From 1370500c0d1dbe051deaedd0fc6815a321b1379b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: unknown Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 18:19:24 +0100 Subject: WL#4189 - dynamic configuration support - safe process - cleanups - create new suite for fedarated BitKeeper/deleted/.del-basic.test: Rename: mysql-test/ndb/basic.test -> BitKeeper/deleted/.del-basic.test BitKeeper/deleted/.del-basic_log.result: Rename: mysql-test/ndb/basic_log.result -> BitKeeper/deleted/.del-basic_log.result mysql-test/suite/federated/federated_transactions.result: Rename: mysql-test/r/federated_transactions.result -> mysql-test/suite/federated/federated_transactions.result BitKeeper/deleted/.del-have_bug25714.require: Rename: mysql-test/r/have_bug25714.require -> BitKeeper/deleted/.del-have_bug25714.require BitKeeper/deleted/ Rename: mysql-test/misc/ -> BitKeeper/deleted/ BitKeeper/deleted/.del-ndb_config_4_node.ini~d8e572e9b68f933a: Rename: mysql-test/ndb/ndb_config_4_node.ini -> BitKeeper/deleted/.del-ndb_config_4_node.ini~d8e572e9b68f933a BitKeeper/deleted/.del-restart.result: Rename: mysql-test/ndb/restart.result -> BitKeeper/deleted/.del-restart.result mysql-test/suite/federated/ Rename: mysql-test/include/ -> mysql-test/suite/federated/ mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_rotate_logs-slave.opt: Rename: mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_rotate_logs.slave-mi -> mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_rotate_logs-slave.opt BitKeeper/deleted/ Rename: mysql-test/ -> BitKeeper/deleted/ BitKeeper/deleted/.del-ndb_config_1_node.ini~7ec640ed25570e16: Rename: mysql-test/ndb/ndb_config_1_node.ini -> BitKeeper/deleted/.del-ndb_config_1_node.ini~7ec640ed25570e16 BitKeeper/deleted/ Rename: mysql-test/lib/ -> BitKeeper/deleted/ BitKeeper/deleted/.del-create-test-result: Rename: mysql-test/create-test-result -> BitKeeper/deleted/.del-create-test-result BitKeeper/deleted/.del-fix-result: Rename: mysql-test/fix-result -> BitKeeper/deleted/.del-fix-result BitKeeper/deleted/ Rename: mysql-test/ -> BitKeeper/deleted/ BitKeeper/deleted/ Rename: mysql-test/misc/ -> BitKeeper/deleted/ BitKeeper/deleted/.del-resolve-stack: Rename: mysql-test/resolve-stack -> BitKeeper/deleted/.del-resolve-stack BitKeeper/deleted/.del-restart_log.result: Rename: mysql-test/ndb/restart_log.result -> BitKeeper/deleted/.del-restart_log.result mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_000015-slave.opt: Rename: mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_000015.slave-mi -> mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_000015-slave.opt BitKeeper/deleted/.del-ndb_config_2_node.ini: Rename: mysql-test/ndb/ndb_config_2_node.ini -> BitKeeper/deleted/.del-ndb_config_2_node.ini BitKeeper/deleted/ Rename: mysql-test/ndb/ -> BitKeeper/deleted/ BitKeeper/deleted/.del-basic.result: Rename: mysql-test/ndb/basic.result -> BitKeeper/deleted/.del-basic.result BitKeeper/deleted/.del-restart.test: Rename: mysql-test/ndb/restart.test -> BitKeeper/deleted/.del-restart.test BitKeeper/deleted/ Rename: mysql-test/include/ -> BitKeeper/deleted/ BitKeeper/deleted/ Rename: mysql-test/lib/ -> BitKeeper/deleted/ mysql-test/suite/federated/federated_transactions-slave.opt: Rename: mysql-test/t/federated_transactions-slave.opt -> mysql-test/suite/federated/federated_transactions-slave.opt BitKeeper/deleted/ Rename: mysql-test/ndb/ -> BitKeeper/deleted/ BitKeeper/deleted/ Rename: mysql-test/lib/ -> BitKeeper/deleted/ mysql-test/suite/federated/federated_innodb-slave.opt: Rename: mysql-test/t/federated_innodb-slave.opt -> mysql-test/suite/federated/federated_innodb-slave.opt client/mysqltest.c: Use current files path first when looking for include file Remove mysql-test/nbd mysql-test/ Cleanup mysql-test/ mysql-test/extra/binlog_tests/blackhole.test: Use new paths mysql-test/extra/binlog_tests/ctype_ucs_binlog.test: Use new paths mysql-test/ Dynamic configuration support Safe process mysql-test/extra/binlog_tests/mix_innodb_myisam_side_effects.test: Use new paths mysql-test/extra/rpl_tests/rpl_EE_err.test: Use new paths mysql-test/extra/rpl_tests/rpl_loaddata.test: Use new paths mysql-test/extra/rpl_tests/rpl_log.test: Use new paths mysql-test/extra/rpl_tests/rpl_row_001.test: Use new paths mysql-test/extra/rpl_tests/rpl_row_charset.test: Use new paths mysql-test/extra/rpl_tests/rpl_stm_000001.test: Use new paths mysql-test/extra/rpl_tests/rpl_stm_charset.test: Use new paths mysql-test/include/ Use new