To compile libusb 1.0 using either Microsoft Visual Studio or the Windows DDK Note 1: For Visual Studio, 3 sets of solution files are provided depending on whether you are running MSVC6, Visual Studio 2008 (MSVC9) or Visual Studio 2005 (MSVC8). For the DDK, the 'sources' file is located in libusb\os\. Note 2: In the text below, (Win32) means "when producing 32 bit binaries" and (x64) "when producing 64 bit binaries". This is independent of whether your platform is actually 32 or 64 bit. - Download the pthread.h and sched.h headers from into the msvc directory. - (Win32) download pthreadVC2.lib from: into the msvc directory. - To run the 32 bit executables, download pthreadVC2.dll from the same link either into your executable destination or copy it into C:\Window\System32 (for 32 bit systems) or C:\Windows\SysWOW64 (for 64 bit systems - yes, this is not a typo: 32 bit DLLs must go to SysWOW64 on 64 bit systems). - (x64) Follow the "Direct access to the CVS code repository" details on and create both a pthreadVC2_x64.lib and pthreadVC2_x64.dll from the latest pthread-win32 source. To help compiling pthreadVC2_x64.dll on x64 platforms, sample .sln and .vcproj files are provided in the msvc\pthread-win32_x64\ directory. - (x64) Copy pthreadVC2_x64.lib to the msvc directory. - To run the 64 bit executables, you need to either have pthreadVC2_x64.dll in your executable directory or in C:\Windows\System32 (again, not a typo). - Edit config_msvc.h according to your needs (you might want to comment out ENABLE_DEBUG_LOGGING). You should now be able to compile the solution. Note that if the the compilation process complains about missing libraries, you will need to ensure that the default library paths for your project point to a directory that contains setupapi.lib and ole32.lib. If needed, these libraries can be obtained by downloading either the latest Windows SDK or the DDK. The default solution is set to produce the static library and statically linked binaries. The DLL is currently built as a standalone project. For additional information, please refer to: