diff options
authorunknown <>2004-12-17 12:15:25 +0100
committerunknown <>2004-12-17 12:15:25 +0100
commitfed6df70e063c29187262ee0d637a3d61bb3f269 (patch)
parent1780c9b349452c9a06a572800a299495e733ed20 (diff)
parent9aa76331a06f2969cdbc6db6cb3490ca957702aa (diff)
11 files changed, 6291 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mysql-test/include/ b/mysql-test/include/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b11db7fa50d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/include/
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+###################### #############################
+# #
+# Basic routine for the generation and execution of prepared and non #
+# prepared SQL statements. #
+# #
+# Purpose: Simplify the check of complex statements with different #
+# sets of parameters (data type, value) #
+# #
+# Please be aware, that this routine
+# - will be sourced by several test case files stored within the
+# directory 'mysql-test/t'. So every change here will affect
+# several test cases.
+# - does not check its own prequisites
+# - modifies the content and the data type of the
+# uservariables @var_1 ... @var_<n>
+# Please preserve the '__<name>_' naming of the the auxiliary variables.
+# These names should avoid that a test case writer accidently creates a
+# variable with the same name.
+# naming conventions:
+# stmt_c_ --> statement with constants like "select 1 "
+# stmt_uv_ --> statement with uservariables like "select @var_1 "
+# stmt_ph_ --> prepared statement with placeholders like "select ? "
+# Explanation how to use this routine by an example:
+# Content of the caller script:
+# ....
+# set @stmt_part1= 'SELECT f1 + '
+# set @stmt_part2= ' from t1 where f2= ' ;
+# set @stmt_part3= '' ;
+# set @string_1= "1"; set @type_1= "BIGINT";
+# set @string_2= "-2.3E-4"; set @type_2= "DOUBLE";
+# set @max_var_number= 2;
+# --source include/
+# # The next testing rounds could start with
+# set @string_1= "NULL"; set @type_1= "BIGINT";
+# set @string_2= "-2.3E-4"; set @type_2= "DOUBLE";
+# --source include/
+# set @string_1= "1"; set @type_1= "BIGINT";
+# set @string_2= "NULL"; set @type_2= "LONGTEXT";
+# --source include/
+# Statements and uservariables to be produced and executed by this routine
+# 1. Statements with constants
+# 1.1 stmt1= SELECT f1 + 1 from t1 where f2= -2.3E-4 ;
+# 1.2 stmt1 as prepared statement
+# 2. Statements with uservariables
+# @var_n should be of data type @type_n (if possible) and have the
+# content @string_n .
+# 2.1 stmt2= SELECT f1 + @var_1 from t1 where f2= @var_2
+# 2.2 stmt2 as prepared statement
+# 3. prepared statement with placeholders
+# prepare stmt1 from 'SELECT f1 + ? from t1 where f2= ?'
+# execute stmt1 using @var_1, @var_2
+# Every prepared statement variant of the "patchwork" is 3 times executed.
+# Please have also also a look into
+# - t/tooltest.test , which checks or
+# - t/ps_12func.test , which contains test cases using
+# this routine.
+# Prerequisites:
+# The caller script must set the following uservariables:
+# The statement pieces: @stmt_part1, @stmt_part2, ... , @stmt_part<n>
+# The parameter values: @string_1, ... , @string_<n - 1>
+# The parameter value should fit to the data type !
+# UPPER(@stmt_part1) = 'NULL' will cause (SQL) NULL as content.
+# The parameter data types: @type_1, ... , @type_<n - 1>
+# Attention: All other type assignments will lead to a
+# uservariable of type LONGTEXT !!
+# The number of parameter values must be published via
+# set @max_var_number= <n - 1> ;
+# Attention: This routine does not perform any check of the content
+# of these variables.
+# How is intended uservariable generated:
+# Step 1: generate a uservariable of the intended type
+# UPPER(@type_<n>) statement
+# BIGINT set @var_<n>= 0
+# DOUBLE' set @var_<n>idx_= 0.0
+# LONGTEXT' set @var_<n>= "INIT"
+# LONGBLOB' set @var_<n>= CAST("INIT" AS BINARY)
+# <all other> set @var_<n>= "INIT"
+# Step 2: assign the value to the uservariable
+# IF ( UPPER(@string_<n>) != 'NULL')
+# UPPER(@type_<n>)
+# BIGINT set @var_<n>= CEIL(@string_<n>)
+# DOUBLE set @var_<n>= @string_<n> + 0.0
+# LONGTEXT set @var_<n>= @string_<n>
+# LONGBLOB set @var_<n>= CAST(@string_<n> AS BINARY)
+# <all other> set @var_<n>= @string_<n>
+# set @var_<n>= NULL
+# How to debug this routine if something goes wrong:
+# 1. Put the line '--disable_abort_on_error' into the caller script
+# --> There will be no abort of mysqltest, if a statement fails.
+# You will get a protocol (in most cases).
+# 2. Put the line 'set $__debug_= 1 ;' into the caller script .
+# The next call of will print
+# the type and content of generated uservariables and statements.
+# 3. disable the '--disable_query_log' option some lines below
+# and please be patient towards this routine, it is far away from being perfect.
