from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, IO def _dispatchQemuMonitorEventCallback(conn: libvirt.virConnect, dom: libvirt.virDomain, event: str, seconds: int, micros: int, details: str, cbData: Dict[str, Any]) -> int: """Dispatches events to python user qemu monitor event callbacks """ cb = cbData["cb"] opaque = cbData["opaque"] cb(conn, libvirt.virDomain(conn, _obj=dom), event, seconds, micros, details, opaque) return 0 def qemuMonitorEventDeregister(conn: libvirt.virConnect, callbackID: int) -> None: """Removes a qemu monitor event callback. De-registering for a callback will disable delivery of this event type""" try: ret = libvirtmod_qemu.virConnectDomainQemuMonitorEventDeregister(conn._o, callbackID) if ret == -1: raise libvirt.libvirtError('virConnectDomainQemuMonitorEventDeregister() failed') del conn.qemuMonitorEventCallbackID[callbackID] # type: ignore except AttributeError: pass def qemuMonitorEventRegister(conn: libvirt.virConnect, dom: libvirt.virDomain, event: str, cb: Callable[[libvirt.virConnect, libvirt.virDomain, str, int, int, str, libvirt._T], None], opaque: libvirt._T, flags: int = 0) -> int: """Adds a qemu monitor event callback. Registering for a monitor callback will enable delivery of the events""" if not hasattr(conn, 'qemuMonitorEventCallbackID'): conn.qemuMonitorEventCallbackID = {} # type: ignore cbData = {"cb": cb, "conn": conn, "opaque": opaque} if dom is None: ret = libvirtmod_qemu.virConnectDomainQemuMonitorEventRegister(conn._o, None, event, cbData, flags) else: ret = libvirtmod_qemu.virConnectDomainQemuMonitorEventRegister(conn._o, dom._o, event, cbData, flags) if ret == -1: raise libvirt.libvirtError('virConnectDomainQemuMonitorEventRegister() failed') conn.qemuMonitorEventCallbackID[ret] = opaque # type: ignore return ret def qemuMonitorCommandWithFiles(domain: libvirt.virDomain, cmd: str, files: List[int] = [], flags: int = 0) -> (str, List[IO]): """This API is QEMU specific, so it will only work with hypervisor connections to the QEMU driver with local connections using the unix socket. Send an arbitrary monitor command @cmd with file descriptors @files to domain through the QEMU monitor and optionally return a list of files in the returned tuple. There are several requirements to safely and successfully use this API: - A @cmd that queries state without making any modifications is safe - A @cmd that alters state that is also tracked by libvirt is unsafe, and may cause libvirtd to crash - A @cmd that alters state not tracked by the current version of libvirt is possible as a means to test new qemu features before they have support in libvirt, but no guarantees are made to safety If VIR_DOMAIN_QEMU_MONITOR_COMMAND_HMP is set, the command is considered to be a human monitor command and libvirt will automatically convert it into QMP if needed. In that case the @result will also be converted back from QMP. Returns a tuple consisting of the string output from @cmd and a list of files respectively.""" ret = libvirtmod_qemu.virDomainQemuMonitorCommandWithFiles(domain._o, cmd, files, flags) if ret is None: raise libvirt.libvirtError('virDomainQemuMonitorCommandWithFiles() failed') return ret