/* vim: set sw=4: -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* rsvg-css.c: Parse CSS basic data types. Copyright (C) 2000 Eazel, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Authors: Dom Lachowicz Raph Levien */ #include "config.h" #include "rsvg-css.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define POINTS_PER_INCH (72.0) #define CM_PER_INCH (2.54) #define MM_PER_INCH (25.4) #define PICA_PER_INCH (6.0) #define SETINHERIT() G_STMT_START {if (inherit != NULL) *inherit = TRUE;} G_STMT_END #define UNSETINHERIT() G_STMT_START {if (inherit != NULL) *inherit = FALSE;} G_STMT_END /** * rsvg_css_parse_vbox * @vbox: The CSS viewBox * @x : The X output * @y: The Y output * @w: The Width output * @h: The Height output * * Returns: Success or failure */ gboolean rsvg_css_parse_vbox (const char * vbox, double * x, double * y, double * w, double * h) { gdouble * list; guint list_len; list = rsvg_css_parse_number_list(vbox, &list_len); if(!(list && list_len)) return FALSE; else if(list_len != 4) { g_free(list); return FALSE; } else { *x = list[0]; *y = list[1]; *w = list[2]; *h = list[3]; g_free(list); return TRUE; } } /** * rsvg_css_parse_length: Parse CSS2 length to a pixel value. * @str: Original string. * @pixels_per_inch: Pixels per inch * @fixed: Where to store boolean value of whether length is fixed. * * Parses a CSS2 length into a pixel value. * * Returns: returns the length. **/ double rsvg_css_parse_length (const char *str, gdouble pixels_per_inch, gint *percent, gint *em, gint *ex) { double length = 0.0; char *p = NULL; /* * The supported CSS length unit specifiers are: * em, ex, px, pt, pc, cm, mm, in, and % */ *percent = FALSE; *em = FALSE; *ex = FALSE; length = g_ascii_strtod (str, &p); /* todo: error condition - figure out how to best represent it */ if ((length == -HUGE_VAL || length == HUGE_VAL) && (ERANGE == errno)) return 0.0; /* test for either pixels or no unit, which is assumed to be pixels */ if (p && (strcmp(p, "px") != 0)) { if (!strcmp(p, "pt")) length *= (pixels_per_inch / POINTS_PER_INCH); else if (!strcmp(p, "in")) length *= pixels_per_inch; else if (!strcmp(p, "cm")) length *= (pixels_per_inch / CM_PER_INCH); else if (!strcmp(p, "mm")) length *= (pixels_per_inch / MM_PER_INCH); else if (!strcmp(p, "pc")) length *= (pixels_per_inch / PICA_PER_INCH); else if (!strcmp(p, "em")) *em = TRUE; else if (!strcmp(p, "ex")) *ex = TRUE; else if (!strcmp(p, "%")) { *percent = TRUE; length *= 0.01; } } return length; } /** * rsvg_css_parse_normalized_length: Parse CSS2 length to a pixel value. * @str: Original string. * @pixels_per_inch: Pixels per inch * @normalize_to: Bounding box's width or height, as appropriate, or 0 * * Parses a CSS2 length into a pixel value. * * Returns: returns the length. */ double rsvg_css_parse_normalized_length(const char *str, gdouble pixels_per_inch, gdouble width_or_height, gdouble font_size) { double length; gint percent, em, ex; percent = em = ex = FALSE; length = rsvg_css_parse_length (str, pixels_per_inch, &percent, &em, &ex); if (percent) return length * width_or_height; else if (em) return length * font_size; else if (ex) return (length * font_size) / 2.; else return length; } gboolean rsvg_css_param_match (const char *str, const char *param_name) { int i; for (i = 0; str[i] != '\0' && param_name[i] != '\0'; i++) if (param_name[i] != str[i]) return FALSE; return str[i] == ':' && param_name[i] == '\0'; } int rsvg_css_param_arg_offset (const char *str) { int i; int found; found = -1; i = 0; while (str[i] != '\0') { for (; str[i] != '\0' && str[i] != ':'; i++); if (str[i] != '\0') i++; for (; str[i] == ' '; i++); if (str[i] != '\0') found = i; } if (found == -1) found = i; return found; } static gint rsvg_css_clip_rgb_percent (gdouble in_percent) { /* spec says to clip these values */ if (in_percent > 100.) return 255; else if (in_percent <= 0.) return 0; return (gint)floor(255. * in_percent / 100. + 0.5); } static gint rsvg_css_clip_rgb (gint rgb) { /* spec says to clip these values */ if (rgb > 255) return 255; else if (rgb < 0) return 0; return rgb; } typedef struct { const char * name; guint rgb; } ColorPair; /* compare function callback for bsearch */ static int rsvg_css_color_compare (const void * a, const void * b) { const char * needle = (const char *)a; const ColorPair * haystack = (const ColorPair *)b; return g_ascii_strcasecmp (needle, haystack->name); } /* pack 3 [0,255] ints into one 32 bit one */ #define PACK_RGB(r,g,b) (((r) << 16) | ((g) << 8) | (b)) /** * Parse a CSS2 color specifier, return RGB value */ guint32 rsvg_css_parse_color (const char *str, gboolean * inherit) { gint val = 0; SETINHERIT (); if (str[0] == '#') { int i; for (i = 1; str[i]; i++) { int hexval; if (str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '9') hexval = str[i] - '0'; else if (str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'F') hexval = str[i] - 'A' + 10; else if (str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] <= 'f') hexval = str[i] - 'a' + 10; else break; val = (val << 4) + hexval; } /* handle #rgb case */ if (i == 4) { val = ((val & 0xf00) << 8) | ((val & 0x0f0) << 4) | (val & 0x00f); val |= val << 4; } } /* i want to use g_str_has_prefix but it isn't in my gstrfuncs.h?? */ else if (strstr (str, "rgb") != NULL) { gint r, g, b; r = g = b = 0; if (strstr (str, "%") != 0) { guint i, nb_toks; char ** toks; /* assume rgb (9%, 100%, 23%) */ for(i = 0; str[i] != '('; i++) ; i++; toks = rsvg_css_parse_list(str + i, &nb_toks); if (toks) { if (nb_toks == 3) { r = rsvg_css_clip_rgb_percent (g_ascii_strtod (toks[0], NULL)); g = rsvg_css_clip_rgb_percent (g_ascii_strtod (toks[1], NULL)); b = rsvg_css_clip_rgb_percent (g_ascii_strtod (toks[2], NULL)); } g_strfreev (toks); } } else { /* assume "rgb (r, g, b)" */ if (3 == sscanf (str, " rgb ( %d , %d , %d ) ", &r, &g, &b)) { r = rsvg_css_clip_rgb (r); g = rsvg_css_clip_rgb (g); b = rsvg_css_clip_rgb (b); } else r = g = b = 0; } val = PACK_RGB (r,g,b); } else if (!strcmp (str, "inherit")) UNSETINHERIT (); else { const static ColorPair color_list [] = { { "aliceblue", PACK_RGB (240,248,255) }, { "antiquewhite", PACK_RGB (250,235,215) }, { "aqua", PACK_RGB (0,255,255) }, { "aquamarine", PACK_RGB (127,255,212) }, { "azure", PACK_RGB (240,255,255) }, { "beige", PACK_RGB (245,245,220) }, { "bisque", PACK_RGB (255,228,196) }, { "black", PACK_RGB (0,0,0) }, { "blanchedalmond", PACK_RGB (255,235,205) }, { "blue", PACK_RGB (0,0,255) }, { "blueviolet", PACK_RGB (138,43,226) }, { "brown", PACK_RGB (165,42,42) }, { "burlywood", PACK_RGB (222,184,135) }, { "cadetblue", PACK_RGB (95,158,160) }, { "chartreuse", PACK_RGB (127,255,0) }, { "chocolate", PACK_RGB (210,105,30) }, { "coral", PACK_RGB (255,127,80) }, { "cornflowerblue", PACK_RGB (100,149,237) }, { "cornsilk", PACK_RGB (255,248,220) }, { "crimson", PACK_RGB (220,20,60) }, { "cyan", PACK_RGB (0,255,255) }, { "darkblue", PACK_RGB (0,0,139) }, { "darkcyan", PACK_RGB (0,139,139) }, { "darkgoldenrod", PACK_RGB (184,132,11) }, { "darkgray", PACK_RGB (169,169,169) }, { "darkgreen", PACK_RGB (0,100,0) }, { "darkgrey", PACK_RGB (169,169,169) }, { "darkkhaki", PACK_RGB (189,183,107) }, { "darkmagenta", PACK_RGB (139,0,139) }, { "darkolivegreen", PACK_RGB (85,107,47) }, { "darkorange", PACK_RGB (255,140,0) }, { "darkorchid", PACK_RGB (153,50,204) }, { "darkred", PACK_RGB (139,0,0) }, { "darksalmon", PACK_RGB (233,150,122) }, { "darkseagreen", PACK_RGB (143,188,143) }, { "darkslateblue", PACK_RGB (72,61,139) }, { "darkslategray", PACK_RGB (47,79,79) }, { "darkslategrey", PACK_RGB (47,79,79) }, { "darkturquoise", PACK_RGB (0,206,209) }, { "darkviolet", PACK_RGB (148,0,211) }, { "deeppink", PACK_RGB (255,20,147) }, { "deepskyblue", PACK_RGB (0,191,255) }, { "dimgray", PACK_RGB (105,105,105) }, { "dimgrey", PACK_RGB (105,105,105) }, { "dodgerblue", PACK_RGB (30,144,255) }, { "firebrick", PACK_RGB (178,34,34) }, { "floralwhite" , PACK_RGB (255,255,240)}, { "forestgreen", PACK_RGB (34,139,34) }, { "fuchsia", PACK_RGB (255,0,255) }, { "gainsboro", PACK_RGB (220,220,220) }, { "ghostwhite", PACK_RGB (248,248,255) }, { "gold", PACK_RGB (255,215,0) }, { "goldenrod", PACK_RGB (218,165,32) }, { "gray", PACK_RGB (128,128,128) }, { "green", PACK_RGB (0,128,0) }, { "greenyellow", PACK_RGB (173,255,47) }, { "grey", PACK_RGB (128,128,128) }, { "honeydew", PACK_RGB (240,255,240) }, { "hotpink", PACK_RGB (255,105,180) }, { "indianred", PACK_RGB (205,92,92) }, { "indigo", PACK_RGB (75,0,130) }, { "ivory", PACK_RGB (255,255,240) }, { "khaki", PACK_RGB (240,230,140) }, { "lavender", PACK_RGB (230,230,250) }, { "lavenderblush", PACK_RGB (255,240,245) }, { "lawngreen", PACK_RGB (124,252,0) }, { "lemonchiffon", PACK_RGB (255,250,205) }, { "lightblue", PACK_RGB (173,216,230) }, { "lightcoral", PACK_RGB (240,128,128) }, { "lightcyan", PACK_RGB (224,255,255) }, { "lightgoldenrodyellow", PACK_RGB (250,250,210) }, { "lightgray", PACK_RGB (211,211,211) }, { "lightgreen", PACK_RGB (144,238,144) }, { "lightgrey", PACK_RGB (211,211,211) }, { "lightpink", PACK_RGB (255,182,193) }, { "lightsalmon", PACK_RGB (255,160,122) }, { "lightseagreen", PACK_RGB (32,178,170) }, { "lightskyblue", PACK_RGB (135,206,250) }, { "lightslategray", PACK_RGB (119,136,153) }, { "lightslategrey", PACK_RGB (119,136,153) }, { "lightsteelblue", PACK_RGB (176,196,222) }, { "lightyellow", PACK_RGB (255,255,224) }, { "lime", PACK_RGB (0,255,0) }, { "limegreen", PACK_RGB (50,205,50) }, { "linen", PACK_RGB (250,240,230) }, { "magenta", PACK_RGB (255,0,255) }, { "maroon", PACK_RGB (128,0,0) }, { "mediumaquamarine", PACK_RGB (102,205,170) }, { "mediumblue", PACK_RGB (0,0,205) }, { "mediumorchid", PACK_RGB (186,85,211) }, { "mediumpurple", PACK_RGB (147,112,219) }, { "mediumseagreen", PACK_RGB (60,179,113) }, { "mediumslateblue", PACK_RGB (123,104,238) }, { "mediumspringgreen", PACK_RGB (0,250,154) }, { "mediumturquoise", PACK_RGB (72,209,204) }, { "mediumvioletred", PACK_RGB (199,21,133) }, { "midnightblue", PACK_RGB (25,25,112) }, { "mintcream", PACK_RGB (245,255,250) }, { "mistyrose", PACK_RGB (255,228,225) }, { "moccasin", PACK_RGB (255,228,181) }, { "navajowhite", PACK_RGB (255,222,173) }, { "navy", PACK_RGB (0,0,128) }, { "oldlace", PACK_RGB (253,245,230) }, { "olive", PACK_RGB (128,128,0) }, { "olivedrab", PACK_RGB (107,142,35) }, { "orange", PACK_RGB (255,165,0) }, { "orangered", PACK_RGB (255,69,0) }, { "orchid", PACK_RGB (218,112,214) }, { "palegoldenrod", PACK_RGB (238,232,170) }, { "palegreen", PACK_RGB (152,251,152) }, { "paleturquoise", PACK_RGB (175,238,238) }, { "palevioletred", PACK_RGB (219,112,147) }, { "papayawhip", PACK_RGB (255,239,213) }, { "peachpuff", PACK_RGB (255,218,185) }, { "peru", PACK_RGB (205,133,63) }, { "pink", PACK_RGB (255,192,203) }, { "plum", PACK_RGB (221,160,203) }, { "powderblue", PACK_RGB (176,224,230) }, { "purple", PACK_RGB (128,0,128) }, { "red", PACK_RGB (255,0,0) }, { "rosybrown", PACK_RGB (188,143,143) }, { "royalblue", PACK_RGB (65,105,225) }, { "saddlebrown", PACK_RGB (139,69,19) }, { "salmon", PACK_RGB (250,128,114) }, { "sandybrown", PACK_RGB (244,164,96) }, { "seagreen", PACK_RGB (46,139,87) }, { "seashell", PACK_RGB (255,245,238) }, { "sienna", PACK_RGB (160,82,45) }, { "silver", PACK_RGB (192,192,192) }, { "skyblue", PACK_RGB (135,206,235) }, { "slateblue", PACK_RGB (106,90,205) }, { "slategray", PACK_RGB (119,128,144) }, { "slategrey", PACK_RGB (119,128,144) }, { "snow", PACK_RGB (255,255,250) }, { "springgreen", PACK_RGB (0,255,127) }, { "steelblue", PACK_RGB (70,130,180) }, { "tan", PACK_RGB (210,180,140) }, { "teal", PACK_RGB (0,128,128) }, { "thistle", PACK_RGB (216,191,216) }, { "tomato", PACK_RGB (255,99,71) }, { "turquoise", PACK_RGB (64,224,208) }, { "violet", PACK_RGB (238,130,238) }, { "wheat", PACK_RGB (245,222,179) }, { "white", PACK_RGB (255,255,255) }, { "whitesmoke", PACK_RGB (245,245,245) }, { "yellow", PACK_RGB (255,255,0) }, { "yellowgreen", PACK_RGB (154,205,50) } }; ColorPair * result = bsearch (str, color_list, sizeof (color_list)/sizeof (color_list[0]), sizeof (ColorPair), rsvg_css_color_compare); /* default to black on failed lookup */ if (result == NULL) { UNSETINHERIT (); val = 0; } else val = result->rgb; } return val; } #undef PACK_RGB guint rsvg_css_parse_opacity (const char *str) { char *end_ptr; double opacity; opacity = g_ascii_strtod (str, &end_ptr); if (end_ptr && end_ptr[0] == '%') opacity *= 0.01; return (guint)floor (opacity * 255. + 0.5); } /* : An angle value is a optionally followed immediately with an angle unit identifier. Angle unit identifiers are: * deg: degrees * grad: grads * rad: radians For properties defined in [CSS2], an angle unit identifier must be provided. For SVG-specific attributes and properties, the angle unit identifier is optional. If not provided, the angle value is assumed to be in degrees. */ double rsvg_css_parse_angle (const char * str) { double degrees; char *end_ptr; degrees = g_ascii_strtod (str, &end_ptr); /* todo: error condition - figure out how to best represent it */ if ((degrees == -HUGE_VAL || degrees == HUGE_VAL) && (ERANGE == errno)) return 0.0; if (end_ptr) { if (!strcmp(end_ptr, "rad")) return degrees * 180. / G_PI; else if (!strcmp(end_ptr, "grad")) return degrees * 360. / 400.; } return degrees; } /* : Frequency values are used with aural properties. The normative definition of frequency values can be found in [CSS2-AURAL]. A frequency value is a immediately followed by a frequency unit identifier. Frequency unit identifiers are: * Hz: Hertz * kHz: kilo Hertz Frequency values may not be negative. */ double rsvg_css_parse_frequency (const char * str) { double f_hz; char *end_ptr; f_hz = g_ascii_strtod (str, &end_ptr); /* todo: error condition - figure out how to best represent it */ if ((f_hz == -HUGE_VAL || f_hz == HUGE_VAL) && (ERANGE == errno)) return 0.0; if (end_ptr && !strcmp(end_ptr, "kHz")) return f_hz * 1000.; return f_hz; } /*