paths mysql-test/include/ Use new paths mysql-test/include/ Use new paths mysql-test/include/ Use new paths mysql-test/include/ Use new paths mysql-test/include/ Use new paths mysql-test/include/ Use new paths mysql-test/include/ Use new paths mysql-test/lib/My/ dynamic configuration safe process cleanups mysql-test/lib/ dynamic configuration safe process cleanups mysql-test/lib/ dynamic configuration safe process cleanups mysql-test/lib/ dynamic configuration safe process cleanups mysql-test/lib/ dynamic configuration safe process cleanups mysql-test/lib/ dynamic configuration safe process cleanups mysql-test/lib/ dynamic configuration safe process cleanups mysql-test/r/backup.result: Use new paths mysql-test/r/ctype_big5.result: Use new paths mysql-test/r/gis.result: Use new paths mysql-test/r/loaddata.result: Use new paths mysql-test/r/loaddata_autocom_innodb.result: Use new paths mysql-test/r/mysqlbinlog.result: Use new paths mysql-test/r/mysqlbinlog_base64.result: Use new paths mysql-test/r/outfile.result: Use new paths mysql-test/r/partition_error.result: Use new paths mysql-test/r/partition_not_windows.result: Use new paths mysql-test/r/partition_symlink.result: Use new paths mysql-test/r/query_cache.result: Use new paths mysql-test/r/sp.result: Use new paths mysql-test/r/symlink.result: Use new paths mysql-test/r/system_mysql_db.result: Use new paths mysql-test/r/trigger.result: Use new paths mysql-test/r/type_blob.result: Use new paths mysql-test/r/view.result: Use new paths mysql-test/r/warnings.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/binlog/r/binlog_killed_simulate.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/binlog/r/binlog_row_mix_innodb_myisam.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/binlog/r/binlog_stm_blackhole.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/binlog/r/binlog_stm_mix_innodb_myisam.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/binlog/t/binlog_killed.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/binlog/t/binlog_killed_simulate.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/binlog/t/binlog_row_mix_innodb_myisam.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/binlog/t/binlog_stm_mix_innodb_myisam.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/federated/ Use new paths mysql-test/suite/federated/federated.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/federated/federated.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/federated/federated_archive.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/federated/federated_archive.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/federated/federated_bug_13118.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/federated/federated_bug_13118.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/federated/federated_bug_25714.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/federated/federated_bug_25714.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/federated/federated_innodb.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/federated/federated_innodb.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/federated/federated_server.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/federated/federated_server.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/federated/federated_transactions.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/federated/ Use new paths mysql-test/suite/ndb/r/loaddata_autocom_ndb.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/ndb/r/ndb_config.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/ndb/r/ndb_dd_backuprestore.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/ndb/r/ndb_load.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/ndb/r/ndb_loaddatalocal.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/ndb/r/ndb_replace.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/ndb/r/ndb_restore.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/ndb/r/ndb_restore_partition.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/ndb/r/ndb_restore_print.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/ndb/r/ndb_trigger.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/ndb/t/ndb_alter_table.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/ndb/t/ndb_config.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/ndb/t/ndb_load.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/ndb/t/ndb_loaddatalocal.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/ndb/t/ndb_replace.