.. rsvg-convert(1): ============ rsvg-convert ============ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Render SVG documents to PNG images, or convert them to PDF or PS. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SYNOPSIS ======== Convert an SVG to PNG at its "natural size" and write it to standard output: **rsvg-convert** *input.svg* **>** *output.png* Specify an output filename; the input filename must be the last argument: **rsvg-convert** **--output=**\ *output.png* *input.svg* Configure dots-per-inch (DPI) for SVGs that have physical units, as in ```` - the default is 96 DPI: **rsvg-convert** **--dpi-x=**\ *300* **--dpi-y=**\ *300* *input.svg* **>** *output.png* Render an SVG at a specific pixel size, scaled proportionally: **rsvg-convert** **--width=**\ *1024* **--height=**\ *768* **--keep-aspect-ratio** *input.svg* **>** *output.png* DESCRIPTION =========== ``rsvg-convert`` renders SVG documents into PNG raster images, or converts them to PDF or PS as vector objects. By default ``rsvg-convert`` will render an SVG document to a raster PNG image and write it to standard output: **rsvg-convert** *input.svg* **>** *output.png* To select another format, use the ``--format`` option: **rsvg-convert --format=pdf** *input.svg* **>** *output.pdf* You can use ``rsvg-convert`` as part of a pipeline; without an argument for the input filename it will read the document from standard input: **cat** *input.svg* **\|** **rsvg-convert** **>** *output.png* SPECIFYING THE RENDERED SIZE ---------------------------- You can use the ``--width`` and ``--height`` options to specify the size of the output image. Most of the time you should specify ``--keep-aspect-ratio`` to scale the image proportionally; for compatibility with old versions this is not the default. **rsvg-convert** **--width=**\ *100* **--height=**\ *200* **--keep-aspect-ratio** *input.svg* **>** *output.png* You can also specify dimensions as CSS lengths, for example ``10px`` or ``8.5in``. The unit specifiers supported are as follows: == ========================================== px pixels (the unit specifier can be omitted) in inches cm centimeters mm millimeters pt points, 1/72 inch pc picas, 1/6 inch == ========================================== The following will create a 600*900 pixel PNG, or 2*3 inches at 300 dots-per-inch: **rsvg-convert** **--width=**\ *2in* **--height=**\ *3in* **--keep-aspect-ratio** **--dpi-x=**\ *300* **--dpi-y=**\ *300* *input.svg* **>** *output.png* This will scale an SVG document to fit in an A4 page and convert it to PDF: **rsvg-convert** **--format=**\ *pdf* **--width=**\ *210mm* **--height=**\ *297mm* **--keep-aspect-ratio** *input.svg* **>** *output.pdf* SPECIFYING A PAGE SIZE ---------------------- By default the size of the output comes from the rendered size, which can be specified with the ``--width`` and ``--height`` options, but you can specify a page size independently of the rendered size with ``--page-width`` and ``--page-height``, together with ``--top`` and ``--left`` to control the position of the rendered image within the page. In short: * ``--page-width`` and ``--page-height`` together - set the page size. * ``--top`` and ``--left`` - set the margins. * ``--width`` and ``--height`` - set the rendered size. This will create a PDF with a landscape A4 page, by scaling an SVG document to 10*10 cm, and placing it with its top-left corner 5 cm away from the top and 8 cm from the left of the page: **rsvg-convert** **--format=**\ *pdf* **--page-width=**\ *297mm* **--page-height=**\ *210mm* **--width=**\ *10cm* **--height=**\ *10cm* **--keep-aspect-ratio** **--top=**\ *5cm* **--left=**\ *8cm* *input.svg* **>** *output.pdf* SPECIFYING A SCALE FACTOR INSTEAD OF A RENDERED SIZE ---------------------------------------------------- The ``--zoom`` option lets you scale the natural size of an SVG document. For example, if *input.svg* is a document with a declared size of 100*200 pixels, then the following command will render it at 250*500 pixels (zoom 2.5): **rsvg-convert** **--zoom=2.5** *input.svg* **>** *output.png* You can limit the maximum scaled size by specifying the ``--width`` and ``--height`` options together with ``--zoom``. Here, the image will be scaled 10x, but limited to 1000*1000 