/* * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Sam Leffler * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE * OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "tif_config.h" #include "libport.h" #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include #endif #include "tiffiop.h" #include "tiffio.h" #ifndef EXIT_SUCCESS #define EXIT_SUCCESS 0 #endif #ifndef EXIT_FAILURE #define EXIT_FAILURE 1 #endif #define streq(a,b) (strcmp(a,b) == 0) #define CopyField(tag, v) \ if (TIFFGetField(in, tag, &v)) TIFFSetField(out, tag, v) #ifndef howmany #define howmany(x, y) (((x)+((y)-1))/(y)) #endif #define roundup(x, y) (howmany(x,y)*((uint32_t)(y))) #define LumaRed ycbcrCoeffs[0] #define LumaGreen ycbcrCoeffs[1] #define LumaBlue ycbcrCoeffs[2] uint16_t compression = COMPRESSION_PACKBITS; uint32_t rowsperstrip = (uint32_t) -1; uint16_t horizSubSampling = 2; /* YCbCr horizontal subsampling */ uint16_t vertSubSampling = 2; /* YCbCr vertical subsampling */ float ycbcrCoeffs[3] = { .299F, .587F, .114F }; /* default coding range is CCIR Rec 601-1 with no headroom/footroom */ float refBlackWhite[6] = { 0.F, 255.F, 128.F, 255.F, 128.F, 255.F }; static int tiffcvt(TIFF* in, TIFF* out); static void usage(int code); static void setupLumaTables(void); int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { TIFF *in, *out; int c; #if !HAVE_DECL_OPTARG extern int optind; extern char *optarg; #endif while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "c:h:r:v:z")) != -1) switch (c) { case 'c': if (streq(optarg, "none")) compression = COMPRESSION_NONE; else if (streq(optarg, "packbits")) compression = COMPRESSION_PACKBITS; else if (streq(optarg, "lzw")) compression = COMPRESSION_LZW; else if (streq(optarg, "jpeg")) compression = COMPRESSION_JPEG; else if (streq(optarg, "zip")) compression = COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE; else usage(EXIT_FAILURE); break; case 'h': horizSubSampling = atoi(optarg); if( horizSubSampling != 1 && horizSubSampling != 2 && horizSubSampling != 4 ) usage(EXIT_FAILURE); break; case 'v': vertSubSampling = atoi(optarg); if( vertSubSampling != 1 && vertSubSampling != 2 && vertSubSampling != 4 ) usage(EXIT_FAILURE); break; case 'r': rowsperstrip = atoi(optarg); break; case 'z': /* CCIR Rec 601-1 w/ headroom/footroom */ refBlackWhite[0] = 16.; refBlackWhite[1] = 235.; refBlackWhite[2] = 128.; refBlackWhite[3] = 240.; refBlackWhite[4] = 128.; refBlackWhite[5] = 240.; break; case '?': usage(EXIT_FAILURE); /*NOTREACHED*/ } if (argc - optind < 2) usage(EXIT_FAILURE); out = TIFFOpen(argv[argc-1], "w"); if (out == NULL) return (EXIT_FAILURE); setupLumaTables(); for (; optind < argc-1; optind++) { in = TIFFOpen(argv[optind], "r"); if (in != NULL) { do { if (!tiffcvt(in, out) || !TIFFWriteDirectory(out)) { (void) TIFFClose(out); (void) TIFFClose(in); return (1); } } while (TIFFReadDirectory(in)); (void) TIFFClose(in); } } (void) TIFFClose(out); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); } float *lumaRed; float *lumaGreen; float *lumaBlue; float D1, D2; int Yzero; static float* setupLuma(float c) { float *v = (float *)_TIFFmalloc(256 * sizeof (float)); int i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) v[i] = c * i; return (v); } static unsigned V2Code(float f, float RB, float RW, int CR) { unsigned int c = (unsigned int)((((f)*(RW-RB)/CR)+RB)+.5); return (c > 255 ? 