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/ndb/t/ndb_restore.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/ndb/t/ndb_single_user.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/ndb/t/ndb_trigger.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/ndb/t/ndbapi.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/include/ Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_LD_INFILE.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_flushlog_loop.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_innodb.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_innodb_mixed_dml.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_load_table_from_master.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_loaddata.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_loaddata_charset.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_loaddata_fatal.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_loaddata_m.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_loaddata_s.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_loaddata_simple.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_loaddatalocal.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_loadfile.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_misc_functions.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_replicate_do.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_rewrt_db.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_row_001.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_row_loaddata_m.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_row_log.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_row_log_innodb.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_row_stop_middle_update.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_stm_000001.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_stm_log.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_timezone.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/disabled.def: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/ Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_LD_INFILE.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_drop_db.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_flushlog_loop-master.opt: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_flushlog_loop-slave.opt: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_flushlog_loop.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_innodb.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_innodb_bug30919.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_load_from_master.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_load_table_from_master.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_loaddata_charset.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_loaddata_fatal.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_loaddata_m.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_loaddata_s.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_loaddata_simple.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_loaddatalocal.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_loadfile.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_misc_functions.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_replicate_do.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_rewrt_db.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_rotate_logs-master.opt: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_rotate_logs.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_row_charset_innodb.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_row_mysqlbinlog.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_row_stop_middle_update.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_timezone.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_trigger.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl_ndb/r/rpl_ndb_dd_advance.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl_ndb/r/rpl_ndb_innodb_trans.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl_ndb/r/rpl_ndb_log.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl_ndb/r/rpl_ndb_multi.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl_ndb/r/rpl_ndb_row_001.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl_ndb/r/rpl_ndb_sync.result: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl_ndb/t/rpl_ndb_bank.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl_ndb/t/rpl_ndb_dd_advance.