/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ /* * soup-server.c: Asynchronous HTTP server * * Copyright (C) 2001-2003, Ximian, Inc. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include "soup-server.h" #include "soup-server-message-private.h" #include "soup.h" #include "soup-server-message-private.h" #include "soup-misc.h" #include "soup-path-map.h" #include "soup-socket.h" #include "soup-uri-utils-private.h" #include "websocket/soup-websocket.h" #include "websocket/soup-websocket-connection.h" #include "websocket/soup-websocket-extension-deflate.h" /** * SECTION:soup-server * @short_description: HTTP server * @see_also: #SoupAuthDomain * * #SoupServer implements a simple HTTP server. * * (The following documentation describes the current #SoupServer API, * available in libsoup 2.48 and later. See * the section "The Old SoupServer * Listening API" in the server how-to documentation for * details on the older #SoupServer API.) * * To begin, create a server using soup_server_new(). Add at least one * handler by calling soup_server_add_handler() or * soup_server_add_early_handler(); the handler will be called to * process any requests underneath the path you pass. (If you want all * requests to go to the same handler, just pass "/" (or %NULL) for * the path.) * * When a new connection is accepted (or a new request is started on * an existing persistent connection), the #SoupServer will emit * #SoupServer::request-started and then begin processing the request * as described below, but note that once the message is assigned a * #SoupMessage:status-code, then callbacks after that point will be * skipped. Note also that it is not defined when the callbacks happen * relative to various #SoupMessage signals. * * Once the headers have been read, #SoupServer will check if there is * a #SoupAuthDomain (qv) covering the Request-URI; if so, and if the * message does not contain suitable authorization, then the * #SoupAuthDomain will set a status of %SOUP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED on * the message. * * After checking for authorization, #SoupServer will look for "early" * handlers (added with soup_server_add_early_handler()) matching the * Request-URI. If one is found, it will be run; in particular, this * can be used to connect to signals to do a streaming read of the * request body. * * (At this point, if the request headers contain "Expect: * 100-continue", and a status code has been set, then * #SoupServer will skip the remaining steps and return the response. * If the request headers contain "Expect: * 100-continue" and no status code has been set, * #SoupServer will return a %SOUP_STATUS_CONTINUE status before * continuing.) * * The server will then read in the response body (if present). At * this point, if there are no handlers at all defined for the * Request-URI, then the server will return %SOUP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND to * the client. * * Otherwise (assuming no previous step assigned a status to the * message) any "normal" handlers (added with * soup_server_add_handler()) for the message's Request-URI will be * run. * * Then, if the path has a WebSocket handler registered (and has * not yet been assigned a status), #SoupServer will attempt to * validate the WebSocket handshake, filling in the response and * setting a status of %SOUP_STATUS_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS or * %SOUP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST accordingly. * * If the message still has no status code at this point (and has not * been paused with soup_server_pause_message()), then it will be * given a status of %SOUP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR (because at * least one handler ran, but returned without assigning a status). * * Finally, the server will emit #SoupServer::request-finished (or * #SoupServer::request-aborted if an I/O error occurred before * handling was completed). * * If you want to handle the special "*" URI (eg, "OPTIONS *"), you * must explicitly register a handler for "*"; the default handler * will not be used for that case. * * If you want to process https connections in addition to (or instead * of) http connections, you can either set the * SoupServer:tls-certificate property when creating the server, or * else call soup_server_set_ssl_cert_file() after creating it. * * Once the server is set up, make one or more calls to * soup_server_listen(), soup_server_listen_local(), or * soup_server_listen_all() to tell it where to listen for * connections. (All ports on a #SoupServer use the same handlers; if * you need to handle some ports differently, such as returning * different data for http and https, you'll need to create multiple * #SoupServers, or else check the passed-in URI in the handler * function.). * * #SoupServer will begin processing connections as soon as you return * to (or start) the main loop for the current thread-default * #GMainContext. */ /** * SoupServer: * * Class implementing an HTTP server. */ enum { REQUEST_STARTED, REQUEST_READ, REQUEST_FINISHED, REQUEST_ABORTED, LAST_SIGNAL }; static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; typedef struct { char *path; SoupServerCallback early_callback; GDestroyNotify early_destroy; gpointer early_user_data; SoupServerCallback callback; GDestroyNotify destroy; gpointer user_data; char *websocket_origin; char **websocket_protocols; GList *websocket_extensions; SoupServerWebsocketCallback websocket_callback; GDestroyNotify websocket_destroy; gpointer websocket_user_data; } SoupServerHandler; typedef struct { GSList *listeners; GSList *clients; GTlsCertificate *tls_cert; char *server_header; GMainContext *async_context; GMainLoop *loop; gboolean raw_paths; SoupPathMap *handlers; GSList *auth_domains; char **http_aliases, **https_aliases; GPtrArray *websocket_extension_types; gboolean disposed; } SoupServerPrivate; #define SOUP_SERVER_SERVER_HEADER_BASE "libsoup/" PACKAGE_VERSION enum { PROP_0, PROP_TLS_CERT_FILE, PROP_TLS_KEY_FILE, PROP_TLS_CERTIFICATE, PROP_RAW_PATHS, PROP_SERVER_HEADER, PROP_HTTP_ALIASES, PROP_HTTPS_ALIASES, LAST_PROP }; G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE (SoupServer, soup_server, G_TYPE_OBJECT) static void start_request (SoupServer *server, SoupServerMessage *msg); static void free_handler (SoupServerHandler *handler) { g_free (handler->path); g_free (handler->websocket_origin); g_strfreev (handler->websocket_protocols); g_list_free_full (handler->websocket_extensions, g_object_unref); if (handler->early_destroy) handler->early_destroy (handler->early_user_data); if (handler->destroy) handler->destroy (handler->user_data); if (handler->websocket_destroy) handler->websocket_destroy (handler->websocket_user_data); g_slice_free (SoupServerHandler, handler); } static void soup_server_init (SoupServer *server) { SoupServerPrivate *priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); priv->handlers = soup_path_map_new ((GDestroyNotify)free_handler); priv->http_aliases = g_new (char *, 2); priv->http_aliases[0] = g_strdup ("*"); priv->http_aliases[1] = NULL; priv->websocket_extension_types = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func ((GDestroyNotify)g_type_class_unref); /* Use permessage-deflate extension by default */ g_ptr_array_add (priv->websocket_extension_types, g_type_class_ref (SOUP_TYPE_WEBSOCKET_EXTENSION_DEFLATE)); } static void soup_server_dispose (GObject *object) { SoupServer *server = SOUP_SERVER (object); SoupServerPrivate *priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); priv->disposed = TRUE; soup_server_disconnect (server); G_OBJECT_CLASS (soup_server_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void soup_server_finalize (GObject *object) { SoupServer *server = SOUP_SERVER (object); SoupServerPrivate *priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); g_clear_object (&priv->tls_cert); g_free (priv->server_header); soup_path_map_free (priv->handlers); g_slist_free_full (priv->auth_domains, g_object_unref); g_clear_pointer (&priv->loop, g_main_loop_unref); g_strfreev (priv->http_aliases); g_strfreev (priv->https_aliases); g_ptr_array_free (priv->websocket_extension_types, TRUE); G_OBJECT_CLASS (soup_server_parent_class)->finalize (object); } /* priv->http_aliases and priv->https_aliases are stored as lower-case strings, * so we can't just use g_strdupv() to set them. */ static void set_aliases (char ***variable, char **value) { int len, i; if (*variable) g_strfreev (*variable); if (!value) { *variable = NULL; return; } len = g_strv_length (value); *variable = g_new (char *, len + 1); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) (*variable)[i] = g_ascii_strdown (value[i], -1); (*variable)[i] = NULL; } static void soup_server_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { SoupServer *server = SOUP_SERVER (object); SoupServerPrivate *priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); const char *header; switch (prop_id) { case PROP_TLS_CERTIFICATE: if (priv->tls_cert) g_object_unref (priv->tls_cert); priv->tls_cert = g_value_dup_object (value); break; case PROP_RAW_PATHS: priv->raw_paths = g_value_get_boolean (value); break; case PROP_SERVER_HEADER: g_free (priv->server_header); header = g_value_get_string (value); if (!header) priv->server_header = NULL; else if (!*header) { priv->server_header = g_strdup (SOUP_SERVER_SERVER_HEADER_BASE); } else if (g_str_has_suffix (header, " ")) { priv->server_header = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s", header, SOUP_SERVER_SERVER_HEADER_BASE); } else priv->server_header = g_strdup (header); break; case PROP_HTTP_ALIASES: set_aliases (&priv->http_aliases, g_value_get_boxed (value)); break; case PROP_HTTPS_ALIASES: set_aliases (&priv->https_aliases, g_value_get_boxed (value)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void soup_server_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { SoupServer *server = SOUP_SERVER (object); SoupServerPrivate *priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_TLS_CERTIFICATE: g_value_set_object (value, priv->tls_cert); break; case PROP_RAW_PATHS: g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->raw_paths); break; case PROP_SERVER_HEADER: g_value_set_string (value, priv->server_header); break; case PROP_HTTP_ALIASES: g_value_set_boxed (value, priv->http_aliases); break; case PROP_HTTPS_ALIASES: g_value_set_boxed (value, priv->https_aliases); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void soup_server_class_init (SoupServerClass *server_class) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (server_class); /* virtual method override */ object_class->dispose = soup_server_dispose; object_class->finalize = soup_server_finalize; object_class->set_property = soup_server_set_property; object_class->get_property = soup_server_get_property; /* signals */ /** * SoupServer::request-started: * @server: the server * @message: the new message * * Emitted when the server has started reading a new request. * @message will be completely blank; not even the * Request-Line will have been read yet. About the only thing * you can usefully do with it is connect to its signals. * * If the request is read successfully, this will eventually * be followed by a #SoupServer::request_read signal. If a * response is then sent, the request processing will end with * a #SoupServer::request_finished signal. If a network error * occurs, the processing will instead end with * #SoupServer::request_aborted. **/ signals[REQUEST_STARTED] = g_signal_new ("request-started", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (SoupServerClass, request_started), NULL, NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, SOUP_TYPE_SERVER_MESSAGE); /** * SoupServer::request-read: * @server: the server * @message: the message * * Emitted when the server has successfully read a request. * @message will have all of its request-side information * filled in, and if the message was authenticated, @client * will have information about that. This signal is emitted * before any (non-early) handlers are called for the message, * and if it sets the message's #status_code, then normal * handler processing will be skipped. **/ signals[REQUEST_READ] = g_signal_new ("request-read", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (SoupServerClass, request_read), NULL, NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, SOUP_TYPE_SERVER_MESSAGE); /** * SoupServer::request-finished: * @server: the server * @message: the message * * Emitted when the server has finished writing a response to * a request. **/ signals[REQUEST_FINISHED] = g_signal_new ("request-finished", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (SoupServerClass, request_finished), NULL, NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, SOUP_TYPE_SERVER_MESSAGE); /** * SoupServer::request-aborted: * @server: the server * @message: the message * * Emitted when processing has failed for a message; this * could mean either that it could not be read (if * #SoupServer::request_read has not been emitted for it yet), * or that the response could not be written back (if * #SoupServer::request_read has been emitted but * #SoupServer::request_finished has not been). * * @message is in an undefined state when this signal is * emitted; the signal exists primarily to allow the server to * free any state that it may have allocated in * #SoupServer::request_started. **/ signals[REQUEST_ABORTED] = g_signal_new ("request-aborted", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (SoupServerClass, request_aborted), NULL, NULL, NULL, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, SOUP_TYPE_SERVER_MESSAGE); /* properties */ /** * SoupServer:tls-certificate: * * A #GTlsCertificate that has a #GTlsCertificate:private-key * set. If this is set, then the server will be able to speak * https in addition to (or instead of) plain http. * * Alternatively, you can call soup_server_set_ssl_cert_file() * to have #SoupServer read in a a certificate from a file. * * Since: 2.38 */ g_object_class_install_property ( object_class, PROP_TLS_CERTIFICATE, g_param_spec_object ("tls-certificate", "TLS certificate", "GTlsCertificate to use for https", G_TYPE_TLS_CERTIFICATE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property ( object_class, PROP_RAW_PATHS, g_param_spec_boolean ("raw-paths", "Raw paths", "If %TRUE, percent-encoding in the Request-URI path will not be automatically decoded.", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); /** * SoupServer:server-header: * * If non-%NULL, the value to use for the "Server" header on * #SoupMessages processed by this server. * * The Server header is the server equivalent of the * User-Agent header, and provides information about the * server and its components. It contains a list of one or * more product tokens, separated by whitespace, with the most * significant product token