255 : c); } static void setupLumaTables(void) { lumaRed = setupLuma(LumaRed); lumaGreen = setupLuma(LumaGreen); lumaBlue = setupLuma(LumaBlue); D1 = 1.F/(2.F - 2.F*LumaBlue); D2 = 1.F/(2.F - 2.F*LumaRed); Yzero = V2Code(0, refBlackWhite[0], refBlackWhite[1], 255); } static void cvtClump(unsigned char* op, uint32_t* raster, uint32_t ch, uint32_t cw, uint32_t w) { float Y, Cb = 0, Cr = 0; uint32_t j, k; /* * Convert ch-by-cw block of RGB * to YCbCr and sample accordingly. */ for (k = 0; k < ch; k++) { for (j = 0; j < cw; j++) { uint32_t RGB = (raster - k * w)[j]; Y = lumaRed[TIFFGetR(RGB)] + lumaGreen[TIFFGetG(RGB)] + lumaBlue[TIFFGetB(RGB)]; /* accumulate chrominance */ Cb += (TIFFGetB(RGB) - Y) * D1; Cr += (TIFFGetR(RGB) - Y) * D2; /* emit luminence */ *op++ = V2Code(Y, refBlackWhite[0], refBlackWhite[1], 255); } for (; j < horizSubSampling; j++) *op++ = Yzero; } for (; k < vertSubSampling; k++) { for (j = 0; j < horizSubSampling; j++) *op++ = Yzero; } /* emit sampled chrominance values */ *op++ = V2Code(Cb / (ch*cw), refBlackWhite[2], refBlackWhite[3], 127); *op++ = V2Code(Cr / (ch*cw), refBlackWhite[4], refBlackWhite[5], 127); } #undef LumaRed #undef LumaGreen #undef LumaBlue #undef V2Code /* * Convert a strip of RGB data to YCbCr and * sample to generate the output data. */ static void cvtStrip(unsigned char* op, uint32_t* raster, uint32_t nrows, uint32_t width) { uint32_t x; int clumpSize = vertSubSampling * horizSubSampling + 2; uint32_t *tp; for (; nrows >= vertSubSampling; nrows -= vertSubSampling) { tp = raster; for (x = width; x >= horizSubSampling; x -= horizSubSampling) { cvtClump(op, tp, vertSubSampling, horizSubSampling, width); op += clumpSize; tp += horizSubSampling; } if (x > 0) { cvtClump(op, tp, vertSubSampling, x, width); op += clumpSize; } raster -= vertSubSampling*width; } if (nrows > 0) { tp = raster; for (x = width; x >= horizSubSampling; x -= horizSubSampling) { cvtClump(op, tp, nrows, horizSubSampling, width); op += clumpSize; tp += horizSubSampling; } if (x > 0) cvtClump(op, tp, nrows, x, width); } } static int cvtRaster(TIFF* tif, uint32_t* raster, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { uint32_t y; tstrip_t strip = 0; tsize_t cc, acc; unsigned char* buf; uint32_t rwidth = roundup(width, horizSubSampling); uint32_t rheight = roundup(height, vertSubSampling); uint32_t nrows = (rowsperstrip > rheight ? rheight : rowsperstrip); uint32_t rnrows = roundup(nrows, vertSubSampling); cc = rnrows*rwidth + 2*((rnrows*rwidth) / (horizSubSampling*vertSubSampling)); buf = (unsigned char*)_TIFFmalloc(cc); // FIXME unchecked malloc for (y = height; (int32_t) y > 0; y -= nrows) { uint32_t nr = (y > nrows ? nrows : y); cvtStrip(buf, raster + (y-1)*width, nr, width); nr = roundup(nr, vertSubSampling); acc = nr*rwidth + 2*((nr*rwidth)/(horizSubSampling*vertSubSampling)); if (!TIFFWriteEncodedStrip(tif, strip++, buf, acc)) { _TIFFfree(buf); return (0); } } _TIFFfree(buf); return (1); } static int tiffcvt(TIFF* in, TIFF* out) { uint32_t width, height; /* image width & height */ uint32_t* raster; /* retrieve RGBA image */ uint16_t shortv; float floatv; char *stringv; uint32_t longv; int result; size_t pixel_count; TIFFGetField(in, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &width); TIFFGetField(in, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &height); pixel_count = width * height; /* XXX: Check the integer overflow. */ if (!width || !height || pixel_count / width != height) { TIFFError(TIFFFileName(in), "Malformed input file; " "can't allocate buffer for raster of %"PRIu32"x%"PRIu32" size", width, height); return 0; } raster = (uint32_t*)_TIFFCheckMalloc(in, pixel_count, sizeof(uint32_t), "raster