\documentclass{article} \usepackage[fancyhdr,pdf]{latex2man} \input{common.tex} \begin{document} \begin{Name}{3}{unw\_get\_proc\_name\_by\_ip}{David Mosberger-Tang}{Programming Library}{unw\_get\_proc\_name}unw\_get\_proc\_name\_by\_ip -- get procedure name \end{Name} \section{Synopsis} \File{\#include $<$libunwind.h$>$}\\ \Type{int} \Func{unw\_get\_proc\_name\_by\_ip}(\Type{unw\_addr\_space\_t~}\Var{as}, \Type{unw\_word\_t~}\Var{ip}, \Type{char~*}\Var{bufp}, \Type{size\_t} \Var{len}, \Type{unw\_word\_t~*}\Var{offp}, \Type{void~*}\Var{arg});\\ \section{Description} The \Func{unw\_get\_proc\_name\_by\_ip}() routine returns the name of a procedure just like \Func{unw\_get\_proc\_name}(), except that the name is looked up by instruction-pointer (IP) instead of a cursor. The routine expects the following arguments: \Var{as} is the address-space in which the instruction-pointer should be looked up. For a look-up in the local address-space, \Var{unw\_local\_addr\_space} can be passed for this argument. Argument \Var{ip} is the instruction-pointer for which the procedure name should be looked up. The \Var{bufp} argument is a pointer to a character buffer that is at least \Var{len} bytes long. This buffer is used to return the name of the procedure. The \Var{offp} argument is a pointer to a word that is used to return the byte-offset of the instruction-pointer relative to the start of the procedure. Lastly, \Var{arg} is the address-space argument that should be used when accessing the address-space. It has the same purpose as the argument of the same name for \Func{unw\_init\_remote}(). When accessing the local address-space (first argument is \Var{unw\_local\_addr\_space}), \Const{NULL} must be passed for this argument. Note that on some platforms there is no reliable way to distinguish between procedure names and ordinary labels. Furthermore, if symbol information has been stripped from a program, procedure names may be completely unavailable or may be limited to those exported via a dynamic symbol table. In such cases, \Func{unw\_get\_proc\_name\_by\_ip}() may return the name of a label or a preceding (nearby) procedure. However, the offset returned through \Var{offp} is always relative to the returned name, which ensures that the value (address) of the returned name plus the returned offset will always be equal to the instruction-pointer \Var{ip}. \section{Return Value} On successful completion, \Func{unw\_get\_proc\_name\_by\_ip}() returns 0. Otherwise the negative value of one of the error-codes below is returned. \section{Thread and Signal Safety} \Func{unw\_get\_proc\_name\_by\_ip}() is thread-safe. If the local address-space is passed in argument \Var{as}, this routine is also safe to use from a signal handler. \section{Errors} \begin{Description} \item[\Const{UNW\_EUNSPEC}] An unspecified error occurred. \item[\Const{UNW\_ENOINFO}] \Prog{Libunwind} was unable to determine the name of the procedure. \item[\Const{UNW\_ENOMEM}] The procedure name is too long to fit in the buffer provided. A truncated version of the name has been returned. \end{Description} In addition, \Func{unw\_get\_proc\_name\_by\_ip}() may return any error returned by the \Func{access\_mem}() call-back (see \Func{unw\_create\_addr\_space}(3)). \section{See Also} \SeeAlso{libunwind(3)}, \SeeAlso{unw\_create\_addr\_space(3)}, \SeeAlso{unw\_get\_proc\_name(3)}, \SeeAlso{unw\_init\_remote(3)} \section{Author} \noindent David Mosberger-Tang\\ Email: \Email{dmosberger@gmail.com}\\ WWW: \URL{http://www.nongnu.org/libunwind/}. \LatexManEnd \end{document}