project('libsoup', 'c', version: '3.1.0', meson_version : '>= 0.54', license : 'LGPL-2.0-or-later', default_options : [ 'c_std=gnu99', 'warning_level=2', ]) gnome = import('gnome') soup_version = meson.project_version() # Before making a release, the libversion string should be modified. # # * Bump the first component if binary compatibility has been broken; or # * Bump the second component if new APIs are added; or # * Bump the third component otherwise. # # When bumping the first component version, set the second and third components # to 0. When bumping the second version, set the third one to zero. libversion = '0.0.5' apiversion = '3.0' soversion = libversion.split('.')[0] libsoup_api_name = '@0@-@1@'.format(meson.project_name(), apiversion) libversion_arr = libversion.split('.') darwin_version_major = libversion_arr[0].to_int() darwin_version_minor = libversion_arr[1].to_int() darwin_version_micro = libversion_arr[2].to_int() darwin_versions = [darwin_version_major + darwin_version_minor + 1, '@0@.@1@'.format(darwin_version_major + darwin_version_minor + 1, darwin_version_micro)] host_system = host_machine.system() # Needed for the gmtime_r check and for some system types availability. default_source_flag = [ '-D_DEFAULT_SOURCE' ] add_project_arguments(default_source_flag, language: 'c') if host_system == 'sunos' add_project_arguments('-D__EXTENSIONS__', language: 'c') add_project_link_arguments('-lsocket', language: 'c') endif common_flags = [ '-DHAVE_CONFIG_H', ] cc = meson.get_compiler('c') # define ssize_t as Microsoft's headers do not define it if cc.get_argument_syntax() == 'msvc' add_project_arguments('-Dssize_t=gssize', language: 'c') endif # Enable extra warnings if compiler supports them. if cc.get_id() == 'msvc' common_flags += ['/FImsvc_recommended_pragmas.h'] # set the input encoding to utf-8 add_project_arguments(cc.get_supported_arguments(['/utf-8']), language: 'c') else test_cflags = [ '-Wmissing-include-dirs', '-Wpointer-arith', '-Winit-self', '-Werror=missing-prototypes', '-Werror=implicit-function-declaration', '-Werror=aggregate-return', '-Werror=format=2', '-Werror=return-type', '-Wincompatible-pointer-types', '-Wstrict-prototypes', '-Wno-format-zero-length', '-Wno-missing-include-dirs', '-Wno-typedef-redefinition', '-Wno-unused-parameter', '-Wno-sign-compare', '-Wno-cast-function-type', '-Wno-missing-field-initializers', ] if get_option('b_sanitize') == 'address' or get_option('b_sanitize') == 'address,undefined' or \ get_option('fuzzing').enabled() test_cflags += ['-fno-omit-frame-pointer', '-fno-optimize-sibling-calls'] endif common_flags += cc.get_supported_arguments(test_cflags) endif if cc.get_id() != 'msvc' and host_system == 'windows' # For "%2hhx" sscanf format and the like add_project_arguments('-D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO=1', language : 'c') endif add_project_arguments(common_flags, language : 'c') glib_required_version = '>= 2.69.1' glib_dep = dependency('glib-2.0', version : glib_required_version, fallback: ['glib', 'libglib_dep']) gmodule_dep = dependency('gmodule-2.0', version : glib_required_version, fallback: ['glib', 'libgmodule_dep']) gobject_dep = dependency('gobject-2.0', version : glib_required_version, fallback: ['glib', 'libgobject_dep']) gio_dep = dependency('gio-2.0', version : glib_required_version, fallback: ['glib', 'libgio_dep']) glib_deps = [glib_dep, gmodule_dep, gobject_dep, gio_dep] libnghttp2_dep = dependency('libnghttp2') sqlite_dep = dependency('sqlite3', required: false) # Fallback check for sqlite, not all platforms ship pkg-config file if not sqlite_dep.found() sqlite_dep = cc.find_library('sqlite3', has_headers : ['sqlite3.h'], required: false) endif if not sqlite_dep.found() # Allows fallback to subproject sqlite_dep = dependency('sqlite3') endif cdata = configuration_data() brotlidec_dep = dependency('libbrotlidec', required : get_option('brotli')) if brotlidec_dep.found() cdata.set('WITH_BROTLI', true) endif unix_socket_dep = dependency('gio-unix-2.0', version : glib_required_version, fallback: ['glib', 'libgiounix_dep'], required : false) platform_deps = [] is_static_library = get_option('default_library') == 'static' if not is_static_library if host_machine.system() == 'windows' platform_deps = [cc.find_library('ws2_32')] cdata.set('DLL_EXPORT', true) cdata.set('_SOUP_EXTERN', '__declspec(dllexport) extern') else cdata.set('_SOUP_EXTERN', '__attribute__((visibility("default"))) extern') endif endif libpsl_required_version = '>= 0.20' libpsl_dep = dependency('libpsl', version : libpsl_required_version, fallback : ['libpsl', 'libpsl_dep']) if cc.has_function('gmtime_r', prefix : '#include ', args : default_source_flag) cdata.set('HAVE_GMTIME_R', '1') endif # sysprof support libsysprof_capture_dep = dependency('sysprof-capture-4', required: get_option('sysprof'), default_options: [ 'enable_examples=false', 'enable_gtk=false', 'enable_tests=false', 'enable_tools=false', 'libsysprof=false', 'with_sysprofd=none', 'help=false', ], # sysprof doesn't support Windows, so don't fall back to the subproject which fails to build, # instead let it fail here so that sysprof gets skipped fallback: (host_system != 'windows') ? ['sysprof', 'libsysprof_capture_dep'] : [], ) cdata.set('HAVE_SYSPROF', libsysprof_capture_dep.found()) ################### # GIO TLS support # ################### enable_tls_check = get_option('tls_check') if enable_tls_check if gio_dep.type_name() == 'internal' warning('TLS check was enabled but required dependency is internal') else check_gio_tls_src = '''#include int main(void) { return !g_tls_backend_supports_tls (g_tls_backend_get_default ()); } ''' rres =, name : 'GIO has real TLS support', dependencies : glib_deps) assert(rres.compiled() and rres.returncode() == 0, 'libsoup requires glib-networking for TLS support') endif endif libz_dep = dependency('zlib', required : false) if not libz_dep.found() if cc.get_id() != 'msvc' libz_dep = cc.find_library('z', required : false) else libz_dep = cc.find_library('zlib1', required : false) if not libz_dep.found() libz_dep = cc.find_library('zlib', required : false) endif endif if not libz_dep.found() or not cc.has_header('zlib.h') libz_dep = subproject('zlib').get_variable('zlib_dep') endif endif ################################# # Regression tests dependencies # ################################# # The situation here is a little bit complicated. For running some of the tests # we need the Apache's httpd binary. As we want to know more about its # configuration we have to run it and parse the output. But here is the first # problem, because on Debian we can't run the binary unless the # /etc/apache2/envvars file is sourced, otherwise it ends with failure. The # recommended way to communicate with the Apache is the apachectl that passes # the arguments to httpd and also sources the envvars file. In the ideal world # we could use the apachectl to run the tests as well, but on Fedora any non # trivial call to it ends with the following error: # Passing arguments to httpd using apachectl is no longer supported. # # The summary is that for the configuration parsing we will use the apachectl, # but for running the tests we will use the httpd binary. apachectl = find_program('apachectl', '/sbin/apachectl', '/usr/sbin/apachectl', required : false) # This abomination is a result of apache_httpd2 = find_program('httpd2', 'httpd', 'apache2', 'apache', '/sbin/httpd2', '/sbin/httpd', '/sbin/apache2', '/sbin/apache', '/usr/sbin/httpd2', '/usr/sbin/httpd', '/usr/sbin/apache2', '/usr/sbin/apache', required : false) have_apache=false apache_httpd2_version = '' if apache_httpd2.found() and apachectl.found() apache_httpd2_version_raw = run_command(apachectl.path(), '-v', check: false) # It seems that from version 2.4.39 apachectl doesn't take arguments, fallback # to calling apache directly just in case. if apache_httpd2_version_raw.returncode() != 0 apache_httpd2_version_raw = run_command(apache_httpd2.path(), '-v', check: false) endif if apache_httpd2_version_raw.returncode() == 0 apache_httpd2_version = apache_httpd2_version_raw.stdout().split('\n')[0] apache_httpd2_version = apache_httpd2_version.split('/')[1].split(' ')[0] if apache_httpd2_version.version_compare('>=2.4') have_apache = true cdata.set_quoted('APACHE_HTTPD', apache_httpd2.path()) else message('Found ' + apache_httpd2_version + ', but at least 2.4 is needed - ignoring') endif endif endif if have_apache apache_modules_dirs_out = run_command('', apachectl.path(), check: false) have_apache = (apache_modules_dirs_out.returncode() == 0) # Same as above, using apachectl might fail, try apache directly. if not have_apache apache_modules_dirs_out = run_command('', apache_httpd2.path(), check: false) have_apache = (apache_modules_dirs_out.returncode() == 0) endif if have_apache apache_modules_dirs = apache_modules_dirs_out.stdout().split(':') message('Apache modules directory: ' + apache_modules_dirs[0]) cdata.set('APACHE_MODULE_DIR', apache_modules_dirs[0]) message('Apache SSL module directory: ' + apache_modules_dirs[1]) cdata.set('APACHE_SSL_MODULE_DIR', apache_modules_dirs[1]) message('Apache PHP module file: ' + apache_modules_dirs[2]) cdata.set('APACHE_PHP_MODULE_FILE', apache_modules_dirs[2]) message('Apache mod_unixd module directory: ' + (apache_modules_dirs[3] != '' ? apache_modules_dirs[3] : '(none)')) cdata.set('IF_HAVE_MOD_UNIXD', apache_modules_dirs[3] != '' ? '' : '#') cdata.set('HAVE_APACHE', have_apache) else