coming first. The tokens must be * brief, ASCII, and mostly alphanumeric (although "-", "_", * and "." are also allowed), and may optionally include a "/" * followed by a version string. You may also put comments, * enclosed in parentheses, between or after the tokens. * * Some HTTP server implementations intentionally do not use * version numbers in their Server header, so that * installations running older versions of the server don't * end up advertising their vulnerability to specific security * holes. * * As with #SoupSession:user_agent, if you set a * #SoupServer:server_header property that has trailing whitespace, * #SoupServer will append its own product token (eg, * "libsoup/2.3.2") to the end of the * header for you. **/ g_object_class_install_property ( object_class, PROP_SERVER_HEADER, g_param_spec_string ("server-header", "Server header", "Server header", NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); /** * SoupServer:http-aliases: * * A %NULL-terminated array of URI schemes that should be * considered to be aliases for "http". Eg, if this included * "dav", than a URI of * dav://example.com/path would be treated * identically to http://example.com/path. * In particular, this is needed in cases where a client * sends requests with absolute URIs, where those URIs do * not use "http:". * * The default value is an array containing the single element * "*", a special value which means that * any scheme except "https" is considered to be an alias for * SoupServer:http. * * See also #SoupServer:https-aliases. * * Since: 2.44 */ g_object_class_install_property ( object_class, PROP_HTTP_ALIASES, g_param_spec_boxed ("http-aliases", "http aliases", "URI schemes that are considered aliases for 'http'", G_TYPE_STRV, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); /** * SoupServer:https-aliases: * * A comma-delimited list of URI schemes that should be * considered to be aliases for "https". See * #SoupServer:http-aliases for more information. * * The default value is %NULL, meaning that no URI schemes * are considered aliases for "https". * * Since: 2.44 */ g_object_class_install_property ( object_class, PROP_HTTPS_ALIASES, g_param_spec_boxed ("https-aliases", "https aliases", "URI schemes that are considered aliases for 'https'", G_TYPE_STRV, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); } /** * soup_server_new: * @optname1: name of first property to set * @...: value of @optname1, followed by additional property/value pairs * * Creates a new #SoupServer. This is exactly equivalent to calling * g_object_new() and specifying %SOUP_TYPE_SERVER as the type. * * Return value: (nullable): a new #SoupServer. If you are using * certain legacy properties, this may also return %NULL if an error * occurs. **/ SoupServer * soup_server_new (const char *optname1, ...) { SoupServer *server; va_list ap; va_start (ap, optname1); server = (SoupServer *)g_object_new_valist (SOUP_TYPE_SERVER, optname1, ap); va_end (ap); return server; } /** * soup_server_set_ssl_cert_file: * @server: a #SoupServer * @ssl_cert_file: path to a file containing a PEM-encoded SSL/TLS * certificate. * @ssl_key_file: path to a file containing a PEM-encoded private key. * @error: return location for a #GError * * Sets @server up to do https, using the SSL/TLS certificate * specified by @ssl_cert_file and @ssl_key_file (which may point to * the same file). * * Alternatively, you can set the #SoupServer:tls-certificate property * at construction time, if you already have a #GTlsCertificate. * * Return value: success or failure. * * Since: 2.48 */ gboolean soup_server_set_ssl_cert_file (SoupServer *server, const char *ssl_cert_file, const char *ssl_key_file, GError **error) { SoupServerPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SERVER (server), FALSE); priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); if (priv->tls_cert) g_object_unref (priv->tls_cert); priv->tls_cert = g_tls_certificate_new_from_files (ssl_cert_file, ssl_key_file, error); return priv->tls_cert != NULL; } /** * soup_server_is_https: * @server: a #SoupServer * * Checks whether @server is capable of https. * * In order for a server to run https, you must call * soup_server_set_ssl_cert_file(), or set the * #SoupServer:tls-certificate property, to provide it with a * certificate to use. * * If you are using the deprecated single-listener APIs, then a return * value of %TRUE indicates that the #SoupServer serves https * exclusively. If you are using soup_server_listen(), etc, then a * %TRUE return value merely indicates that the server is * able to do https, regardless of whether it * actually currently is or not. Use soup_server_get_uris() to see if * it currently has any https listeners. * * Return value: %TRUE if @server is configured to serve https. **/ gboolean soup_server_is_https (SoupServer *server) { SoupServerPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SERVER (server), 0); priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); return priv->tls_cert != NULL; } /** * soup_server_get_listeners: * @server: a #SoupServer * * Gets @server's list of listening sockets. * * You should treat these sockets as read-only; writing to or * modifiying any of these sockets may cause @server to malfunction. * * Return value: (transfer container) (element-type Gio.Socket): a * list of listening sockets. **/ GSList * soup_server_get_listeners (SoupServer *server) { SoupServerPrivate *priv; GSList *listeners, *iter; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SERVER (server), NULL); priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); listeners = NULL; for (iter = priv->listeners; iter; iter = iter->next) listeners = g_slist_prepend (listeners, soup_socket_get_gsocket (iter->data)); /* priv->listeners has the sockets in reverse order from how * they were added, so listeners now has them back in the * original order. */ return listeners; } /* "" was never documented as meaning the same thing as "/", but it * effectively was. We have to special case it now or otherwise it * would match "*" too. */ #define NORMALIZED_PATH(path) ((path) && *(path) ? (path) : "/") static const char * get_msg_path (SoupServerMessage *msg) { /* A GUri cannot hold a path of "*" so we handle that */ if (soup_server_message_is_options_ping (msg)) return "*"; else return NORMALIZED_PATH (g_uri_get_path (soup_server_message_get_uri (msg))); } static SoupServerHandler * get_handler (SoupServer *server, SoupServerMessage *msg) { SoupServerPrivate *priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); return soup_path_map_lookup (priv->handlers, get_msg_path (msg)); } static void call_handler (SoupServer *server, SoupServerHandler *handler, SoupServerMessage *msg, gboolean early) { GHashTable *form_data_set; GUri *uri; if (early && !handler->early_callback) return; else if (!early && !handler->callback) return; if (soup_server_message_get_status (msg, NULL) != 0) return; uri = soup_server_message_get_uri (msg); if (g_uri_get_query (uri)) form_data_set = soup_form_decode (g_uri_get_query (uri)); else form_data_set = NULL; if (early) { (*handler->early_callback) (server, msg, get_msg_path (msg), form_data_set, handler->early_user_data); } else { (*handler->callback) (server, msg, get_msg_path (msg), form_data_set, handler->user_data); } if (form_data_set) g_hash_table_unref (form_data_set); } static void got_headers (SoupServer *server, SoupServerMessage *msg) { SoupServerPrivate *priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); SoupServerHandler *handler; GUri *uri; GDateTime *date; char *date_string; SoupAuthDomain *domain; GSList *iter; gboolean rejected = FALSE; char *auth_user; SoupMessageHeaders *headers; SoupSocket *sock; /* Add required response headers */ headers = soup_server_message_get_response_headers (msg); date = g_date_time_new_now_utc (); date_string = soup_date_time_to_string (date, SOUP_DATE_HTTP); soup_message_headers_replace (headers, "Date", date_string); g_free (date_string); g_date_time_unref (date); if (soup_server_message_get_status (msg, NULL) != 0) return; sock = soup_server_message_get_soup_socket (msg); uri = soup_server_message_get_uri (msg); if ((soup_socket_is_ssl (sock) && !soup_uri_is_https (uri, priv->https_aliases)) || (!soup_socket_is_ssl (sock) && !soup_uri_is_http (uri, priv->http_aliases))) { soup_server_message_set_status (msg, SOUP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, NULL); return; } if (!priv->raw_paths && g_uri_get_flags (uri) & G_URI_FLAGS_ENCODED_PATH) { char *decoded_path; GUri *copy; decoded_path = g_uri_unescape_string (g_uri_get_path (uri), NULL); if (strstr (decoded_path, "/../") || g_str_has_suffix (decoded_path, "/..") #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 || strstr (decoded_path, "\\..\\") || strstr (decoded_path, "/..\\") || strstr (decoded_path, "\\../") || g_str_has_suffix (decoded_path, "\\..") #endif ) { /* Introducing new ".." segments is not allowed */ g_free (decoded_path); soup_server_message_set_status (msg, SOUP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST, NULL); return; } copy = soup_uri_copy (uri, SOUP_URI_PATH, decoded_path, SOUP_URI_NONE); soup_server_message_set_uri (msg, copy); g_free (decoded_path); g_uri_unref (copy); } /* Now handle authentication. (We do this here so that if * the request uses "Expect: 100-continue", we can reject it * immediately rather than waiting for the request body to * be sent. */ for (iter = priv->auth_domains; iter; iter = iter->next) { domain = iter->data; if (soup_auth_domain_covers (domain, msg)) { auth_user = soup_auth_domain_accepts (domain, msg); if (auth_user) { soup_server_message_set_auth (msg, g_object_ref (domain), auth_user); return; } rejected = TRUE; } } /* If any auth domain rejected it, then it will need authentication. */ if (rejected) { for (iter = priv->auth_domains; iter; iter = iter->next) { domain = iter->data; if (soup_auth_domain_covers (domain, msg)) soup_auth_domain_challenge (domain, msg); } return; } /* Otherwise, call the early handlers. */ handler = get_handler (server, msg); if (handler) call_handler (server, handler, msg, TRUE); } static void complete_websocket_upgrade (SoupServer *server, SoupServerMessage *msg) { GUri *uri = soup_server_message_get_uri (msg); SoupServerHandler *handler; GIOStream *stream; SoupWebsocketConnection *conn; handler = get_handler (server, msg); if (!handler || !handler->websocket_callback) return; g_object_ref (msg); stream = soup_server_message_steal_connection (msg); conn = soup_websocket_connection_new (stream, uri, SOUP_WEBSOCKET_CONNECTION_SERVER, soup_message_headers_get_one (soup_server_message_get_request_headers (msg), "Origin"), soup_message_headers_get_one (soup_server_message_get_response_headers (msg), "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"), handler->websocket_extensions); handler->websocket_extensions = NULL; g_object_unref (stream); (*handler->websocket_callback) (server, msg, g_uri_get_path (uri), conn, handler->websocket_user_data); g_object_unref (conn); g_object_unref (msg); } static void got_body (SoupServer *server, SoupServerMessage *msg) { SoupServerHandler *handler; g_signal_emit (server, signals[REQUEST_READ], 0, msg); if (soup_server_message_get_status (msg, NULL) != 0) return; handler = get_handler (server, msg); if (!handler) { soup_server_message_set_status (msg, SOUP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND, NULL); return; } call_handler (server, handler, msg, FALSE); if (soup_server_message_get_status (msg, NULL) != 0) return; if (handler->websocket_callback) { SoupServerPrivate *priv; priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); if (soup_websocket_server_process_handshake (msg, handler->websocket_origin, handler->websocket_protocols, priv->websocket_extension_types, &handler->websocket_extensions)) { g_signal_connect_object (msg, "wrote-informational", G_CALLBACK (complete_websocket_upgrade), server, G_CONNECT_SWAPPED); } } } static void client_disconnected (SoupServer *server, SoupServerMessage *msg) { SoupServerPrivate *priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); priv->clients = g_slist_remove (priv->clients, msg); if (soup_server_message_get_status (msg, NULL) != 0) soup_server_message_io_finished (msg); } static void soup_server_accept_socket (SoupServer *server, SoupSocket *sock) { SoupServerPrivate *priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); SoupServerMessage *msg; msg = soup_server_message_new (sock); g_signal_connect_object (msg, "disconnected", G_CALLBACK (client_disconnected), server, G_CONNECT_SWAPPED); priv->clients = g_slist_prepend (priv->clients, msg); start_request (server, msg); } static void request_finished (SoupServerMessage *msg, SoupMessageIOCompletion completion, SoupServer *server) { SoupServerPrivate *priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); SoupSocket *sock = soup_server_message_get_soup_socket (msg); gboolean failed; if (completion == SOUP_MESSAGE_IO_STOLEN) { g_object_unref (msg); return; } /* Complete the message, assuming it actually really started. */ if (soup_server_message_get_method (msg)) { soup_server_message_finished (msg); failed = (completion == SOUP_MESSAGE_IO_INTERRUPTED || soup_server_message_get_status (msg, NULL) == SOUP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); g_signal_emit (server, failed ? signals[REQUEST_ABORTED] : signals[REQUEST_FINISHED], 0, msg); } if (completion == SOUP_MESSAGE_IO_COMPLETE && soup_socket_is_connected (sock) && soup_server_message_is_keepalive (msg) && priv->listeners) { g_object_ref (sock); priv->clients = g_slist_remove (priv->clients, msg); g_object_unref (msg); soup_server_accept_socket (server, sock); g_object_unref (sock); return; } soup_socket_disconnect (sock); g_object_unref (msg); } static void start_request (SoupServer *server, SoupServerMessage *msg) { SoupServerPrivate *priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); if (priv->server_header) { SoupMessageHeaders *headers; headers = soup_server_message_get_response_headers (msg); soup_message_headers_append (headers, "Server", priv->server_header); } g_signal_connect_object (msg, "got-headers", G_CALLBACK (got_headers), server, G_CONNECT_SWAPPED); g_signal_connect_object (msg, "got-body", G_CALLBACK (got_body), server, G_CONNECT_SWAPPED); g_signal_emit (server, signals[REQUEST_STARTED], 0, msg); soup_server_message_read_request (msg, (SoupMessageIOCompletionFn)request_finished, server); } /** * soup_server_accept_iostream: * @server: a #SoupServer * @stream: a #GIOStream * @local_addr: (allow-none): the local #GSocketAddress associated with the @stream * @remote_addr: (allow-none): the remote #GSocketAddress associated with the @stream * @error: return location for a #GError * * Add a new client stream to the @server. * * Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE if the stream could not be * accepted or any other error