path: root/sql/
diff options
mode: <>2000-07-31 21:29:14 +0200 <>2000-07-31 21:29:14 +0200
commitf4c589ff6c653d1d2a09c26e46ead3c8a15655d8 (patch)
treed253a359142dfc1ed247d5d4365d86972ea31109 /sql/
parent7eec25e393727b16bb916b50d82b0aa3084e065c (diff)
Import changeset
Diffstat (limited to 'sql/')
1 files changed, 690 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..066979d1c9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/
@@ -0,0 +1,690 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* Functions to handle date and time */
+#include "mysql_priv.h"
+#include <m_ctype.h>
+static ulong const days_at_timestart=719528; /* daynr at 1970.01.01 */
+uchar *days_in_month= (uchar*) "\037\034\037\036\037\036\037\037\036\037\036\037";
+ /* Init some variabels neaded when using my_local_time */
+ /* Currently only my_time_zone is inited */
+static long my_time_zone=0;
+pthread_mutex_t LOCK_timezone;
+void init_time(void)
+ time_t seconds;
+ struct tm *l_time,tm_tmp;;
+ TIME my_time;
+ seconds= (time_t) time((time_t*) 0);
+ localtime_r(&seconds,&tm_tmp);
+ l_time= &tm_tmp;
+ my_time_zone=0;
+ my_time.year= (uint) l_time->tm_year+1900;
+ my_time.month= (uint) l_time->tm_mon+1;
+ (uint) l_time->tm_mday;
+ my_time.hour= (uint) l_time->tm_hour;
+ my_time.minute= (uint) l_time->tm_min;
+ my_time.second= (uint) l_time->tm_sec;
+ VOID(my_gmt_sec(&my_time)); /* Init my_time_zone */
+ Convert current time to sec. since 1970.01.01
+ This code handles also day light saving time.
+ The idea is to cache the time zone (including daylight saving time)
+ for the next call to make things faster.
+long my_gmt_sec(TIME *t)
+ uint loop;
+ time_t tmp;
+ struct tm *l_time,tm_tmp;
+ long diff;
+ if (t->hour >= 24)
+ { /* Fix for time-loop */
+ t->day+=t->hour/24;
+ t->hour%=24;
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_timezone);
+ tmp=(time_t) ((calc_daynr((uint) t->year,(uint) t->month,(uint) t->day) -
+ (long) days_at_timestart)*86400L + (long) t->hour*3600L +
+ (long) (t->minute*60 + t->second)) + (time_t) my_time_zone;
+ localtime_r(&tmp,&tm_tmp);
+ l_time=&tm_tmp;
+ for (loop=0;
+ loop < 3 &&
+ (t->hour != (uint) l_time->tm_hour ||
+ t->minute != (uint) l_time->tm_min);
+ loop++)
+ { /* One check should be enough ? */
+ /* Get difference in days */
+ int days= t->day - l_time->tm_mday;
+ if (days < -1)
+ days= 1; // Month has wrapped
+ else if (days > 1)
+ days= -1;
+ diff=(3600L*(long) (days*24+((int) t->hour - (int) l_time->tm_hour)) +
+ (long) (60*((int) t->minute - (int) l_time->tm_min)));
+ my_time_zone+=diff;
+ tmp+=(time_t) diff;
+ localtime_r(&tmp,&tm_tmp);
+ l_time=&tm_tmp;
+ }
+ /* Fix that if we are in the not existing daylight saving time hour
+ we move the start of the next real hour */
+ if (loop == 3 && t->hour != (uint) l_time->tm_hour)
+ {
+ int days= t->day - l_time->tm_mday;
+ if (days < -1)
+ days=1; // Month has wrapped
+ else if (days > 1)
+ days= -1;
+ diff=(3600L*(long) (days*24+((int) t->hour - (int) l_time->tm_hour))+
+ (long) (60*((int) t->minute - (int) l_time->tm_min)));
+ if (diff == 3600)
+ tmp+=3600 - t->minute*60 - t->second; // Move to next hour
+ else if (diff == -3600)
+ tmp-=t->minute*60 + t->second; // Move to next hour
+ }
+ if ((my_time_zone >=0 ? my_time_zone: -my_time_zone) > 3600L*12)
+ my_time_zone=0; /* Wrong date */
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_timezone);
+ return tmp;
+} /* my_gmt_sec */
+ /* Some functions to calculate dates */
+ /* Calculate nr of day since year 0 in new date-system (from 1615) */
+long calc_daynr(uint year,uint month,uint day)