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl_ndb/t/rpl_ndb_innodb_trans.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl_ndb/t/rpl_ndb_load.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl_ndb/t/rpl_ndb_sync.test: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl_ndb/t/rpl_ndbapi_multi.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/backup.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/bootstrap.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/crash_commit_before.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/create_not_windows.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/csv.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/ctype_big5.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/disabled.def: Use new paths mysql-test/t/distinct.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/gis.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/grant_cache_no_prot.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/grant_cache_ps_prot.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/information_schema_chmod.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/loaddata.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/log_state.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/myisam-system.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/mysql_upgrade.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/mysqlbinlog-cp932.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/mysqlbinlog.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/mysqlbinlog2.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/mysqlbinlog_base64.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/mysqldump.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/outfile.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/partition.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/partition_error.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/partition_federated.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/partition_mgm.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/partition_not_windows.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/partition_symlink.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/query_cache.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/repair.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/show_check.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/sp-destruct.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/sp.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/symlink.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/system_mysql_db.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/system_mysql_db_fix30020.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/system_mysql_db_fix40123.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/system_mysql_db_fix50030.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/system_mysql_db_fix50117.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/trigger-compat.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/trigger-grant.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/trigger.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/type_blob.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/type_varchar.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/upgrade.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/user_var-binlog.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/varbinary.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/view.test: Use new paths mysql-test/t/warnings.test: Use new paths mysql-test/lib/My/ Initial version mysql-test/lib/My/ Initial version mysql-test/lib/My/ Initial version mysql-test/std_data/ndb_config_config.ini: Add "old" style config.ini for ndb mysql-test/suite/federated/disabled.def: Move disabled federated to it's new suite mysql-test/suite/federated/my.cnf: Add config for federated mysql-test/suite/ndb/my.cnf: Add config for ndb mysql-test/suite/rpl/my.cnf: Add config for rpl mysql-test/suite/rpl/rpl_1slave_base.cnf: Add base config for rpl mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_000015-master.opt: Use new paths mysql-test/suite/rpl_ndb/my.cnf: Add config for rpl_ndb mysql-test/lib/My/File/ Initial version mysql-test/lib/My/SafeProcess/ Initial version mysql-test/lib/My/SafeProcess/ Initial version mysql-test/lib/My/SafeProcess/ Initial version mysql-test/lib/My/SafeProcess/ Initial version mysql-test/lib/t/Base.t: Initial version mysql-test/lib/t/Find.t: