/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ /* * soup-session.c * * Copyright (C) 2000-2003, Ximian, Inc. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include "soup-session.h" #include "soup.h" #include "auth/soup-auth-manager.h" #include "auth/soup-auth-ntlm.h" #include "cache/soup-cache-private.h" #include "soup-connection.h" #include "soup-message-private.h" #include "soup-message-headers-private.h" #include "soup-misc.h" #include "soup-message-queue-item.h" #include "soup-session-private.h" #include "soup-session-feature-private.h" #include "soup-socket-properties.h" #include "soup-uri-utils-private.h" #include "websocket/soup-websocket.h" #include "websocket/soup-websocket-connection.h" #include "websocket/soup-websocket-extension-manager-private.h" #define HOST_KEEP_ALIVE 5 * 60 * 1000 /* 5 min in msecs */ /** * SECTION:soup-session * @short_description: Soup session state object * * #SoupSession is the object that controls client-side HTTP. A * #SoupSession encapsulates all of the state that libsoup is keeping * on behalf of your program; cached HTTP connections, authentication * information, etc. It also keeps track of various global options * and features that you are using. * * Most applications will only need a single #SoupSession; the primary * reason you might need multiple sessions is if you need to have * multiple independent authentication contexts. (Eg, you are * connecting to a server and authenticating as two different users at * different times; the easiest way to ensure that each #SoupMessage * is sent with the authentication information you intended is to use * one session for the first user, and a second session for the other * user.) * * Additional #SoupSession functionality is provided by * #SoupSessionFeature objects, which can be added to a session with * soup_session_add_feature() or soup_session_add_feature_by_type() * For example, #SoupLogger provides support for * logging HTTP traffic, #SoupContentDecoder provides support for * compressed response handling, and #SoupContentSniffer provides * support for HTML5-style response body content sniffing. * Additionally, subtypes of #SoupAuth can be added * as features, to add support for additional authentication types. * * All #SoupSessions are created with a #SoupAuthManager, and support * for %SOUP_TYPE_AUTH_BASIC and %SOUP_TYPE_AUTH_DIGEST. Additionally, * sessions using the plain #SoupSession class (rather than one of its deprecated * subtypes) have a #SoupContentDecoder by default. * * Note that all async methods will invoke their callbacks on the thread-default * context at the time of the function call. **/ /** * SoupSession: * * Class managing options and state for #SoupMessages. */ typedef struct { GUri *uri; GNetworkAddress *addr; GSList *connections; /* CONTAINS: SoupConnection */ guint num_conns; GSource *keep_alive_src; SoupSession *session; } SoupSessionHost; static guint soup_host_uri_hash (gconstpointer key); static gboolean soup_host_uri_equal (gconstpointer v1, gconstpointer v2); typedef struct { gboolean disposed; GTlsDatabase *tlsdb; GTlsInteraction *tls_interaction; gboolean tlsdb_use_default; guint io_timeout, idle_timeout; GInetSocketAddress *local_addr; GProxyResolver *proxy_resolver; gboolean proxy_use_default; SoupSocketProperties *socket_props; GQueue *queue; GSource *queue_source; guint16 in_async_run_queue; gboolean needs_queue_sort; char *user_agent; char *accept_language; gboolean accept_language_auto; GSocketConnectable *remote_connectable; GSList *features; GHashTable *features_cache; GHashTable *http_hosts, *https_hosts; /* char* -> SoupSessionHost */ GHashTable *conns; /* SoupConnection -> SoupSessionHost */ guint num_conns; guint max_conns, max_conns_per_host; guint64 last_connection_id; } SoupSessionPrivate; static void free_host (SoupSessionHost *host); static void connection_state_changed (GObject *object, GParamSpec *param, gpointer user_data); static void connection_disconnected (SoupConnection *conn, gpointer user_data); static void drop_connection (SoupSession *session, SoupSessionHost *host, SoupConnection *conn); static void async_run_queue (SoupSession *session); static void async_send_request_running (SoupSession *session, SoupMessageQueueItem *item); static void soup_session_kick_queue (SoupSession *session); static void soup_session_process_queue_item (SoupSession *session, SoupMessageQueueItem *item, gboolean *should_cleanup, gboolean loop); #define SOUP_SESSION_MAX_CONNS_DEFAULT 10 #define SOUP_SESSION_MAX_CONNS_PER_HOST_DEFAULT 2 #define SOUP_SESSION_MAX_RESEND_COUNT 20 #define SOUP_SESSION_USER_AGENT_BASE "libsoup/" PACKAGE_VERSION G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE (SoupSession, soup_session, G_TYPE_OBJECT) enum { REQUEST_QUEUED, REQUEST_UNQUEUED, LAST_SIGNAL }; static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; enum { PROP_0, PROP_PROXY_RESOLVER, PROP_MAX_CONNS, PROP_MAX_CONNS_PER_HOST, PROP_TLS_DATABASE, PROP_TIMEOUT, PROP_USER_AGENT, PROP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, PROP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_AUTO, PROP_REMOTE_CONNECTABLE, PROP_IDLE_TIMEOUT, PROP_LOCAL_ADDRESS, PROP_TLS_INTERACTION, LAST_PROPERTY }; static GParamSpec *properties[LAST_PROPERTY] = { NULL, }; /** * SOUP_SESSION_ERROR: * * A #GError domain for #SoupSession-related errors. Used with * #SoupSessionError. */ /** * SoupSessionError: * @SOUP_SESSION_ERROR_PARSING: the server's response could not * be parsed * @SOUP_SESSION_ERROR_ENCODING: the server's response was in an * unsupported format * @SOUP_SESSION_ERROR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS: the message has been redirected * too many times * @SOUP_SESSION_ERROR_TOO_MANY_RESTARTS: the message has been restarted * too many times * @SOUP_SESSION_ERROR_REDIRECT_NO_LOCATION: failed to redirect message because * Location header was missing or empty in response * @SOUP_SESSION_ERROR_REDIRECT_BAD_URI: failed to redirect message because * Location header contains an invalid URI * @SOUP_SESSION_ERROR_MESSAGE_ALREADY_IN_QUEUE: the message is already in the * session queue. Messages can only be reused after unqueued. * * A #SoupSession error. */ G_DEFINE_QUARK (soup-session-error-quark, soup_session_error) typedef struct { GSource source; SoupSession* session; } SoupMessageQueueSource; static gboolean queue_dispatch (GSource *source, GSourceFunc callback, gpointer user_data) { SoupSession *session = ((SoupMessageQueueSource *)source)->session; g_source_set_ready_time (source, -1); async_run_queue (session); return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; } static GSourceFuncs queue_source_funcs = { NULL, //queue_prepare, NULL, //queue_check, queue_dispatch, NULL, NULL, NULL }; static void soup_session_init (SoupSession *session) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); SoupAuthManager *auth_manager; SoupMessageQueueSource *source; priv->queue = g_queue_new (); priv->queue_source = g_source_new (&queue_source_funcs, sizeof (SoupMessageQueueSource)); source = (SoupMessageQueueSource *)priv->queue_source; source->session = session; g_source_set_name (priv->queue_source, "SoupMessageQueue"); g_source_set_can_recurse (priv->queue_source, TRUE); g_source_attach (priv->queue_source, g_main_context_get_thread_default ()); priv->io_timeout = priv->idle_timeout = 60; priv->http_hosts = g_hash_table_new_full (soup_host_uri_hash, soup_host_uri_equal, NULL, (GDestroyNotify)free_host); priv->https_hosts = g_hash_table_new_full (soup_host_uri_hash, soup_host_uri_equal, NULL, (GDestroyNotify)free_host); priv->conns = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL); priv->max_conns = SOUP_SESSION_MAX_CONNS_DEFAULT; priv->max_conns_per_host = SOUP_SESSION_MAX_CONNS_PER_HOST_DEFAULT; priv->features_cache = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL); auth_manager = g_object_new (SOUP_TYPE_AUTH_MANAGER, NULL); soup_session_feature_add_feature (SOUP_SESSION_FEATURE (auth_manager), SOUP_TYPE_AUTH_BASIC); soup_session_feature_add_feature (SOUP_SESSION_FEATURE (auth_manager), SOUP_TYPE_AUTH_DIGEST); soup_session_add_feature (session, SOUP_SESSION_FEATURE (auth_manager)); g_object_unref (auth_manager); soup_session_add_feature_by_type (session, SOUP_TYPE_CONTENT_DECODER); /* If the user overrides the proxy or tlsdb during construction, * we don't want to needlessly resolve the extension point. So * we just set flags saying to do it later. */ priv->proxy_use_default = TRUE; priv->tlsdb_use_default = TRUE; } static void soup_session_dispose (GObject *object) { SoupSession *session = SOUP_SESSION (object); SoupSessionPrivate *priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); priv->disposed = TRUE; soup_session_abort (session); g_warn_if_fail (g_hash_table_size (priv->conns) == 0); while (priv->features) soup_session_remove_feature (session, priv->features->data); g_source_destroy (priv->queue_source); G_OBJECT_CLASS (soup_session_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void soup_session_finalize (GObject *object) { SoupSession *session = SOUP_SESSION (object); SoupSessionPrivate *priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); g_warn_if_fail (g_queue_is_empty (priv->queue)); g_queue_free (priv->queue); g_source_unref (priv->queue_source); g_clear_object (&priv->remote_connectable); g_hash_table_destroy (priv->http_hosts); g_hash_table_destroy (priv->https_hosts); g_hash_table_destroy (priv->conns); g_free (priv->user_agent); g_free (priv->accept_language); g_clear_object (&priv->tlsdb); g_clear_object (&priv->tls_interaction); g_clear_object (&priv->local_addr); g_hash_table_destroy (priv->features_cache); g_clear_object (&priv->proxy_resolver); g_clear_pointer (&priv->socket_props, soup_socket_properties_unref); G_OBJECT_CLASS (soup_session_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void ensure_socket_props (SoupSession *session) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); if (priv->socket_props) return; priv->socket_props = soup_socket_properties_new (priv->local_addr, priv->tls_interaction, priv->io_timeout, priv->idle_timeout); if (!priv->proxy_use_default) soup_socket_properties_set_proxy_resolver (priv->socket_props, priv->proxy_resolver); if (!priv->tlsdb_use_default) soup_socket_properties_set_tls_database (priv->socket_props, priv->tlsdb); } static void socket_props_changed (SoupSession *session) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); if (!priv->socket_props) return; soup_socket_properties_unref (priv->socket_props); priv->socket_props = NULL; ensure_socket_props (session); } static void soup_session_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { SoupSession *session = SOUP_SESSION (object); SoupSessionPrivate *priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_LOCAL_ADDRESS: priv->local_addr = g_value_dup_object (value); socket_props_changed (session); break; case PROP_PROXY_RESOLVER: soup_session_set_proxy_resolver (session, g_value_get_object (value)); break; case PROP_MAX_CONNS: priv->max_conns = g_value_get_int (value); break; case PROP_MAX_CONNS_PER_HOST: priv->max_conns_per_host = g_value_get_int (value); break; case PROP_TLS_DATABASE: soup_session_set_tls_database (session, g_value_get_object (value)); break; case PROP_TLS_INTERACTION: soup_session_set_tls_interaction (session, g_value_get_object (value)); break; case PROP_TIMEOUT: soup_session_set_timeout (session, g_value_get_uint (value)); break; case PROP_USER_AGENT: soup_session_set_user_agent (session, g_value_get_string (value)); break; case PROP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE: soup_session_set_accept_language (session, g_value_get_string (value)); break; case PROP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_AUTO: soup_session_set_accept_language_auto (session, g_value_get_boolean (value)); break; case PROP_REMOTE_CONNECTABLE: priv->remote_connectable = g_value_dup_object (value); break; case PROP_IDLE_TIMEOUT: soup_session_set_idle_timeout (session, g_value_get_uint (value)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void soup_session_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { SoupSession *session = SOUP_SESSION (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_LOCAL_ADDRESS: g_value_set_object (value, soup_session_get_local_address (session)); break; case PROP_PROXY_RESOLVER: g_value_set_object (value, soup_session_get_proxy_resolver (session)); break; case PROP_MAX_CONNS: g_value_set_int (value, soup_session_get_max_conns (session)); break; case PROP_MAX_CONNS_PER_HOST: g_value_set_int (value, soup_session_get_max_conns_per_host (session)); break; case PROP_TLS_DATABASE: g_value_set_object (value, soup_session_get_tls_database (session)); break; case PROP_TLS_INTERACTION: g_value_set_object (value, soup_session_get_tls_interaction (session)); break; case PROP_TIMEOUT: g_value_set_uint (value, soup_session_get_timeout (session)); break; case PROP_USER_AGENT: g_value_set_string (value, soup_session_get_user_agent (session)); break; case PROP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE: g_value_set_string (value, soup_session_get_accept_language (session)); break; case PROP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_AUTO: g_value_set_boolean (value, soup_session_get_accept_language_auto (session)); break; case PROP_REMOTE_CONNECTABLE: g_value_set_object (value, soup_session_get_remote_connectable (session)); break; case PROP_IDLE_TIMEOUT: g_value_set_uint (value, soup_session_get_idle_timeout (session)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } /** * soup_session_new: * * Creates a #SoupSession with the default options. * * Returns: the new session. * */ SoupSession * soup_session_new (void) { return g_object_new (SOUP_TYPE_SESSION, NULL); } /** * soup_session_new_with_options: * @optname1: name of first property to set * @...: value of @optname1, followed by additional property/value pairs * * Creates a #SoupSession with the specified options. * * Returns: the new session. * */ SoupSession * soup_session_new_with_options (const char *optname1, ...) { SoupSession *session; va_list ap; va_start (ap, optname1); session = (SoupSession *)g_object_new_valist (SOUP_TYPE_SESSION, optname1, ap); va_end (ap); return session; } /** * soup_session_get_local_address: * @session: a #SoupSession * * Get the #GInetSocketAddress to use for the client side of connections in @session. * * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): a #GInetSocketAddress or %NULL */ GInetSocketAddress * soup_session_get_local_address (SoupSession *session) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session), NULL); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); return priv->local_addr; } /** * soup_session_get_max_conns: * @session: a #SoupSession * * Get the maximum number of connections that @session can open at once. * * Returns: the maximum number of connections */ guint soup_session_get_max_conns (SoupSession *session) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session), 0); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); return priv->max_conns; } /** * soup_session_get_max_conns_per_host: * @session: a #SoupSession * * Get the maximum number of connections that @session can open at once to a given host. * * Returns: the maximum number of connections per host */ guint soup_session_get_max_conns_per_host (SoupSession *session) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session), 0); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); return priv->max_conns_per_host; } /** * soup_session_set_proxy_resolver: * @session: a #SoupSession * @proxy_resolver: (nullable): a #GProxyResolver or %NULL * * Set a #GProxyResolver to be used by @session on new connections. If @proxy_resolver * is %NULL then no proxies will be used. See #SoupSession:proxy-resolver for more information. */ void soup_session_set_proxy_resolver (SoupSession *session, GProxyResolver *proxy_resolver) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session)); g_return_if_fail (proxy_resolver == NULL || G_IS_PROXY_RESOLVER (proxy_resolver)); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); priv->proxy_use_default = FALSE; if (priv->proxy_resolver == proxy_resolver) return; g_clear_object (&priv->proxy_resolver); priv->proxy_resolver = proxy_resolver ? g_object_ref (proxy_resolver) : NULL; socket_props_changed (session); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (session), properties[PROP_PROXY_RESOLVER]); } /** * soup_session_get_proxy_resolver: * @session: a #SoupSession * * Get the #GProxyResolver currently used by @session. * * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): a #GProxyResolver or %NULL if proxies * are disabled in @session */ GProxyResolver * soup_session_get_proxy_resolver (SoupSession *session) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session), NULL); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); return !priv->proxy_use_default ? priv->proxy_resolver : g_proxy_resolver_get_default (); } /** * soup_session_set_tls_database: * @session: a #SoupSession * @tls_database: (nullable): a #GTlsDatabase or %NULL * * Set a #GTlsDatabase to be used by @session on new connections. If @tls_database * is %NULL then certificate validation will always fail. See #SoupSession:tls-database * for more information. */ void soup_session_set_tls_database (SoupSession *session, GTlsDatabase *tls_database) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session)); g_return_if_fail (tls_database == NULL || G_IS_TLS_DATABASE (tls_database)); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); priv->tlsdb_use_default = FALSE; if (priv->tlsdb == tls_database) return; g_clear_object (&priv->tlsdb); priv->tlsdb = tls_database ? g_object_ref (tls_database) : NULL; socket_props_changed (session); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (session), properties[PROP_TLS_DATABASE]); } /** * soup_session_get_tls_database: * @session: a #SoupSession * * Get the #GTlsDatabase currently used by @session. * * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): a #GTlsDatabase or %NULL */ GTlsDatabase * soup_session_get_tls_database (SoupSession *session) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session), NULL); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); if (priv->tlsdb_use_default && !priv->tlsdb) priv->tlsdb = g_tls_backend_get_default_database (g_tls_backend_get_default ()); return priv->tlsdb; } /** * soup_session_set_tls_interaction: * @session: a #SoupSession * @tls_interaction: (nullable): a #GTlsInteraction or %NULL * * Set a #GTlsInteraction to be used by @session on new connections. If @tls_interaction * is %NULL then client certificate validation will always fail. See #SoupSession:tls-interaction * for more information. */ void soup_session_set_tls_interaction (SoupSession *session, GTlsInteraction *tls_interaction) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session)); g_return_if_fail (tls_interaction == NULL || G_IS_TLS_INTERACTION (tls_interaction)); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); if (priv->tls_interaction == tls_interaction) return; g_clear_object (&priv->tls_interaction); priv->tls_interaction = tls_interaction ? g_object_ref (tls_interaction) : NULL; socket_props_changed (session); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (session), properties[PROP_TLS_INTERACTION]); } /** * soup_session_get_tls_interaction: * @session: a #SoupSession * * Get the #GTlsInteraction currently used by @session. * * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): a #GTlsInteraction or %NULL */ GTlsInteraction * soup_session_get_tls_interaction (SoupSession *session) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session), NULL); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); return priv->tls_interaction; } /** * soup_session_set_timeout: * @session: a #SoupSession * @timeout: a timeout in seconds * * Set a timeout in seconds for socket I/O operations to be used by @session * on new connections. See #SoupSession:timeout for more information. */ void soup_session_set_timeout (SoupSession *session, guint timeout) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session)); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); if (priv->io_timeout == timeout) return; priv->io_timeout = timeout; socket_props_changed (session); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (session), properties[PROP_TIMEOUT]); } /** * soup_session_get_timeout: * @session: a #SoupSession * * Get the timeout in seconds for socket I/O operations currently used by @session. * * Returns: the timeout in seconds */ guint soup_session_get_timeout (SoupSession *session) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session), 0); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); return priv->io_timeout; } /** * soup_session_set_idle_timeout: * @session: a #SoupSession * @timeout: a timeout in seconds * * Set a timeout in seconds for idle connection lifetime to be used by @session * on new connections. See #SoupSession:idle-timeout for more information. */ void soup_session_set_idle_timeout (SoupSession *session, guint timeout) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session)); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); if (priv->idle_timeout == timeout) return; priv->idle_timeout = timeout; socket_props_changed (session); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (session), properties[PROP_IDLE_TIMEOUT]); } /** * soup_session_get_idle_timeout: * @session: a #SoupSession * * Get the timeout in seconds for idle connection lifetime currently used by @session. * * Returns: the timeout in seconds */ guint soup_session_get_idle_timeout (SoupSession *session) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session), 0); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); return priv->idle_timeout; } /** * soup_session_set_user_agent: * @session: a #SoupSession * @user_agent: the user agent string * * Set the value to use for the "User-Agent" header on #SoupMessages sent from @session. * If @user_agent has trailing whitespace, @session will append its own product token * (eg, "libsoup/3.0.0") to the end of the header for you. * If @user_agent is %NULL then no "User-Agent" will be included in requests. See #SoupSession:user-agent * for more information. */ void soup_session_set_user_agent (SoupSession *session, const char *user_agent) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session)); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); if (priv->user_agent == NULL && user_agent == NULL) return; if (user_agent == NULL) { g_free (priv->user_agent); priv->user_agent = NULL; } else if (!*user_agent) { if (g_strcmp0 (priv->user_agent, SOUP_SESSION_USER_AGENT_BASE) == 0) return; g_free (priv->user_agent); priv->user_agent = g_strdup (SOUP_SESSION_USER_AGENT_BASE); } else if (g_str_has_suffix (user_agent, " ")) { char *user_agent_to_set; user_agent_to_set = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s", user_agent, SOUP_SESSION_USER_AGENT_BASE); if (g_strcmp0 (priv->user_agent, user_agent_to_set) == 0) { g_free (user_agent_to_set); return; } priv->user_agent = user_agent_to_set; } else { if (g_strcmp0 (priv->user_agent, user_agent) == 0) return; g_free (priv->user_agent); priv->user_agent = g_strdup (user_agent); } g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (session), properties[PROP_USER_AGENT]); } /** * soup_session_get_user_agent: * @session: a #SoupSession * * Get the value used by @session for the "User-Agent" header on new requests. * * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): the user agent string or %NULL */ const char * soup_session_get_user_agent (SoupSession *session) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session), NULL); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); return priv->user_agent; } /** * soup_session_set_accept_language: * @session: a #SoupSession * @accept_language: the languages string * * Set the value to use for the "Accept-Language" header on #SoupMessages sent from @session. * If @accept_language is %NULL then no "Accept-Language" will be included in requests. See #SoupSession:accept-language * for more information. */ void soup_session_set_accept_language (SoupSession *session, const char *accept_language) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session)); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); if (g_strcmp0 (priv->accept_language, accept_language) == 0) return; g_clear_pointer (&priv->accept_language, g_free); priv->accept_language = accept_language ? g_strdup (accept_language) : NULL; priv->accept_language_auto = FALSE; g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (session)); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (session), properties[PROP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE]); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (session), properties[PROP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_AUTO]); g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (session)); } /** * soup_session_get_accept_language: * @session: a #SoupSession * * Get the value used by @session for the "Accept-Language" header on new requests. * * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): the accept language string or %NULL */ const char * soup_session_get_accept_language (SoupSession *session) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session), NULL); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); return priv->accept_language; } /** * soup_session_set_accept_language_auto: * @session: a #SoupSession * @accept_language_auto: the value to set * * Set whether @session will automatically set the "Accept-Language" header on requests using * a value generated from system languages based on g_get_language_names(). See #SoupSession:accept-language-auto * for more information. */ void soup_session_set_accept_language_auto (SoupSession *session, gboolean accept_language_auto) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session)); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); if (priv->accept_language_auto == accept_language_auto) return; priv->accept_language_auto = accept_language_auto; g_clear_pointer (&priv->accept_language, g_free); if (priv->accept_language_auto) priv->accept_language = soup_get_accept_languages_from_system (); g_object_freeze_notify (G_OBJECT (session)); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (session), properties[PROP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE]); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (session), properties[PROP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_AUTO]); g_object_thaw_notify (G_OBJECT (session)); } /** * soup_session_get_accept_language_auto: * @session: a #SoupSession * * Get whether @session automatically sets the "Accept-Language" header on new requests. * * Returns: %TRUE if @session sets "Accept-Language" header automatically, or %FALSE otherwise. */ gboolean soup_session_get_accept_language_auto (SoupSession *session) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session), FALSE); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); return priv->accept_language_auto; } /** * soup_session_get_remote_connectable: * @session: a #SoupSession * * Get the remote connectable if one set. * * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): the #GSocketConnectable or %NULL */ GSocketConnectable * soup_session_get_remote_connectable (SoupSession *session) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session), NULL); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); return priv->remote_connectable; } /* Hosts */ /* Note that we can't use soup_uri_host_hash() and soup_uri_host_equal() * because we want to ignore the protocol; http://example.com and * webcal://example.com are the same host. */ static guint soup_host_uri_hash (gconstpointer key) { GUri *uri = (GUri*)key; g_return_val_if_fail (uri != NULL && g_uri_get_host (uri) != NULL, 0); return g_uri_get_port (uri) + soup_str_case_hash (g_uri_get_host (uri)); } static gboolean soup_host_uri_equal (gconstpointer v1, gconstpointer v2) { GUri *one = (GUri*)v1; GUri *two = (GUri*)v2; g_return_val_if_fail (one != NULL && two != NULL, one == two); const char *one_host = g_uri_get_host (one); const char *two_host = g_uri_get_host (two); g_return_val_if_fail (one_host != NULL && two_host != NULL, one_host == two_host); if (g_uri_get_port (one) != g_uri_get_port (two)) return FALSE; return g_ascii_strcasecmp (one_host, two_host) == 0; } static SoupSessionHost * soup_session_host_new (SoupSession *session, GUri *uri) { SoupSessionHost *host; const char *scheme = g_uri_get_scheme (uri); host = g_slice_new0 (SoupSessionHost); if (g_strcmp0 (scheme, "http") && g_strcmp0 (scheme, "https")) { host->uri = soup_uri_copy (uri, SOUP_URI_SCHEME, soup_uri_is_https (uri) ? "https" : "http", SOUP_URI_NONE); } else host->uri = g_uri_ref (uri); host->addr = g_object_new (G_TYPE_NETWORK_ADDRESS, "hostname", g_uri_get_host (host->uri), "port", g_uri_get_port (host->uri), "scheme", g_uri_get_scheme (host->uri), NULL); host->keep_alive_src = NULL; host->session = session; return host; } static SoupSessionHost * get_host_for_uri (SoupSession *session, GUri *uri) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); SoupSessionHost *host; gboolean https; GUri *uri_tmp = NULL; https = soup_uri_is_https (uri); if (https) host = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->https_hosts, uri); else host = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->http_hosts, uri); if (host) return host; if (!soup_uri_is_http (uri) && !soup_uri_is_https (uri)) { uri = uri_tmp = soup_uri_copy (uri, SOUP_URI_SCHEME, https ? "https" : "http", SOUP_URI_NONE); } host = soup_session_host_new (session, uri); if (uri_tmp) g_uri_unref (uri_tmp); if (https) g_hash_table_insert (priv->https_hosts, host->uri, host); else g_hash_table_insert (priv->http_hosts, host->uri, host); return host; } static SoupSessionHost * get_host_for_message (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg) { return get_host_for_uri (session, soup_message_get_uri (msg)); } static void free_host (SoupSessionHost *host) { g_warn_if_fail (host->connections == NULL); if (host->keep_alive_src) { g_source_destroy (host->keep_alive_src); g_source_unref (host->keep_alive_src); } g_uri_unref (host->uri); g_object_unref (host->addr); g_slice_free (SoupSessionHost, host); } static SoupMessageQueueItem * soup_session_lookup_queue (SoupSession *session, gpointer data, GCompareFunc compare_func) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); GList *link; link = g_queue_find_custom (priv->queue, data, compare_func); return link ? (SoupMessageQueueItem *)link->data : NULL; } static int lookup_message (SoupMessageQueueItem *item, SoupMessage *msg) { return item->msg == msg ? 