+ long delsum;
+ int temp;
+ DBUG_ENTER("calc_daynr");
+ if (year == 0 && month == 0 && day == 0)
+ DBUG_RETURN(0); /* Skipp errors */
+ if (year < 200)
+ {
+ if ((year=year+1900) < 1900+YY_PART_YEAR)
+ year+=100;
+ }
+ delsum= (long) (365L * year+ 31*(month-1) +day);
+ if (month <= 2)
+ year--;
+ else
+ delsum-= (long) (month*4+23)/10;
+ temp=(int) ((year/100+1)*3)/4;
+ DBUG_PRINT("exit",("year: %d month: %d day: %d -> daynr: %ld",
+ year+(month <= 2),month,day,delsum+year/4-temp));
+ DBUG_RETURN(delsum+(int) year/4-temp);
+} /* calc_daynr */
+ /* Calc weekday from daynr */
+ /* Returns 0 for monday, 1 for tuesday .... */
+int calc_weekday(long daynr,bool sunday_first_day_of_week)
+ DBUG_ENTER("calc_weekday");
+ DBUG_RETURN ((int) ((daynr + 5L + (sunday_first_day_of_week ? 1L : 0L)) % 7));
+ /* Calc days in one year. works with 0 <= year <= 99 */
+uint calc_days_in_year(uint year)
+ return (year & 3) == 0 && (year%100 || (year%400 == 0 && year)) ?
+ 366 : 365;
+/* Calculate week. If 'with_year' is not set, then return a week 0-53, where
+ 0 means that it's the last week of the previous year.
+ If 'with_year' is set then the week will always be in the range 1-53 and
+ the year out parameter will contain the year for the week */
+uint calc_week(TIME *l_time, bool with_year, bool sunday_first_day_of_week,
+ uint *year)
+ uint days;
+ ulong daynr=calc_daynr(l_time->year,l_time->month,l_time->day);
+ ulong first_daynr=calc_daynr(l_time->year,1,1);
+ uint weekday=calc_weekday(first_daynr,sunday_first_day_of_week);
+ *year=l_time->year;
+ if (l_time->month == 1 && weekday >= 4 && l_time->day <= 7-weekday)
+ {
+ /* Last week of the previous year */
+ if (!with_year)
+ return 0;
+ with_year=0; // Don't check the week again
+ (*year)--;
+ first_daynr-= (days=calc_days_in_year(*year));
+ weekday= (weekday + 53*7- days) % 7;
+ }
+ if (weekday >= 4)
+ days= daynr - (first_daynr+ (7-weekday));
+ else
+ days= daynr - (first_daynr - weekday);
+ if (with_year && days >= 52*7)
+ {
+ /* Check if we are on the first week of the next year (or week 53) */
+ weekday= (weekday + calc_days_in_year(*year)) % 7;
+ if (weekday < 4)
+ { // We are at first week on next year
+ (*year)++;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return days/7+1;
+ /* Change a daynr to year, month and day */
+ /* Daynr 0 is returned as date 00.00.00 */
+void get_date_from_daynr(long daynr,uint *ret_year,uint *ret_month,
+ uint *ret_day)
+ uint year,temp,leap_day,day_of_year,days_in_year;
+ uchar *month_pos;
+ DBUG_ENTER("get_date_from_daynr");
+ if (daynr <= 365L || daynr >= 3652500)
+ { /* Fix if wrong daynr */
+ *ret_year= *ret_month = *ret_day =0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ year= (uint) (daynr*100 / 36525L);
+ temp=(((year-1)/100+1)*3)/4;
+ day_of_year=(uint) (daynr - (long) year * 365L) - (year-1)/4 +temp;
+ while (day_of_year > (days_in_year= calc_days_in_year(year)))
+ {
+ day_of_year-=days_in_year;
+ (year)++;
+ }
+ leap_day=0;
+ if (days_in_year == 366)
+ {
+ if (day_of_year > 31+28)
+ {
+ day_of_year--;
+ if (day_of_year == 31+28)
+ leap_day=1; /* Handle leapyears leapday */
+ }
+ }
+ *ret_month=1;
+ for (month_pos= days_in_month ;
+ day_of_year > (uint) *month_pos ;
+ day_of_year-= *(month_pos++), (*ret_month)++)
+ ;
+ *ret_year=year;
+ *ret_day=day_of_year+leap_day;
+ }
+/* find date from string and put it in vektor
+ Input: pos = "YYMMDD" OR "YYYYMMDD" in any order or
+ "xxxxx YYxxxMMxxxDD xxxx" where xxx is anything exept
+ a number. Month or day mustn't exeed 2 digits, year may be 4 digits.
