/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ /* * soup-status.c: Status code descriptions * * Copyright (C) 2001-2003, Ximian, Inc. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "soup-status.h" #include "soup.h" /** * SOUP_STATUS_IS_INFORMATIONAL: * @status: an HTTP status code * * Tests if @status is an Informational (1xx) response. * * Returns: %TRUE or %FALSE **/ /** * SOUP_STATUS_IS_SUCCESSFUL: * @status: an HTTP status code * * Tests if @status is a Successful (2xx) response. * * Returns: %TRUE or %FALSE **/ /** * SOUP_STATUS_IS_REDIRECTION: * @status: an HTTP status code * * Tests if @status is a Redirection (3xx) response. * * Returns: %TRUE or %FALSE **/ /** * SOUP_STATUS_IS_CLIENT_ERROR: * @status: an HTTP status code * * Tests if @status is a Client Error (4xx) response. * * Returns: %TRUE or %FALSE **/ /** * SOUP_STATUS_IS_SERVER_ERROR: * @status: an HTTP status code * * Tests if @status is a Server Error (5xx) response. * * Returns: %TRUE or %FALSE **/ /** * SoupStatus: * @SOUP_STATUS_NONE: No status available. (Eg, the message has not * been sent yet) * @SOUP_STATUS_CONTINUE: 100 Continue (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS: 101 Switching Protocols (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_PROCESSING: 102 Processing (WebDAV) * @SOUP_STATUS_OK: 200 Success (HTTP). Also used by many lower-level * soup routines to indicate success. * @SOUP_STATUS_CREATED: 201 Created (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_ACCEPTED: 202 Accepted (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_NON_AUTHORITATIVE: 203 Non-Authoritative Information * (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_NO_CONTENT: 204 No Content (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_RESET_CONTENT: 205 Reset Content (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_PARTIAL_CONTENT: 206 Partial Content (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_MULTI_STATUS: 207 Multi-Status (WebDAV) * @SOUP_STATUS_MULTIPLE_CHOICES: 300 Multiple Choices (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_MOVED_PERMANENTLY: 301 Moved Permanently (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_FOUND: 302 Found (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_MOVED_TEMPORARILY: 302 Moved Temporarily (old name, * RFC 2068) * @SOUP_STATUS_SEE_OTHER: 303 See Other (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED: 304 Not Modified (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_USE_PROXY: 305 Use Proxy (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_NOT_APPEARING_IN_THIS_PROTOCOL: 306 [Unused] (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT: 307 Temporary Redirect (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_PERMANENT_REDIRECT: 308 Permanent Redirect (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST: 400 Bad Request (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED: 401 Unauthorized (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_PAYMENT_REQUIRED: 402 Payment Required (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN: 403 Forbidden (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND: 404 Not Found (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED: 405 Method Not Allowed (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTABLE: 406 Not Acceptable (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED: 407 Proxy Authentication * Required (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_PROXY_UNAUTHORIZED: shorter alias for * %SOUP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED * @SOUP_STATUS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: 408 Request Timeout (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_CONFLICT: 409 Conflict (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_GONE: 410 Gone (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_LENGTH_REQUIRED: 411 Length Required (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_PRECONDITION_FAILED: 412 Precondition Failed (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE: 413 Request Entity Too Large * (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG: 414 Request-URI Too Long (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE: 415 Unsupported Media Type * (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE: 416 Requested Range * Not Satisfiable (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_INVALID_RANGE: shorter alias for * %SOUP_STATUS_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE * @SOUP_STATUS_EXPECTATION_FAILED: 417 Expectation Failed (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_MISDIRECTED_REQUEST: 421 Misdirected Request * @SOUP_STATUS_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY: 422 Unprocessable Entity * (WebDAV) * @SOUP_STATUS_LOCKED: 423 Locked (WebDAV) * @SOUP_STATUS_FAILED_DEPENDENCY: 424 Failed Dependency (WebDAV) * @SOUP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: 500 Internal Server Error * (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: 501 Not Implemented (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_BAD_GATEWAY: 502 Bad Gateway (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: 503 Service Unavailable (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT: 504 Gateway Timeout (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED: 