message('Failed to locate necessary Apache modules for full test coverage') message('stdout: ' + apache_modules_dirs_out.stdout()) message('stderr: ' + apache_modules_dirs_out.stderr()) endif endif if get_option('autobahn').auto() and not get_option('tests') have_autobahn = false else have_autobahn = find_program('wstest', required: get_option('autobahn')).found() endif # Quart server used for HTTP/2 tests quart_found = false if not get_option('http2_tests').disabled() pymod = import('python') python = pymod.find_installation('python3') if python.found() ret = run_command(python, '-c', 'import importlib\nassert(importlib.find_loader("quart"))', check: false) if ret.returncode() == 0 quart_found = true endif endif message('Python module quart found: @0@'.format(quart_found.to_string('YES', 'NO'))) if get_option('http2_tests').enabled() and not quart_found error('quart is required for http2 tests') endif endif gnutls_dep = dependency('gnutls', version: '>= 3.6.0', required : get_option('pkcs11_tests')) if not have_apache or not quart_found or not have_autobahn or not gnutls_dep.found() warning('Some regression tests will not be compiled due to missing libraries or modules. Please check the logs for more details.') endif ################## # GSSAPI support # ################## gssapi_opt = get_option('gssapi') enable_gssapi = false if cc.get_id() == 'msvc' if host_machine.cpu_family() == 'x86' gssapi_lib_type = '32' else gssapi_lib_type = '64' endif gssapi_dep = cc.find_library('gssapi' + gssapi_lib_type, has_headers: 'gssapi/gssapi.h', required: gssapi_opt) if gssapi_dep.found() enable_gssapi = true endif else krb5_config_path = get_option('krb5_config') if not meson.is_cross_build() and krb5_config_path == '' krb5_config_path = 'krb5-config' endif krb5_config = find_program(krb5_config_path, required : gssapi_opt) if krb5_config.found() libs_output = run_command(krb5_config, '--libs', 'gssapi', check: gssapi_opt.enabled()) cflags_output = run_command(krb5_config, '--cflags', 'gssapi', check: gssapi_opt.enabled()) if libs_output.returncode() == 0 and cflags_output.returncode() == 0 enable_gssapi = true gssapi_dep = declare_dependency( link_args: libs_output.stdout().split(), compile_args: cflags_output.stdout().split()) endif else gssapi_dep = dependency('', required: false) endif endif if enable_gssapi add_project_arguments('-DLIBSOUP_HAVE_GSSAPI=1', language : 'c') endif ################ # NTLM support # ################ # NTLM not supported on Windows if host_machine.system() != 'windows' ntlm_auth = find_program(get_option('ntlm_auth'), required: get_option('ntlm')) if ntlm_auth.found() add_project_arguments('-DUSE_NTLM_AUTH=1', language : 'c') add_project_arguments('-DNTLM_AUTH="' + ntlm_auth.path() + '"', language : 'c') endif else ntlm_auth = dependency('', required: false) endif ######################### # GObject introspection # ######################### gir = find_program('g-ir-scanner', required: get_option('introspection')) enable_introspection = gir.found() ############ # Vala API # ############ vapi_opt = get_option('vapi') enable_vapi = add_languages('vala', required: vapi_opt, native: false) if enable_vapi and not enable_introspection enable_vapi = false if vapi_opt.enabled() error('vapi support was requested, but introspection support is mandatory.') endif endif configinc = include_directories('.') prefix = get_option('prefix') cdata.set_quoted('PACKAGE_VERSION', soup_version) cdata.set_quoted('LOCALEDIR', join_paths(prefix, get_option('localedir'))) cdata.set_quoted('GETTEXT_PACKAGE', libsoup_api_name) configure_file(output : 'config.h', configuration : cdata) subdir('libsoup') xgettext = find_program('xgettext', required : false) # xgettext is optional (on Windows for instance) if xgettext.found() subdir('po') endif subdir('examples') subdir('fuzzing') if get_option('tests') subdir('tests') endif srcdir = include_directories('libsoup') subdir('docs/reference') summary({ 'prefix' : get_option('prefix'), 'libdir' : get_option('libdir'), 'datadir' : get_option('datadir'), }, section : 'Directories' ) summary({ 'GSSAPI' : enable_gssapi, 'NTLM' : ntlm_auth.found(), 'Brotli' : brotlidec_dep.found(), 'Translations' : xgettext.found(), 'GIR' : enable_introspection, 'VAPI' : enable_vapi, 'Documentation' : gidocgen_dep.found(), }, section : 'Features' ) summary({ 'All tests' : get_option('tests'), 'Tests requiring Apache' : have_apache, 'Tests requiring Quart' : quart_found, 'Fuzzing tests' : get_option('fuzzing').enabled(), 'Autobahn tests' : have_autobahn, 'PKCS #11 tests' : gnutls_dep.found(), 'Install tests': get_option('installed_tests'), 'Unix sockets' : unix_socket_dep.found(), }, section : 'Testing' )