Instructions for building librsvg using Visual Studio ======== Please do not compile librsvg in a path with spaces to avoid potential problems during the build and/or during the usage of the librsvg library. Please refer to the following GNOME Live! page for more detailed instructions on building librsvg and its dependencies with Visual C++: This set of NMake Makefiles is intended to be used in a librsvg source tree unpacked from a tarball. For building, you will need the following libraries (headers, .lib's, DLLs, EXEs and scripts), with all of their dependencies: * libxml2 * GLib * Cairo (The included cairo-gobject integration library is also needed) * Pango * Gdk-Pixbuf * GObject-Introspection (optional, for building/using introspection files) You will also need the following tools: * Visual Studio 2013 or later, with C/C++ compilation support (MSVC). * The Rust Compiler and tools with the msvc toolchain(s) installed, that matches the architecture that is being built. It is recommended to use the `rustup` tool from to install and configure Rust, which will install Rust in `%HOMEPATH%\.cargo` by default. * `pkg-config` tool (or something that is compatible, set via `PKG_CONFIG` in the NMake command line if cross-compiling, or if in a non-standard location). `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` in the NMake command line is also supported, for similar reasons. * Python (optional, recommended, to generate the pkg-config files and build the introspection files; if building the introspection files, the Python installation must match the version, architecture and configuration of the Python installation that was used to build your copy of GObject-Introspection). Note that introspection files cannot be built in for builds that produce binaries that are not compatible with the running system where the build is being carried out. This means, specifically, introspection files for ARM64 builds are not currently supported also due to a lack of an official native ARM64 Python build. * For introspection builds, the introspection files and pkg-config files for the dependent libraries (if applicable) are also needed. You will need to set or pass in PKG_CONFIG_PATH if the pkg-config files cannot be found from the default locations that pkg-config will look for. * For building documentation, in addition to the items needed for introspection, the `gi-docgen` tool that can be installed for your Python installation via `pip`. Documentation can only be built if the introspection files are being built. It is now possible to cross-compile librsvg for ARM64 Windows, as well as for x64 Windows on 32-bit or ARM64 Windows systems, using this set of NMake Makefiles. You will need to ensure that the Visual Studio ARM64 and/or x64 cross compiler appropriate for your system is installed, and you have installed the `aarch64-pc-windows-msvc` and/or `x86_64-pc-windows-msvc` target (rust-std library) via `rustup` for your Rust toolchain. Similarly, you may choose to use an x86-to-x64 Visual Studio cross compiler, even on an x64 Windows system, so this will also require that you have installed the `x86_64-pc-windows-msvc` target for your currently-active Rust toolchain (see `rustup default`). Such builds can be carried out on a normal x86/x86-64 Windows 7+ or on Windows 10 ARM64. It is recommended that the dependent libraries are built with the same version of Visual Studio that is being used to build librsvg, as far as possible. If building from a git checkout is desired, you will need to run in this directory (not supported in an unpacked release tarball): ``` nmake /f generate-msvc.mak generate-nmake-files ``` You may need to pass in `PYTHON=` in the NMake command line above if your Python interpreter is not in your `%PATH%`. Run `nmake /f generate-msvc.mak remove-generated-nmake-files` to remove any generated files. From this directory in a Visual Studio command prompt, run the following: ``` nmake /f CFG= ``` Where: * `` is the build configuration, i.e. release or debug. This is mandatory for all targets. * `` is as follows: * (not specified), or `all`: builds the librsvg DLL and tools and GDK-Pixbuf SVG loader. If `INTROSPECTION=1` is specified, this will also build the introspection files (.gir/.typelib) for librsvg. * `tests`: Same as `all`, but also builds the test programs in $(srcroot)\tests. You will need the FreeType and HarfBuzz headers, libraries and DLLs (if applicable) to build and run this successfully, even if you are building without PangoFT2. * `rsvg_rust_tests`: Makes a build of the rust items into an executable to test the rust bits. You may need to make a copy of `libxml2.lib` (or so) to `xml2.lib` in order to build this successfully. * `generate-docs`: Build the librsvg HTML documentation, requires the `gi-docgen` tool and must be built in conjunction with introspection. * `clean`: Removes all build files * `install`: Same as (not specified) and also copies the built DLLs, `.lib`'s, headers, tools and possibly introspection files and HTML documentation to appropriate locations under `$(PREFIX)`. This will also create and copy the `librsvg-2.0.pc` pkg-config file if Python can be found. * `` is as follows (plase note that paths with spaces should be quoted): * `PREFIX`: Root directory where built files will be copied to with the `install` target. This also determines the root directory from which the dependent headers, `.lib`'s and DLLs/`.typelib`'s/`.gir`'s are looked for, if `INCLUDEDIR`, `LIBDIR` and/or `BINDIR` are not respectively specified. Default is `$(srcroot)\..\vs\`, where `` is 12 for Visual Studio 2013, 14 for VS 2015, 15 for VS 2017 and 16 for VS 2019 and 17 for VS2022. * `INCLUDEDIR`: Base directory where headers are looked for, which is `$(PREFIX)\include` by default. Note that GLib headers are looked for in `$(INCLUDEDIR)\glib-2.0` and `$(LIBDIR)\glib-2.0\include`. * `LIBDIR`: Base directory where .lib's and arch-dependent headers are looked for, which is `$(PREFIX)\lib` by default. * `BINDIR`: Base directory where dependent DLLs and tools (`.exe`'s and scripts) are looked for, which is `$(PREFIX)\bin` by default. * `PYTHON`: Path to your Python interpreter executable, if not already in your `%PATH%` or using a different installation of Python is desired. Please see note above on Python usage. If Python cannot be found, you will not be able to build introspection files and the `librsvg-2.0.pc` pkg-config file will not be generated using the `install` build target. * `PKG_CONFIG`: Path to your `pkg-config` (or compatible) tool, if not already in your `%PATH%`. This is required for introspection builds. * `LIBINTL_LIB`, `LIBXML2_LIB`, `HARFBUZZ_LIB`, `FREETYPE_LIB`: Full file name of your gettext-runtime, libxml2, FreeType and/or HarfBuzz library `.lib` file, if not `intl.lib`, `libxml2.lib`, `harfbuzz.lib` and `freetype.lib` respectively. These should be in the directories indicated by `%LIB%` or in `$(LIBDIR)`, or should be passed in with the full path. Note that their DLLs, if applicable, should be found in `%PATH%` or in `$(BINDIR)` as well, for building the introspection files or for creating the GDK-Pixbuf loaders cache file. * `G_IR_SCANNER`, `G_IR_COMPILER`: Paths to the `g-ir-scanner` script and `g-ir-compiler` program, which are set to be `$(BINDIR)\g-ir-scanner` and `$(BINDIR)\g-ir-compiler` by default. Used for building introspection files. * `G_IR_INCLUDEDIR`, `G_IR_TYPELIBDIR`: Paths to where the dependent .gir and .typelib files, can be found, which are set to be `$(BINDIR)\..\share\gir-1.0` and `$(BINDIR)\..\lib\girepository-1.0` by default. Used for building introspection files as well as building the HTML documentation. * `GI_DOCGEN`: Path to the `gi-docgen` tool, needed if it is not in `%PATH%` and/or is not in `.exe` format (installing `gi-docgen` by `pip` typically produces `gi-docgen` in `.exe` format). * `` is as follows, activate the options using `