buffer"); if (raster == 0) { TIFFError(TIFFFileName(in), "Failed to allocate buffer (%zu elements of %zu each)", pixel_count, sizeof(uint32_t)); return (0); } if (!TIFFReadRGBAImage(in, width, height, raster, 0)) { _TIFFfree(raster); return (0); } CopyField(TIFFTAG_SUBFILETYPE, longv); TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, width); TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, height); TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, 8); TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, compression); TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR); if (compression == COMPRESSION_JPEG) TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_JPEGCOLORMODE, JPEGCOLORMODE_RAW); CopyField(TIFFTAG_FILLORDER, shortv); TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION, ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT); TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, 3); CopyField(TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION, floatv); CopyField(TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION, floatv); CopyField(TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT, shortv); TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG, PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG); { char buf[2048]; char *cp = strrchr(TIFFFileName(in), '/'); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "YCbCr conversion of %s", cp ? cp+1 : TIFFFileName(in)); TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION, buf); } TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE, TIFFGetVersion()); CopyField(TIFFTAG_DOCUMENTNAME, stringv); TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_REFERENCEBLACKWHITE, refBlackWhite); TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_YCBCRSUBSAMPLING, horizSubSampling, vertSubSampling); TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_YCBCRPOSITIONING, YCBCRPOSITION_CENTERED); TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_YCBCRCOEFFICIENTS, ycbcrCoeffs); rowsperstrip = TIFFDefaultStripSize(out, rowsperstrip); TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, rowsperstrip); result = cvtRaster(out, raster, width, height); _TIFFfree(raster); return result; } const char* usage_info[] = { /* Help information format modified for the sake of consistency with the other tiff tools */ /* "usage: rgb2ycbcr [-c comp] [-r rows] [-h N] [-v N] input... output\n", */ /* "where comp is one of the following compression algorithms:\n", */ "usage: rgb2ycbcr [options] input output", "where options are:", #ifdef JPEG_SUPPORT " -c jpeg JPEG encoding", #endif #ifdef ZIP_SUPPORT " -c zip Zip/Deflate encoding", #endif #ifdef LZW_SUPPORT " -c lzw Lempel-Ziv & Welch encoding", #endif #ifdef PACKBITS_SUPPORT " -c packbits PackBits encoding (default)", #endif #if defined(JPEG_SUPPORT) || defined(LZW_SUPPORT) || defined(ZIP_SUPPORT) || defined(PACKBITS_SUPPORT) " -c none no compression", #endif "", /* "and the other options are:\n", */ " -r rows/strip", " -h horizontal sampling factor (1,2,4)", " -v vertical sampling factor (1,2,4)", NULL }; static void usage(int code) { int i; FILE * out = (code == EXIT_SUCCESS) ? stdout : stderr; fprintf(out, "%s\n\n", TIFFGetVersion()); for (i = 0; usage_info[i] != NULL; i++) fprintf(out, "%s\n", usage_info[i]); exit(code); } /* vim: set ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 noet: */ /* * Local Variables: * mode: c * c-basic-offset: 8 * fill-column: 78 * End: */