occurred (in which case @error will be * set). * * Since: 2.50 **/ gboolean soup_server_accept_iostream (SoupServer *server, GIOStream *stream, GSocketAddress *local_addr, GSocketAddress *remote_addr, GError **error) { SoupSocket *sock; sock = g_initable_new (SOUP_TYPE_SOCKET, NULL, error, "iostream", stream, "local-address", local_addr, "remote-connectable", remote_addr, NULL); if (!sock) return FALSE; soup_server_accept_socket (server, sock); g_object_unref (sock); return TRUE; } static void new_connection (SoupSocket *listener, SoupSocket *sock, gpointer user_data) { SoupServer *server = user_data; soup_server_accept_socket (server, sock); } /** * soup_server_disconnect: * @server: a #SoupServer * * Closes and frees @server's listening sockets. * * Note that if there are currently requests in progress on @server, * that they will continue to be processed if @server's #GMainContext * is still running. * * You can call soup_server_listen(), etc, after calling this function * if you want to start listening again. **/ void soup_server_disconnect (SoupServer *server) { SoupServerPrivate *priv; GSList *listeners, *clients, *iter; SoupSocket *listener; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SERVER (server)); priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); clients = priv->clients; priv->clients = NULL; listeners = priv->listeners; priv->listeners = NULL; for (iter = clients; iter; iter = iter->next) { SoupServerMessage *msg = iter->data; soup_socket_disconnect (soup_server_message_get_soup_socket (msg)); } g_slist_free (clients); for (iter = listeners; iter; iter = iter->next) { listener = iter->data; soup_socket_disconnect (listener); g_object_unref (listener); } g_slist_free (listeners); } /** * SoupServerListenOptions: * @SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_HTTPS: Listen for https connections rather * than plain http. * @SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_IPV4_ONLY: Only listen on IPv4 interfaces. * @SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_IPV6_ONLY: Only listen on IPv6 interfaces. * * Options to pass to soup_server_listen(), etc. * * %SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_IPV4_ONLY and %SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_IPV6_ONLY * only make sense with soup_server_listen_all() and * soup_server_listen_local(), not plain soup_server_listen() (which * simply listens on whatever kind of socket you give it). And you * cannot specify both of them in a single call. * * Since: 2.48 */ static gboolean soup_server_listen_internal (SoupServer *server, SoupSocket *listener, SoupServerListenOptions options, GError **error) { SoupServerPrivate *priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); gboolean is_listening; if (options & SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_HTTPS) { if (!priv->tls_cert) { g_set_error_literal (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, _("Can’t create a TLS server without a TLS certificate")); return FALSE; } g_object_set (G_OBJECT (listener), "ssl-creds", priv->tls_cert, NULL); } g_object_get (G_OBJECT (listener), "is-server", &is_listening, NULL); if (!is_listening) { if (!soup_socket_listen (listener, error)) { GInetSocketAddress *addr = soup_socket_get_local_address (listener); GInetAddress *inet_addr = g_inet_socket_address_get_address (addr); char *local_ip = g_inet_address_to_string (inet_addr); g_prefix_error (error, _("Could not listen on address %s, port %d: "), local_ip, g_inet_socket_address_get_port (addr)); g_free (local_ip); return FALSE; } } g_signal_connect (listener, "new_connection", G_CALLBACK (new_connection), server); /* Note: soup_server_listen_ipv4_ipv6() below relies on the * fact that this does g_slist_prepend(). */ priv->listeners = g_slist_prepend (priv->listeners, g_object_ref (listener)); return TRUE; } /** * soup_server_listen: * @server: a #SoupServer * @address: the address of the interface to listen on * @options: listening options for this server * @error: return location for a #GError * * This attempts to set up @server to listen for connections on * @address. * * If @options includes %SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_HTTPS, and @server has * been configured for TLS, then @server will listen for https * connections on this port. Otherwise it will listen for plain http. * * You may call this method (along with the other "listen" methods) * any number of times on a server, if you want to listen on multiple * ports, or set up both http and https service. * * After calling this method, @server will begin accepting and * processing connections as soon as the appropriate #GMainContext is * run. * * Note that #SoupServer never makes use of dual IPv4/IPv6 sockets; if * @address is an IPv6 address, it will only accept IPv6 connections. * You must configure IPv4 listening separately. * * Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE if @address could not be * bound or any other error occurred (in which case @error will be * set). * * Since: 2.48 **/ gboolean soup_server_listen (SoupServer *server, GSocketAddress *address, SoupServerListenOptions options, GError **error) { SoupServerPrivate *priv; SoupSocket *listener; gboolean success, ipv6_only; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SERVER (server), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (!(options & SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_IPV4_ONLY) && !(options & SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_IPV6_ONLY), FALSE); priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); g_return_val_if_fail (priv->disposed == FALSE, FALSE); ipv6_only = g_socket_address_get_family (address) == G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV6; listener = soup_socket_new ("local-address", address, "ipv6-only", ipv6_only, NULL); success = soup_server_listen_internal (server, listener, options, error); g_object_unref (listener); return success; } static gboolean soup_server_listen_ipv4_ipv6 (SoupServer *server, GInetAddress *iaddr4, GInetAddress *iaddr6, guint port, SoupServerListenOptions options, GError **error) { SoupServerPrivate *priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); GSocketAddress *addr4, *addr6; GError *my_error = NULL; SoupSocket *v4sock; guint v4port; g_return_val_if_fail (iaddr4 != NULL || iaddr6 != NULL, FALSE); options &= ~(SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_IPV4_ONLY | SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_IPV6_ONLY); try_again: if (iaddr4) { addr4 = g_inet_socket_address_new (iaddr4, port); if (!soup_server_listen (server, addr4, options, error)) { g_object_unref (addr4); return FALSE; } g_object_unref (addr4); v4sock = priv->listeners->data; v4port = g_inet_socket_address_get_port (soup_socket_get_local_address (v4sock)); } else { v4sock = NULL; v4port = port; } if (!iaddr6) return TRUE; addr6 = g_inet_socket_address_new (iaddr6, v4port); if (soup_server_listen (server, addr6, options, &my_error)) { g_object_unref (addr6); return TRUE; } g_object_unref (addr6); if (v4sock && g_error_matches (my_error, G_IO_ERROR, #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 41, 0) G_IO_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED #else G_IO_ERROR_FAILED #endif )) { /* No IPv6 support, but IPV6_ONLY wasn't specified, so just * ignore the failure. */ g_error_free (my_error); return TRUE; } if (v4sock) { priv->listeners = g_slist_remove (priv->listeners, v4sock); soup_socket_disconnect (v4sock); g_object_unref (v4sock); } if (port == 0 && g_error_matches (my_error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_ADDRESS_IN_USE)) { /* The randomly-assigned IPv4 port was in use on the IPv6 side... Try again */ g_clear_error (&my_error); goto try_again; } g_propagate_error (error, my_error); return FALSE; } /** * soup_server_listen_all: * @server: a #SoupServer * @port: the port to listen on, or 0 * @options: listening options for this server * @error: return location for a #GError * * This attempts to set up @server to listen for connections on all * interfaces on the system. (That is, it listens on the addresses * and/or ::, depending * on whether @options includes %SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_IPV4_ONLY, * %SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_IPV6_ONLY, or neither.) If @port is specified, * @server will listen on that port. If it is 0, @server will find an * unused port to listen on. (In that case, you can use * soup_server_get_uris() to find out what port it ended up choosing.) * * See soup_server_listen() for more details. * * Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE if @port could not be bound * or any other error occurred (in which case @error will be set). * * Since: 2.48 **/ gboolean soup_server_listen_all (SoupServer *server, guint port, SoupServerListenOptions options, GError **error) { GInetAddress *iaddr4, *iaddr6; gboolean success; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SERVER (server), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (!(options & SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_IPV4_ONLY) || !(options & SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_IPV6_ONLY), FALSE); if (options & SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_IPV6_ONLY) iaddr4 = NULL; else iaddr4 = g_inet_address_new_any (G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV4); if (options & SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_IPV4_ONLY) iaddr6 = NULL; else iaddr6 = g_inet_address_new_any (G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV6); success = soup_server_listen_ipv4_ipv6 (server, iaddr4, iaddr6, port, options, error); g_clear_object (&iaddr4); g_clear_object (&iaddr6); return success; } /** * soup_server_listen_local: * @server: a #SoupServer * @port: the port to listen on, or 0 * @options: listening options for this server * @error: return location for a #GError * * This attempts to set up @server to listen for connections on * "localhost" (that is, and/or * ::1, depending on whether @options includes * %SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_IPV4_ONLY, %SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_IPV6_ONLY, or * neither). If @port is specified, @server will listen on that port. * If it is 0, @server will find an unused port to listen on. (In that * case, you can use soup_server_get_uris() to find out what port it * ended up choosing.) * * See soup_server_listen() for more details. * * Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE if @port could not be bound * or any other error occurred (in which case @error will be set). * * Since: 2.48 **/ gboolean soup_server_listen_local (SoupServer *server, guint port, SoupServerListenOptions options, GError **error) { GInetAddress *iaddr4, *iaddr6; gboolean success; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SERVER (server), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (!(options & SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_IPV4_ONLY) || !(options & SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_IPV6_ONLY), FALSE); if (options & SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_IPV6_ONLY) iaddr4 = NULL; else iaddr4 = g_inet_address_new_loopback (G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV4); if (options & SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_IPV4_ONLY) iaddr6 = NULL; else iaddr6 = g_inet_address_new_loopback (G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV6); success = soup_server_listen_ipv4_ipv6 (server, iaddr4, iaddr6, port, options, error); g_clear_object (&iaddr4); g_clear_object (&iaddr6); return success; } /** * soup_server_listen_socket: * @server: a #SoupServer * @socket: a listening #GSocket * @options: listening options for this server * @error: return location for a #GError * * This attempts to set up @server to listen for connections on * @socket. * * See soup_server_listen() for more details. * * Return value: %TRUE on success, %FALSE if an error occurred (in * which case @error will be set). * * Since: 2.48 **/ gboolean soup_server_listen_socket (SoupServer *server, GSocket *socket, SoupServerListenOptions options, GError **error) { SoupServerPrivate *priv; SoupSocket *listener; gboolean success; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SERVER (server), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_SOCKET (socket), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (!(options & SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_IPV4_ONLY) && !(options & SOUP_SERVER_LISTEN_IPV6_ONLY), FALSE); priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); g_return_val_if_fail (priv->disposed == FALSE, FALSE); listener = g_initable_new (SOUP_TYPE_SOCKET, NULL, error, "gsocket", socket, "ipv6-only", TRUE, NULL); if (!listener) return FALSE; success = soup_server_listen_internal (server, listener, options, error); g_object_unref (listener); return success; } /** * soup_server_get_uris: * @server: a #SoupServer * * Gets a list of URIs corresponding to the interfaces @server is * listening on. These will contain IP addresses, not hostnames, and * will also indicate whether the given listener is http or https. * * Note that if you used soup_server_listen_all(), the returned URIs * will use the addresses and * ::, rather than actually returning separate URIs * for each interface on the system. * * Return value: (transfer full) (element-type GUri): a list of * #GUris, which you must free when you are done with it. * * Since: 2.48 */ GSList * soup_server_get_uris (SoupServer *server) { SoupServerPrivate *priv; GSList *uris, *l; SoupSocket *listener; GInetSocketAddress *addr; GInetAddress *inet_addr; char *ip; int port; GUri *uri; gpointer creds; g_return_val_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SERVER (server), NULL); priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); for (l = priv->listeners, uris = NULL; l; l = l->next) { listener = l->data; addr = soup_socket_get_local_address (listener); inet_addr = g_inet_socket_address_get_address (addr); ip = g_inet_address_to_string (inet_addr); port = g_inet_socket_address_get_port (addr); g_object_get (G_OBJECT (listener), "ssl-creds", &creds, NULL); if (port == 0) port = -1; uri = g_uri_build (SOUP_HTTP_URI_FLAGS, creds ? "https" : "http", NULL, ip, port, "/", NULL, NULL); uris = g_slist_prepend (uris, uri); g_free (ip); } return uris; } /** * SoupServerCallback: * @server: the #SoupServer * @msg: the message being processed * @path: the path component of @msg's Request-URI * @query: (element-type utf8 utf8) (allow-none): the parsed query * component of @msg's Request-URI * @user_data: the data passed to soup_server_add_handler() or * soup_server_add_early_handler(). * * A callback used to handle requests to a #SoupServer. * * @path and @query contain the likewise-named components of the * Request-URI, subject