#!/usr/bin/python import sys import lxml import lxml.etree import string if len(sys.argv) >= 2: # Munge import path to insert build location for libvirt mod sys.path.insert(0, sys.argv[1]) import libvirt if sys.version > '3': long = int def get_libvirt_api_xml_path(): import subprocess args = ["pkg-config", "--variable", "libvirt_api", "libvirt"] proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, _ = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode: sys.exit(proc.returncode) return stdout.splitlines()[0] # Path to the libvirt API XML file if len(sys.argv) >= 3: xml = sys.argv[2] else: xml = get_libvirt_api_xml_path() with open(xml, "r") as fp: tree = lxml.etree.parse(fp) verbose = False fail = False enumvals = {} second_pass = [] wantenums = [] wantfunctions = [] # Phase 1: Identify all functions and enums in public API set = tree.xpath('/api/files/file/exports[@type="function"]/@symbol') for n in set: wantfunctions.append(n) set = tree.xpath('/api/symbols/enum') for n in set: typ = n.attrib['type'] name = n.attrib['name'] val = n.attrib['value'] if typ not in enumvals: enumvals[typ] = {} # If the value cannot be converted to int, it is reference to # another enum and needs to be sorted out later on try: val = int(val) except ValueError: second_pass.append(n) continue enumvals[typ][name] = int(val) for n in second_pass: typ = n.attrib['type'] name = n.attrib['name'] val = n.attrib['value'] for v in enumvals.values(): if val in v: val = int(v[val]) break if type(val) != int: fail = True print("Cannot get a value of enum %s (originally %s)" % (val, name)) enumvals[typ][name] = val set = tree.xpath('/api/files/file/exports[@type="enum"]/@symbol') for n in set: for enumval in enumvals.values(): if n in enumval: enum = enumval break # Eliminate sentinels if n.endswith('_LAST') and enum[n] == max(enum.values()): continue wantenums.append(n) # Phase 2: Identify all classes and methods in the 'libvirt' python module gotenums = [] gottypes = [] gotfunctions = { "libvirt": [] } for name in dir(libvirt): if name[0] == '_': continue thing = getattr(libvirt, name) # Special-case libvirtError to deal with python 2.4 difference # in Exception class type reporting. if type(thing) in (int, long): gotenums.append(name) elif type(thing) == type or name == "libvirtError": gottypes.append(name) gotfunctions[name] = [] elif callable(thing): gotfunctions["libvirt"].append(name) else: pass for enum in wantenums: if enum not in gotenums: fail = True for typ, enumval in enumvals.items(): if enum in enumval: print("FAIL Missing exported enum %s of type %s" % (enum, typ)) for klassname in gottypes: klassobj = getattr(libvirt, klassname) for name in dir(klassobj): if name[0] == '_': continue if name == 'c_pointer': continue thing = getattr(klassobj, name) if callable(thing): gotfunctions[klassname].append(name) else: pass # Phase 3: First cut at mapping of C APIs to python classes + methods basicklassmap = {} for cname in wantfunctions: name = cname # Some virConnect APIs have stupid names if name[0:7] == "virNode" and name[0:13] != "virNodeDevice": name = "virConnect" + name[7:] if name[0:7] == "virConn" and name[0:10] != "virConnect": name = "virConnect" + name[7:] # The typed param APIs are only for internal use if name[0:14] == "virTypedParams": continue if name[0:23] == "virNetworkDHCPLeaseFree": continue if name[0:28] == "virDomainStatsRecordListFree": continue if name[0:19] == "virDomainFSInfoFree": continue if name[0:25] == "virDomainIOThreadInfoFree": continue if name[0:22] == "virDomainInterfaceFree": continue if name[0:21] == "virDomainListGetStats": name = "virConnectDomainListGetStats" # These aren't functions, they're callback signatures if name in ["virConnectAuthCallbackPtr", "virConnectCloseFunc", "virStreamSinkFunc", "virStreamSourceFunc", "virStreamEventCallback", "virEventHandleCallback", "virEventTimeoutCallback", "virFreeCallback", "virStreamSinkHoleFunc", "virStreamSourceHoleFunc", "virStreamSourceSkipFunc"]: continue if name[0:21] == "virConnectDomainEvent" and name[-8:] == "Callback": continue if name[0:22] == "virConnectNetworkEvent" and name[-8:] == "Callback": continue if (name.startswith("virConnectStoragePoolEvent") and name.endswith("Callback")): continue if (name.startswith("virConnectNodeDeviceEvent") and name.endswith("Callback")): continue if (name.startswith("virConnectSecretEvent") and name.endswith("Callback")): continue # virEvent APIs go into main 'libvirt' namespace not any class if name[0:8] == "virEvent": if name[-4:] == "Func": continue basicklassmap[name] = ["libvirt", name, cname] else: found = False # To start with map APIs to classes based on the # naming prefix. Mistakes will be fixed in next # loop for klassname in gottypes: klen = len(klassname) if name[0:klen] == klassname: found = True if name not in basicklassmap: basicklassmap[name] = [klassname, name[klen:], cname] elif len(basicklassmap[name]) < klen: basicklassmap[name] = [klassname, name[klen:], cname] # Anything which can't map to a class goes into the # global namespaces if not found: basicklassmap[name] = ["libvirt", name[3:], cname] # Phase 4: Deal with oh so many special cases in C -> python