+# Suppress the majority of the huge output concerning the statement and
+# uservariable generation
+let $__idx_= 1 ;
+eval set @__stmt_c_= @stmt_part_$__idx_ ;
+# If the number of variables is greater 0, we need also
+# - the statement with uservariables (stmt_uv) and
+# - the prepared statement with placeholders (stmt_ph) and
+# - the execute for the prepared statement with placeholders (execute_stmt_ph)
+let $__with_var_= `select @max_var_number > 0`;
+while ($__with_var_)
+ eval set @__stmt_uv_= @stmt_part_$__idx_ ;
+ eval set @__stmt_ph_= @stmt_part_$__idx_ ;
+ set @__execute_stmt_ph= 'execute __stmt_ph_ using ' ;
+ let $__num_= `select @max_var_number`;
+ while ($__num_)
+ {
+ ##### Generate the Uservariables
+ eval set @__my_init_= CASE UPPER(@type_$__idx_)
+ WHEN 'BIGINT' THEN 'set @var_$__idx_= 0'
+ WHEN 'DOUBLE' THEN 'set @var_$__idx_= 0.0'
+ WHEN 'LONGTEXT' THEN 'set @var_$__idx_= "INIT"'
+ WHEN 'LONGBLOB' THEN 'set @var_$__idx_= CAST("INIT" AS BINARY)'
+ ELSE 'set @var_$__idx_= "INIT"' END;
+ # select @__my_init_ as "@__my_init_ is: " ;
+ let $__my_init_= `select @__my_init_`;
+ eval $__my_init_ ;
+ eval set @__my_init_= CASE UPPER(@type_$__idx_)
+ "set @var_$__idx_= IF(UPPER(@string_$__idx_)!='NULL',CEIL(@string_$__idx_),NULL)"
+ "set @var_$__idx_= IF(UPPER(@string_$__idx_)!='NULL',@string_$__idx_ + 0.0,NULL)"
+ "set @var_$__idx_= IF(UPPER(@string_$__idx_)!='NULL',@string_$__idx_,NULL)"
+ "set @var_$__idx_= IF(UPPER(@string_$__idx_)!='NULL',CAST(@string_$__idx_ AS BINARY),NULL)"
+ "set @var_$__idx_= IF(UPPER(@string_$__idx_)!='NULL',@string_$__idx_,NULL)" END;
+ let $__my_init_= `select @__my_init_`;
+ eval $__my_init_ ;
+ ##### concat the variable to the statements
+ ## with Constants
+ # 1. replace ugly NULLs like 'NuLl' with 'NULL' for better readability
+ # 2. Strings to be inserted into the statement must be quoted
+ eval set @__stmt_c_= concat(
+ @__stmt_c_,
+ IF(UPPER(@string_$__idx_)='NULL','NULL',
+ IF(UPPER(@type_$__idx_)='LONGTEXT' or UPPER(@type_$__idx_)='LONGBLOB',
+ concat('''',@string_$__idx_,''''), @string_$__idx_
+ ))) ;
+ ## with Uservariables
+ eval set @__stmt_uv_= concat(@__stmt_uv_, '@var_$__idx_') ;
+ ## with placeholders
+ eval set @__stmt_ph_= concat(@__stmt_ph_, '?') ;
+ ##### complete the execute for the prepared statement with placeholders
+ eval set @__execute_stmt_ph= concat(@__execute_stmt_ph, '@var_$__idx_,') ;
+ inc $__idx_ ;
+ ##### concat the next part of the statement to the statements
+ eval set @__stmt_c_= concat(@__stmt_c_, @stmt_part_$__idx_ );
+ eval set @__stmt_uv_= concat(@__stmt_uv_, @stmt_part_$__idx_ );
+ eval set @__stmt_ph_= concat(@__stmt_ph_, @stmt_part_$__idx_ );
+ dec $__num_ ;
+ }
+ # @__execute_stmt_ph contains a trailing ',' which must be cut away
+ set @__execute_stmt_ph= substr(@__execute_stmt_ph,1,length(@__execute_stmt_ph) - 1);
+ dec $__with_var_ ;
+while ($__debug_)
+ ### Print debug informations for patchwork with variables
+ let $__with_var_= `select @max_var_number > 0`;
+ while ($__with_var_)
+ {
+ ### Print out the content of the statement variables
+ eval select "--------------------------------------"
+ as "the content of the statement variables"
+ union select concat('@__stmt_c_ is: ',@__stmt_c_)
+ union select concat('@__stmt_uv_ is: ',@__stmt_uv_)
+ union select concat('@__stmt_ph_ is: ',@__stmt_ph_)
+ union select concat('@__execute_stmt_ph is: ',@__execute_stmt_ph);
+ ### Print out the content of the uservariables
+ select '--------------------------------------'
+ as "the content of the parameter variables";
+ set @__parameter_= 'select ';
+ let $__num_= `select @max_var_number`;
+ let $__idx_= 1 ;
+ while ($__num_)
+ {
+ eval select @type_$__idx_ as type,
+ @string_$__idx_ as string,
+ @var_$__idx_ as uservariable ;
+ eval set @__parameter_= concat(@__parameter_, '@var_$__idx_ ,');
+ inc $__idx_ ;
+ dec $__num_ ;
+ }
+ # @__parameter_ contains a trailing ',' which must be cut away
+ set @__parameter_= substr(@__parameter_,1,length(@__parameter_) - 1);
+ let $__aux_= `select @__parameter_` ;
+ eval $__aux_ ;
+ ### Create a table from the uservariables and print out the column types
+ let $__aux_= `select concat('CREATE TABLE t9 AS ',@__parameter_)` ;
+ --disable_warnings
+ drop table if exists t9;
+ --enable_warnings
+ eval $__aux_ ;
+ show create table t9;
+ drop table t9;
+ dec $__with_var_ ;
+ }
+ ### Print debug informations for patchwork without variables
+ ### stmt_uv, stmt_ph, execute_stmt_ph and uservariables do NOT exist
+ let $__with_var_= `select @max_var_number = 0`;
+ while ($__with_var_)
+ {
+ ### Print out the content of the statement variables
+ eval select "--------------------------------------"
+ as "the content of the statement variable"
+ union select concat('@__stmt_c_ is: ',@__stmt_c_) ;
+ dec $__with_var_ ;
+ }
+ dec $__debug_ ;
+## copy the statements and the execute into $variables
+# (__stmt_ph_ is not needed)
+## + generate the prepared statements
+let $__stmt_c_= `select @__stmt_c_`;
+eval prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+let $__with_var_= `select @max_var_number > 0`;
+while ($__with_var_)
+ let $__stmt_uv_= `select @__stmt_uv_`;
+ eval prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+ let $__execute_ph= `select @__execute_stmt_ph`;
+ eval prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+ dec $__with_var_ ;
+##### The execution of all statements
+## statement with Constants
+eval $__stmt_c_ ;
+## prepared statement with Constants
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+# Try to detect if the prior executes damaged the parse tree by
+# two additional executes .
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+let $__with_var_= `select @max_var_number > 0`;
+while ($__with_var_)
+ ## statement with Uservariables
+ eval $__stmt_uv_ ;
+ ## prepared statement with Uservariables
+ execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+ # Try to detect if the prior executes damaged the parse tree by
+ # two additional executes .
+ execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+ execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+ ## prepared statement with placeholders
+ eval $__execute_ph ;
+ # Try to detect if the prior executes damaged the parse tree by
+ # two additional executes .