to certain assumptions. By default, * #SoupServer decodes all percent-encoding in the URI path, such that * "/foo%2Fbar" is treated the same as "/foo/bar". If your * server is serving resources in some non-POSIX-filesystem namespace, * you may want to distinguish those as two distinct paths. In that * case, you can set the SoupServer:raw-paths property when creating * the #SoupServer, and it will leave those characters undecoded. * * @query contains the query component of the Request-URI parsed * according to the rules for HTML form handling. Although this is the * only commonly-used query string format in HTTP, there is nothing * that actually requires that HTTP URIs use that format; if your * server needs to use some other format, you can just ignore @query, * and call soup_message_get_uri() and parse the URI's query field * yourself. * * See soup_server_add_handler() and soup_server_add_early_handler() * for details of what handlers can/should do. **/ static SoupServerHandler * get_or_create_handler (SoupServer *server, const char *exact_path) { SoupServerPrivate *priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); SoupServerHandler *handler; exact_path = NORMALIZED_PATH (exact_path); handler = soup_path_map_lookup (priv->handlers, exact_path); if (handler && !strcmp (handler->path, exact_path)) return handler; handler = g_slice_new0 (SoupServerHandler); handler->path = g_strdup (exact_path); soup_path_map_add (priv->handlers, exact_path, handler); return handler; } /** * soup_server_add_handler: * @server: a #SoupServer * @path: (allow-none): the toplevel path for the handler * @callback: callback to invoke for requests under @path * @user_data: data for @callback * @destroy: destroy notifier to free @user_data * * Adds a handler to @server for requests under @path. If @path is * %NULL or "/", then this will be the default handler for all * requests that don't have a more specific handler. (Note though that * if you want to handle requests to the special "*" URI, you must * explicitly register a handler for "*"; the default handler will not * be used for that case.) * * For requests under @path (that have not already been assigned a * status code by a #SoupAuthDomain, an early server handler, or a * signal handler), @callback will be invoked after receiving the * request body; the message's #SoupMessage:method, * #SoupMessage:request-headers, and #SoupMessage:request-body fields * will be filled in. * * After determining what to do with the request, the callback must at * a minimum call soup_message_set_status() (or * soup_message_set_status_full()) on the message to set the response * status code. Additionally, it may set response headers and/or fill * in the response body. * * If the callback cannot fully fill in the response before returning * (eg, if it needs to wait for information from a database, or * another network server), it should call soup_server_pause_message() * to tell @server to not send the response right away. When the * response is ready, call soup_server_unpause_message() to cause it * to be sent. * * To send the response body a bit at a time using "chunked" encoding, * first call soup_message_headers_set_encoding() to set * %SOUP_ENCODING_CHUNKED on the #SoupMessage:response-headers. Then call * soup_message_body_append() (or soup_message_body_append_bytes)) * to append each chunk as it becomes ready, and * soup_server_unpause_message() to make sure it's running. (The * server will automatically pause the message if it is using chunked * encoding but no more chunks are available.) When you are done, call * soup_message_body_complete() to indicate that no more chunks are * coming. **/ void soup_server_add_handler (SoupServer *server, const char *path, SoupServerCallback callback, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify destroy) { SoupServerHandler *handler; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SERVER (server)); g_return_if_fail (callback != NULL); handler = get_or_create_handler (server, path); if (handler->destroy) handler->destroy (handler->user_data); handler->callback = callback; handler->destroy = destroy; handler->user_data = user_data; } /** * soup_server_add_early_handler: * @server: a #SoupServer * @path: (allow-none): the toplevel path for the handler * @callback: callback to invoke for requests under @path * @user_data: data for @callback * @destroy: destroy notifier to free @user_data * * Adds an "early" handler to @server for requests under @path. Note * that "normal" and "early" handlers are matched up together, so if * you add a normal handler for "/foo" and an early handler for * "/foo/bar", then a request to "/foo/bar" (or any path below it) * will run only the early handler. (But if you add both handlers at * the same path, then both will get run.) * * For requests under @path (that have not already been assigned a * status code by a #SoupAuthDomain or a signal handler), @callback * will be invoked after receiving the request headers, but before * receiving the request body; the message's #SoupMessage:method and * #SoupMessage:request-headers fields will be filled in. * * Early handlers are generally used for processing requests with * request bodies in a streaming fashion. If you determine that the * request will contain a message body, normally you would call * soup_message_body_set_accumulate() on the message's * #SoupMessage:request-body to turn off request-body accumulation, * and connect to the message's #SoupMessage::got-chunk signal to * process each chunk as it comes in. * * To complete the message processing after the full message body has * been read, you can either also connect to #SoupMessage::got-body, * or else you can register a non-early handler for @path as well. As * long as you have not set the #SoupMessage:status-code by the time * #SoupMessage::got-body is emitted, the non-early handler will be * run as well. * * Since: 2.50 **/ void soup_server_add_early_handler (SoupServer *server, const char *path, SoupServerCallback callback, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify destroy) { SoupServerHandler *handler; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SERVER (server)); g_return_if_fail (callback != NULL); handler = get_or_create_handler (server, path); if (handler->early_destroy) handler->early_destroy (handler->early_user_data); handler->early_callback = callback; handler->early_destroy = destroy; handler->early_user_data = user_data; } /** * SoupServerWebsocketCallback: * @server: the #SoupServer * @path: the path component of @msg's Request-URI * @connection: the newly created WebSocket connection * @msg: the #SoupServerMessage * @user_data: the data passed to @soup_server_add_handler * * A callback used to handle WebSocket requests to a #SoupServer. The * callback will be invoked after sending the handshake response back * to the client (and is only invoked if the handshake was * successful). * * @path contains the path of the Request-URI, subject to the same * rules as #SoupServerCallback (qv). **/ /** * soup_server_add_websocket_handler: * @server: a #SoupServer * @path: (allow-none): the toplevel path for the handler * @origin: (allow-none): the origin of the connection * @protocols: (allow-none) (array zero-terminated=1): the protocols * supported by this handler * @callback: callback to invoke for successful WebSocket requests under @path * @user_data: data for @callback * @destroy: destroy notifier to free @user_data * * Adds a WebSocket handler to @server for requests under @path. (If * @path is %NULL or "/", then this will be the default handler for * all requests that don't have a more specific handler.) * * When a path has a WebSocket handler registered, @server will check * incoming requests for WebSocket handshakes after all other handlers * have run (unless some earlier handler has already set a status code * on the message), and update the request's status, response headers, * and response body accordingly. * * If @origin is non-%NULL, then only requests containing a matching * "Origin" header will be accepted. If @protocols is non-%NULL, then * only requests containing a compatible "Sec-WebSocket-Protocols" * header will be accepted. More complicated requirements can be * handled by adding a normal handler to @path, and having it perform * whatever checks are needed and * setting a failure status code if the handshake should be rejected. **/ void soup_server_add_websocket_handler (SoupServer *server, const char *path, const char *origin, char **protocols, SoupServerWebsocketCallback callback, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify destroy) { SoupServerHandler *handler; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SERVER (server)); g_return_if_fail (callback != NULL); handler = get_or_create_handler (server, path); if (handler->websocket_destroy) handler->websocket_destroy (handler->websocket_user_data); if (handler->websocket_origin) g_free (handler->websocket_origin); if (handler->websocket_protocols) g_strfreev (handler->websocket_protocols); g_list_free_full (handler->websocket_extensions, g_object_unref); handler->websocket_callback = callback; handler->websocket_destroy = destroy; handler->websocket_user_data = user_data; handler->websocket_origin = g_strdup (origin); handler->websocket_protocols = g_strdupv (protocols); handler->websocket_extensions = NULL; } /** * soup_server_remove_handler: * @server: a #SoupServer * @path: the toplevel path for the handler * * Removes all handlers (early and normal) registered at @path. **/ void soup_server_remove_handler (SoupServer *server, const char *path) { SoupServerPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SERVER (server)); priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); soup_path_map_remove (priv->handlers, NORMALIZED_PATH (path)); } /** * soup_server_add_auth_domain: * @server: a #SoupServer * @auth_domain: a #SoupAuthDomain * * Adds an authentication domain to @server. Each auth domain will * have the chance to require authentication for each request that * comes in; normally auth domains will require authentication for * requests on certain paths that they have been set up to watch, or * that meet other criteria set by the caller. If an auth domain * determines that a request requires authentication (and the request * doesn't contain authentication), @server will automatically reject * the request with an appropriate status (401 Unauthorized or 407 * Proxy Authentication Required). If the request used the * SoupServer:100-continue Expectation, @server will reject it before the * request body is sent. **/ void soup_server_add_auth_domain (SoupServer *server, SoupAuthDomain *auth_domain) { SoupServerPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SERVER (server)); priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); priv->auth_domains = g_slist_append (priv->auth_domains, auth_domain); g_object_ref (auth_domain); } /** * soup_server_remove_auth_domain: * @server: a #SoupServer * @auth_domain: a #SoupAuthDomain * * Removes @auth_domain from @server. **/ void soup_server_remove_auth_domain (SoupServer *server, SoupAuthDomain *auth_domain) { SoupServerPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SERVER (server)); priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); priv->auth_domains = g_slist_remove (priv->auth_domains, auth_domain); g_object_unref (auth_domain); } /** * soup_server_pause_message: * @server: a #SoupServer * @msg: a #SoupServerMessage associated with @server. * * Pauses I/O on @msg. This can be used when you need to return from * the server handler without having the full response ready yet. Use * soup_server_unpause_message() to resume I/O. * * This must only be called on a #SoupServerMessage which was created by the * #SoupServer and are currently doing I/O, such as those passed into a * #SoupServerCallback or emitted in a #SoupServer::request-read signal. **/ void soup_server_pause_message (SoupServer *server, SoupServerMessage *msg) { g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SERVER (server)); g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SERVER_MESSAGE (msg)); soup_server_message_io_pause (msg); } /** * soup_server_unpause_message: * @server: a #SoupServer * @msg: a #SoupServerMessage associated with @server. * * Resumes I/O on @msg. Use this to resume after calling * soup_server_pause_message(), or after adding a new chunk to a * chunked response. * * I/O won't actually resume until you return to the main loop. * * This must only be called on a #SoupServerMessage which was created by the * #SoupServer and are currently doing I/O, such as those passed into a * #SoupServerCallback or emitted in a #SoupServer::request-read signal. **/ void soup_server_unpause_message (SoupServer *server, SoupServerMessage *msg) { g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SERVER (server)); g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SERVER_MESSAGE (msg)); soup_server_message_io_unpause (msg); } /** * soup_server_add_websocket_extension: * @server: a #SoupServer * @extension_type: a #GType * * Add support for a WebSocket extension of the given @extension_type. * When a WebSocket client requests an extension of @extension_type, * a new #SoupWebsocketExtension of type @extension_type will be created * to handle the request. * * Note that #SoupWebsocketExtensionDeflate is supported by default, use * soup_server_remove_websocket_extension() if you want to disable it. * * Since: 2.68 */ void soup_server_add_websocket_extension (SoupServer *server, GType extension_type) { SoupServerPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SERVER (server)); priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); if (!g_type_is_a (extension_type, SOUP_TYPE_WEBSOCKET_EXTENSION)) { g_warning ("Type '%s' is not a SoupWebsocketExtension", g_type_name (extension_type)); return; } g_ptr_array_add (priv->websocket_extension_types, g_type_class_ref (extension_type)); } /** * soup_server_remove_websocket_extension: * @server: a #SoupServer * @extension_type: a #GType * * Removes support for WebSocket extension of type @extension_type (or any subclass of * @extension_type) from @server. * * Since: 2.68 */ void soup_server_remove_websocket_extension (SoupServer *server, GType extension_type) { SoupServerPrivate *priv; SoupWebsocketExtensionClass *extension_class; guint i; g_return_if_fail (SOUP_IS_SERVER (server)); priv = soup_server_get_instance_private (server); if (!g_type_is_a (extension_type, SOUP_TYPE_WEBSOCKET_EXTENSION)) { g_warning ("Type '%s' is not a SoupWebsocketExtension", g_type_name (extension_type)); return; } extension_class = g_type_class_peek (extension_type); for (i = 0; i < priv->websocket_extension_types->len; i++) { if (priv->websocket_extension_types->pdata[i] == (gpointer)extension_class) { g_ptr_array_remove_index (priv->websocket_extension_types, i); break; } } }