If you want to generate new po file: "make pot" and look for a file named pot.po. To generate mo files from po files: "make mo", it's also done when you "make install", if you want to install only mo files ( no programs ) "make inst_mo", mo files will be copied to: /usr/share/locale/'languages names'/LC_MESSAGES/quota.mo. warnquota ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ this program was modifiated to be more configurable - you can now specify new warning message ( also sender, cc, etc. ) without recompiling the program. all you need is to edit pot.po ( make pot ), you will find in it mail message, and etc. - create new strings, make mo with msgfmt, and copy mo file to /usr/share/locale/'lang'/LC_MESSAGES/quota.mo. now you have new warning mail message. gettext support was added by Paul Niewiadomski , any questions, suggestions are welcome. thanks to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Roman_Kaminski@saba.com.pl