+ eval $__execute_ph ;
+ eval $__execute_ph ;
+ dec $__with_var_ ;
diff --git a/mysql-test/include/ b/mysql-test/include/
index 5fba7faa59a..345654b2d66 100644
--- a/mysql-test/include/
+++ b/mysql-test/include/
@@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ execute stmt1 using @1000, @duplicate, @5;
select a,b from t1 where a >= 1000 order by a ;
delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+set @1=1 ;
+set @2=2 ;
+set @100=100 ;
set @float=1.00;
set @five='five' ;
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/ps_12func.result b/mysql-test/r/ps_12func.result
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..881d5392edd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/r/ps_12func.result
@@ -0,0 +1,4748 @@
+use test;
+###### Variations on ROUND(X,D) ######
+set @stmt_part_1= 'select ROUND(' ;
+set @stmt_part_2= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_3= ') as my_col' ;
+set @max_var_number= 2;
+set @string_1= '11.298' ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '1' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(11.298,1) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= '3' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(11.298,3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= '4' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(11.298,4) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= '0' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(11.298,0) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= '-1' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(11.298,-1) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= '-2' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(11.298,-2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= '-3' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(11.298,-3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(11.298,NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @type_2= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @string_2= '1.0' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(11.298,1.0) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= '3.0' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(11.298,3.0) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= '4.0' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(11.298,4.0) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= '0.0' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(11.298,0.0) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= '-1.0' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(11.298,-1.0) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= '-2.0' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(11.298,-2.0) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= '-3.0' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(11.298,-3.0) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= '1.1' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(11.298,1.1) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= '1.9' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(11.298,1.9) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(11.298,NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @type_2= 'LONGBLOB' ;
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(11.298,NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '2' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL,2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= '-2' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL,-2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL,NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @type_2= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @string_2= '2.0' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL,2.0) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= '-2.0' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL,-2.0) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL,NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @type_2= 'LONGBLOB' ;
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL,NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '2' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL,2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= '-2' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL,-2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL,NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @type_2= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @string_2= '2.0' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL,2.0) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= '-2.0' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL,-2.0) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL,NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @type_2= 'LONGBLOB' ;
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL,NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGBLOB' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '2' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL,2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= '-2' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL,-2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL,NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @type_2= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @string_2= '2.0' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL,2.0) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= '-2.0' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL,-2.0) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL,NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @type_2= 'LONGBLOB' ;
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL,NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ,@var_2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2 ;
+set @stmt_part_1= 'select ROUND(' ;
+set @stmt_part_2= ') as my_col' ;
+set @max_var_number= 1;
+set @string_1= '11' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(11) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+set @string_1= '-11' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(-11) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+set @string_1= '0' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(0) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+set @string_1= '11.49' ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(11.49) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+set @string_1= '10.51' ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(10.51) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+set @string_1= '0.0' ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(0.0) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+set @string_1= '-11.49' ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(-11.49) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+set @string_1= '-10.51' ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select ROUND(-10.51) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select ROUND(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+set @stmt_part_2= 'select ROUND() as my_col' ;
+set @max_var_number= 0;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
+select ROUND( ;
+ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+ERROR HY000: Unknown prepared statement handler (__stmt_c_) given to EXECUTE
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+ERROR HY000: Unknown prepared statement handler (__stmt_c_) given to EXECUTE
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+ERROR HY000: Unknown prepared statement handler (__stmt_c_) given to EXECUTE
+###### Variations on CONCAT_WS(separator,str1,str2,...) ######
+set @stmt_part_1= 'select CONCAT_WS(' ;
+set @stmt_part_2= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_3= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_4= ') as my_col' ;
+set @max_var_number= 3;
+set @string_1= 'S' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= 'My' ;
+set @type_2= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_3= 'QL' ;
+set @type_3= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONCAT_WS('S','My','QL') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONCAT_WS(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGBLOB' ;
+set @string_2= 'My' ;
+set @type_2= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_3= 'QL' ;
+set @type_3= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONCAT_WS(NULL,'My','QL') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONCAT_WS(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONCAT_WS(NULL,'My','QL') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONCAT_WS(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONCAT_WS(NULL,'My','QL') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONCAT_WS(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= 'S' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_2= 'LONGBLOB' ;
+set @string_3= 'QL' ;
+set @type_3= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONCAT_WS('S',NULL,'QL') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONCAT_WS(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONCAT_WS('S',NULL,'QL') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONCAT_WS(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @type_2= 'DOUBLE' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONCAT_WS('S',NULL,'QL') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONCAT_WS(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= 'S' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= 'My' ;
+set @type_2= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_3= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_3= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONCAT_WS('S','My',NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONCAT_WS(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONCAT_WS('S','My',NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONCAT_WS(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @type_3= 'DOUBLE' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONCAT_WS('S','My',NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONCAT_WS(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @stmt_part_1= "select CONCAT_WS('S',IF(" ;
+set @stmt_part_2= ' IS NULL, ' ;
+set @stmt_part_3= ' , ' ;
+set @stmt_part_4= "),'QL') as my_col" ;