Initial version mysql-test/lib/t/SafeProcess.t: Initial version mysql-test/lib/t/ Initial version mysql-test/lib/t/copytree.t: Initial version mysql-test/lib/t/ Initial version mysql-test/lib/t/rmtree.t: Initial version mysql-test/lib/t/testMyConfig.t: Initial version mysql-test/lib/t/testMyConfigFactory.t: Initial version mysql-test/lib/t/ Initial version mysql-test/include/default_my.cnf: Add default config file used when no suite specific file is found mysql-test/include/default_mysqld.cnf: New BitKeeper file ``mysql-test/include/default_mysqld.cnf'' mysql-test/include/default_ndbd.cnf: Add default settings for all ndbds mysql-test/lib/ Initial version --- mysql-test/lib/t/Base.t | 27 ++++++ mysql-test/lib/t/Find.t | 33 ++++++++ mysql-test/lib/t/SafeProcess.t | 102 ++++++++++++++++++++++ mysql-test/lib/t/ | 149 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ mysql-test/lib/t/copytree.t | 34 ++++++++ mysql-test/lib/t/ | 38 +++++++++ mysql-test/lib/t/rmtree.t | 52 ++++++++++++ mysql-test/lib/t/testMyConfig.t | 131 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ mysql-test/lib/t/testMyConfigFactory.t | 98 ++++++++++++++++++++++ mysql-test/lib/t/ | 21 +++++ 10 files changed, 685 insertions(+) create mode 100644 mysql-test/lib/t/Base.t create mode 100644 mysql-test/lib/t/Find.t create mode 100644 mysql-test/lib/t/SafeProcess.t create mode 100755 mysql-test/lib/t/ create mode 100644 mysql-test/lib/t/copytree.t create mode 100644 mysql-test/lib/t/ create mode 100644 mysql-test/lib/t/rmtree.t create mode 100755 mysql-test/lib/t/testMyConfig.t create mode 100755 mysql-test/lib/t/testMyConfigFactory.t create mode 100755 mysql-test/lib/t/ (limited to 'mysql-test/lib/t') diff --git a/mysql-test/lib/t/Base.t b/mysql-test/lib/t/Base.t new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6ca7657d421 --- /dev/null +++ b/mysql-test/lib/t/Base.t @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# -*- cperl -*- +use Test::More qw(no_plan); +use strict; + +use_ok ("My::SafeProcess::Base"); + + +my $count= 0; +for (1..100){ + my $pid= My::SafeProcess::Base::_safe_fork(); + exit unless $pid; + (waitpid($pid, 0) == $pid) and $count++; +} +ok($count == 100, "safe_fork"); + +# A nice little forkbomb +SKIP: { + skip("forkbomb", 1); + eval { + while(1){ + my $pid= My::SafeProcess::Base::_safe_fork(); + exit unless $pid; + } + }; + ok($@, "forkbomb"); +} + diff --git a/mysql-test/lib/t/Find.t b/mysql-test/lib/t/Find.t new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..90489ba06dd --- /dev/null +++ b/mysql-test/lib/t/Find.t @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# -*- cperl -*- +use Test::More qw(no_plan); +use strict; + +use_ok ("My::Find"); +my $basedir= "../.."; + +print "=" x 40, "\n"; +my $mysqld_exe= my_find_bin($basedir, + ["sql", "bin"], + ["mysqld", "mysqld-debug"]); +print "mysqld_exe: $mysqld_exe\n"; +print "=" x 40, "\n"; +my $mysql_exe= my_find_bin($basedir, + ["client", "bin"], + "mysql"); +print "mysql_exe: $mysql_exe\n"; +print "=" x 40, "\n"; + +my $mtr_build_dir= $ENV{MTR_BUILD_DIR}; +$ENV{MTR_BUILD_DIR}= "debug"; +my $mysql_exe= my_find_bin($basedir, + ["client", "bin"], + "mysql"); +print "mysql_exe: $mysql_exe\n"; +$ENV{MTR_BUILD_DIR}= $mtr_build_dir; +print "=" x 40, "\n"; + +my $charset_dir= my_find_dir($basedir, + ["share/mysql", "sql/share", "share"], + "charsets"); +print "charset_dir: $charset_dir\n"; +print "=" x 40, "\n"; diff --git a/mysql-test/lib/t/SafeProcess.t b/mysql-test/lib/t/SafeProcess.t new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d4a62ff8cca --- /dev/null +++ b/mysql-test/lib/t/SafeProcess.t @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +# -*- cperl -*- + +use strict; +use FindBin; +use IO::File; + +use Test::More qw(no_plan); +use_ok ("My::SafeProcess"); + + +my $perl_path= $^X; + +{ + # Test exit codes + my $count= 32; + my $ok_count= 0; + for my $code (0..$count-1) { + + my $args= [ "$FindBin::Bin/", "--exit-code=$code" ]; + my $proc= My::SafeProcess->new + ( + path => $perl_path, + args => \$args, + output => "/dev/null", + error => "/dev/null", + ); + # Wait max 10 seconds for the process to finish + $ok_count++ if ($proc->wait_one(10) == 0 and + $proc->exit_status() == $code); + } + ok($count == $ok_count, "check exit_status, $ok_count"); +} + + +{ + # spawn a number of concurrent processes + my $count= 16; + my $ok_count= 0; + my %procs; + for my $code (0..