0 : 1; } static SoupMessageQueueItem * soup_session_lookup_queue_item (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg) { return soup_session_lookup_queue (session, msg, (GCompareFunc)lookup_message); } static int lookup_connection (SoupMessageQueueItem *item, SoupConnection *conn) { return soup_message_get_connection (item->msg) == conn ? 0 : 1; } static SoupMessageQueueItem * soup_session_lookup_queue_item_by_connection (SoupSession *session, SoupConnection *conn) { return soup_session_lookup_queue (session, conn, (GCompareFunc)lookup_connection); } #define SOUP_SESSION_WOULD_REDIRECT_AS_GET(session, msg) \ (soup_message_get_status (msg) == SOUP_STATUS_SEE_OTHER || \ (soup_message_get_status (msg) == SOUP_STATUS_FOUND && \ !SOUP_METHOD_IS_SAFE (soup_message_get_method (msg))) || \ (soup_message_get_status (msg) == SOUP_STATUS_MOVED_PERMANENTLY && \ soup_message_get_method (msg) == SOUP_METHOD_POST)) #define SOUP_SESSION_WOULD_REDIRECT_AS_SAFE(session, msg) \ ((soup_message_get_status (msg) == SOUP_STATUS_MOVED_PERMANENTLY || \ soup_message_get_status (msg) == SOUP_STATUS_PERMANENT_REDIRECT || \ soup_message_get_status (msg) == SOUP_STATUS_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT || \ soup_message_get_status (msg) == SOUP_STATUS_FOUND) && \ SOUP_METHOD_IS_SAFE (soup_message_get_method (msg))) static GUri * redirection_uri (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg, GError **error) { const char *new_loc; GUri *new_uri; new_loc = soup_message_headers_get_one_common (soup_message_get_response_headers (msg), SOUP_HEADER_LOCATION); if (!new_loc || !*new_loc) { g_set_error_literal (error, SOUP_SESSION_ERROR, SOUP_SESSION_ERROR_REDIRECT_NO_LOCATION, _("Location header is missing or empty in response headers")); return NULL; } new_uri = g_uri_parse_relative (soup_message_get_uri (msg), new_loc, SOUP_HTTP_URI_FLAGS, NULL); if (!new_uri) return NULL; if (!g_uri_get_host (new_uri) || !*g_uri_get_host (new_uri) || (!soup_uri_is_http (new_uri) && !soup_uri_is_https (new_uri))) { g_uri_unref (new_uri); g_set_error (error, SOUP_SESSION_ERROR, SOUP_SESSION_ERROR_REDIRECT_BAD_URI, _("Invalid URI ā€œ%sā€ in Location response header"), new_loc); return NULL; } return new_uri; } static gboolean soup_session_requeue_item (SoupSession *session, SoupMessageQueueItem *item, GError **error) { gboolean retval; if (item->resend_count >= SOUP_SESSION_MAX_RESEND_COUNT) { if (SOUP_STATUS_IS_REDIRECTION (soup_message_get_status (item->msg))) { g_set_error_literal (error, SOUP_SESSION_ERROR, SOUP_SESSION_ERROR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS, _("Too many redirects")); } else { g_set_error_literal (error, SOUP_SESSION_ERROR, SOUP_SESSION_ERROR_TOO_MANY_RESTARTS, _("Message was restarted too many times")); } retval = FALSE; } else { item->resend_count++; item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_REQUEUED; retval = TRUE; } return retval; } /** * soup_session_redirect_message: * @session: the session * @msg: a #SoupMessage that has received a 3xx response * @error: return location for a #GError, or %NULL * * Updates @msg's URI according to its status code and "Location" * header, and requeues it on @session. Use this when you have set * %SOUP_MESSAGE_NO_REDIRECT on a message, but have decided to allow a * particular redirection to occur, or if you want to allow a * redirection that #SoupSession will not perform automatically (eg, * redirecting a non-safe method such as DELETE). * * If @msg's status code indicates that it should be retried as a GET * request, then @msg will be modified accordingly. * * If @msg has already been redirected too many times, this will * cause it to fail with %SOUP_STATUS_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS. * * Returns: %TRUE if a redirection was applied, %FALSE if not * (eg, because there was no Location header, or it could not be * parsed). * */ static gboolean soup_session_redirect_message (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg, GError **error) { GUri *new_uri; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_MESSAGE (msg), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (!error || *error == NULL, FALSE); new_uri = redirection_uri (session, msg, error); if (!new_uri) return FALSE; if (SOUP_SESSION_WOULD_REDIRECT_AS_GET (session, msg)) { if (soup_message_get_method (msg) != SOUP_METHOD_HEAD) { g_object_set (msg, "method", SOUP_METHOD_GET, NULL); } soup_message_set_request_body (msg, NULL, NULL, 0); soup_message_headers_set_encoding (soup_message_get_request_headers (msg), SOUP_ENCODING_NONE); } soup_message_set_request_host_from_uri (msg, new_uri); soup_message_set_uri (msg, new_uri); g_uri_unref (new_uri); return soup_session_requeue_item (session, soup_session_lookup_queue_item (session, msg), error); } static void redirect_handler (SoupMessage *msg, gpointer user_data) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item = user_data; SoupSession *session = item->session; if (!SOUP_SESSION_WOULD_REDIRECT_AS_GET (session, msg) && !SOUP_SESSION_WOULD_REDIRECT_AS_SAFE (session, msg)) return; soup_session_redirect_message (session, msg, &item->error); } static void misdirected_handler (SoupMessage *msg, gpointer user_data) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item = user_data; SoupSession *session = item->session; /* HTTP/2 messages may get the misdirected request status and MAY * try a new connection */ if (!soup_message_is_misdirected_retry (msg)) { soup_message_set_is_misdirected_retry (msg, TRUE); soup_session_requeue_item (session, item, &item->error); } } static void message_restarted (SoupMessage *msg, gpointer user_data) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item = user_data; SoupConnection *conn; conn = soup_message_get_connection (item->msg); if (conn && (!soup_message_is_keepalive (msg) || SOUP_STATUS_IS_REDIRECTION (soup_message_get_status (msg)))) { soup_message_set_connection (item->msg, NULL); } soup_message_cleanup_response (msg); } static int compare_queue_item (SoupMessageQueueItem *a, SoupMessageQueueItem *b) { SoupMessagePriority a_priority = soup_message_get_priority (a->msg); SoupMessagePriority b_priority = soup_message_get_priority (b->msg); /* For the same priority we want to append items in the queue */ return b_priority > a_priority ? 1 : -1; } static void message_priority_changed (SoupMessage *msg, GParamSpec *pspec, SoupMessageQueueItem *item) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (item->session); if (priv->in_async_run_queue) { priv->needs_queue_sort = TRUE; return; } g_queue_sort (priv->queue, (GCompareDataFunc)compare_queue_item, NULL); priv->needs_queue_sort = FALSE; } static SoupMessageQueueItem * soup_session_append_queue_item (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg, gboolean async, GCancellable *cancellable) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); SoupMessageQueueItem *item; GSList *f; soup_message_set_metrics_timestamp (msg, SOUP_MESSAGE_METRICS_FETCH_START); soup_message_cleanup_response (msg); soup_message_set_is_preconnect (msg, FALSE); item = soup_message_queue_item_new (session, msg, async, cancellable); g_queue_insert_sorted (priv->queue, soup_message_queue_item_ref (item), (GCompareDataFunc)compare_queue_item, NULL); if (!soup_message_query_flags (msg, SOUP_MESSAGE_NO_REDIRECT)) { soup_message_add_header_handler ( msg, "got_body", "Location", G_CALLBACK (redirect_handler), item); } soup_message_add_status_code_handler (msg, "got-body", SOUP_STATUS_MISDIRECTED_REQUEST, G_CALLBACK (misdirected_handler), item); g_signal_connect (msg, "restarted", G_CALLBACK (message_restarted), item); g_signal_connect (msg, "notify::priority", G_CALLBACK (message_priority_changed), item); for (f = priv->features; f; f = g_slist_next (f)) { SoupSessionFeature *feature = SOUP_SESSION_FEATURE (f->data); g_object_ref (feature); soup_session_feature_request_queued (feature, msg); } g_signal_emit (session, signals[REQUEST_QUEUED], 0, msg); return item; } static void soup_session_send_queue_item (SoupSession *session, SoupMessageQueueItem *item, SoupMessageIOCompletionFn completion_cb) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); SoupMessageHeaders *request_headers; const char *method; request_headers = soup_message_get_request_headers (item->msg); if (priv->user_agent) soup_message_headers_replace_common (request_headers, SOUP_HEADER_USER_AGENT, priv->user_agent); if (priv->accept_language && !soup_message_headers_get_list_common (request_headers, SOUP_HEADER_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE)) soup_message_headers_append_common (request_headers, SOUP_HEADER_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, priv->accept_language); soup_message_set_http_version (item->msg, soup_connection_get_negotiated_protocol (soup_message_get_connection (item->msg))); soup_message_force_keep_alive_if_needed (item->msg); soup_message_update_request_host_if_needed (item->msg); /* A user agent SHOULD send a Content-Length in a request message when * no Transfer-Encoding is sent and the request method defines a meaning * for an enclosed payload body. For example, a Content-Length header * field is normally sent in a POST request even when the value is 0 * (indicating an empty payload body). */ method = soup_message_get_method (item->msg); if ((method == SOUP_METHOD_POST || method == SOUP_METHOD_PUT) && soup_message_get_request_body_stream (item->msg) == NULL) { soup_message_headers_set_content_length (request_headers, 0); } soup_message_starting (item->msg); if (item->state == SOUP_MESSAGE_RUNNING) soup_message_send_item (item->msg, item, completion_cb, item); } static gboolean soup_session_cleanup_connections (SoupSession *session, gboolean cleanup_idle) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); GSList *conns = NULL, *c; GHashTableIter iter; gpointer conn, host; SoupConnectionState state; g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, priv->conns); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &conn, &host)) { state = soup_connection_get_state (conn); if (state == SOUP_CONNECTION_IDLE && (cleanup_idle || !soup_connection_is_idle_open (conn))) { conns = g_slist_prepend (conns, g_object_ref (conn)); g_hash_table_iter_remove (&iter); drop_connection (session, host, conn); } } if (!conns) return FALSE; for (c = conns; c; c = c->next) { conn = c->data; soup_connection_disconnect (conn); g_object_unref (conn); } g_slist_free (conns); return TRUE; } static gboolean free_unused_host (gpointer user_data) { SoupSessionHost *host = (SoupSessionHost *) user_data; SoupSessionPrivate *priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (host->session); GUri *uri = host->uri; if (host->connections) return FALSE; /* This will free the host in addition to removing it from the * hash table */ if (soup_uri_is_https (uri)) g_hash_table_remove (priv->https_hosts, uri); else g_hash_table_remove (priv->http_hosts, uri); return FALSE; } static void drop_connection (SoupSession *session, SoupSessionHost *host, SoupConnection *conn) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); if (host) { host->connections = g_slist_remove (host->connections, conn); host->num_conns--; /* Free the SoupHost (and its GNetworkAddress) if there * has not been any new connection to the host during * the last HOST_KEEP_ALIVE msecs. */ if (host->num_conns == 0) { g_assert (host->keep_alive_src == NULL); host->keep_alive_src = soup_add_timeout (g_main_context_get_thread_default (), HOST_KEEP_ALIVE, free_unused_host, host); } } g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (conn, connection_disconnected, session); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (conn, connection_state_changed, session); priv->num_conns--; g_object_unref (conn); } static void connection_disconnected (SoupConnection *conn, gpointer user_data) { SoupSession *session = user_data; SoupSessionPrivate *priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); SoupSessionHost *host; host = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->conns, conn); if (host) g_hash_table_remove (priv->conns, conn); drop_connection (session, host, conn); soup_session_kick_queue (session); } static void connection_state_changed (GObject *object, GParamSpec *param, gpointer user_data) { SoupSession *session = user_data; SoupConnection *conn = SOUP_CONNECTION (object); if (soup_connection_get_state (conn) == SOUP_CONNECTION_IDLE && soup_connection_is_idle_open (conn)) soup_session_kick_queue (session); } static void soup_session_unqueue_item (SoupSession *session, SoupMessageQueueItem *item) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); GSList *f; soup_message_set_connection (item->msg, NULL); if (item->state != SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHED) { g_warning ("finished an item with state %d", item->state); return; } g_queue_remove (priv->queue, item); /* g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func doesn't work if you * have a metamarshal, meaning it doesn't work with * soup_message_add_header_handler() */ g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched (item->msg, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, item); for (f = priv->features; f; f = g_slist_next (f)) { SoupSessionFeature *feature = SOUP_SESSION_FEATURE (f->data); soup_session_feature_request_unqueued (feature, item->msg); g_object_unref (feature); } g_signal_emit (session, signals[REQUEST_UNQUEUED], 0, item->msg); soup_message_queue_item_unref (item); } static void message_completed (SoupMessage *msg, SoupMessageIOCompletion completion, gpointer user_data) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item = user_data; if (item->async) soup_session_kick_queue (item->session); if (completion == SOUP_MESSAGE_IO_STOLEN) { item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHED; soup_session_unqueue_item (item->session, item); return; } if (item->state == SOUP_MESSAGE_REQUEUED) item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_RESTARTING; if (item->state != SOUP_MESSAGE_RESTARTING) { item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHING; if (!item->async) soup_session_process_queue_item (item->session, item, NULL, TRUE); } } static void tunnel_complete (SoupMessageQueueItem *tunnel_item, guint status, GError *error) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item = tunnel_item->related; SoupSession *session = tunnel_item->session; soup_message_finished (tunnel_item->msg); soup_message_queue_item_unref (tunnel_item); if (soup_message_get_status (item->msg)) item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHING; else if (item->state == SOUP_MESSAGE_TUNNELING) item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_READY; item->error = error; if (!SOUP_STATUS_IS_SUCCESSFUL (status) || item->error) { soup_connection_disconnect (soup_message_get_connection (item->msg)); soup_message_set_connection (item->msg, NULL); if (!error && soup_message_get_status (item->msg) == SOUP_STATUS_NONE) soup_message_set_status (item->msg, status, NULL); } if (item->async) soup_session_kick_queue (session); soup_message_queue_item_unref (item); } static void tunnel_handshake_complete (SoupConnection *conn, GAsyncResult *result, SoupMessageQueueItem *tunnel_item) { GError *error = NULL; soup_connection_tunnel_handshake_finish (conn, result, &error); tunnel_complete (tunnel_item, SOUP_STATUS_OK, error); } static void tunnel_message_completed (SoupMessage *msg, SoupMessageIOCompletion completion, gpointer user_data) { SoupMessageQueueItem *tunnel_item = user_data; SoupMessageQueueItem *item = tunnel_item->related; SoupSession *session = tunnel_item->session; guint status; if (tunnel_item->state == SOUP_MESSAGE_REQUEUED) tunnel_item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_RESTARTING; if (tunnel_item->state == SOUP_MESSAGE_RESTARTING) { soup_message_restarted (msg); if (soup_message_get_connection (tunnel_item->msg)) { tunnel_item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_RUNNING; soup_session_send_queue_item (session, tunnel_item, (SoupMessageIOCompletionFn)tunnel_message_completed); soup_message_io_run (msg, !tunnel_item->async); return; } item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_RESTARTING; } tunnel_item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHED; soup_session_unqueue_item (session, tunnel_item); status = soup_message_get_status (tunnel_item->msg); if (!SOUP_STATUS_IS_SUCCESSFUL (status) || item->state == SOUP_MESSAGE_RESTARTING) { tunnel_complete (tunnel_item, status, NULL); return; } if (tunnel_item->async) { soup_connection_tunnel_handshake_async (soup_message_get_connection (item->msg), item->io_priority, item->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)tunnel_handshake_complete, tunnel_item); } else { GError *error = NULL; soup_connection_tunnel_handshake (soup_message_get_connection (item->msg), item->cancellable, &error); tunnel_complete (tunnel_item, SOUP_STATUS_OK, error); } } static void tunnel_connect (SoupMessageQueueItem *item) { SoupSession *session = item->session; SoupMessageQueueItem *tunnel_item; SoupMessage *msg; item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_TUNNELING; msg = soup_message_new_from_uri (SOUP_METHOD_CONNECT, soup_message_get_uri (item->msg)); soup_message_add_flags (msg, SOUP_MESSAGE_NO_REDIRECT); tunnel_item = soup_session_append_queue_item (session, msg, item->async, item->cancellable); tunnel_item->io_priority = item->io_priority; tunnel_item->related = soup_message_queue_item_ref (item); soup_message_set_connection (tunnel_item->msg, soup_message_get_connection (item->msg)); tunnel_item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_RUNNING; soup_session_send_queue_item (session, tunnel_item, (SoupMessageIOCompletionFn)tunnel_message_completed); soup_message_io_run (msg, !item->async); g_object_unref (msg); } static void connect_complete (SoupMessageQueueItem *item, SoupConnection *conn, GError *error) { if (!error) { item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_CONNECTED; return; } soup_message_set_metrics_timestamp (item->msg, SOUP_MESSAGE_METRICS_RESPONSE_END); item->error = error; soup_connection_disconnect (conn); if (item->state == SOUP_MESSAGE_CONNECTING) { soup_message_set_connection (item->msg, NULL); item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_READY; } } static void connect_async_complete (GObject *object, GAsyncResult *result, gpointer user_data) { SoupConnection *conn = SOUP_CONNECTION (object); SoupMessageQueueItem *item = user_data; GError *error = NULL; soup_connection_connect_finish (conn, result, &error); if (item->related) { SoupMessageQueueItem *new_item = item->related; /* Complete the preconnect successfully, since it was stolen. */ item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHING; item->related = NULL; soup_session_process_queue_item (item->session, item, NULL, FALSE); soup_message_queue_item_unref (item); item = new_item; } connect_complete (item, conn, error); if (item->state == SOUP_MESSAGE_CONNECTED || item->state == SOUP_MESSAGE_READY) async_run_queue (item->session); else soup_session_kick_queue (item->session); soup_message_queue_item_unref (item); } static gboolean steal_preconnection (SoupSession *session, SoupMessageQueueItem *item, SoupConnection *conn) { SoupMessageQueueItem *preconnect_item; if (!item->async) return FALSE; if (item->connect_only) return FALSE; preconnect_item = soup_session_lookup_queue_item_by_connection (session, conn); if (!preconnect_item) return FALSE; if (!preconnect_item->connect_only || preconnect_item->state != SOUP_MESSAGE_CONNECTING) return FALSE; soup_message_transfer_connection (preconnect_item->msg, item->msg); g_assert (preconnect_item->related == NULL); preconnect_item->related = soup_message_queue_item_ref (item); return TRUE; } static SoupConnection * get_connection_for_host (SoupSession *session, SoupMessageQueueItem *item, SoupSessionHost *host, gboolean need_new_connection, gboolean *try_cleanup) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); GSocketConnectable *remote_connectable; guint8 force_http_version; SoupConnection *conn; GSList *conns; if (priv->disposed) return NULL; conn = soup_message_get_connection (item->msg); if (conn) { g_return_val_if_fail (soup_connection_get_state (conn) != SOUP_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED, FALSE); return conn; } force_http_version = g_getenv ("SOUP_FORCE_HTTP1") ? SOUP_HTTP_1_1 : soup_message_get_force_http_version (item->msg); for (conns = host->connections; conns; conns = conns->next) { SoupHTTPVersion http_version; conn = conns->data; http_version = soup_connection_get_negotiated_protocol (conn); if (force_http_version <= SOUP_HTTP_2_0 && http_version != force_http_version) continue; switch (soup_connection_get_state (conn)) { case SOUP_CONNECTION_IN_USE: if (!need_new_connection && http_version == SOUP_HTTP_2_0 && soup_connection_is_reusable (conn)) return conn; break; case SOUP_CONNECTION_IDLE: if (!need_new_connection && soup_connection_is_idle_open (conn)) return conn; break; case SOUP_CONNECTION_CONNECTING: if (steal_preconnection (session, item, conn)) return conn; /* Always wait if we have a pending connection as it may be * an h2 connection which will be shared. http/1.x connections * will only be slightly delayed. */ if (force_http_version > SOUP_HTTP_1_1 && !need_new_connection && !item->connect_only) return NULL; default: break; } } if (host->num_conns >= priv->max_conns_per_host) { if (need_new_connection) *try_cleanup = TRUE; return NULL; } if (priv->num_conns >= priv->max_conns) { *try_cleanup = TRUE; return NULL; } if (priv->remote_connectable == NULL) { remote_connectable = g_object_new (G_TYPE_NETWORK_ADDRESS, "hostname", g_uri_get_host (host->uri), "port", g_uri_get_port (host->uri), "scheme", g_uri_get_scheme (host->uri), NULL); } else { remote_connectable = g_object_ref (priv->remote_connectable); } ensure_socket_props (session); conn = g_object_new (SOUP_TYPE_CONNECTION, "id", ++priv->last_connection_id, "remote-connectable", remote_connectable, "ssl", soup_uri_is_https (host->uri), "socket-properties", priv->socket_props, "force-http-version", force_http_version, NULL); g_object_unref (remote_connectable); g_signal_connect (conn, "disconnected", G_CALLBACK (connection_disconnected), session); g_signal_connect (conn, "notify::state", G_CALLBACK (connection_state_changed), session); g_hash_table_insert (priv->conns, conn, host); priv->num_conns++; host->num_conns++; host->connections = g_slist_prepend (host->connections, conn); if (host->keep_alive_src) { g_source_destroy (host->keep_alive_src); g_source_unref (host->keep_alive_src); host->keep_alive_src = NULL; } return conn; } static gboolean get_connection (SoupMessageQueueItem *item, gboolean *should_cleanup) { SoupSession *session = item->session; SoupSessionHost *host; SoupConnection *conn = NULL; gboolean my_should_cleanup = FALSE; gboolean need_new_connection; soup_session_cleanup_connections (session, FALSE); need_new_connection = (soup_message_query_flags (item->msg, SOUP_MESSAGE_NEW_CONNECTION)) || (soup_message_is_misdirected_retry (item->msg)) || (!soup_message_query_flags (item->msg, SOUP_MESSAGE_IDEMPOTENT) && !SOUP_METHOD_IS_IDEMPOTENT (soup_message_get_method (item->msg))); host = get_host_for_message (session, item->msg); while (TRUE) { conn = get_connection_for_host (session, item, host, need_new_connection, &my_should_cleanup); if (conn || item->async) break; if (my_should_cleanup) { soup_session_cleanup_connections (session, TRUE); my_should_cleanup = FALSE; continue; } } if (!conn) { if (should_cleanup) *should_cleanup = my_should_cleanup; return FALSE; } soup_message_set_connection (item->msg, conn); switch (soup_connection_get_state (conn)) { case SOUP_CONNECTION_IN_USE: item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_READY; return TRUE; case SOUP_CONNECTION_CONNECTING: item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_CONNECTING; return FALSE; case SOUP_CONNECTION_NEW: break; case SOUP_CONNECTION_IDLE: case SOUP_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED: g_assert_not_reached (); } item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_CONNECTING; if (item->async) { soup_connection_connect_async (conn, item->io_priority, item->cancellable, connect_async_complete, soup_message_queue_item_ref (item)); return FALSE; } else { GError *error = NULL; soup_connection_connect (conn, item->cancellable, &error); connect_complete (item, conn, error); return TRUE; } } static void soup_session_process_queue_item (SoupSession *session, SoupMessageQueueItem *item, gboolean *should_cleanup, gboolean loop) { g_assert (item->session == session); do { if (item->paused) return; switch (item->state) { case SOUP_MESSAGE_STARTING: if (!get_connection (item, should_cleanup)) return; break; case SOUP_MESSAGE_CONNECTED: if (soup_connection_is_tunnelled (soup_message_get_connection (item->msg))) tunnel_connect (item); else item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_READY; break; case SOUP_MESSAGE_READY: if (item->connect_only) { item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHING; break; } if (item->error || soup_message_get_status (item->msg)) { item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHING; break; } item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_RUNNING; soup_message_set_metrics_timestamp (item->msg, SOUP_MESSAGE_METRICS_REQUEST_START); soup_session_send_queue_item (session, item, (SoupMessageIOCompletionFn)message_completed); if (item->async) async_send_request_running (session, item); return; case SOUP_MESSAGE_RUNNING: if (item->async) return; item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHING; break; case SOUP_MESSAGE_CACHED: case SOUP_MESSAGE_TUNNELING: case SOUP_MESSAGE_REQUEUED: /* Will be handled elsewhere */ return; case SOUP_MESSAGE_RESTARTING: item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_STARTING; soup_message_set_metrics_timestamp (item->msg, SOUP_MESSAGE_METRICS_FETCH_START); soup_message_restarted (item->msg); break; case SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHING: item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHED; soup_message_finished (item->msg); soup_session_unqueue_item (session, item); return; default: /* Nothing to do with this message in any * other state. */ g_warn_if_fail (item->async); return; } } while (loop && item->state != SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHED); } static void process_queue_item (SoupMessageQueueItem *item, gboolean *should_cleanup) { if (!item->async) return; /* CONNECT messages are handled specially */ if (soup_message_get_method (item->msg) == SOUP_METHOD_CONNECT) return; soup_session_process_queue_item (item->session, item, should_cleanup, TRUE); } static void async_run_queue (SoupSession *session) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); gboolean try_cleanup = TRUE, should_cleanup = FALSE; g_object_ref (session); priv->in_async_run_queue++; soup_session_cleanup_connections (session, FALSE); try_again: g_queue_foreach (priv->queue, (GFunc)process_queue_item, &should_cleanup); if (try_cleanup && should_cleanup) { /* There is at least one message in the queue that * could be sent if we cleanupd an idle connection from * some other server. */ if (soup_session_cleanup_connections (session, TRUE)) { try_cleanup = should_cleanup = FALSE; goto try_again; } } priv->in_async_run_queue--; if (!priv->in_async_run_queue && priv->needs_queue_sort) { g_queue_sort (priv->queue, (GCompareDataFunc)compare_queue_item, NULL); priv->needs_queue_sort = FALSE; } g_object_unref (session); } /** * soup_session_requeue_message: * @session: a #SoupSession * @msg: the message to requeue * * This causes @msg to be placed back on the queue to be attempted * again. **/ void soup_session_requeue_message (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item = soup_session_lookup_queue_item (session, msg); soup_session_requeue_item (session, item, &item->error); } /** * soup_session_pause_message: * @session: a #SoupSession * @msg: a #SoupMessage currently running on @session * * Pauses HTTP I/O on @msg. Call soup_session_unpause_message() to * resume I/O. **/ void soup_session_pause_message (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session)); g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_MESSAGE (msg)); item = soup_session_lookup_queue_item (session, msg); g_return_if_fail (item != NULL); g_return_if_fail (item->async); item->paused = TRUE; if (item->state == SOUP_MESSAGE_RUNNING) soup_message_io_pause (msg); } static void soup_session_kick_queue (SoupSession *session) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); g_source_set_ready_time (priv->queue_source, 0); } /** * soup_session_unpause_message: * @session: a #SoupSession * @msg: a #SoupMessage currently running on @session * * Resumes HTTP I/O on @msg. Use this to resume after calling * soup_session_pause_message(). * * If @msg is being sent via blocking I/O, this will resume reading or * writing immediately. If @msg is using non-blocking I/O, then * reading or writing won't resume until you return to the main loop. **/ void soup_session_unpause_message (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session)); g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_MESSAGE (msg)); item = soup_session_lookup_queue_item (session, msg); if (!item) return; g_return_if_fail (item->async); item->paused = FALSE; if (item->state == SOUP_MESSAGE_RUNNING) soup_message_io_unpause (msg); soup_session_kick_queue (session); } void soup_session_cancel_message (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item = soup_session_lookup_queue_item (session, msg); /* If the message is already ending, don't do anything */ if (item) soup_message_queue_item_cancel (item); } /** * soup_session_abort: * @session: the session * * Cancels all pending requests in @session and closes all idle * persistent connections. * */ void soup_session_abort (SoupSession *session) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; GSList *conns, *c; GHashTableIter iter; gpointer conn, host; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session)); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); /* Cancel everything */ g_queue_foreach (priv->queue, (GFunc)soup_message_queue_item_cancel, NULL); /* Close all idle connections */ conns = NULL; g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, priv->conns); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &conn, &host)) { SoupConnectionState state; state = soup_connection_get_state (conn); if (state == SOUP_CONNECTION_IDLE) { conns = g_slist_prepend (conns, g_object_ref (conn)); g_hash_table_iter_remove (&iter); drop_connection (session, host, conn); } } for (c = conns; c; c = c->next) { soup_connection_disconnect (c->data); g_object_unref (c->data); } g_slist_free (conns); } static gboolean feature_already_added (SoupSession *session, GType feature_type) { if (soup_session_has_feature (session, feature_type)) { g_warning ("SoupSession already has a %s, ignoring new feature", g_type_name (feature_type)); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * soup_session_add_feature: * @session: a #SoupSession * @feature: an object that implements #SoupSessionFeature * * Adds @feature's functionality to @session. You cannot add multiple * features of the same #GType to a session. * * See the main #SoupSession documentation for information on what * features are present in sessions by default. * **/ void soup_session_add_feature (SoupSession *session, SoupSessionFeature *feature) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session)); g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION_FEATURE (feature)); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); if (feature_already_added (session, G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (feature))) return; priv->features = g_slist_prepend (priv->features, g_object_ref (feature)); g_hash_table_remove_all (priv->features_cache); soup_session_feature_attach (feature, session); } /** * soup_session_add_feature_by_type: * @session: a #SoupSession * @feature_type: a #GType * * If @feature_type is the type of a class that implements * #SoupSessionFeature, this creates a new feature of that type and * adds it to @session as with soup_session_add_feature(). You can use * this when you don't need to customize the new feature in any way. * Adding multiple features of the same @feature_type is not allowed. * * If @feature_type is not a #SoupSessionFeature type, this gives each * existing feature on @session the chance to accept @feature_type as * a "subfeature". This can be used to add new #SoupAuth types, for instance. * * See the main #SoupSession documentation for information on what * features are present in sessions by default. * **/ void soup_session_add_feature_by_type (SoupSession *session, GType feature_type) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session)); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); if (g_type_is_a (feature_type, SOUP_TYPE_SESSION_FEATURE)) { SoupSessionFeature *feature; if (feature_already_added (session, feature_type)) return; feature = g_object_new (feature_type, NULL); soup_session_add_feature (session, feature); g_object_unref (feature); } else { GSList *f; for (f = priv->features; f; f = f->next) { if (soup_session_feature_add_feature (f->data, feature_type)) return; } g_warning ("No feature manager for feature of type '%s'", g_type_name (feature_type)); } } /** * soup_session_remove_feature: * @session: a #SoupSession * @feature: a feature that has previously been added to @session * * Removes @feature's functionality from @session. * **/ void soup_session_remove_feature (SoupSession *session, SoupSessionFeature *feature) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session)); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); if (g_slist_find (priv->features, feature)) { priv->features = g_slist_remove (priv->features, feature); g_hash_table_remove_all (priv->features_cache); soup_session_feature_detach (feature, session); g_object_unref (feature); } } /** * soup_session_remove_feature_by_type: * @session: a #SoupSession * @feature_type: a #GType * * Removes all features of type @feature_type (or any subclass of * @feature_type) from @session. You can also remove standard features * from the session at construct time by using the * SoupSession:remove-feature-by-type property. * **/ void soup_session_remove_feature_by_type (SoupSession *session, GType feature_type) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; GSList *f; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session)); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); if (g_type_is_a (feature_type, SOUP_TYPE_SESSION_FEATURE)) { restart: for (f = priv->features; f; f = f->next) { if (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE (f->data, feature_type)) { soup_session_remove_feature (session, f->data); goto restart; } } } else { for (f = priv->features; f; f = f->next) { if (soup_session_feature_remove_feature (f->data, feature_type)) return; } g_warning ("No feature manager for feature of type '%s'", g_type_name (feature_type)); } } /** * soup_session_has_feature: * @session: a #SoupSession * @feature_type: the #GType of the class of features to check for * * Tests if @session has at a feature of type @feature_type (which can * be the type of either a #SoupSessionFeature, or else a subtype of * some class managed by another feature, such as #SoupAuth). * * Returns: %TRUE or %FALSE * **/ gboolean soup_session_has_feature (SoupSession *session, GType feature_type) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; GSList *f; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session), FALSE); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); if (g_type_is_a (feature_type, SOUP_TYPE_SESSION_FEATURE)) { for (f = priv->features; f; f = f->next) { if (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE (f->data, feature_type)) return TRUE; } } else { for (f = priv->features; f; f = f->next) { if (soup_session_feature_has_feature (f->data, feature_type)) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * soup_session_get_features: * @session: a #SoupSession * @feature_type: the #GType of the class of features to get * * Generates a list of @session's features of type @feature_type. (If * you want to see all features, you can pass %SOUP_TYPE_SESSION_FEATURE * for @feature_type.) * * Returns: (transfer container) (element-type Soup.SessionFeature): * a list of features. You must free the list, but not its contents * **/ GSList * soup_session_get_features (SoupSession *session, GType feature_type) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; GSList *f, *ret; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session), NULL); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); for (f = priv->features, ret = NULL; f; f = f->next) { if (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE (f->data, feature_type)) ret = g_slist_prepend (ret, f->data); } return g_slist_reverse (ret); } /** * soup_session_get_feature: * @session: a #SoupSession * @feature_type: the #GType of the feature to get * * Gets the feature in @session of type @feature_type. * * Returns: (nullable) (transfer none): a #SoupSessionFeature, or * %NULL. The feature is owned by @session. * **/ SoupSessionFeature * soup_session_get_feature (SoupSession *session, GType feature_type) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv; SoupSessionFeature *feature; GSList *f; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session), NULL); priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); feature = g_hash_table_lookup (priv->features_cache, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (feature_type)); if (feature) return feature; for (f = priv->features; f; f = f->next) { feature = f->data; if (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE (feature, feature_type)) { g_hash_table_insert (priv->features_cache, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (feature_type), feature); return feature; } } return NULL; } /** * soup_session_get_feature_for_message: * @session: a #SoupSession * @feature_type: the #GType of the feature to get * @msg: a #SoupMessage * * Gets the feature in @session of type @feature_type, provided * that it is not disabled for @msg. * * Returns: (nullable) (transfer none): a #SoupSessionFeature, or %NULL. The * feature is owned by @session. * **/ SoupSessionFeature * soup_session_get_feature_for_message (SoupSession *session, GType feature_type, SoupMessage *msg) { SoupSessionFeature *feature; feature = soup_session_get_feature (session, feature_type); if (feature && soup_message_disables_feature (msg, feature)) return NULL; return feature; } static gint processing_stage_cmp (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { SoupProcessingStage stage_a = soup_content_processor_get_processing_stage (SOUP_CONTENT_PROCESSOR ((gpointer)a)); SoupProcessingStage stage_b = soup_content_processor_get_processing_stage (SOUP_CONTENT_PROCESSOR ((gpointer)b)); if (stage_a > stage_b) return 1; if (stage_a == stage_b) return 0; return -1; } GInputStream * soup_session_setup_message_body_input_stream (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg, GInputStream *body_stream, SoupProcessingStage start_at_stage) { GInputStream *istream; GSList *p, *processors; istream = g_object_ref (body_stream); processors = soup_session_get_features (session, SOUP_TYPE_CONTENT_PROCESSOR); processors = g_slist_sort (processors, processing_stage_cmp); for (p = processors; p; p = g_slist_next (p)) { GInputStream *wrapper; SoupContentProcessor *processor; processor = SOUP_CONTENT_PROCESSOR (p->data); if (soup_message_disables_feature (msg, p->data) || soup_content_processor_get_processing_stage (processor) < start_at_stage) continue; wrapper = soup_content_processor_wrap_input (processor, istream, msg, NULL); if (wrapper) { g_object_unref (istream); istream = wrapper; } } g_slist_free (processors); return istream; } static void soup_session_class_init (SoupSessionClass *session_class) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (session_class); /* virtual method override */ object_class->dispose = soup_session_dispose; object_class->finalize = soup_session_finalize; object_class->set_property = soup_session_set_property; object_class->get_property = soup_session_get_property; /* signals */ /** * SoupSession::request-queued: * @session: the session * @msg: the request that was queued * * Emitted when a request is queued on @session. * * When sending a request, first #SoupSession::request_queued * is emitted, indicating that the session has become aware of * the request. * * After a connection is available to send the request various * #SoupMessage signals are emitted as the message is * processed. If the message is requeued, it will emit * #SoupMessage::restarted, which will then be followed by other * #SoupMessage signals when the message is re-sent. * * Eventually, the message will emit #SoupMessage::finished. * Normally, this signals the completion of message * processing. However, it is possible that the application * will requeue the message from the "finished" handler. * In that case the process will loop back. * * Eventually, a message will