $errorInfo "DB_NOSERVER_ID"] 1 } set txn_list {} set ntxns 8 puts "\tRpc001.e: Nested ($ntxns x $ntxns) transaction activity test" puts "\tRpc001.e1: Starting parent transaction" set txn [$env txn] error_check_good txn_begin [is_valid_txn $txn $env] TRUE set txn_list [linsert $txn_list 0 $txn] set last_txn $txn set parent_txn $txn # # First set a breadth of 'ntxns' # We need 2 from this set for testing later on. Just set them # up separately first. # puts "\tRpc001.e2: Creating $ntxns child transactions" set child0 [$env txn -parent $parent_txn] error_check_good txn_begin [is_valid_txn $child0 $env] TRUE set child1 [$env txn -parent $parent_txn] error_check_good txn_begin [is_valid_txn $child1 $env] TRUE for {set i 2} {$i < $ntxns} {incr i} { set txn [$env txn -parent $parent_txn] error_check_good txn_begin [is_valid_txn $txn $env] TRUE set txn_list [linsert $txn_list 0 $txn] } # # Now make one 'ntxns' deeply nested. # Add one more for testing later on separately. # puts "\tRpc001.e3: Creating $ntxns nested child transactions" for {set i 0} {$i < $ntxns} {incr i} { set txn [$env txn -parent $last_txn] error_check_good txn_begin [is_valid_txn $txn $env] TRUE set txn_list [linsert $txn_list 0 $txn] set last_txn $txn } set last_parent $last_txn set last_txn [$env txn -parent $last_parent] error_check_good txn_begin [is_valid_txn $last_txn $env] TRUE puts "\tRpc001.e4: Open a cursor in deepest transaction" set dbc [$db cursor -txn $last_txn] error_check_good db_cursor [is_valid_cursor $dbc $db] TRUE puts "\tRpc001.e5: Duplicate that cursor" set dbcdup [$dbc dup] error_check_good db_cursor [is_valid_cursor $dbcdup $db] TRUE lappend curs_list $dbcdup puts "\tRpc001.f: Timeout then activate duplicate cursor" tclsleep $sleeptime set stat [catch {$dbcdup close} ret] error_check_good dup_close:$dbcdup $stat 0 error_check_good dup_close:$dbcdup $ret 0 # # Make sure that our parent txn is not timed out. We will # try to begin another child tnx using the parent. We expect # that to succeed. Immediately commit that txn. # set stat [catch {$env txn -parent $parent_txn} newchild] error_check_good newchildtxn $stat 0 error_check_good newcommit [$newchild commit] 0 puts "\tRpc001.g: Timeout, then activate cursor" tclsleep $sleeptime set stat [catch {$dbc close} ret] error_check_good dbc_close:$dbc $stat 0 error_check_good dbc_close:$dbc $ret 0 # # Make sure that our parent txn is not timed out. We will # try to begin another child tnx using the parent. We expect # that to succeed. Immediately commit that txn. # set stat [catch {$env txn -parent $parent_txn} newchild] error_check_good newchildtxn $stat 0 error_check_good newcommit [$newchild commit] 0 puts "\tRpc001.h: Timeout, then activate child txn" tclsleep $sleeptime set stat [catch {$child0 commit} ret] error_check_good child_commit $stat 0 error_check_good child_commit:$child0 $ret 0 # # # Make sure that our nested txn is not timed out. We will # try to begin another child tnx using the parent. We expect # that to succeed. Immediately commit that txn. # set stat [catch {$env txn -parent $last_parent} newchild] error_check_good newchildtxn $stat 0 error_check_good newcommit [$newchild commit] 0 puts "\tRpc001.i: Timeout, then activate nested txn" tclsleep $sleeptime set stat [catch {$last_txn commit} ret] error_check_good lasttxn_commit $stat 0 error_check_good lasttxn_commit:$child0 $ret 0 # # Make sure that our child txn is not timed out. We should # be able to commit it. # set stat [catch {$child1 commit} ret] error_check_good child_commit:$child1 $stat 0 error_check_good child_commit:$child1 $ret 0 # # Clean up. They were inserted in LIFO order, so we should # just be able to commit them all. foreach t $txn_list { set stat [catch {$t commit} ret] error_check_good txn_commit:$t $stat 0 error_check_good txn_commit:$t $ret 0 } set stat [catch {$db close} ret] error_check_good db_close $stat 0 rpc_timeoutjoin $env "Rpc001.j" $sleeptime 0 rpc_timeoutjoin $env "Rpc001.k" $sleeptime 1 # # We need a 2nd env just to do an op to timeout the env. # Make the flags different so we don't end up sharing a handle. # set env1 [eval {berkdb_env -create -mode 0644 -home $home \ -server $rpc_server -client_timeout 10000}] error_check_good lock_env:open [is_valid_env $env1] TRUE puts "\tRpc001.l: Timeout idle env handle" set sleeptime [expr $itime + 2] tclsleep $sleeptime set stat [catch {$env1 close} ret] error_check_good env1_close $stat 0 set stat [catch {$env close} ret] error_check_good env_close $stat 1 error_check_good env_timeout \ [is_substr $errorInfo "DB_NOSERVER_ID"] 1 tclkill $dpid } proc rpc_timeoutjoin {env msg sleeptime use_txn} { # # Check join cursors now. # puts -nonewline "\t$msg: Test join cursors and timeouts" if { $use_txn } { puts " (using txns)" set txnflag "-auto_commit" } else { puts " (without txns)" set txnflag "" } # # Set up a simple set of join databases # puts "\t${msg}0: Set up join