+set @max_var_number= 3;
+set @string_1= 'My' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= 'X' ;
+set @type_2= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_3= 'My' ;
+set @type_3= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONCAT_WS('S',IF('My' IS NULL, 'X' , 'My'),'QL') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONCAT_WS('S',IF(@var_1 IS NULL, @var_2 , @var_3),'QL') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGBLOB' ;
+set @string_2= 'X' ;
+set @type_2= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_3= 'My' ;
+set @type_3= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+###### Variations on CHAR(N,...) ######
+set @stmt_part_1= 'select CHAR(' ;
+set @stmt_part_2= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_3= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_4= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_5= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_6= ') as my_col' ;
+set @max_var_number= 5;
+set @string_1= '77' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '121' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '83' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_4= '81' ;
+set @type_4= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_5= '76' ;
+set @type_5= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CHAR(77,121,83,81,76) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CHAR(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4,@var_5) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4,@var_5 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4,@var_5 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4,@var_5 ;
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_1= '77' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '121' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_4= '81' ;
+set @type_4= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_5= '76' ;
+set @type_5= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_1= '77' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '121' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_4= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_4= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_5= '76' ;
+set @type_5= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_1= '77' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '121' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '83' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_4= '81' ;
+set @type_4= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_5= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_5= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGBLOB' ;
+set @string_2= '121' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '83' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_4= '81' ;
+set @type_4= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_5= '76' ;
+set @type_5= 'BIGINT' ;
+###### Variations on CHAR_LENGTH ######
+set @stmt_part_1= 'select CHAR_LENGTH(' ;
+set @stmt_part_2= ') as my_col' ;
+set @max_var_number= 1;
+set @string_1= 'MySQL' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CHAR_LENGTH('MySQL') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CHAR_LENGTH(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CHAR_LENGTH(NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CHAR_LENGTH(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CHAR_LENGTH(NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CHAR_LENGTH(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CHAR_LENGTH(NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CHAR_LENGTH(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+###### Variations on FIELD(str,str1,str2,str3,...) ######
+set @stmt_part_1= 'select FIELD(' ;
+set @stmt_part_2= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_3= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_4= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_5= ') as my_col' ;
+set @max_var_number= 4;
+set @string_1= 'Hit' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= '1it' ;
+set @type_2= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_3= 'Hit' ;
+set @type_3= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_4= '3it' ;
+set @type_4= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select FIELD('Hit','1it','Hit','3it') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select FIELD(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select FIELD(NULL,'1it','Hit','3it') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select FIELD(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+set @string_3= 'NULL' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select FIELD(NULL,'1it',NULL,'3it') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select FIELD(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+###### Variations on INSERT(str,pos,len,newstr) ######
+set @stmt_part_1= "select INSERT(" ;
+set @stmt_part_2= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_3= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_4= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_5= ") as my_col" ;
+set @max_var_number= 4;
+set @string_1= 'ABCDEFGHI' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= '3' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '4' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_4= '1234' ;
+set @type_4= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select INSERT('ABCDEFGHI',3,4,'1234') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select INSERT(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+set @string_2= '+30.0E-1' ;
+set @type_2= 'DOUBLE' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select INSERT('ABCDEFGHI',+30.0E-1,4,'1234') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select INSERT(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+set @string_2= '3' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '+40.0E-1' ;
+set @type_3= 'DOUBLE' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select INSERT('ABCDEFGHI',3,+40.0E-1,'1234') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select INSERT(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= '3' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '4' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_4= '1234' ;
+set @type_4= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select INSERT(NULL,3,4,'1234') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select INSERT(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+set @string_1= 'ABCDEFGHI' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select INSERT('ABCDEFGHI',NULL,4,'1234') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select INSERT(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+set @string_2= '3' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select INSERT('ABCDEFGHI',3,NULL,'1234') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select INSERT(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+set @string_3= '4' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_4= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_4= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select INSERT('ABCDEFGHI',3,4,NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select INSERT(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+set @string_1= 'ABCDEFGHI' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= '3' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '4' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_4= '1234' ;
+set @type_4= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= '15' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select INSERT('ABCDEFGHI',15,4,'1234') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select INSERT(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+set @string_2= '0' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select INSERT('ABCDEFGHI',0,4,'1234') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select INSERT(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+set @string_2= '-1' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select INSERT('ABCDEFGHI',-1,4,'1234') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select INSERT(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+set @string_1= 'ABCDEFGHI' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= '3' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '4' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_4= '1234' ;
+set @type_4= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select INSERT('ABCDEFGHI',3,10,'1234') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select INSERT(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+set @string_3= '5' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select INSERT('ABCDEFGHI',3,5,'1234') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select INSERT(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+set @string_3= '0' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select INSERT('ABCDEFGHI',3,0,'1234') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select INSERT(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+set @string_3= '-1' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select INSERT('ABCDEFGHI',3,-1,'1234') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select INSERT(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4 ;
+###### Variations on BIN(N) ######
+set @stmt_part_1= "select BIN(" ;
+set @stmt_part_2= ") as my_col" ;
+set @max_var_number= 1;