505 HTTP Version Not * Supported (HTTP) * @SOUP_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE: 507 Insufficient Storage * (WebDAV) * @SOUP_STATUS_NOT_EXTENDED: 510 Not Extended (RFC 2774) * * These represent the known HTTP status code values, plus various * network and internal errors. * * Note that no libsoup functions take or return this type directly; * any function that works with status codes will accept unrecognized * status codes as well. **/ /* The reason_phrases are not localized because: * * 1. Only ASCII can be used portably in the HTTP Status-Line, so we * would not be able to return localized reason phrases from * SoupServer anyway. * * 2. Having a way for clients to get a localized version of a status * code would just encourage them to present those strings to the * user, which is bad because many of them are fairly * incomprehensible anyway. */ static const struct { guint code; const char *phrase; } reason_phrases [] = { /* Informational */ { SOUP_STATUS_CONTINUE, "Continue" }, { SOUP_STATUS_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS, "Switching Protocols" }, { SOUP_STATUS_PROCESSING, "Processing" }, { 103, "Early Hints" }, /* Success */ { SOUP_STATUS_OK, "OK" }, { SOUP_STATUS_CREATED, "Created" }, { SOUP_STATUS_ACCEPTED, "Accepted" }, { SOUP_STATUS_NON_AUTHORITATIVE, "Non-Authoritative Information" }, { SOUP_STATUS_NO_CONTENT, "No Content" }, { SOUP_STATUS_RESET_CONTENT, "Reset Content" }, { SOUP_STATUS_PARTIAL_CONTENT, "Partial Content" }, { SOUP_STATUS_MULTI_STATUS, "Multi-Status" }, /* Redirection */ { SOUP_STATUS_MULTIPLE_CHOICES, "Multiple Choices" }, { SOUP_STATUS_MOVED_PERMANENTLY, "Moved Permanently" }, { SOUP_STATUS_FOUND, "Found" }, { SOUP_STATUS_SEE_OTHER, "See Other" }, { SOUP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED, "Not Modified" }, { SOUP_STATUS_USE_PROXY, "Use Proxy" }, { SOUP_STATUS_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT, "Temporary Redirect" }, { SOUP_STATUS_PERMANENT_REDIRECT, "Permanent Redirect" }, /* Client error */ { SOUP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, "Bad Request" }, { SOUP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED, "Unauthorized" }, { SOUP_STATUS_PAYMENT_REQUIRED, "Payment Required" }, { SOUP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN, "Forbidden" }, { SOUP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND, "Not Found" }, { SOUP_STATUS_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, "Method Not Allowed" }, { SOUP_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "Not Acceptable" }, { SOUP_STATUS_PROXY_UNAUTHORIZED, "Proxy Authentication Required" }, { SOUP_STATUS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, "Request Timeout" }, { SOUP_STATUS_CONFLICT, "Conflict" }, { SOUP_STATUS_GONE, "Gone" }, { SOUP_STATUS_LENGTH_REQUIRED, "Length Required" }, { SOUP_STATUS_PRECONDITION_FAILED, "Precondition Failed" }, { SOUP_STATUS_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE, "Request Entity Too Large" }, { SOUP_STATUS_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG, "Request-URI Too Long" }, { SOUP_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE, "Unsupported Media Type" }, { SOUP_STATUS_INVALID_RANGE, "Requested Range Not Satisfiable" }, { SOUP_STATUS_EXPECTATION_FAILED, "Expectation Failed" }, { SOUP_STATUS_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, "Unprocessable Entity" }, { SOUP_STATUS_LOCKED, "Locked" }, { SOUP_STATUS_FAILED_DEPENDENCY, "Failed Dependency" }, /* Server error */ { SOUP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Internal Server Error" }, { SOUP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Not Implemented" }, { SOUP_STATUS_BAD_GATEWAY, "Bad Gateway" }, { SOUP_STATUS_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Service Unavailable" }, { SOUP_STATUS_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT, "Gateway Timeout" }, { SOUP_STATUS_HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED, "HTTP Version Not Supported" }, { SOUP_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE, "Insufficient Storage" }, { SOUP_STATUS_NOT_EXTENDED, "Not Extended" }, { 0 } }; /** * soup_status_get_phrase: * @status_code: an HTTP status code * * Looks up the stock HTTP description of @status_code. * * *There is no reason for you to ever use this * function.* If you wanted the textual description for the * [property@Message:status-code] of a given [class@Message], you should just * look at the message's [property@Message:reason-phrase]. However, you * should only do that for use in debugging messages; HTTP reason * phrases are not localized, and are not generally very descriptive * anyway, and so they should never be presented to the user directly. * Instead, you should create you own error messages based on the * status code, and on what you were trying to do. * * Returns: the (terse, English) description of @status_code **/ const char * soup_status_get_phrase (guint status_code) { int i; for (i = 0; reason_phrases [i].code; i++) { if (reason_phrases [i].code == status_code) return reason_phrases [i].phrase; } return "Unknown Error"; } /** * SoupHTTPVersion: * @SOUP_HTTP_1_0: HTTP 1.0 (RFC 1945) * @SOUP_HTTP_1_1: HTTP 1.1 (RFC 2616) * @SOUP_HTTP_2_0: HTTP 2.0 (RFC 7540) * * Indicates the HTTP protocol version being used. */