$count-1) { + + my $args= [ "$FindBin::Bin/", "--exit-code=$code" ]; + $procs{$code}= My::SafeProcess->new + ( + path => $perl_path, + args => \$args, + output => "/dev/null", + error => "/dev/null", + ); + } + + for my $code (0..$count-1) { + $ok_count++ if ($procs{$code}->wait_one(10) == 0 and + $procs{$code}->exit_status() == $code); + } + ok($count == $ok_count, "concurrent, $ok_count"); +} + + +# +# Test stdout, stderr +# +{ + use File::Temp qw / tempdir /; + my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); + + my $args= [ "$FindBin::Bin/" ]; + my $proc= My::SafeProcess->new + ( + path => $perl_path, + args => \$args, + output => "$dir/output.txt", + error => "$dir/error.txt", + ); + + $proc->wait_one(2); # Wait max 2 seconds for the process to finish + + my $fh= IO::File->new("$dir/output.txt"); + my @text= <$fh>; + ok(grep(/Hello stdout/, @text), "check stdout"); + $fh= IO::File->new("$dir/error.txt"); + my @text= <$fh>; + ok(grep(/Hello stderr/, @text), "check stderr"); + + # To same file + $proc= My::SafeProcess->new + ( + path => $perl_path, + args => \$args, + output => "$dir/output.txt", + error => "$dir/output.txt", + debug => 1, + ); + + $proc->wait_one(2); # Wait max 2 seconds for the process to finish + + my $fh= IO::File->new("$dir/output.txt"); + my @text= <$fh>; + ok((grep(/Hello stdout/, @text) and grep(/Hello stderr/, @text)), + "check stdout and stderr"); + +} diff --git a/mysql-test/lib/t/ b/mysql-test/lib/t/ new file mode 100755 index 00000000000..a31f3031262 --- /dev/null +++ b/mysql-test/lib/t/ @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +#!/usr/bin/perl +# -*- cperl -*- + +use strict; +use FindBin; +use My::SafeProcess; + +# +# Test longterm running of SafeProcess +# + +my $perl_path= $^X; +my $verbose= 0; +my $loops= 1000; + +print "kill one and wait for one\n"; +for (1...$loops){ + use File::Temp qw / tempdir /; + my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); + + my @procs; + for (1..10){ + + my $args= [ "$FindBin::Bin/", "--vardir=$dir" ]; + my $proc= My::SafeProcess->new + ( + path => $perl_path, + args => \$args, + verbose => $verbose, + ); + push(@procs, $proc); + } + + foreach my $proc (@procs) { + $proc->kill(); + # dummyd will always be kiled and thus + # exit_status should have been set to 1 + die "oops, exit_status: ", $proc->exit_status() + unless $proc->exit_status() == 1; + } + + print "=" x 60, "\n"; +} + + +print "With 1 second sleep in dummyd\n"; +for (1...$loops){ + use File::Temp qw / tempdir /; + my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); + + my @procs; + for (1..10){ + + my $args= [ "$FindBin::Bin/", + "--vardir=$dir", + "--sleep=1" ]; + my $proc= My::SafeProcess->new + ( + path => $perl_path, + args => \$args, + verbose => $verbose, + ); + push(@procs, $proc); + } + + foreach my $proc (@procs) { + $proc->kill(); + } + + print "=" x 60, "\n"; +} + +print "kill all and wait for one\n"; +for (1...$loops){ + use File::Temp qw / tempdir /; + my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); + + my @procs; + for (1..10){ + + my $args= [ "$FindBin::Bin/", "--vardir=$dir" ]; + my $proc= My::SafeProcess->new + ( + path => $perl_path, + args => \$args, + verbose => $verbose, + ); + push(@procs, $proc); + } + + foreach my $proc (@procs) { + $proc->start_kill(); + } + + foreach my $proc (@procs) { + $proc->wait_one(); + } + + print "=" x 60, "\n"; +} + +print "kill all using shutdown without callback\n"; +for (1...$loops){ + use File::Temp qw / tempdir /; + my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); + + my @procs; + for (1..10){ + + my $args= [ "$FindBin::Bin/", "--vardir=$dir" ]; + my $proc= My::SafeProcess->new + ( + path => $perl_path, + args => \$args, + verbose => $verbose, + ); + push(@procs, $proc); + } + + My::SafeProcess::shutdown(2, @procs); + + print "=" x 60, "\n"; +} + +print "kill all using shutdown\n"; +for (1...$loops){ + use File::Temp qw / tempdir /; + my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); + + my @procs; + for (1..10){ + + my $args= [ "$FindBin::Bin/", "--vardir=$dir" ]; + my $proc= My::SafeProcess->new + ( + path => $perl_path, + args => \$args, + verbose => $verbose, + shutdown => sub { }, # Does nothing + ); + push(@procs, $proc); + } + + My::SafeProcess::shutdown(2, @procs); + + print "=" x 60, "\n"; +} + +exit(0); diff --git a/mysql-test/lib/t/copytree.t b/mysql-test/lib/t/copytree.t new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..15e4d1a7b1b --- /dev/null +++ b/mysql-test/lib/t/copytree.t @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +#!