+set @string_1= '12' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select BIN(12) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select BIN(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select BIN(NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select BIN(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+set @string_1= '2147483648' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select BIN(2147483648) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select BIN(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+set @string_1= '0' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select BIN(0) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select BIN(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+set @string_1= '-1' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select BIN(-1) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select BIN(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+set @string_1= '9000000000000000000' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select BIN(9000000000000000000) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select BIN(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+set @string_1= '12.9E-0' ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select BIN(12.9E-0) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select BIN(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+set @string_1= '0.129E+2' ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select BIN(0.129E+2) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select BIN(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+###### Variations on BIT_LENGT(str) ######
+set @stmt_part_1= "select BIT_LENGTH(" ;
+set @stmt_part_2= ") as my_col" ;
+set @max_var_number= 1;
+set @string_1= 'text' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select BIT_LENGTH('text') as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select BIT_LENGTH(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select BIT_LENGTH(NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select BIT_LENGTH(@var_1 ) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ;
+###### Variations on CONV(N,from_base,to_base) ######
+set @stmt_part_1= "select CONV(" ;
+set @stmt_part_2= "," ;
+set @stmt_part_3= "," ;
+set @stmt_part_4= ") as my_col" ;
+set @max_var_number= 3;
+set @string_1= '37' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(37,10,10) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= '-37' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(-37,10,10) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= CAST(CAST(-37 AS unsigned INTEGER) AS CHAR);
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV('18446744073709551579',10,10) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= '37' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '-10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(37,10,-10) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= '-37' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '-10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(-37,10,-10) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= '9' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '11' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(9,10,11) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= '9' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '11' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(9,11,10) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= '10' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '11' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(10,10,11) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= 'A' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= '11' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV('A',11,10) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= '11' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '11' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(11,10,11) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= '10' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '11' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(10,11,10) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= '37' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '36' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(37,10,36) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= '11' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '36' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(11,36,10) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(NULL,10,10) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= '37' ;
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(37,NULL,10) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @string_3= 'NULL' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(37,10,NULL) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @string_1= '9' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '37' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(9,37,10) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= '9' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '1' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(9,1,10) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= '9' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '0' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(9,0,10) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= '9' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '-1' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(9,-1,10) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= '9' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '37' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(9,10,37) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= '9' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '1' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(9,10,1) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= '9' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '0' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '0' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(9,0,0) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= '9' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '-1' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(9,10,-1) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+set @string_1= '9' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '-37' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+select CONV(9,10,-37) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+select CONV(@var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3) as my_col ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3 ;
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/ps_2myisam.result b/mysql-test/r/ps_2myisam.result
index 24c1102306f..c2799c6faed 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/ps_2myisam.result
+++ b/mysql-test/r/ps_2myisam.result
@@ -1688,6 +1688,9 @@ a b
1003 duplicate three
1004 duplicate four
delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+set @1=1 ;
+set @2=2 ;
+set @100=100 ;
set @float=1.00;
set @five='five' ;
drop table if exists t2;
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/ps_3innodb.result b/mysql-test/r/ps_3innodb.result
index ad2912529a5..034cd75ea4b 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/ps_3innodb.result
+++ b/mysql-test/r/ps_3innodb.result
@@ -1671,6 +1671,9 @@ a b
1003 duplicate three
1004 duplicate four
delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+set @1=1 ;
+set @2=2 ;
+set @100=100 ;
set @float=1.00;
set @five='five' ;
drop table if exists t2;
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/ps_4heap.result b/mysql-test/r/ps_4heap.result
index 123e3d58b38..60a9ddd2bf2 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/ps_4heap.result
+++ b/mysql-test/r/ps_4heap.result
@@ -1672,6 +1672,9 @@ a b
1003 duplicate three
1004 duplicate four
delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+set @1=1 ;
+set @2=2 ;
+set @100=100 ;
set @float=1.00;
set @five='five' ;
drop table if exists t2;
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/ps_6bdb.result b/mysql-test/r/ps_6bdb.result
index 5f2419bdda5..baf273c84c0 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/ps_6bdb.result
+++ b/mysql-test/r/ps_6bdb.result
@@ -1671,6 +1671,9 @@ a b
1003 duplicate three
1004 duplicate four
delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+set @1=1 ;
+set @2=2 ;
+set @100=100 ;
set @float=1.00;
set @five='five' ;
drop table if exists t2;
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/ps_7ndb.result b/mysql-test/r/ps_7ndb.result
index 41c55cac0ca..3dbe3ed6218 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/ps_7ndb.result
+++ b/mysql-test/r/ps_7ndb.result
@@ -1671,6 +1671,9 @@ a b
1003 duplicate three
1004 duplicate four
delete from t1 where a >= 1000 ;
+set @1=1 ;
+set @2=2 ;
+set @100=100 ;
set @float=1.00;
set @five='five' ;
drop table if exists t2;
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/tool_test.result b/mysql-test/r/tool_test.result
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7be7645d8eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/r/tool_test.result
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+use test ;
+set @stmt_part_1= 'SELECT 1 as "my_fine_statement"' ;
+set @max_var_number= 0;
+the content of the statement variable
+@__stmt_c_ is: SELECT 1 as "my_fine_statement"
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+SELECT 1 as "my_fine_statement" ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+set @stmt_part_1= 'SELECT ' ;
+set @stmt_part_2= ' + ' ;
+set @stmt_part_3= ' + ' ;
+set @stmt_part_4= ' + ' ;
+set @stmt_part_5= ' + ' ;
+set @stmt_part_6= ' + ' ;
+set @stmt_part_7= ' + ' ;
+set @stmt_part_8= ' + ' ;
+set @stmt_part_9= ' as "my_fine_statement"' ;
+set @max_var_number= 8;
+set @string_1= '1' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= 'nULL' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '2.0' ;
+set @type_3= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @string_4= 'NuLL' ;
+set @type_4= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @string_5= 'TEXT' ;
+set @type_5= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_6= 'NUlL' ;
+set @type_6= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_7= 'BLOB' ;
+set @type_7= 'LONGBLOB' ;
+set @string_8= 'NULl' ;
+set @type_8= 'LONGBLOB' ;
+set @var_1= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_2= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_3= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_4= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_5= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_6= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_7= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_8= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+the content of the statement variables
+@__stmt_c_ is: SELECT 1 + NULL + 2.0 + NULL + 'TEXT' + NULL + 'BLOB' + NULL as "my_fine_statement"
+@__stmt_uv_ is: SELECT @var_1 + @var_2 + @var_3 + @var_4 + @var_5 + @var_6 + @var_7 + @var_8 as "my_fine_statement"