+#ifdef NOT_NEEDED
+void find_date(string pos,uint *vek,uint flag)
+ uint length,value;
+ string start;
+ DBUG_ENTER("find_date");
+ DBUG_PRINT("enter",("pos: '%s' flag: %d",pos,flag));
+ bzero((char*) vek,sizeof(int)*4);
+ while (*pos && !isdigit(*pos))
+ pos++;
+ length=strlen(pos);
+ for (uint i=0 ; i< 3; i++)
+ {
+ start=pos; value=0;
+ while (isdigit(pos[0]) &&
+ ((pos-start) < 2 || ((pos-start) < 4 && length >= 8 &&
+ !(flag & 3))))
+ {
+ value=value*10 + (uint) (uchar) (*pos - '0');
+ pos++;
+ }
+ vek[flag & 3]=value; flag>>=2;
+ while (*pos && (ispunct(*pos) || isspace(*pos)))
+ pos++;
+ }
+ DBUG_PRINT("exit",("year: %d month: %d day: %d",vek[0],vek[1],vek[2]));
+} /* find_date */
+ /* Outputs YYMMDD if input year < 100 or YYYYMMDD else */
+static long calc_daynr_from_week(uint year,uint week,uint day)
+ long daynr;
+ int weekday;
+ daynr=calc_daynr(year,1,1);
+ if ((weekday= calc_weekday(daynr,0)) >= 3)
+ daynr+= (7-weekday);
+ else
+ daynr-=weekday;
+ return (daynr+week*7+day-8);
+void convert_week_to_date(string date,uint flag,uint *res_length)
+ string format;
+ uint year,vek[4];
+ find_date(date,vek,(uint) (1*4+2*16)); /* YY-WW-DD */
+ year=vek[0];
+ get_date_from_daynr(calc_daynr_from_week(vek[0],vek[1],vek[2]),
+ &vek[0],&vek[1],&vek[2]);
+ *res_length=8;
+ format="%04d%02d%02d";
+ if (year < 100)
+ {
+ vek[0]= vek[0]%100;
+ *res_length=6;
+ format="%02d%02d%02d";
+ }
+ sprintf(date,format,vek[flag & 3],vek[(flag >> 2) & 3],
+ vek[(flag >> 4) & 3]);
+ return;
+ /* returns YYWWDD or YYYYWWDD according to input year */
+ /* flag only reflects format of input date */
+void convert_date_to_week(string date,uint flag,uint *res_length)
+ uint vek[4],weekday,days,year,week,day;
+ long daynr,first_daynr;
+ char buff[256],*format;
+ if (! date[0])
+ {
+ get_date(buff,0,0L); /* Use current date */
+ find_date(buff+2,vek,(uint) (1*4+2*16)); /* YY-MM-DD */
+ }
+ else
+ find_date(date,vek,flag);
+ year= vek[0];
+ daynr= calc_daynr(year,vek[1],vek[2]);
+ first_daynr=calc_daynr(year,1,1);
+ /* Caculate year and first daynr of year */
+ if (vek[1] == 1 && (weekday=calc_weekday(first_daynr,0)) >= 3 &&
+ vek[2] <= 7-weekday)
+ {
+ if (!year--)
+ year=99;
+ first_daynr=first_daynr-calc_days_in_year(year);
+ }
+ else if (vek[1] == 12 &&
+ (weekday=calc_weekday(first_daynr+calc_days_in_year(year)),0) < 3 &&
+ vek[2] > 31-weekday)
+ {
+ first_daynr=first_daynr+calc_days_in_year(year);
+ if (year++ == 99)
+ year=0;
+ }
+ /* Calulate daynr of first day of week 1 */
+ if ((weekday= calc_weekday(first_daynr,0)) >= 3)
+ first_daynr+= (7-weekday);
+ else
+ first_daynr-=weekday;
+ days=(int) (daynr-first_daynr);
+ week=days/7+1 ; day=calc_weekday(daynr,0)+1;
+ *res_length=8;
+ format="%04d%02d%02d";
+ if (year < 100)
+ {
+ *res_length=6;
+ format="%02d%02d%02d";
+ }
+ sprintf(date,format,year,week,day);
+ return;
+ /* Functions to handle periods */
+ulong convert_period_to_month(ulong period)
+ ulong a,b;
+ if (period == 0)
+ return 0L;
+ if ((a=period/100) < YY_PART_YEAR)
+ a+=2000;
+ else if (a < 100)
+ a+=1900;
+ b=period%100;
+ return a*12+b-1;
+ulong convert_month_to_period(ulong month)
+ ulong year;
+ if (month == 0L)
+ return 0L;
+ if ((year=month/12) < 100)
+ {
+ year+=(year < YY_PART_YEAR) ? 2000 : 1900;
+ }
+ return year*100+month%12+1;
+#ifdef NOT_NEEDED
+ulong add_to_period(ulong period,int months)
+ if (period == 0L)
+ return 0L;
+ return convert_month_to_period(convert_period_to_month(period)+months);
+** convert a timestamp string to a TIME value.
