From b276b60e033744a25b034d3107e7a3f1122e04c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: unknown Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 22:24:00 +0200 Subject: LOAD DATA INFILE is not replicated if replicate_*_table is set LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE was not replicated correctly VC++Files/bdb/bdb.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/Berkeley_DB.dsw: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/db_archive.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/db_buildall.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/db_checkpoint.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/db_deadlock.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/db_dll.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/db_dump.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/db_java.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/db_load.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/db_printlog.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/db_recover.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/db_stat.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/db_static.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/db_static1.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/db_tcl.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/db_test.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/db_upgrade.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/db_verify.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/ex_access.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/ex_btrec.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/ex_env.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/ex_lock.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/ex_mpool.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/ex_tpcb.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/excxx_access.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/excxx_btrec.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/excxx_env.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/excxx_lock.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/excxx_mpool.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/bdb/build_win32/excxx_tpcb.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/client/mysql.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/client/mysqladmin.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/client/mysqlcheck.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/client/mysqlclient.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/client/mysqlclient.dsw: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/client/mysqldump.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/client/mysqlimport.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/client/mysqlshow.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/comp_err/comp_err.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/contrib/asm386/zlibvc.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/contrib/asm386/zlibvc.dsw: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/contrib/minizip/zlibvc.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/contrib/minizip/zlibvc.dsw: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/dbug/dbug.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/dbug/dbug.dsw: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/heap/heap.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/innobase/innobase.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/isam/isam.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/isam/isam.dsw: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/isamchk/isamchk.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/libmysql/libmysql.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/libmysql/libmysql.dsw: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/libmysqld/examples/test_libmysqld.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/libmysqld/libmysqld.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/libmysqltest/myTest.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/libmysqltest/mytest.dsw: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/merge/merge.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/merge/merge.dsw: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/my_print_defaults/my_print_defaults.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/myisam/myisam.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/myisamchk/myisamchk.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/myisamlog/myisamlog.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/myisammrg/myisammrg.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/myisampack/myisampack.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/mysql.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/mysql.dsw: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/mysqlbinlog/mysqlbinlog.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/mysqlcheck/mysqlcheck.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/mysqldemb/mysqldemb.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/mysqlmanager/MySqlManager.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/mysqlmanager/mysqlmanager.dsw: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/mysqlserver/mysqlserver.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/mysqlshutdown/myshutdown.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/mysqlshutdown/mysqlshutdown.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/mysqlwatch/mysqlwatch.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/mysys/mysys.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/mysys/mysys.dsw: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/pack_isam/pack_isam.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/perror/perror.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/regex/regex.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/regex/regex.dsw: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/replace/replace.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/sql/mysqld.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/sql/mysqld.dsw: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/sql/mysqldmax.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/sql/old/mysqld.dsw: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/strings/MASM6x/strings.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/strings/MASM6x/strings.dsw: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/strings/backup/strings.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/strings/backup/strings.dsw: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/strings/noMASM/strings.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/strings/noMASM/strings.dsw: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/strings/strings.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/strings/strings.dsw: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/test1/test1.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/thr_insert_test/thr_insert_test.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/thr_test/thr_test.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/vio/vio.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed VC++Files/zlib/zlib.dsp: Updated VC++ files +end space removed include/my_global.h: Always include errno.h sql/ LOAD DATA INFILE is not replicated if replicate_*_table is set sql/ LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE was not replicated correctly --- VC++Files/myisamchk/myisamchk.dsp | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) (limited to 'VC++Files/myisamchk') diff --git a/VC++Files/myisamchk/myisamchk.dsp b/VC++Files/myisamchk/myisamchk.dsp index 7f0459d21d0..0c8e7c00f1a 100644 --- a/VC++Files/myisamchk/myisamchk.dsp +++ b/VC++Files/myisamchk/myisamchk.dsp @@ -7,19 +7,19 @@ CFG=myisamchk - Win32 Debug !MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, !MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run -!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "myisamchk.mak". -!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE !MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE !MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: -!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "myisamchk.mak" CFG="myisamchk - Win32 Debug" -!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE !MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: -!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE !MESSAGE "myisamchk - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") !MESSAGE "myisamchk - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") -!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE # Begin Project # PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0 @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ LINK32=link.exe # ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept # ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib wsock32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib setargv.obj /nologo /subsystem:console /incremental:no /debug /machine:I386 /out:"../client_debug/myisamchk.exe" /pdbtype:sept -!ENDIF +!ENDIF # Begin Target -- cgit v1.2.1