+@__stmt_ph_ is: SELECT ? + ? + ? + ? + ? + ? + ? + ? as "my_fine_statement"
+@__execute_stmt_ph is: execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4,@var_5,@var_6,@var_7,@var_8
+the content of the parameter variables
+type string uservariable
+type string uservariable
+type string uservariable
+DOUBLE 2.0 2
+type string uservariable
+type string uservariable
+type string uservariable
+type string uservariable
+type string uservariable
+@var_1 @var_2 @var_3 @var_4 @var_5 @var_6 @var_7 @var_8
+Table Create Table
+t9 CREATE TABLE `t9` (
+ `@var_1` bigint(20) default NULL,
+ `@var_2` bigint(20) default NULL,
+ `@var_3` double default NULL,
+ `@var_4` double default NULL,
+ `@var_5` longtext,
+ `@var_6` longtext,
+ `@var_7` longblob,
+ `@var_8` longblob
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+SELECT 1 + NULL + 2.0 + NULL + 'TEXT' + NULL + 'BLOB' + NULL as "my_fine_statement" ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+SELECT @var_1 + @var_2 + @var_3 + @var_4 + @var_5 + @var_6 + @var_7 + @var_8 as "my_fine_statement" ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4,@var_5,@var_6,@var_7,@var_8 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4,@var_5,@var_6,@var_7,@var_8 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4,@var_5,@var_6,@var_7,@var_8 ;
+set @string_1= '1.0' ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @string_2= '3.0' ;
+set @type_2= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @string_3= '2' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_4= '4' ;
+set @type_4= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_5= '5' ;
+set @type_5= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_6= '6' ;
+set @type_6= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @string_7= '7' ;
+set @type_7= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @string_8= '8' ;
+set @type_8= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @var_1= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_2= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_3= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_4= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_5= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_6= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_7= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_8= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+the content of the statement variables
+@__stmt_c_ is: SELECT 1.0 + 3.0 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 as "my_fine_statement"
+@__stmt_uv_ is: SELECT @var_1 + @var_2 + @var_3 + @var_4 + @var_5 + @var_6 + @var_7 + @var_8 as "my_fine_statement"
+@__stmt_ph_ is: SELECT ? + ? + ? + ? + ? + ? + ? + ? as "my_fine_statement"
+@__execute_stmt_ph is: execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4,@var_5,@var_6,@var_7,@var_8
+the content of the parameter variables
+type string uservariable
+DOUBLE 1.0 1
+type string uservariable
+DOUBLE 3.0 3
+type string uservariable
+type string uservariable
+type string uservariable
+type string uservariable
+type string uservariable
+type string uservariable
+@var_1 @var_2 @var_3 @var_4 @var_5 @var_6 @var_7 @var_8
+1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8
+Table Create Table
+t9 CREATE TABLE `t9` (
+ `@var_1` double default NULL,
+ `@var_2` double default NULL,
+ `@var_3` bigint(20) default NULL,
+ `@var_4` bigint(20) default NULL,
+ `@var_5` bigint(20) default NULL,
+ `@var_6` double default NULL,
+ `@var_7` double default NULL,
+ `@var_8` double default NULL
+prepare __stmt_c_ from @__stmt_c_ ;
+prepare __stmt_uv_ from @__stmt_uv_ ;
+prepare __stmt_ph_ from @__stmt_ph_ ;
+SELECT 1.0 + 3.0 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 as "my_fine_statement" ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+execute __stmt_c_ ;
+SELECT @var_1 + @var_2 + @var_3 + @var_4 + @var_5 + @var_6 + @var_7 + @var_8 as "my_fine_statement" ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_uv_ ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4,@var_5,@var_6,@var_7,@var_8 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4,@var_5,@var_6,@var_7,@var_8 ;
+execute __stmt_ph_ using @var_1 ,@var_2,@var_3,@var_4,@var_5,@var_6,@var_7,@var_8 ;
diff --git a/mysql-test/t/ps_12func.test b/mysql-test/t/ps_12func.test
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..65abffe946c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/t/ps_12func.test
@@ -0,0 +1,867 @@
+##################### ps_12func.test #####################
+# #
+# Prepared Statement tests of functions #
+# #
+# Non prepared variants are also checked #
+# #
+# Checked functions: #
+# #
+# ROUND(X,D) and ROUND(X) #
+# CONCAT_WS(separator,str1,str2,...) #
+# CHAR(N,...) #
+# CHAR_LENGTH(str) #
+# FIELD(str,str1,str2,str3,...) #
+# INSERT(str,pos,len,newstr) #
+# BIN(N) #
+# BIT_LENGTH(str) #
+# CONV(N,from_base,to_base) #
+# #
+use test;
+# "--disable_abort_on_error" is definitely needed, because there are some tests
+# which intentional produce statements with wrong syntax and it is not
+# possible to put a "--error <whatever>" just before the execution calls
+# within .
+##### ROUND(X,D)
+select concat('###### Variations on ROUND(X,D) ######') as ''
+union select '';
+set @stmt_part_1= 'select ROUND(' ;
+set @stmt_part_2= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_3= ') as my_col' ;
+set @max_var_number= 2;
+# first parameter 11.298 (DOUBLE) , ROUND( m.n , p ) m = 2 ; n = 3
+# Variations on parameter2
+set @string_1= '11.298' ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+## data type BIGINT, if possible
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+# p < n
+set @string_2= '1' ;
+--source include/
+# p = n
+set @string_2= '3' ;
+--source include/
+# p > n
+set @string_2= '4' ;
+--source include/
+# p = 0
+set @string_2= '0' ;
+--source include/
+# -p < m
+set @string_2= '-1' ;
+--source include/
+# -p = m
+set @string_2= '-2' ;
+--source include/
+# -p > m
+set @string_2= '-3' ;
+--source include/
+# -p = NULL
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+--source include/
+## data type DOUBLE, if possible
+set @type_2= 'DOUBLE' ;
+# p < n
+set @string_2= '1.0' ;
+--source include/
+# p = n
+set @string_2= '3.0' ;
+--source include/
+# p > n
+set @string_2= '4.0' ;
+--source include/
+# p = 0
+set @string_2= '0.0' ;
+--source include/
+# -p < m
+set @string_2= '-1.0' ;
+--source include/
+# -p = m
+set @string_2= '-2.0' ;
+--source include/
+# -p > m
+set @string_2= '-3.0' ;
+--source include/
+# ugly values
+set @string_2= '1.1' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_2= '1.9' ;
+--source include/
+# -p = NULL
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+--source include/
+## data type LONGBLOB, content NULL
+set @type_2= 'LONGBLOB' ;
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+--source include/
+# first parameter data type BIGINT, content NULL
+# Variations on parameter2
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '2' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_2= '-2' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+--source include/
+set @type_2= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @string_2= '2.0' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_2= '-2.0' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+--source include/
+set @type_2= 'LONGBLOB' ;
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+--source include/
+# first parameter data type DOUBLE, content NULL
+# Variations on parameter2
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '2' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_2= '-2' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+--source include/
+set @type_2= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @string_2= '2.0' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_2= '-2.0' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+--source include/
+set @type_2= 'LONGBLOB' ;
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+--source include/
+# first parameter data type LONGBLOB, content NULL
+# Variations on parameter2
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGBLOB' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '2' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_2= '-2' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+--source include/
+set @type_2= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @string_2= '2.0' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_2= '-2.0' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+--source include/
+set @type_2= 'LONGBLOB' ;
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+--source include/
+# ROUND(D) Returns the argument X, rounded to the nearest integer.
+set @stmt_part_1= 'select ROUND(' ;
+set @stmt_part_2= ') as my_col' ;
+set @max_var_number= 1;
+## test cases with BIGINT
+set @string_1= '11' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '-11' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '0' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+## test cases with BIGINT
+set @string_1= '11.49' ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '10.51' ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '0.0' ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '-11.49' ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '-10.51' ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+--source include/
+## Incomplete statement
+set @stmt_part_2= 'select ROUND() as my_col' ;
+set @max_var_number= 0;
+--source include/
+##### CONCAT_WS(separator,str1,str2,...)
+# Example: CONCAT_WS('S','My','QL')
+select concat('###### Variations on CONCAT_WS(separator,str1,str2,...) ######')
+as '' union select '';
+set @stmt_part_1= 'select CONCAT_WS(' ;
+set @stmt_part_2= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_3= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_4= ') as my_col' ;
+set @max_var_number= 3;
+### common case
+set @string_1= 'S' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= 'My' ;
+set @type_2= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_3= 'QL' ;
+set @type_3= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+--source include/
+# NULL at different parameter positions
+### The separator (first parameter) is NULL.