+** At least the following formats are recogniced (based on number of digits)
+** Returns the type of string
+str_to_TIME(const char *str, uint length, TIME *l_time,bool fuzzy_date)
+ uint field_length,year_length,digits,i,number_of_fields,date[7];
+ bool date_used=0;
+ const char *pos;
+ const char *end=str+length;
+ DBUG_ENTER("str_to_TIME");
+ DBUG_PRINT("enter",("str: %.*s",length,str));
+ for (; !isdigit(*str) && str != end ; str++) ; // Skipp garbage
+ if (str == end)
+ /*
+ ** calculate first number of digits.
+ ** If length= 8 or >= 14 then year is of format YYYY.
+ */
+ for (pos=str; pos != end && isdigit(*pos) ; pos++) ;
+ digits= (uint) (pos-str);
+ year_length= (digits == 4 || digits == 8 || digits >= 14) ? 4 : 2;
+ field_length=year_length-1;
+ for (i=0 ; i < 6 && str != end && isdigit(*str) ; i++)
+ {
+ uint tmp_value=(uint) (uchar) (*str++ - '0');
+ while (str != end && isdigit(str[0]) && field_length--)
+ {
+ tmp_value=tmp_value*10 + (uint) (uchar) (*str - '0');
+ str++;
+ }
+ if ((date[i]=tmp_value))
+ date_used=1; // Found something
+ if (i == 2 && str != end && *str == 'T')
+ str++; // ISO8601: CCYYMMDDThhmmss
+ else
+ {
+ while (str != end && (ispunct(*str) || isspace(*str)))
+ {
+ // Only allow space between days and hours
+ if (isspace(*str) && i != 2)
+ str++;
+ }
+ }
+ field_length=1; // Rest fields can only be 2
+ }
+ /* Handle second fractions */
+ if (i == 6 && (uint) (end-str) >= 2 && *str == '.' && isdigit(str[1]))
+ {
+ str++;
+ uint tmp_value=(uint) (uchar) (*str - '0');
+ field_length=3;
+ while (str++ != end && isdigit(str[0]) && field_length--)
+ tmp_value=tmp_value*10 + (uint) (uchar) (*str - '0');
+ date[6]=tmp_value;
+ }
+ else
+ date[6]=0;
+ if (year_length == 2)
+ date[0]+= (date[0] < YY_PART_YEAR ? 2000 : 1900);
+ number_of_fields=i;
+ while (i < 6)
+ date[i++]=0;
+ if (number_of_fields < 3 || !date_used || date[1] > 12 ||
+ date[2] > 31 || date[3] > 23 || date[4] > 59 || date[5] > 59 ||
+ !fuzzy_date && (date[1] == 0 || date[2] == 0))
+ {
+ current_thd->cuted_fields++;
+ }
+ if (str != end && current_thd->count_cuted_fields)
+ {
+ for ( ; str != end ; str++)
+ {
+ if (!isspace(*str))
+ {
+ current_thd->cuted_fields++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ l_time->year= date[0];
+ l_time->month= date[1];
+ l_time->day= date[2];
+ l_time->hour= date[3];
+ l_time->minute=date[4];
+ l_time->second=date[5];
+ l_time->second_part=date[6];
+ DBUG_RETURN(l_time->time_type=
+ (number_of_fields <= 3 ? TIMESTAMP_DATE : TIMESTAMP_FULL));
+time_t str_to_timestamp(const char *str,uint length)
+ TIME l_time;
+ if (str_to_TIME(str,length,&l_time,0) == TIMESTAMP_NONE)
+ return(0);
+ if (l_time.year >= TIMESTAMP_MAX_YEAR || l_time.year < 1900+YY_PART_YEAR)
+ {
+ current_thd->cuted_fields++;
+ return(0);
+ }
+ return(my_gmt_sec(&l_time));
+longlong str_to_datetime(const char *str,uint length,bool fuzzy_date)
+ TIME l_time;
+ if (str_to_TIME(str,length,&l_time,fuzzy_date) == TIMESTAMP_NONE)
+ return(0);
+ return (longlong) (l_time.year*LL(10000000000) +
+ l_time.month*LL(100000000)+
+ l_time.hour*LL(10000)+
+ (longlong) (l_time.minute*100+l_time.second));
+** convert a time string to a (ulong) value.
