================== Directory Listings ================== ---------------------- Module: mod_dirlisting ---------------------- :Author: Jan Kneschke :Date: $Date: 2004/11/03 22:26:05 $ :Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $ :abstract: mod_dirlisting generates HTML based directory listings with full CSS control .. meta:: :keywords: lighttpd, directory listings, dirlisting .. contents:: Table of Contents Description =========== mod_dirlisting is one of the modules which is loaded by default and don't have to be specified on server.modules to work. A directory listing is generated if a directory is requested and no index-file was found in that directory. To enable directory listings globally: :: dir-listing.activate = "enable" If you need it only for a directory, use conditionals: :: $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/download($|/)" { dir-listing.activate = "enable" } You can also use a external generator for directory listings if you use mod_indexfile. :: index-file.names = ( "/dir-generator.php" ) If a directory is requested the dir-generator.php is called instead which can take the REQUEST_URI to see which directory was requested. For large folders this is highly recommend. Options ======= dir-listing.activate enables virtual directory listings if a directory is requested no index-file was found Default: disabled dir-listing.hide-dotfiles if enabled, does not list hidden files in directory listings generated by the dir-listing option. Default: enabled dir-listing.external-css path to an external css stylesheet for the directory listing dir-listing.exclude list of regular expressions. Files that match any of the specified regular expressions will be excluded from directory listings. dir-listing.encoding set a encoding for the generated directory listing If you file-system is not using ASCII you have to set the encoding of the filenames as they are put into the HTML listing AS IS (with XML encoding) Example: :: dir-listing.encoding = "utf-8"