reach "finished" and not be * requeued. At that point, the session will emit * #SoupSession::request_unqueued to indicate that it is done * with the message. * * To sum up: #SoupSession::request_queued and * #SoupSession::request_unqueued are guaranteed to be emitted * exactly once, but #SoupMessage::finished (and all of the * other #SoupMessage signals) may be invoked multiple times * for a given message. * **/ signals[REQUEST_QUEUED] = g_signal_new ("request-queued", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (SoupSessionClass, request_queued), NULL, NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, SOUP_TYPE_MESSAGE); /** * SoupSession::request-unqueued: * @session: the session * @msg: the request that was unqueued * * Emitted when a request is removed from @session's queue, * indicating that @session is done with it. See * #SoupSession::request_queued for a detailed description of the * message lifecycle within a session. * **/ signals[REQUEST_UNQUEUED] = g_signal_new ("request-unqueued", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (SoupSessionClass, request_unqueued), NULL, NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, SOUP_TYPE_MESSAGE); /* properties */ /** * SoupSession:proxy-resolver: * * A #GProxyResolver to use with this session. * * If no proxy resolver is set, then the default proxy resolver * will be used. See g_proxy_resolver_get_default(). * You can set it to %NULL if you don't want to use proxies, or * set it to your own #GProxyResolver if you want to control * what proxies get used. * */ properties[PROP_PROXY_RESOLVER] = g_param_spec_object ("proxy-resolver", "Proxy Resolver", "The GProxyResolver to use for this session", G_TYPE_PROXY_RESOLVER, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * SoupSession:max-conns: * * The maximum number of connections that the session can open at once. */ properties[PROP_MAX_CONNS] = g_param_spec_int ("max-conns", "Max Connection Count", "The maximum number of connections that the session can open at once", 1, G_MAXINT, SOUP_SESSION_MAX_CONNS_DEFAULT, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * SoupSession:max-conns-per-host: * * The maximum number of connections that the session can open at once to a given host. */ properties[PROP_MAX_CONNS_PER_HOST] = g_param_spec_int ("max-conns-per-host", "Max Per-Host Connection Count", "The maximum number of connections that the session can open at once to a given host", 1, G_MAXINT, SOUP_SESSION_MAX_CONNS_PER_HOST_DEFAULT, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * SoupSession:idle-timeout: * * Connection lifetime (in seconds) when idle. Any connection * left idle longer than this will be closed. * * Although you can change this property at any time, it will * only affect newly-created connections, not currently-open * ones. You can call soup_session_abort() after setting this * if you want to ensure that all future connections will have * this timeout value. * **/ properties[PROP_IDLE_TIMEOUT] = g_param_spec_uint ("idle-timeout", "Idle Timeout", "Connection lifetime when idle", 0, G_MAXUINT, 60, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * SoupSession:tls-database: * * Sets the #GTlsDatabase to use for validating SSL/TLS * certificates. * * If no certificate database is set, then the default database will be * used. See g_tls_backend_get_default_database(). * **/ properties[PROP_TLS_DATABASE] = g_param_spec_object ("tls-database", "TLS Database", "TLS database to use", G_TYPE_TLS_DATABASE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * SoupSession:timeout: * * The timeout (in seconds) for socket I/O operations * (including connecting to a server, and waiting for a reply * to an HTTP request). * * Although you can change this property at any time, it will * only affect newly-created connections, not currently-open * ones. You can call soup_session_abort() after setting this * if you want to ensure that all future connections will have * this timeout value. * * Not to be confused with #SoupSession:idle-timeout (which is * the length of time that idle persistent connections will be * kept open). */ properties[PROP_TIMEOUT] = g_param_spec_uint ("timeout", "Timeout value", "Value in seconds to timeout a blocking I/O", 0, G_MAXUINT, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * SoupSession:user-agent: * * If non-%NULL, the value to use for the "User-Agent" header * on #SoupMessages sent from this session. * * RFC 2616 says: "The User-Agent request-header field * contains information about the user agent originating the * request. This is for statistical purposes, the tracing of * protocol violations, and automated recognition of user * agents for the sake of tailoring responses to avoid * particular user agent limitations. User agents SHOULD * include this field with requests." * * The User-Agent header contains a list of one or more * product tokens, separated by whitespace, with the most * significant product token coming first. The tokens must be * brief, ASCII, and mostly alphanumeric (although "-", "_", * and "." are also allowed), and may optionally include a "/" * followed by a version string. You may also put comments, * enclosed in parentheses, between or after the tokens. * * If you set a #SoupSession:user_agent property that has trailing * whitespace, #SoupSession will append its own product token * (eg, "libsoup/2.3.2") to the end of the * header for you. **/ properties[PROP_USER_AGENT] = g_param_spec_string ("user-agent", "User-Agent string", "User-Agent string", NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * SoupSession:accept-language: * * If non-%NULL, the value to use for the "Accept-Language" header * on #SoupMessages sent from this session. * * Setting this will disable #SoupSession:accept-language-auto. * **/ properties[PROP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE] = g_param_spec_string ("accept-language", "Accept-Language string", "Accept-Language string", NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * SoupSession:accept-language-auto: * * If %TRUE, #SoupSession will automatically set the string * for the "Accept-Language" header on every #SoupMessage * sent, based on the return value of g_get_language_names(). * * Setting this will override any previous value of * #SoupSession:accept-language. * **/ properties[PROP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_AUTO] = g_param_spec_boolean ("accept-language-auto", "Accept-Language automatic mode", "Accept-Language automatic mode", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * SoupSession:remote-connectable: * * Sets a socket to make outgoing connections on. This will override the default * behaviour of opening TCP/IP sockets to the hosts specified in the URIs. * * This function is not required for common HTTP usage, but only when connecting * to a HTTP service that is not using standard TCP/IP sockets. An example of * this is a local service that uses HTTP over UNIX-domain sockets, in that case * a #GUnixSocketAddress can be passed to this function. * **/ properties[PROP_REMOTE_CONNECTABLE] = g_param_spec_object ("remote-connectable", "Remote Connectable", "Socket to connect to make outgoing connections on", G_TYPE_SOCKET_CONNECTABLE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * SoupSession:local-address: * * Sets the #GInetSocketAddress to use for the client side of * the connection. * * Use this property if you want for instance to bind the * local socket to a specific IP address. * **/ properties[PROP_LOCAL_ADDRESS] = g_param_spec_object ("local-address", "Local address", "Address of local end of socket", G_TYPE_INET_SOCKET_ADDRESS, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * SoupSession:tls-interaction: * * A #GTlsInteraction object that will be passed on to any * #GTlsConnections created by the session. (This can be used to * provide client-side certificates, for example.) * **/ properties[PROP_TLS_INTERACTION] = g_param_spec_object ("tls-interaction", "TLS Interaction", "TLS interaction to use", G_TYPE_TLS_INTERACTION, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_properties (object_class, LAST_PROPERTY, properties); } static gboolean expected_to_be_requeued (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg) { if (soup_message_get_status (msg) == SOUP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED || soup_message_get_status (msg) == SOUP_STATUS_PROXY_UNAUTHORIZED) { SoupSessionFeature *feature = soup_session_get_feature (session, SOUP_TYPE_AUTH_MANAGER); return !feature || !soup_message_disables_feature (msg, feature); } if (soup_message_get_status (msg) == SOUP_STATUS_MISDIRECTED_REQUEST) return TRUE; if (!soup_message_query_flags (msg, SOUP_MESSAGE_NO_REDIRECT)) { return SOUP_SESSION_WOULD_REDIRECT_AS_GET (session, msg) || SOUP_SESSION_WOULD_REDIRECT_AS_SAFE (session, msg); } return FALSE; } /* send_request_async */ static void async_send_request_return_result (SoupMessageQueueItem *item, gpointer stream, GError *error) { GTask *task; g_return_if_fail (item->task != NULL); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched (item->msg, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, item); task = item->task; item->task = NULL; /* This cancellable was set for the send operation that is done now */ g_object_unref (item->cancellable); item->cancellable = g_cancellable_new (); if (error) g_task_return_error (task, error); else if (item->error) { if (stream) g_object_unref (stream); g_task_return_error (task, g_error_copy (item->error)); } else g_task_return_pointer (task, stream, g_object_unref); g_object_unref (task); } static void async_send_request_restarted (SoupMessage *msg, gpointer user_data) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item = user_data; /* We won't be needing this, then. */ if (item->task) g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (item->task), "SoupSession:ostream", NULL); item->io_started = FALSE; } static void async_send_request_finished (SoupMessage *msg, gpointer user_data) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item = user_data; GMemoryOutputStream *mostream; GInputStream *istream = NULL; GError *error = NULL; if (!item->task) { /* Something else already took care of it. */ return; } mostream = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (item->task), "SoupSession:ostream"); if (mostream) { gpointer data; gssize size; /* We thought it would be requeued, but it wasn't, so * return the original body. */ size = g_memory_output_stream_get_data_size (mostream); data = size ? g_memory_output_stream_steal_data (mostream) : g_strdup (""); istream = g_memory_input_stream_new_from_data (data, size, g_free); } else if (item->io_started) { /* The message finished before becoming readable. This * will happen, eg, if it's cancelled from got-headers. * Do nothing; the op will complete via read_ready_cb() * after we return; */ return; } else { /* The message finished before even being started; * probably a tunnel connect failure. */ istream = g_memory_input_stream_new (); } async_send_request_return_result (item, istream, error); } static void send_async_spliced (GObject *source, GAsyncResult *result, gpointer user_data) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item = user_data; GInputStream *istream = g_object_get_data (source, "istream"); GError *error = NULL; /* It should be safe to call the sync close() method here since * the message body has already been written. */ g_input_stream_close (istream, NULL, NULL); g_object_unref (istream); /* If the message was cancelled, it will be completed via other means */ if (g_cancellable_is_cancelled (item->cancellable) || !item->task) { soup_message_queue_item_unref (item); return; } if (g_output_stream_splice_finish (G_OUTPUT_STREAM (source), result, &error) == -1) { async_send_request_return_result (item, NULL, error); soup_message_queue_item_unref (item); return; } /* Otherwise either restarted or finished will eventually be called. */ soup_session_kick_queue (item->session); soup_message_queue_item_unref (item); } static void send_async_maybe_complete (SoupMessageQueueItem *item, GInputStream *stream) { if (expected_to_be_requeued (item->session, item->msg)) { GOutputStream *ostream; /* Gather the current message body... */ ostream = g_memory_output_stream_new_resizable (); g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (item->task), "SoupSession:ostream", ostream, g_object_unref); g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (ostream), "istream", stream); /* We don't use CLOSE_SOURCE because we need to control when the * side effects of closing the SoupClientInputStream happen. */ g_output_stream_splice_async (ostream, stream, G_OUTPUT_STREAM_SPLICE_CLOSE_TARGET, item->io_priority, item->cancellable, send_async_spliced, soup_message_queue_item_ref (item)); return; } async_send_request_return_result (item, stream, NULL); } static void run_until_read_done (SoupMessage *msg, GAsyncResult *result, SoupMessageQueueItem *item) { GInputStream *stream = NULL; GError *error = NULL; soup_message_io_run_until_read_finish (msg, result, &error); if (error && (!item->io_started || item->state == SOUP_MESSAGE_RESTARTING)) { /* Message was restarted, we'll try again. */ g_error_free (error); return; } if (!error) stream = soup_message_io_get_response_istream (msg, &error); if (stream) { send_async_maybe_complete (item, stream); return; } if (item->state != SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHED) { if (soup_message_io_in_progress (msg)) soup_message_io_finished (msg); item->paused = FALSE; item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHING; soup_session_process_queue_item (item->session, item, NULL, FALSE); } async_send_request_return_result (item, NULL, error); } static void async_send_request_running (SoupSession *session, SoupMessageQueueItem *item) { if (item->task) { item->io_started = TRUE; soup_message_io_run_until_read_async (item->msg, item->io_priority, item->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)run_until_read_done, item); return; } soup_message_io_run (item->msg, FALSE); } static void cache_stream_finished (GInputStream *stream, SoupMessageQueueItem *item) { soup_message_set_metrics_timestamp (item->msg, SOUP_MESSAGE_METRICS_RESPONSE_END); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched (stream, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, item); item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHING; soup_session_kick_queue (item->session); soup_message_queue_item_unref (item); } static void async_return_from_cache (SoupMessageQueueItem *item, GInputStream *stream) { const char *content_type; GHashTable *params = NULL; soup_message_got_headers (item->msg); content_type = soup_message_headers_get_content_type (soup_message_get_response_headers (item->msg), ¶ms); if (content_type) { soup_message_content_sniffed (item->msg, content_type, params); g_hash_table_unref (params); } soup_message_queue_item_ref (item); g_signal_connect (stream, "eof", G_CALLBACK (cache_stream_finished), item); g_signal_connect (stream, "closed", G_CALLBACK (cache_stream_finished), item); async_send_request_return_result (item, g_object_ref (stream), NULL); } typedef struct { SoupCache *cache; SoupMessage *conditional_msg; SoupMessageQueueItem *item; } AsyncCacheConditionalData; static void async_cache_conditional_data_free (AsyncCacheConditionalData *data) { g_object_unref (data->conditional_msg); g_object_unref (data->cache); soup_message_queue_item_unref (data->item); g_slice_free (AsyncCacheConditionalData, data); } static void cancel_cache_response (SoupMessageQueueItem *item) { item->paused = FALSE; item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHING; soup_session_kick_queue (item->session); } static void conditional_get_ready_cb (SoupSession *session, GAsyncResult *result, AsyncCacheConditionalData *data) { GInputStream *stream; GError *error = NULL; stream = soup_session_send_finish (session, result, &error); if (g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) { soup_cache_cancel_conditional_request (data->cache, data->conditional_msg); cancel_cache_response (data->item); async_cache_conditional_data_free (data); return; } g_object_unref (stream); soup_cache_update_from_conditional_request (data->cache, data->conditional_msg); if (soup_message_get_status (data->conditional_msg) == SOUP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED) { stream = soup_cache_send_response (data->cache, data->item->msg); if (stream) { async_return_from_cache (data->item, stream); g_object_unref (stream); async_cache_conditional_data_free (data); return; } } /* The resource was modified or the server returned a 200 * OK. Either way we reload it. FIXME. */ data->item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_STARTING; soup_session_kick_queue (session); async_cache_conditional_data_free (data); } static gboolean idle_return_from_cache_cb (gpointer data) { GTask *task = data; SoupMessageQueueItem *item = g_task_get_task_data (task); GInputStream *istream; if (item->state == SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHED) { /* The original request was cancelled so it has been * already handled by the cancellation code path. */ return FALSE; } else if (g_cancellable_is_cancelled (item->cancellable)) { /* Cancel original msg after g_cancellable_cancel(). */ cancel_cache_response (item); return FALSE; } istream = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (task), "SoupSession:istream"); async_return_from_cache (item, istream); return FALSE; } static gboolean async_respond_from_cache (SoupSession *session, SoupMessageQueueItem *item) { SoupCache *cache; SoupCacheResponse response; cache = (SoupCache *)soup_session_get_feature (session, SOUP_TYPE_CACHE); if (!cache) return FALSE; response = soup_cache_has_response (cache, item->msg); if (response == SOUP_CACHE_RESPONSE_FRESH) { GInputStream *stream; GSource *source; stream = soup_cache_send_response (cache, item->msg); if (!stream) { /* Cached file was deleted? */ return FALSE; } g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (item->task), "SoupSession:istream", stream, g_object_unref); source = g_timeout_source_new (0); g_task_attach_source (item->task, source, (GSourceFunc) idle_return_from_cache_cb); g_source_unref (source); return TRUE; } else if (response == SOUP_CACHE_RESPONSE_NEEDS_VALIDATION) { SoupMessage *conditional_msg; AsyncCacheConditionalData *data; conditional_msg = soup_cache_generate_conditional_request (cache, item->msg); if (!conditional_msg) return FALSE; /* Detect any quick cancellation before the cache is able to return data. */ data = g_slice_new0 (AsyncCacheConditionalData); data->cache = g_object_ref (cache); data->conditional_msg = conditional_msg; data->item = soup_message_queue_item_ref (item); soup_message_disable_feature (conditional_msg, SOUP_TYPE_CACHE); soup_session_send_async (session, conditional_msg, item->io_priority, item->cancellable, (GAsyncReadyCallback)conditional_get_ready_cb, data); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } static gboolean soup_session_return_error_if_message_already_in_queue (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg, GCancellable *cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item; GTask *task; if (!soup_session_lookup_queue_item (session, msg)) return FALSE; /* Set a new SoupMessageQueueItem in finished state as task data for * soup_session_get_async_result_message() and soup_session_send_finish(). */ item = soup_message_queue_item_new (session, msg, TRUE, cancellable); item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHED; item->error = g_error_new_literal (SOUP_SESSION_ERROR, SOUP_SESSION_ERROR_MESSAGE_ALREADY_IN_QUEUE, _("Message is already in session queue")); task = g_task_new (session, cancellable, callback, user_data); g_task_set_task_data (task, item, (GDestroyNotify)soup_message_queue_item_unref); g_task_return_error (task, g_error_copy (item->error)); g_object_unref (task); return TRUE; } /** * soup_session_send_async: * @session: a #SoupSession * @msg: (transfer none): a #SoupMessage * @io_priority: the I/O priority of the request * @cancellable: (nullable): a #GCancellable * @callback: (scope async): the callback to invoke * @user_data: data for @callback * * Asynchronously sends @msg and waits for the beginning of a * response. When @callback is called, then either @msg has been sent, * and its response headers received, or else an error has occurred. * Call soup_session_send_finish() to get a #GInputStream for reading * the response body. * * See soup_session_send() for more details on the general semantics. * */ void soup_session_send_async (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg, int io_priority, GCancellable *cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session)); if (soup_session_return_error_if_message_already_in_queue (session, msg, cancellable, callback, user_data)) return; item = soup_session_append_queue_item (session, msg, TRUE, cancellable); item->io_priority = io_priority; g_signal_connect (msg, "restarted", G_CALLBACK (async_send_request_restarted), item); g_signal_connect (msg, "finished", G_CALLBACK (async_send_request_finished), item); item->task = g_task_new (session, item->cancellable, callback, user_data); g_task_set_priority (item->task, io_priority); g_task_set_task_data (item->task, item, (GDestroyNotify) soup_message_queue_item_unref); if (async_respond_from_cache (session, item)) item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_CACHED; else soup_session_kick_queue (session); } /** * soup_session_send_finish: * @session: a #SoupSession * @result: the #GAsyncResult passed to your callback * @error: return location for a #GError, or %NULL * * Gets the response to a soup_session_send_async() call and (if * successful), returns a #GInputStream that can be used to read the * response body. * * Returns: (transfer full): a #GInputStream for reading the * response body, or %NULL on error. * */ GInputStream * soup_session_send_finish (SoupSession *session, GAsyncResult *result, GError **error) { GTask *task; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (g_task_is_valid (result, session), NULL); task = G_TASK (result); if (g_task_had_error (task)) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item = g_task_get_task_data (task); if (!g_error_matches (item->error, SOUP_SESSION_ERROR, SOUP_SESSION_ERROR_MESSAGE_ALREADY_IN_QUEUE)) { if (soup_message_io_in_progress (item->msg)) soup_message_io_finished (item->msg); else if (item->state != SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHED) item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHING; if (item->state != SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHED) soup_session_process_queue_item (session, item, NULL, FALSE); } } return g_task_propagate_pointer (task, error); } /** * soup_session_send: * @session: a #SoupSession * @msg: (transfer none): a #SoupMessage * @cancellable: (nullable): a #GCancellable * @error: return location for a #GError, or %NULL * * Synchronously sends @msg and waits for the beginning of a response. * On success, a #GInputStream will be returned which you can use to * read the response body. ("Success" here means only that an HTTP * response was received and understood; it does not necessarily mean * that a 2xx class status code was received.) * * If non-%NULL, @cancellable can be used to cancel the request; * soup_session_send() will return a %G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED error. Note * that with requests that have side effects (eg, * POST, PUT, * DELETE) it is possible that you might cancel the * request after the server acts on it, but before it returns a * response, leaving the remote resource in an unknown state. * * If @msg is requeued due to a redirect or authentication, the * initial (3xx/401/407) response body will be suppressed, and * soup_session_send() will only return once a final response has been * received. * * Returns: (transfer full): a #GInputStream for reading the * response body, or %NULL on error. * */ GInputStream * soup_session_send (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item; GInputStream *stream = NULL; GOutputStream *ostream; GMemoryOutputStream *mostream; gssize size; GError *my_error = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session), NULL); if (soup_session_lookup_queue_item (session, msg)) { g_set_error_literal (error, SOUP_SESSION_ERROR, SOUP_SESSION_ERROR_MESSAGE_ALREADY_IN_QUEUE, _("Message is already in session queue")); return NULL; } item = soup_session_append_queue_item (session, msg, FALSE, cancellable); while (!stream) { /* Get a connection, etc */ soup_session_process_queue_item (session, item, NULL, TRUE); if (item->state != SOUP_MESSAGE_RUNNING) break; /* Send request, read headers */ if (!soup_message_io_run_until_read (msg, item->cancellable, &my_error)) { if (item->state == SOUP_MESSAGE_RESTARTING) { /* Message was restarted, we'll try again. */ g_clear_error (&my_error); continue; } break; } stream = soup_message_io_get_response_istream (msg, &my_error); if (!stream) break; if (!expected_to_be_requeued (session, msg)) break; /* Gather the current message body... */ ostream = g_memory_output_stream_new_resizable (); if (g_output_stream_splice (ostream, stream, G_OUTPUT_STREAM_SPLICE_CLOSE_SOURCE | G_OUTPUT_STREAM_SPLICE_CLOSE_TARGET, item->cancellable, &my_error) == -1) { g_object_unref (stream); g_object_unref (ostream); stream = NULL; break; } g_object_unref (stream); stream = NULL; /* If the message was requeued, loop */ if (item->state == SOUP_MESSAGE_RESTARTING) { g_object_unref (ostream); continue; } /* Not requeued, so return the original body */ mostream = G_MEMORY_OUTPUT_STREAM (ostream); size = g_memory_output_stream_get_data_size (mostream); stream = g_memory_input_stream_new (); if (size) { g_memory_input_stream_add_data (G_MEMORY_INPUT_STREAM (stream), g_memory_output_stream_steal_data (mostream), size, g_free); } g_object_unref (ostream); } /* This cancellable was set for the send operation that is done now */ g_object_unref (item->cancellable); item->cancellable = g_cancellable_new (); if (my_error) g_propagate_error (error, my_error); else if (item->error) { g_clear_object (&stream); if (error) *error = g_error_copy (item->error); } else if (!stream) stream = g_memory_input_stream_new (); if (!stream) { if (soup_message_io_in_progress (msg)) soup_message_io_finished (msg); else if (item->state != SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHED) item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHING; item->paused = FALSE; if (item->state != SOUP_MESSAGE_FINISHED) soup_session_process_queue_item (session, item, NULL, TRUE); } soup_message_queue_item_unref (item); return stream; } static void send_and_read_splice_ready_cb (GOutputStream *ostream, GAsyncResult *result, GTask *task) { GError *error = NULL; if (g_output_stream_splice_finish (ostream, result, &error) != -1) { g_task_return_pointer (task, g_memory_output_stream_steal_as_bytes (G_MEMORY_OUTPUT_STREAM (ostream)), (GDestroyNotify)g_bytes_unref); } else { g_task_return_error (task, error); } g_object_unref (task); } static void send_and_read_stream_ready_cb (SoupSession *session, GAsyncResult *result, GTask *task) { GInputStream *stream; GOutputStream *ostream; GError *error = NULL; // In order for soup_session_get_async_result_message() to work it must // have the task data for the task it wrapped SoupMessageQueueItem *item = g_task_get_task_data (G_TASK (result)); g_task_set_task_data (task, soup_message_queue_item_ref (item), (GDestroyNotify)soup_message_queue_item_unref); stream = soup_session_send_finish (session, result, &error); if (!stream) { g_task_return_error (task, error); g_object_unref (task); return; } ostream = g_memory_output_stream_new_resizable (); g_output_stream_splice_async (ostream, stream, G_OUTPUT_STREAM_SPLICE_CLOSE_SOURCE | G_OUTPUT_STREAM_SPLICE_CLOSE_TARGET, g_task_get_priority (task), g_task_get_cancellable (task), (GAsyncReadyCallback)send_and_read_splice_ready_cb, task); g_object_unref (ostream); g_object_unref (stream); } /** * soup_session_send_and_read_async: * @session: a #SoupSession * @msg: (transfer none): a #SoupMessage * @io_priority: the I/O priority of the request * @cancellable: (nullable): a #GCancellable * @callback: (scope async): the callback to invoke * @user_data: data for @callback * * Asynchronously sends @msg and reads the response body. * When @callback is called, then either @msg has been sent, and its response * body read, or else an error has occurred. * This function should only be used when the resource to be retrieved * is not too long and can be stored in memory. * Call soup_session_send_and_read_finish() to get a #GBytes with the * response body. * * See soup_session_send() for more details on the general semantics. */ void