/* vim: set sw=2 et: */ /* * Copyright (C) 2009 Vincent Untz * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, see . * * Authors: * Vincent Untz */ #include #include #include #include #include static void status_icon_activated (GtkStatusIcon *icon, WnckWindow *window) { WnckWorkspace *workspace; guint32 timestamp; /* We're in an activate callback, so gtk_get_current_time() works... */ timestamp = gtk_get_current_event_time (); /* FIXME: THIS IS SICK AND WRONG AND BUGGY. See the end of * http://mail.gnome.org/archives/wm-spec-list/2005-July/msg00032.html * There should only be *one* activate call. */ workspace = wnck_window_get_workspace (window); if (workspace) wnck_workspace_activate (workspace, timestamp); wnck_window_activate (window, timestamp); } static GtkStatusIcon * status_icon_get (WnckWindow *window) { return g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (window), "wnck-urgency-icon"); } static void status_icon_update (WnckWindow *window) { GtkStatusIcon *icon; icon = status_icon_get (window); if (icon == NULL) { return; } if (wnck_window_get_icon_is_fallback (window)) { gtk_status_icon_set_from_icon_name (icon, "dialog-information"); } else { gtk_status_icon_set_from_pixbuf (icon, wnck_window_get_mini_icon (window)); } gtk_status_icon_set_tooltip_text (icon, wnck_window_get_name (window)); } static void status_icon_create (WnckWindow *window) { GtkStatusIcon *icon; icon = gtk_status_icon_new (); g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "wnck-urgency-icon", icon); g_signal_connect (icon, "activate", G_CALLBACK (status_icon_activated), window); status_icon_update (window); } static void status_icon_remove (WnckWindow *window) { GtkStatusIcon *icon; icon = status_icon_get (window); if (icon != NULL) { gtk_status_icon_set_visible (icon, FALSE); g_object_unref (icon); g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (window), "wnck-urgency-icon", NULL); } } static void window_state_changed (WnckWindow *window, WnckWindowState changed_mask, WnckWindowState new_state, gpointer data) { GtkStatusIcon *icon; if (! (changed_mask & (WNCK_WINDOW_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION | WNCK_WINDOW_STATE_URGENT))) return; icon = status_icon_get (window); if (wnck_window_or_transient_needs_attention (window)) { if (icon == NULL) { status_icon_create (window); } } else { status_icon_remove (window); } } static void window_icon_changed (WnckWindow *window, gpointer data) { status_icon_update (window); } static void window_name_changed (WnckWindow *window, gpointer data) { status_icon_update (window); } static void connect_to_window (WnckScreen *screen, WnckWindow *window) { if (wnck_window_or_transient_needs_attention (window)) { status_icon_create (window); } g_signal_connect (window, "state_changed", G_CALLBACK (window_state_changed), NULL); g_signal_connect (window, "icon_changed", G_CALLBACK (window_icon_changed), NULL); g_signal_connect (window, "name_changed", G_CALLBACK (window_name_changed), NULL); } static void disconnect_from_window (WnckScreen *screen, WnckWindow *window) { status_icon_remove (window); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { GOptionContext *ctxt; GError *error; WnckScreen *screen; ctxt = g_option_context_new (NULL); g_option_context_set_summary (ctxt, "Monitor windows with the urgency hint " "set, and display a notification icon " "for each of them."); g_option_context_add_group (ctxt, gtk_get_option_group (TRUE)); error = NULL; if (!g_option_context_parse (ctxt, &argc, &argv, &error)) { g_printerr ("Error while parsing arguments: %s\n", error->message); g_option_context_free (ctxt); g_error_free (error); return 1; } g_option_context_free (ctxt); ctxt = NULL; gtk_init (&argc, &argv); wnck_set_client_type (WNCK_CLIENT_TYPE_PAGER); screen = wnck_screen_get_default (); g_signal_connect (screen, "window_opened", G_CALLBACK (connect_to_window), NULL); g_signal_connect (screen, "window_closed", G_CALLBACK (disconnect_from_window), NULL); gtk_main (); return 0; }