/usr/bin/perl +# -*- cperl -*- + +use strict; + +use My::File::Path; + +use Test::Simple tests => 7; +use File::Temp qw / tempdir /; +my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); +my $testdir="$dir/test"; +my $test_todir="$dir/to"; + +my $subdir= "$testdir/test1/test2/test3"; + +# +# 1. Create, copy and remove a directory structure +# +mkpath($subdir); +ok( -d $subdir, "Check '$subdir' is created"); + +copytree($testdir, $test_todir); +ok( -d $test_todir, "Check '$test_todir' is created"); +ok( -d "$test_todir/test1", "Check 'test1' is created"); +ok( -d "$test_todir/test1/test2", "Check 'test2' is created"); +ok( -d "$test_todir/test1/test2/test3", "Check 'test3' is created"); + + +rmtree($testdir); +ok( ! -d $testdir, "Check '$testdir' is gone"); + +rmtree($test_todir); +ok( ! -d $test_todir, "Check '$test_todir' is gone"); + diff --git a/mysql-test/lib/t/ b/mysql-test/lib/t/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..07336e3c2d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/mysql-test/lib/t/ @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +#!/usr/bin/perl +# -*- cperl -*- + +use strict; +use Getopt::Long; +use IO::File; + +my $vardir; +my $randie= 0; +my $sleep= 0; +GetOptions + ( + # Directory where to write files + 'vardir=s' => \$vardir, + 'die-randomly' => \$randie, + 'sleep=i' => \$sleep, + ); + +die("invalid vardir ") unless defined $vardir and -d $vardir; + +my $pid= $$; +while(1){ + for my $i (1..64){ + # Write to file + my $name= "$vardir/$pid.$i.tmp"; + my $F= IO::File->new($name, "w") + or warn "$$, Could not open $name: $!" and next; + print $F rand($.) for (1..1000); + $F->close(); + sleep($sleep); + die "ooops!" if $randie and rand() < 0.0001 + } +} + + +exit (0); + + diff --git a/mysql-test/lib/t/rmtree.t b/mysql-test/lib/t/rmtree.t new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..08c9077d001 --- /dev/null +++ b/mysql-test/lib/t/rmtree.t @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +#!/usr/bin/perl +# -*- cperl -*- + +use strict; + +use My::File::Path; + +use Test::Simple tests => 8; +use File::Temp qw / tempdir /; +my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); +my $testdir="$dir/test"; + +my $subdir= "$testdir/test1/test2/test3"; + +# +# 1. Create and remove a directory structure +# +mkpath($subdir); +ok( -d $subdir, "Check '$subdir' is created"); + +rmtree($testdir); +ok( ! -d $testdir, "Check '$testdir' is gone"); + +# +# 2. Create and remove a directory structure +# where one directory is chmod to 0000 +# +mkpath($subdir); +ok( -d $subdir, "Check '$subdir' is created"); + +ok( chmod(0000, $subdir) == 1 , "Check one dir was chmoded"); + +rmtree($testdir); +ok( ! -d $testdir, "Check '$testdir' is gone"); + +# +# 3. Create and remove a directory structure +# where one file is chmod to 0000 +# +mkpath($subdir); +ok( -d $subdir, "Check '$subdir' is created"); + +my $testfile= "$subdir/test.file"; +open(F, ">", $testfile) or die; +print F "hello\n"; +close(F); + +ok( chmod(0000, $testfile) == 1 , "Check one file was chmoded"); + +rmtree($testdir); +ok( ! -d $testdir, "Check '$testdir' is gone"); + diff --git a/mysql-test/lib/t/testMyConfig.t b/mysql-test/lib/t/testMyConfig.t new file mode 100755 index 00000000000..da08cb8b4d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/mysql-test/lib/t/testMyConfig.t @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +#!/usr/bin/perl +# -*- cperl -*- + +use strict; +use warnings; +use File::Temp qw / tempdir /; +my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); + +use Test::More qw(no_plan); + +BEGIN { use_ok ( "My::Config" ) }; + +my $test_cnf= "$dir/test.cnf"; + +# Write test config file +open(OUT, ">", $test_cnf) or die; +print $test_cnf, "\n"; + +print OUT <new($test_cnf); +isa_ok( $config, "My::Config" ); + +print $config; + +ok ( $config->group("mysqld_2"), "group mysqld_2 exists"); +ok ( $config->group("mysqld_1"), "group mysqld_1 exists"); +ok ( $config->group("mysqld.9"), "group mysqld.9 exists"); +ok ( $config->group("mysqld.9")->suffix() eq ".9", "group mysqld.9 has suffix .9"); + +ok ( $config->group("mysqld"), "group mysqld exists"); +ok ( $config->group("client"), "group client exists"); +ok ( !