soup_session_send_and_read_async (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg, int io_priority, GCancellable *cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { GTask *task; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session)); g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_MESSAGE (msg)); task = g_task_new (session, cancellable, callback, user_data); g_task_set_priority (task, io_priority); soup_session_send_async (session, msg, g_task_get_priority (task), g_task_get_cancellable (task), (GAsyncReadyCallback)send_and_read_stream_ready_cb, task); } /** * soup_session_send_and_read_finish: * @session: a #SoupSession * @result: the #GAsyncResult passed to your callback * @error: return location for a #GError, or %NULL * * Gets the response to a soup_session_send_and_read_async() call and (if * successful), returns a #GBytes with the response body. * * Returns: (transfer full): a #GBytes, or %NULL on error. */ GBytes * soup_session_send_and_read_finish (SoupSession *session, GAsyncResult *result, GError **error) { g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (g_task_is_valid (result, session), NULL); return g_task_propagate_pointer (G_TASK (result), error); } /** * soup_session_send_and_read: * @session: a #SoupSession * @msg: (transfer none): a #SoupMessage * @cancellable: (nullable): a #GCancellable * @error: return location for a #GError, or %NULL * * Synchronously sends @msg and reads the response body. * On success, a #GBytes will be returned with the response body. * This function should only be used when the resource to be retrieved * is not too long and can be stored in memory. * * See soup_session_send() for more details on the general semantics. * * Returns: (transfer full): a #GBytes, or %NULL on error. */ GBytes * soup_session_send_and_read (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { GInputStream *stream; GOutputStream *ostream; GBytes *bytes = NULL; stream = soup_session_send (session, msg, cancellable, error); if (!stream) return NULL; ostream = g_memory_output_stream_new_resizable (); if (g_output_stream_splice (ostream, stream, G_OUTPUT_STREAM_SPLICE_CLOSE_SOURCE | G_OUTPUT_STREAM_SPLICE_CLOSE_TARGET, cancellable, error) != -1) { bytes = g_memory_output_stream_steal_as_bytes (G_MEMORY_OUTPUT_STREAM (ostream)); } g_object_unref (ostream); g_object_unref (stream); return bytes; } /** * soup_session_get_async_result_message: * @session: a #SoupSession * @result: the #GAsyncResult passed to your callback * * Gets the #SoupMessage of the @result asynchronous operation * This is useful to get the #SoupMessage of an asynchronous * operation started by @session from its #GAsyncReadyCallback. * * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): a #SoupMessage or * %NULL if @result is not a valid @session async operation result. */ SoupMessage * soup_session_get_async_result_message (SoupSession *session, GAsyncResult *result) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (g_task_is_valid (result, session), NULL); item = g_task_get_task_data (G_TASK (result)); return item ? item->msg : NULL; } static GIOStream * steal_connection (SoupSession *session, SoupMessageQueueItem *item) { SoupSessionPrivate *priv = soup_session_get_instance_private (session); SoupConnection *conn; SoupSessionHost *host; GIOStream *stream; conn = g_object_ref (soup_message_get_connection (item->msg)); host = get_host_for_message (session, item->msg); g_hash_table_remove (priv->conns, conn); drop_connection (session, host, conn); stream = soup_connection_steal_iostream (conn); soup_message_set_connection (item->msg, NULL); g_object_unref (conn); return stream; } /** * soup_session_steal_connection: * @session: a #SoupSession * @msg: the message whose connection is to be stolen * * "Steals" the HTTP connection associated with @msg from @session. * This happens immediately, regardless of the current state of the * connection, and @msg's callback will not be called. You can steal * the connection from a #SoupMessage signal handler if you need to * wait for part or all of the response to be received first. * * Calling this function may cause @msg to be freed if you are not * holding any other reference to it. * * Returns: (transfer full): the #GIOStream formerly associated * with @msg (or %NULL if @msg was no longer associated with a * connection). No guarantees are made about what kind of #GIOStream * is returned. * */ static GIOStream * soup_session_steal_connection (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item; GIOStream *stream = NULL; SoupConnection *conn; item = soup_session_lookup_queue_item (session, msg); if (!item) return NULL; conn = soup_message_get_connection (item->msg); if (conn && soup_connection_get_state (conn) == SOUP_CONNECTION_IN_USE) stream = steal_connection (session, item); return stream; } static GPtrArray * soup_session_get_supported_websocket_extensions_for_message (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg) { SoupSessionFeature *extension_manager; extension_manager = soup_session_get_feature_for_message (session, SOUP_TYPE_WEBSOCKET_EXTENSION_MANAGER, msg); if (!extension_manager) return NULL; return soup_websocket_extension_manager_get_supported_extensions (SOUP_WEBSOCKET_EXTENSION_MANAGER (extension_manager)); } static void websocket_connect_async_stop (SoupMessage *msg, gpointer user_data); static void websocket_connect_async_complete (SoupMessage *msg, gpointer user_data) { GTask *task = user_data; SoupMessageQueueItem *item = g_task_get_task_data (task); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched (msg, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, task); if (item->error) { g_task_return_error (task, g_error_copy (item->error)); } else { g_task_return_new_error (task, SOUP_WEBSOCKET_ERROR, SOUP_WEBSOCKET_ERROR_NOT_WEBSOCKET, "%s", _("The server did not accept the WebSocket handshake.")); } g_object_unref (task); } static void websocket_connect_async_stop (SoupMessage *msg, gpointer user_data) { GTask *task = user_data; SoupMessageQueueItem *item = g_task_get_task_data (task); GIOStream *stream; SoupWebsocketConnection *client; SoupSession *session = g_task_get_source_object (task); GPtrArray *supported_extensions; GList *accepted_extensions = NULL; GError *error = NULL; g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched (msg, G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, task); supported_extensions = soup_session_get_supported_websocket_extensions_for_message (session, msg); if (soup_websocket_client_verify_handshake (item->msg, supported_extensions, &accepted_extensions, &error)) { stream = soup_session_steal_connection (item->session, item->msg); client = soup_websocket_connection_new (stream, soup_message_get_uri (item->msg), SOUP_WEBSOCKET_CONNECTION_CLIENT, soup_message_headers_get_one_common (soup_message_get_request_headers (msg), SOUP_HEADER_ORIGIN), soup_message_headers_get_one_common (soup_message_get_response_headers (msg), SOUP_HEADER_SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL), accepted_extensions); g_object_unref (stream); g_task_return_pointer (task, client, g_object_unref); g_object_unref (task); return; } soup_message_io_finished (item->msg); g_task_return_error (task, error); g_object_unref (task); } /** * soup_session_websocket_connect_async: * @session: a #SoupSession * @msg: #SoupMessage indicating the WebSocket server to connect to * @origin: (nullable): origin of the connection * @protocols: (nullable) (array zero-terminated=1): a * %NULL-terminated array of protocols supported * @io_priority: the I/O priority of the request * @cancellable: (nullable): a #GCancellable * @callback: (scope async): the callback to invoke * @user_data: data for @callback * * Asynchronously creates a #SoupWebsocketConnection to communicate * with a remote server. * * All necessary WebSocket-related headers will be added to @msg, and * it will then be sent and asynchronously processed normally * (including handling of redirection and HTTP authentication). * * If the server returns "101 Switching Protocols", then @msg's status * code and response headers will be updated, and then the WebSocket * handshake will be completed. On success, * soup_session_websocket_connect_finish() will return a new * #SoupWebsocketConnection. On failure it will return a #GError. * * If the server returns a status other than "101 Switching * Protocols", then @msg will contain the complete response headers * and body from the server's response, and * soup_session_websocket_connect_finish() will return * %SOUP_WEBSOCKET_ERROR_NOT_WEBSOCKET. * */ void soup_session_websocket_connect_async (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg, const char *origin, char **protocols, int io_priority, GCancellable *cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item; GTask *task; GPtrArray *supported_extensions; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session)); g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_MESSAGE (msg)); if (soup_session_return_error_if_message_already_in_queue (session, msg, cancellable, callback, user_data)) return; supported_extensions = soup_session_get_supported_websocket_extensions_for_message (session, msg); soup_websocket_client_prepare_handshake (msg, origin, protocols, supported_extensions); /* When the client is to _Establish a WebSocket Connection_ given a set * of (/host/, /port/, /resource name/, and /secure/ flag), along with a * list of /protocols/ and /extensions/ to be used, and an /origin/ in * the case of web browsers, it MUST open a connection, send an opening * handshake, and read the server's handshake in response. */ soup_message_add_flags (msg, SOUP_MESSAGE_NEW_CONNECTION); /* WebSocket negotiation over HTTP/2 is not currently supported * and in practice all websocket servers support HTTP1.x with * HTTP/2 not providing a tangible benefit */ soup_message_set_force_http_version (msg, SOUP_HTTP_1_1); item = soup_session_append_queue_item (session, msg, TRUE, cancellable); item->io_priority = io_priority; task = g_task_new (session, item->cancellable, callback, user_data); g_task_set_task_data (task, item, (GDestroyNotify) soup_message_queue_item_unref); soup_message_add_status_code_handler (msg, "got-informational", SOUP_STATUS_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS, G_CALLBACK (websocket_connect_async_stop), task); g_signal_connect_object (msg, "finished", G_CALLBACK (websocket_connect_async_complete), task, 0); soup_session_kick_queue (session); } /** * soup_session_websocket_connect_finish: * @session: a #SoupSession * @result: the #GAsyncResult passed to your callback * @error: return location for a #GError, or %NULL * * Gets the #SoupWebsocketConnection response to a * soup_session_websocket_connect_async() call and (if successful), * returns a #SoupWebsocketConnection that can be used to communicate * with the server. * * Returns: (transfer full): a new #SoupWebsocketConnection, or * %NULL on error. * */ SoupWebsocketConnection * soup_session_websocket_connect_finish (SoupSession *session, GAsyncResult *result, GError **error) { g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (g_task_is_valid (result, session), NULL); return g_task_propagate_pointer (G_TASK (result), error); } SoupMessage * soup_session_get_original_message_for_authentication (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item; item = soup_session_lookup_queue_item (session, msg); if (!item) return msg; if (soup_message_get_method (msg) != SOUP_METHOD_CONNECT) return msg; return item->related ? item->related->msg : msg; } static void preconnect_async_complete (SoupMessage *msg, GTask *task) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item = g_task_get_task_data (task); if (item->error) g_task_return_error (task, g_error_copy (item->error)); else g_task_return_boolean (task, TRUE); g_object_unref (task); } /** * soup_session_preconnect_async: * @session: a #SoupSession * @msg: a #SoupMessage * @io_priority: the I/O priority of the request * @cancellable: (nullable): a #GCancellable * @callback: (nullable) (scope async): the callback to invoke when the operation finishes * @user_data: data for @progress_callback and @callback * * Start a preconnection to @msg. Once the connection is done, it will remain in idle state so that * it can be reused by future requests. If there's already an idle connection for the given @msg * host, the operation finishes successfully without creating a new connection. If a new request * for the given @msg host is made while the preconnect is still ongoing, the request will take * the ownership of the connection and the preconnect operation will finish successfully (if * there's a connection error it will be handled by the request). * * The operation finishes when the connection is done or an error occurred. */ void soup_session_preconnect_async (SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg, int io_priority, GCancellable *cancellable, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item; GTask *task; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session)); g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_MESSAGE (msg)); if (soup_session_return_error_if_message_already_in_queue (session, msg, cancellable, callback, user_data)) return; item = soup_session_append_queue_item (session, msg, TRUE, cancellable); item->connect_only = TRUE; item->io_priority = io_priority; soup_message_set_is_preconnect (msg, TRUE); task = g_task_new (session, item->cancellable, callback, user_data); g_task_set_priority (task, io_priority); g_task_set_task_data (task, item, (GDestroyNotify)soup_message_queue_item_unref); g_signal_connect_object (msg, "finished", G_CALLBACK (preconnect_async_complete), task, 0); soup_session_kick_queue (session); } /** * soup_session_preconnect_finish: * @session: a #SoupSession * @result: the #GAsyncResult passed to your callback * @error: return location for a #GError, or %NULL * * Complete a preconnect async operation started with soup_session_preconnect_async(). * * Return value: %TRUE if the preconnect succeeded, or %FALSE in case of error. */ gboolean soup_session_preconnect_finish (SoupSession *session, GAsyncResult *result, GError **error) { g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SESSION (session), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (g_task_is_valid (result, session), FALSE); return g_task_propagate_boolean (G_TASK (result), error); }