local scrypt = require "scrypt" local curtime = 0; local function time(m) curtime = os.clock() - curtime; io.stdout:write(m, ": ",curtime, "\n") end local hash1 = scrypt.hash_password("Hello", 2^14, 8, 1) time "Generate hash1" local hash2 = scrypt.hash_password("Hello", 2^14, 8, 1) time "Generate hash2" assert(hash1 ~= hash2) -- hashes are salted local hash3 = scrypt.hash_password("Hello", 2^16, 8, 1) time "Generate hash3" assert(scrypt.verify_password(hash1, "Hello")) time "Verify hash1 with correct password" assert(scrypt.verify_password(hash2, "World") == false) time "Verify hash2 with incorrect password" assert(scrypt.verify_password(hash3, "Hello")) time "Verify hash3 with correct password" assert(scrypt.verify_password(hash3, "World") == false) time "Verify hash3 with incorrect password"