'\" t .\" Manual page created with latex2man on Sun Aug 29 23:45:06 CEST 2021 .\" NOTE: This file is generated, DO NOT EDIT. .de Vb .ft CW .nf .. .de Ve .ft R .fi .. .TH "UNW\\_REG\\_STATES\\_ITERATE" "3" "29 August 2021" "Programming Library " "Programming Library " .SH NAME unw_reg_states_iterate \-\- get register state info on current procedure .PP .SH SYNOPSIS .PP #include .br .PP int unw_reg_states_iterate(unw_cursor_t *cp, unw_reg_states_callbackcb, void *token); .br .PP .SH DESCRIPTION .PP The unw_reg_states_iterate() routine provides information about the procedure that created the stack frame identified by argument cp\&. The cb argument is a pointer to a function of type unw_reg_states_callback which is used to return the information. The function unw_reg_states_callback has the following definition: .PP int ( *unw_reg_states_callback)(void *token, void *reg_states_data, size_t reg_states_data_size, unw_word_t start_ip, unw_word_t end_ip); .PP The callback function may be invoked several times for each call of unw_reg_states_iterate\&. Each call is associated with an instruction address range and a set of instructions on how to update register values when returning from the procedure in that address range. For each invocation, the arguments to the callback function are: .TP void * token The token value passed to unw_reg_states_callback\&. .br .TP void * reg_states_data A pointer to data about updating register values. This data, or a copy of it, can be passed to unw_apply_reg_state\&. .br .TP int reg_states_data_size The size of the register update data. .br .TP unw_word_t start_ip The address of the first instruction of the address range. .br .TP unw_word_t end_ip The address of the first instruction \fIbeyond\fP the end of the address range. .br .PP .SH RETURN VALUE .PP On successful completion, unw_reg_states_iterate() returns 0. If the callback function returns a nonzero value, that indicates failure and the function returns immediately. Otherwise the negative value of one of the error\-codes below is returned. .PP .SH THREAD AND SIGNAL SAFETY .PP unw_reg_states_iterate() is thread\-safe. If cursor cp is in the local address\-space, this routine is also safe to use from a signal handler. .PP .SH ERRORS .PP .TP UNW_EUNSPEC An unspecified error occurred. .TP UNW_ENOINFO Libunwind was unable to locate unwind\-info for the procedure. .TP UNW_EBADVERSION The unwind\-info for the procedure has version or format that is not understood by libunwind\&. .PP In addition, unw_reg_states_iterate() may return any error returned by the access_mem() call\-back (see unw_create_addr_space(3)). .PP .SH SEE ALSO .PP libunwind(3), unw_apply_reg_state(3) .PP .SH AUTHOR .PP David Mosberger\-Tang .br Email: \fBdmosberger@gmail.com\fP .br WWW: \fBhttp://www.nongnu.org/libunwind/\fP\&. .\" NOTE: This file is generated, DO NOT EDIT.