pixels at the most: **rsvg-convert** **--zoom=10** **--width=1000** **--height=1000** *input.svg* **>** *output.png* If you need different scale factors for the horizontal and vertical dimensions, use the ``--x-zoom`` and ``--y-zoom`` options instead of ``--zoom``. CREATING A MULTI-PAGE DOCUMENT ------------------------------ The "pdf", "ps", and "eps" output formats support multiple pages. These can be created by combining multiple input SVG files. For example, this PDF file will have three pages: **rsvg-convert** **--format=**\ *pdf* *page1.svg* *page2.svg* *page3.svg* **>** *out.pdf* The size of each page will be computed, separately, as described in the **DEFAULT OUTPUT SIZE** section. This may result in a PDF being produced with differently-sized pages. If you need to produce a PDF with all pages set to exactly the same size, use the **--page-width** and **--page-height** options. For example, the following command creates a three-page PDF out of three SVG documents. All the pages are portrait US Letter, and each SVG is scaled to fit so that there is a 1in margin around each page (hence the width of 6.5in and height of 9in for the rendered size). **rsvg-convert** **--format=**\ *pdf* **--page-width=**\ *8.5in* **--page-height=**\ *11in* **--width=**\ *6.5in* **--height=**\ *9in* **--keep-aspect-ratio** **--top=**\ *1in* **--left=**\ *1in* *pg1.svg* *pg2.svg* *pg3.svg* **>** *out.pdf* CONVERSION OF PIXELS BASED ON THE DOTS-PER-INCH ----------------------------------------------- **rsvg-convert** uses the ``--dpi-x`` and ``--dpi-y`` options to configure the dots-per-inch (DPI) by which pixels will be converted to/from physical units like inches or centimeters. The default for both options is 96 DPI. Consider this example SVG, which is nominally declared to be 2*3 inches in size: :: The following commands create PNGs of different sizes for the example SVG above: **rsvg-convert** *two-by-three.svg* **>** *output.png* #### creates a 192*288 pixel PNG **rsvg-convert** **--dpi-x=**\ *300* **--dpi-y=**\ *300* *two-by-three.svg* **>** *output.png* #### creates a 600*900 pixel PNG Note that the final pixel dimensions are rounded up to the nearest pixel, to avoid clipping off the right/bottom edges. In the following example, **rsvg-convert** will generate a PNG 300x300 pixels in size: **rsvg-convert** **--width=**\ *299.5* **--height=**\ *299.4* *input.svg* **>** *output.png* #### outputs 300x300 pixel PNG with a fractionally-scaled image If you specify dimensions in physical units, they will be multiplied by the dots-per-inch (DPI) value to obtain dimensions in pixels. For example, this will generate a 96x96 pixel PNG, since it is 1x1 inch at the default 96 DPI: **rsvg-convert** **--width=**\ *1in* **--height=**\ *1in* *input.svg* **>** *output.png* #### outputs 96x96 pixel PNG Correspondingly, this will generate a 300x300 pixel PNG, since it is 1x1 inch at 300 DPI: **rsvg-convert** **--width=**\ *1in* **--height=**\ *1in* **--dpi-x=**\ *300* **--dpi-y=**\ *300* *input.svg* **>** *output.png* #### outputs 300x300 pixel PNG DEFAULT OUTPUT SIZE ------------------- If you do not specify ``--width`` or ``--height`` options for the output size, **rsvg-convert** will figure out a "natural size" for the SVG as follows: - **SVG with width and height in pixel units (px):** ```` For PNG output, those same dimensions in pixels are used. For PDF/PS/EPS, that pixel size is converted to physical units based on the DPI value (see the ``--dpi-x`` and ``--dpi-y`` options), - **SVG with width and height in physical units:** ```` For PNG output, the ``width`` and ``height`` attributes get converted to pixels, based on the DPI value (see the ``--dpi-x`` and ``--dpi-y`` options). For PDF/PS/EPS output, the width/height in physical units define the size of the PDF unless you specify options for the page size; see **SPECIFYING A PAGE SIZE** above. - **SVG with viewBox only:** ```` The size of the ``viewBox`` attribute gets used for the pixel size of the image as in the first case above. - **SVG with width and height in percentages:** ```` Percentages are meaningless unless you specify a viewport size with the ``--width`` and ``--height`` options. In their absence, **rsvg-convert** will just use the size of the ``viewBox`` for