mapping finalklassmap = {} for name in sorted(basicklassmap): klass = basicklassmap[name][0] func = basicklassmap[name][1] cname = basicklassmap[name][2] # The object lifecycle APIs are irrelevant since they're # used inside the object constructors/destructors. if func in ["Ref", "Free", "New", "GetConnect", "GetDomain"]: if klass == "virStream" and func == "New": klass = "virConnect" func = "NewStream" else: continue # All the error handling methods need special handling if klass == "libvirt": if func in ["CopyLastError", "DefaultErrorFunc", "ErrorFunc", "FreeError", "SaveLastError", "ResetError"]: continue elif func in ["GetLastError", "GetLastErrorMessage", "ResetLastError", "Initialize"]: func = "vir" + func elif func == "SetErrorFunc": func = "RegisterErrorHandler" elif klass == "virConnect": if func in ["CopyLastError", "SetErrorFunc"]: continue elif func in ["GetLastError", "ResetLastError"]: func = "virConn" + func # Remove 'Get' prefix from most APIs, except those in virConnect # and virDomainSnapshot namespaces which stupidly used a different # convention which we now can't fix without breaking API if func[0:3] == "Get" and klass not in ["virConnect", "virDomainSnapshot", "libvirt"]: if func not in ["GetCPUStats", "GetTime"]: func = func[3:] # The object creation and lookup APIs all have to get re-mapped # into the parent class if func in ["CreateXML", "CreateLinux", "CreateXMLWithFiles", "DefineXML", "CreateXMLFrom", "LookupByUUID", "LookupByUUIDString", "LookupByVolume" "LookupByName", "LookupByID", "LookupByName", "LookupByKey", "LookupByPath", "LookupByMACString", "LookupByUsage", "LookupByVolume", "LookupSCSIHostByWWN", "Restore", "RestoreFlags", "SaveImageDefineXML", "SaveImageGetXMLDesc", "DefineXMLFlags"]: if klass != "virDomain": func = klass[3:] + func if klass == "virDomainSnapshot": klass = "virDomain" func = func[6:] elif klass == "virStorageVol" and func in ["StorageVolCreateXMLFrom", "StorageVolCreateXML"]: klass = "virStoragePool" func = func[10:] elif func == "StoragePoolLookupByVolume": klass = "virStorageVol" elif func == "StorageVolLookupByName": klass = "virStoragePool" else: klass = "virConnect" # The open methods get remapped to primary namespace if klass == "virConnect" and func in ["Open", "OpenAuth", "OpenReadOnly"]: klass = "libvirt" # These are inexplicably renamed in the python API if func == "ListDomains": func = "ListDomainsID" elif func == "ListAllNodeDevices": func = "ListAllDevices" elif func == "ListNodeDevices": func = "ListDevices" # The virInterfaceChangeXXXX APIs go into virConnect. Stupidly # they have lost their 'interface' prefix in names, but we can't # fix this name if func[0:6] == "Change": klass = "virConnect" # Need to special case the snapshot APIs if klass == "virDomainSnapshot" and func in ["Current", "ListNames", "Num"]: klass = "virDomain" func = "snapshot" + func # Names should start with lowercase letter... func = func[0:1].lower() + func[1:] if func[0:8] == "nWFilter": func = "nwfilter" + func[8:] if func[0:8] == "fSFreeze" or func[0:6] == "fSThaw" or func[0:6] == "fSInfo": func = "fs" + func[2:] if func[0:12] == "iOThreadInfo": func = "ioThreadInfo" if klass == "virNetwork": func = func.replace("dHCP", "DHCP") # ...except when they don't. More stupid naming # decisions we can't fix if func == "iD": func = "ID" if func == "uUID": func = "UUID" if func == "uUIDString": func = "UUIDString" if func == "oSType": func = "OSType" if func == "xMLDesc": func = "XMLDesc" if func == "mACString": func = "MACString" finalklassmap[name] = [klass, func, cname] # Phase 5: Validate sure that every C API is mapped to a python API usedfunctions = {} for name in sorted(finalklassmap): klass = finalklassmap[name][0] func = finalklassmap[name][1] if func in gotfunctions[klass]: usedfunctions["%s.%s" % (klass, func)] = 1 if verbose: print("PASS %s -> %s.%s" % (name, klass, func)) else: print("FAIL %s -> %s.%s (C API not mapped to python)" % (name, klass, func)) fail = True # Phase 6: Validate that every python API has a corresponding C API for klass in gotfunctions: if klass == "libvirtError": continue for func in sorted(gotfunctions[klass]): # These are pure python methods with no C APi if func in ["connect", "getConnect", "domain", "getDomain", "virEventInvokeFreeCallback"]: continue key = "%s.%s" % (klass, func) if not key in usedfunctions: print("FAIL %s.%s (Python API not mapped to C)" % (klass, func)) fail = True else: if verbose: print("PASS %s.%s" % (klass, func)) # Phase 7: Validate that all the low level C APIs have binding for name in sorted(finalklassmap): cname = finalklassmap[name][2] pyname = cname if pyname == "virSetErrorFunc": pyname = "virRegisterErrorHandler" elif pyname == "virConnectListDomains": pyname = "virConnectListDomainsID" # These exist in C and exist in python, but we've got # a pure-python impl so don't check them if name in ["virStreamRecvAll", "virStreamSendAll", "virStreamSparseRecvAll", "virStreamSparseSendAll"]: continue try: thing = getattr(libvirt.libvirtmod, pyname) except AttributeError: print("FAIL libvirt.libvirtmod.%s (C binding does not exist)" % pyname) fail = True if fail: sys.exit(1) else: sys.exit(0)