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGBLOB' ;
+set @string_2= 'My' ;
+set @type_2= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_3= 'QL' ;
+set @type_3= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+--source include/
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+--source include/
+### The first string (second parameter) is NULL.
+set @string_1= 'S' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_2= 'LONGBLOB' ;
+set @string_3= 'QL' ;
+set @type_3= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+--source include/
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @type_2= 'DOUBLE' ;
+--source include/
+### The second string (third parameter) is NULL.
+set @string_1= 'S' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= 'My' ;
+set @type_2= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_3= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_3= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+--source include/
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @type_3= 'DOUBLE' ;
+--source include/
+# some complicated things
+# select concat_ws('S',IF(parameter1=NULL,parameter2,parameter3),'QL')
+set @stmt_part_1= "select CONCAT_WS('S',IF(" ;
+set @stmt_part_2= ' IS NULL, ' ;
+set @stmt_part_3= ' , ' ;
+set @stmt_part_4= "),'QL') as my_col" ;
+set @max_var_number= 3;
+# common case
+set @string_1= 'My' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= 'X' ;
+set @type_2= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_3= 'My' ;
+set @type_3= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGBLOB' ;
+set @string_2= 'X' ;
+set @type_2= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_3= 'My' ;
+set @type_3= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+# deactivated because of
+# Bug#6297 : prepared statement, wrong handling of <parameter> IS NULL
+# let $__debug_= 1;
+# --source include/
+##### CHAR(N,...)
+# Example(Manual): SELECT CHAR(77,121,83,81,'76');
+select concat('###### Variations on CHAR(N,...) ######') as ''
+union select '';
+set @stmt_part_1= 'select CHAR(' ;
+set @stmt_part_2= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_3= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_4= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_5= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_6= ') as my_col' ;
+set @max_var_number= 5;
+### common case
+set @string_1= '77' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '121' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '83' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_4= '81' ;
+set @type_4= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_5= '76' ;
+set @type_5= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+# NULL at different parameter positions
+# Only the first parameter is NULL.
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+##### ugly maybe wrong result
+# Bug#6317: string function CHAR, parameter is NULL, wrong result
+#--source include/
+## Only one non first/last parameter is NULL.
+set @string_1= '77' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '121' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_4= '81' ;
+set @type_4= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_5= '76' ;
+set @type_5= 'BIGINT' ;
+# Bug#6317: string function CHAR, parameter is NULL, wrong result
+#--source include/
+## Two neighbour parameters in the middle are NULL.
+set @string_1= '77' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '121' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_4= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_4= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_5= '76' ;
+set @type_5= 'BIGINT' ;
+# Bug#6317: string function CHAR, parameter is NULL, wrong result
+#--source include/
+## Only the last parameter is NULL.
+set @string_1= '77' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '121' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '83' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_4= '81' ;
+set @type_4= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_5= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_5= 'BIGINT' ;
+# Bug#6317: string function CHAR, parameter is NULL, wrong result
+#--source include/
+## The first parameter is NULL with bad type.
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGBLOB' ;
+set @string_2= '121' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '83' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_4= '81' ;
+set @type_4= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_5= '76' ;
+set @type_5= 'BIGINT' ;
+# Bug#6317: string function CHAR, parameter is NULL, wrong result
+#--source include/
+##### CHAR_LENGTH(str)
+select concat('###### Variations on CHAR_LENGTH ######') as ''
+union select '';
+set @stmt_part_1= 'select CHAR_LENGTH(' ;
+set @stmt_part_2= ') as my_col' ;
+set @max_var_number= 1;
+### common case
+set @string_1= 'MySQL' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+--source include/
+# NULL at different parameter positions
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+--source include/
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+--source include/
+##### FIELD(str,str1,str2,str3,...)
+select concat('###### Variations on FIELD(str,str1,str2,str3,...) ######') as ''
+union select '';
+set @stmt_part_1= 'select FIELD(' ;
+set @stmt_part_2= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_3= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_4= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_5= ') as my_col' ;
+set @max_var_number= 4;
+### common case
+set @string_1= 'Hit' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= '1it' ;
+set @type_2= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_3= 'Hit' ;
+set @type_3= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_4= '3it' ;
+set @type_4= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+--source include/
+# NULL at different parameter positions
+# string to search for is NULL, all other strings not NULL
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+# Bug#6321: strange error, string function FIELD(<uservariable content NULL>, ..
+--source include/
+# string to search for and one of the other is NULL
+set @string_3= 'NULL' ;
+# Bug#6321: strange error, string function FIELD(<uservariable content NULL>, ..