$config->group("mysqld_3"), "group mysqld_3 does not exist"); + +ok ( $config->options_in_group("mysqld") == 4, "options in [mysqld] is 4"); +ok ( $config->options_in_group("nonexist") == 0, "options in [nonexist] is 0"); + +{ + my @groups= $config->groups(); + ok(@groups == 5, "5 groups"); + my $idx= 0; + foreach my $name ('mysqld', 'mysqld_1', 'mysqld_2', 'mysqld.9', 'client') { + is($groups[$idx++]->name(), $name, "checking groups $idx"); + } +} + +{ + my @groups= $config->like("mysqld"); + ok(@groups == 4, "4 groups like mysqld"); + my $idx= 0; + foreach my $name ('mysqld', 'mysqld_1', 'mysqld_2', 'mysqld.9') { + is($groups[$idx++]->name(), $name, "checking like(\"mysqld\") $idx"); + } +} + +{ + my @groups= $config->like("not"); + ok(@groups == 0, "checking like(\"not\")"); +} + +is($config->first_like("mysqld_")->name(), "mysqld_1", "first_like"); + +is( $config->value('mysqld', 'option4'), undef, + "mysqld_option4 exists, does not have a value"); + +ok( $config->exists('mysqld', 'option4'), + "mysqld_option4 exists"); +ok( $config->exists('mysqld', 'option2'), + "mysqld_option2 exists"); +ok( !$config->exists('mysqld', 'option5'), + "mysqld_option5 does not exists"); + +# Save the config to file +my $test2_cnf= "$dir/test2.cnf"; +$config->save($test2_cnf); + +# read it back and check it's the same +my $config2= My::Config->new($test2_cnf); +isa_ok( $config2, "My::Config" ); +is_deeply( \$config, \$config2, "test.cnf is equal to test2.cnf"); + + +my $test_include_cnf= "$dir/test_include.cnf"; +# Write test config file that includes test.cnf +open(OUT, ">", $test_include_cnf) or die; + +print OUT <new($test_include_cnf); +isa_ok( $config3, "My::Config" ); +print $config3; +is( $config3->value('mysqld', 'basedir'), 'anotherbasedir', + "mysqld_basedir has been overriden by value in test_include.cnf"); + +is( $config3->value('mysqld', 'option1'), 'values3', + "mysqld_option1 has been overriden by value in test_include.cnf"); + +is( $config3->value('mysqld', 'option2'), 'value4', + "mysqld_option2 is from included file"); + +is( $config3->value('client', 'socket'), 'asocketpath', + "client.socket is from included file"); + +is( $config3->value('mysqld', 'option4'), undef, + "mysqld_option4 exists, does not have a value"); + +print "$config3\n"; + diff --git a/mysql-test/lib/t/testMyConfigFactory.t b/mysql-test/lib/t/testMyConfigFactory.t new file mode 100755 index 00000000000..16fdd9db539 --- /dev/null +++ b/mysql-test/lib/t/testMyConfigFactory.t @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +#!/usr/bin/perl +# -*- cperl -*- + +use strict; +use warnings; + +use File::Temp qw / tempdir /; +my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); + +use Test::More qw(no_plan); + +BEGIN { use_ok ( "My::ConfigFactory" ) }; + +my $gen1_cnf= "$dir/gen1.cnf"; +open(OUT, ">", $gen1_cnf) or die; + +print OUT <new_config +( + { + basedir => $basedir, + template_path => $gen1_cnf, + vardir => "/path/to/var", + baseport => 10987, + #hosts => [ 'host1', 'host2' ], + } +); + +print $config; + +ok ( $config->group("mysqld.master"), "group mysqld.master exists"); +ok ( $config->group("mysqld.1"), "group mysqld.1 exists"); +ok ( $config->group("client"), "group client exists"); +ok ( !$config->group("mysqld.3"), "group mysqld.3 does not exist"); + +ok ( $config->first_like("mysqld"), "group like 'mysqld' exists"); + +is( $config->value('mysqld.1', '#host'), 'localhost', + "mysqld.1.#host has been generated"); + +is( $config->value('client', 'host'), 'localhost', + " has been generated"); + +is( $config->value('client', 'host'), + $config->value('mysqld.master', '#host'), + " is same as"); + +ok ( $config->value("mysqld.1", 'character-sets-dir') =~ /$basedir.*charsets$/, + "'character-sets-dir' generated"); + +ok ( $config->value("mysqld.1", 'language') =~ /$basedir.*english$/, + "'language' generated"); + +ok ( $config->value("ENV", 'MASTER_MY_PORT') =~ /\d/, + "'language' generated"); + +my $gen2_cnf= "$dir/gen2.cnf"; +open(OUT, ">", $gen2_cnf) or die; + +print OUT <new_config +( + { + basedir => $basedir, + template_path => $gen2_cnf, + vardir => "/path/to/var", + baseport => 10987, + #hosts => [ 'host1', 'host2' ], + } +); + +print $config2; + +ok ( $config2->first_like("mysqld"), "group like 'mysqld' exists"); diff --git a/mysql-test/lib/t/ b/mysql-test/lib/t/ new file mode 100755 index 00000000000..99f4e68003d --- /dev/null +++ b/mysql-test/lib/t/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +#!/usr/bin/perl +# -*- cperl -*- + +use strict; +use Getopt::Long; + +my $opt_exit_code= 0; + +GetOptions + ( + # Exit with the specified exit code + 'exit-code=i' => \$opt_exit_code + ); + + +print "Hello stdout\n"; +print STDERR "Hello stderr\n"; + +exit ($opt_exit_code); + + -- cgit v1.2.1