databases" set fruit { {blue blueberry} {red apple} {red cherry} {red raspberry} {yellow lemon} {yellow pear} } set price { {expen blueberry} {expen cherry} {expen raspberry} {inexp apple} {inexp lemon} {inexp pear} } set dessert { {blueberry cobbler} {cherry cobbler} {pear cobbler} {apple pie} {raspberry pie} {lemon pie} } set fdb [eval {berkdb_open -create -btree -mode 0644} \ $txnflag -env $env -dup fruit.db] error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $fdb] TRUE set pdb [eval {berkdb_open -create -btree -mode 0644} \ $txnflag -env $env -dup price.db] error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $pdb] TRUE set ddb [eval {berkdb_open -create -btree -mode 0644} \ $txnflag -env $env -dup dessert.db] error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $ddb] TRUE foreach kd $fruit { set k [lindex $kd 0] set d [lindex $kd 1] set ret [eval {$fdb put} $txnflag {$k $d}] error_check_good fruit_put $ret 0 } error_check_good sync [$fdb sync] 0 foreach kd $price { set k [lindex $kd 0] set d [lindex $kd 1] set ret [eval {$pdb put} $txnflag {$k $d}] error_check_good price_put $ret 0 } error_check_good sync [$pdb sync] 0 foreach kd $dessert { set k [lindex $kd 0] set d [lindex $kd 1] set ret [eval {$ddb put} $txnflag {$k $d}] error_check_good dessert_put $ret 0 } error_check_good sync [$ddb sync] 0 rpc_join $env $msg $sleeptime $fdb $pdb $ddb $use_txn 0 rpc_join $env $msg $sleeptime $fdb $pdb $ddb $use_txn 1 error_check_good ddb:close [$ddb close] 0 error_check_good pdb:close [$pdb close] 0 error_check_good fdb:close [$fdb close] 0 } proc rpc_join {env msg sleep fdb pdb ddb use_txn op} { global errorInfo # # Start a parent and child transaction. We'll do our join in # the child transaction just to make sure everything gets timed # out correctly. # set curs_list {} set txn_list {} set msgnum [expr $op * 2 + 1] if { $use_txn } { puts "\t$msg$msgnum: Set up txns and join cursor" set txn [$env txn] error_check_good txn_begin [is_valid_txn $txn $env] TRUE set txn_list [linsert $txn_list 0 $txn] set child0 [$env txn -parent $txn] error_check_good txn_begin [is_valid_txn $child0 $env] TRUE set txn_list [linsert $txn_list 0 $child0] set child1 [$env txn -parent $txn] error_check_good txn_begin [is_valid_txn $child1 $env] TRUE set txn_list [linsert $txn_list 0 $child1] set txncmd "-txn $child0" } else { puts "\t$msg$msgnum: Set up join cursor" set txncmd "" } # # Start a cursor, (using txn child0 in the fruit and price dbs, if # needed). # Just pick something simple to join on. # Then call join on the dessert db. # set fkey yellow set pkey inexp set fdbc [eval $fdb cursor $txncmd] error_check_good fdb_cursor [is_valid_cursor $fdbc $fdb] TRUE set ret [$fdbc get -set $fkey] error_check_bad fget:set [llength $ret] 0 set k [lindex [lindex $ret 0] 0] error_check_good fget:set:key $k $fkey set curs_list [linsert $curs_list 0 $fdbc] set pdbc [eval $pdb cursor $txncmd] error_check_good pdb_cursor [is_valid_cursor $pdbc $pdb] TRUE set ret [$pdbc get -set $pkey] error_check_bad pget:set [llength $ret] 0 set k [lindex [lindex $ret 0] 0] error_check_good pget:set:key $k $pkey set curs_list [linsert $curs_list 0 $pdbc] set jdbc [$ddb join $fdbc $pdbc] error_check_good join_cursor [is_valid_cursor $jdbc $ddb] TRUE set ret [$jdbc get] error_check_bad jget [llength $ret] 0 set msgnum [expr $op * 2 + 2] if { $op == 1 } { puts -nonewline "\t$msg$msgnum: Timeout all cursors" if { $use_txn } { puts " and txns" } else { puts "" } } else { puts "\t$msg$msgnum: Timeout, then activate join cursor" } tclsleep $sleep if { $op == 1 } { # # Perform a generic db operations to cause the timeout routine # to trigger. # set stat [catch {$fdb stat} ret] error_check_good fdbstat $stat 0 # # Check that join cursor is timed out. # set stat [catch {$jdbc close} ret] error_check_good dbc_close:$jdbc $stat 1 error_check_good dbc_timeout:$jdbc \ [is_substr $errorInfo "DB_NOSERVER_ID"] 1 # # Now the server may or may not timeout constituent # cursors when it times out the join cursor. So, just # sleep again and then they should timeout. # tclsleep $sleep set stat [catch {$fdb stat} ret] error_check_good fdbstat $stat 0 foreach c $curs_list { set stat [catch {$c close} ret] error_check_good dbc_close:$c $stat 1 error_check_good dbc_timeout:$c \ [is_substr $errorInfo "DB_NOSERVER_ID"] 1 } foreach t $txn_list { set stat [catch {$t commit} ret] error_check_good txn_commit:$t $stat 1 error_check_good txn_timeout:$t \ [is_substr $errorInfo "DB_NOSERVER_ID"] 1 } } else { set stat [catch {$jdbc get} ret] error_check_good jget.stat $stat 0 error_check_bad jget [llength $ret] 0 set curs_list [linsert $curs_list 0 $jdbc] foreach c $curs_list { set stat [catch {$c close} ret] error_check_good dbc_close:$c $stat 0 error_check_good dbc_close:$c $ret 0 } foreach t $txn_list { set stat [catch {$t commit} ret] error_check_good txn_commit:$t $stat 0 error_check_good txn_commit:$t $ret 0 } } }