+--source include/
+##### INSERT(str,pos,len,newstr)
+# Manual Example: SELECT INSERT('Quadratic', 3, 4, 'What') -> 'QuWhattic'
+select concat('###### Variations on INSERT(str,pos,len,newstr) ######') as ''
+union select '';
+set @stmt_part_1= "select INSERT(" ;
+set @stmt_part_2= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_3= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_4= ',' ;
+set @stmt_part_5= ") as my_col" ;
+set @max_var_number= 4;
+### common case (modified manual example)
+set @string_1= 'ABCDEFGHI' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= '3' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '4' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_4= '1234' ;
+set @type_4= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+--source include/
+# Try DOUBLE instead of BIGINT for pos and len
+set @string_2= '+30.0E-1' ;
+set @type_2= 'DOUBLE' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_2= '3' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '+40.0E-1' ;
+set @type_3= 'DOUBLE' ;
+--source include/
+# NULL at different parameter positions
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= '3' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '4' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_4= '1234' ;
+set @type_4= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= 'ABCDEFGHI' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_2= '3' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_3= '4' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_4= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_4= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+--source include/
+# Variations on the second parameter (start position)
+set @string_1= 'ABCDEFGHI' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= '3' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '4' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_4= '1234' ;
+set @type_4= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+# start position > length of the first string (9)
+set @string_2= '15' ;
+--source include/
+# start position = 0
+set @string_2= '0' ;
+--source include/
+# start position < 0
+set @string_2= '-1' ;
+--source include/
+# Variations on the third parameter (# of chars of string one to be replaced)
+set @string_1= 'ABCDEFGHI' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= '3' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '4' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_4= '1234' ;
+set @type_4= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+## chars to be replaced > length of the second string
+# start pos (3) + replace length(10) > length of first string(9)
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+--source include/
+# start pos (3) + chars to be replaced (5) < length of first string(9)
+set @string_3= '5' ;
+--source include/
+# chars to be replaced = 0
+set @string_3= '0' ;
+--source include/
+# chars to be replaced < 0
+set @string_3= '-1' ;
+--source include/
+##### BIN(N)
+# manual example: SELECT BIN(12); -> '1100'
+select concat('###### Variations on BIN(N) ######') as ''
+union select '';
+set @stmt_part_1= "select BIN(" ;
+set @stmt_part_2= ") as my_col" ;
+set @max_var_number= 1;
+set @string_1= '12' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+#### Variations on the parameter
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '2147483648' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '0' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '-1' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '9000000000000000000' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '12.9E-0' ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '0.129E+2' ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+--source include/
+##### BIT_LENGTH(str)
+# Manual example: SELECT BIT_LENGTH('text'); -> 32
+select concat('###### Variations on BIT_LENGT(str) ######') as ''
+union select '';
+set @stmt_part_1= "select BIT_LENGTH(" ;
+set @stmt_part_2= ") as my_col" ;
+set @max_var_number= 1;
+set @string_1= 'text' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+--source include/
+# try NULL
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+--source include/
+##### CONV(N,from_base,to_base)
+# Manual example: SELECT CONV(-17,10,-18); -> '-H'
+select concat('###### Variations on CONV(N,from_base,to_base) ######') as ''
+union select '';
+set @stmt_part_1= "select CONV(" ;
+set @stmt_part_2= "," ;
+set @stmt_part_3= "," ;
+set @stmt_part_4= ") as my_col" ;
+set @max_var_number= 3;
+# Manual: If to_base is a negative number, N is regarded as a signed number.
+# Otherwise, N is treated as unsigned.
+# Experiments with positive/negative number/to_base
+# number positive written, to_base positive
+set @string_1= '37' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+# number negative written, to_base positive
+set @string_1= '-37' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+# The last result (unsigned) BIGINT 18446744073709551579 might be surprising.
+# The next statements could give an explanation.
+set @string_1= CAST(CAST(-37 AS unsigned INTEGER) AS CHAR);
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+# number positive written, to_base negative
+set @string_1= '37' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '-10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+# number negative written, to_base negative
+set @string_1= '-37' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '-10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+# conversions to and from the exotic 11 based number system
+set @string_1= '9' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '11' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '9' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '11' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '10' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '11' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= 'A' ;
+set @type_1= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_2= '11' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '11' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '11' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '10' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '11' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+# Try the maximum base value 36
+set @string_1= '37' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '36' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '11' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '36' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+# NULL at different parameter positions
+set @string_1= 'NULL' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '37' ;
+set @string_2= 'NULL' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @string_3= 'NULL' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+# The rule for from_base is: 2 <= from_base <= 36
+# Try values outside of this range.
+set @string_1= '9' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '37' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '9' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '1' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '9' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '0' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '9' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '-1' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '10' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+# The rule for to_base is: 2<= ABS(to_base) <= 36
+# Try values outside of this range.
+set @string_1= '9' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '37' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '9' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '1' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '9' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '0' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '0' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '9' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '-1' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
+set @string_1= '9' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= '10' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '-37' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+--source include/
diff --git a/mysql-test/t/tool_test.test b/mysql-test/t/tool_test.test
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b28eae2c17d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/t/tool_test.test
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+########################### tool_test.test #############################
+# #
+# Test sequences for the check of mysqltest based test tools #
+# #
+# Checked routines: #
+# include/ #
+# #
+##### Check of include/
+use test ;
+# Simple test (special case):
+# The statement is made of only one piece and does not contain variables.
+set @stmt_part_1= 'SELECT 1 as "my_fine_statement"' ;
+set @max_var_number= 0;
+# switch debug output on (Attention: will switch it off)
+let $__debug_= 1;
+--source include/
+# Test case with many statement pieces and variables of all in
+# include/ available data types.
+set @stmt_part_1= 'SELECT ' ;
+set @stmt_part_2= ' + ' ;
+set @stmt_part_3= ' + ' ;
+set @stmt_part_4= ' + ' ;
+set @stmt_part_5= ' + ' ;
+set @stmt_part_6= ' + ' ;
+set @stmt_part_7= ' + ' ;
+set @stmt_part_8= ' + ' ;
+set @stmt_part_9= ' as "my_fine_statement"' ;
+set @max_var_number= 8;
+set @string_1= '1' ;
+set @type_1= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_2= 'nULL' ;
+set @type_2= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_3= '2.0' ;
+set @type_3= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @string_4= 'NuLL' ;
+set @type_4= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @string_5= 'TEXT' ;
+set @type_5= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_6= 'NUlL' ;
+set @type_6= 'LONGTEXT' ;
+set @string_7= 'BLOB' ;
+set @type_7= 'LONGBLOB' ;
+set @string_8= 'NULl' ;
+set @type_8= 'LONGBLOB' ;
+# Initialization of all uservariables to the data type LONGTEXT and content,
+# which will not be repeated within the following tests.
+# 'include/' MUST destroy all these settings.
+# That is why this initialization is NOT needed within test cases
+# calling include/ .
+set @var_1= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_2= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_3= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_4= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_5= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_6= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_7= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_8= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+# switch debug output on (Attention: will switch it off)
+let $__debug_= 1;
+--source include/
+### Execute the statement with more useful content of the variables.
+set @string_1= '1.0' ;
+set @type_1= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @string_2= '3.0' ;
+set @type_2= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @string_3= '2' ;
+set @type_3= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_4= '4' ;
+set @type_4= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_5= '5' ;
+set @type_5= 'BIGINT' ;
+set @string_6= '6' ;
+set @type_6= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @string_7= '7' ;
+set @type_7= 'DOUBLE' ;
+set @string_8= '8' ;
+set @type_8= 'DOUBLE' ;
+# Initialization
+set @var_1= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_2= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_3= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_4= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_5= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_6= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_7= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+set @var_8= 'YYYYYYYY' ;
+# switch debug output on (Attention: include/ switches it off)
+let $__debug_= 1;
+--source include/