+** Can use all full timestamp formats and
+** [-] DAYS [H]H:MM:SS, [H]H:MM:SS, [M]M:SS, [H]HMMSS, [M]MSS or [S]S
+** There may be an optional [.second_part] after seconds
+bool str_to_time(const char *str,uint length,TIME *l_time)
+ long date[5],value;
+ const char *end=str+length;
+ bool found_days,found_hours;
+ uint state;
+ l_time->neg=0;
+ for (; !isdigit(*str) && *str != '-' && str != end ; str++)
+ length--;
+ if (str != end && *str == '-')
+ {
+ l_time->neg=1;
+ str++;
+ length--;
+ }
+ if (str == end)
+ return 1;
+ /* Check first if this is a full TIMESTAMP */
+ if (length >= 12)
+ { // Probably full timestamp
+ if (str_to_TIME(str,length,l_time,1) == TIMESTAMP_FULL)
+ return 0; // Was an ok timestamp
+ }
+ /* Not a timestamp. Try to get this as a DAYS_TO_SECOND string */
+ for (value=0; str != end && isdigit(*str) ; str++)
+ value=value*10L + (long) (*str - '0');
+ if (*str == ' ')
+ {
+ while (++str != end && str[0] == ' ') ;
+ str--;
+ }
+ LINT_INIT(state);
+ found_days=found_hours=0;
+ if ((uint) (end-str) > 1 && (*str == ' ' && isdigit(str[1])))
+ { // days !
+ date[0]=value;
+ state=1; // Assume next is hours
+ found_days=1;
+ str++; // Skipp space;
+ }
+ else if ((end-str) > 1 && *str == ':' && isdigit(str[1]))
+ {
+ date[0]=0; // Assume we found hours
+ date[1]=value;
+ state=2;
+ found_hours=1;
+ str++; // skipp ':'
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* String given as one number; assume HHMMSS format */
+ date[0]= 0;
+ date[1]= value/10000;
+ date[2]= value/100 % 100;
+ date[3]= value % 100;
+ state=4;
+ goto fractional;
+ }
+ /* Read hours, minutes and seconds */
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ for (value=0; str != end && isdigit(*str) ; str++)
+ value=value*10L + (long) (*str - '0');
+ date[state++]=value;
+ if (state == 4 || (end-str) < 2 || *str != ':' || !isdigit(str[1]))
+ break;
+ str++; // Skipp ':'
+ }
+ if (state != 4)
+ { // Not HH:MM:SS
+ /* Fix the date to assume that seconds was given */
+ if (!found_hours && !found_days)
+ {
+ bmove_upp((char*) (date+4), (char*) (date+state),
+ sizeof(long)*(state-1));
+ bzero((char*) date, sizeof(long)*(4-state));
+ }
+ else
+ bzero((char*) (date+state), sizeof(long)*(4-state));
+ }
+ fractional:
+ /* Get fractional second part */
+ if ((end-str) >= 2 && *str == '.' && isdigit(str[1]))
+ {
+ uint field_length=3;
+ str++; value=(uint) (uchar) (*str - '0');
+ while (++str != end && isdigit(str[0]) && field_length--)
+ value=value*10 + (uint) (uchar) (*str - '0');
+ date[4]=value;
+ }
+ else
+ date[4]=0;
+ /* Some simple checks */
+ if (date[2] >= 60 || date[3] >= 60)
+ {
+ current_thd->cuted_fields++;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ l_time->month=0;
+ l_time->day=date[0];
+ l_time->hour=date[1];
+ l_time->minute=date[2];
+ l_time->second=date[3];
+ l_time->second_part=date[4];
+ /* Check if there is garbage at end of the TIME specification */
+ if (str != end && current_thd->count_cuted_fields)
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ if (!isspace(*str))
+ {
+ current_thd->cuted_fields++;
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (++str != end);
+ }
+ return 0;