the pixel size, as described above. - **SVG with no width, height, or viewBox:** **rsvg-convert** will measure the extents of all graphical objects in the SVG document and render them at 1:1 scale (1 pixel for each CSS px unit). It is strongly recommended that you give SVG documents an explicit size with the ``width``, ``height``, or ``viewBox`` attributes. BACKGROUND COLOR ---------------- You can use the ``--background-color`` option (``-b`` for short) to specify the background color that will appear in parts of the image that would otherwise be transparent. This option accepts the same syntax as the CSS ``color`` property, so you can use ``#rrggbb`` syntax, or CSS named colors like ``white``, or ``rgba()``. **rsvg-convert** **--background-color=**\ *white* *input.svg* **>** *output.png* #### opaque white .. **rsvg-convert** **-b** *'#ff000080'* *input.svg* **>** *output.png* #### translucent red - use shell quotes so the # is not interpreted as a comment SELECTING A LANGUAGE FOR MULTI-LANGUAGE SVG ------------------------------------------- An SVG document can use the ```` element and children with the ``systemLanguage`` attribute to provide different content depending on the user's language. For example: :: Español Deutsch Français English fallback You can use the ``--accept-language`` option to select which language to use when rendering. This option accepts strings formatted like an HTTP Accept-Language header, which is a comma-separated list of BCP47 language tags: https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/bcp47 **rsvg-convert** **--accept-language=**\ *es-MX* *input.svg* **>** *output.png* #### selects Mexican Spanish; renders "Español". USER STYLESHEET --------------- You can include an extra CSS stylesheet to be used when rendering an SVG document with the ``--stylesheet`` option. The stylesheet will have the CSS user origin, while styles declared in the SVG document will have the CSS author origin. This means your extra stylesheet's styles will override or augment the ones in the document, unless the document has ``!important`` in its styles. **rsvg-convert** **--stylesheet=**\ *extra-styles.css* *input.svg* **>** *output.png* For example, if this is *input.svg*: :: Hello And this is *extra-styles.css*: :: .recolorable { fill: blue; } * { color: green; } Then the PNG created by the command above will have these elements: - A blue square instead of a red one, because of the selector for the the ``recolorable`` class. - Text in green, since a fill with ``currentColor`` gets substituted to the value of the ``color`` property, and the ``*`` selector applies to all elements. OPTIONS ======= GENERAL OPTIONS --------------- ``-f`` *format*, ``--format=[png, pdf, ps, eps, svg]`` Output format for the rendered document. Default is ``png``. ``-o`` *filename*, ``--output`` *filename* Specify the output filename. If unspecified, outputs to standard output. ``-v, ``--version`` Display what version of rsvg-convert you are running. ``--help`` Display a summary of usage and options. SIZE AND POSITION ----------------- In the following, ** values must be specified with CSS syntax: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/length. For example, ``640px`` or ``25cm``. ``--page-width`` ** ``--page-height`` ** Page size of the output document; both options must be used together. The default is to use the image's width and height as modified by the options below. ``--top`` ** Distance between top edge of the page and the rendered image. Default is 0. ``--left`` ** Distance between left edge of the page and the rendered image. Default is 0. ``-w`` **, ``--width`` ** Width of the rendered image. If unspecified, the natural width of the image is used as the default. See the section "SPECIFYING DIMENSIONS" above for details. ``-h`` **, ``--height`` ** Height of the rendered image. If unspecified, the natural height of the image is used as the default. See the section "SPECIFYING DIMENSIONS" above for details. ``-a``, ``--keep-aspect-ratio`` Specify that the aspect ratio is to be preserved, i.e. the image is scaled proportionally to fit in the **--width** and **--height**. If not specified, aspect ratio will not be preserved. ``-d`` *number*, ``--dpi-x`` *number* Set the X resolution of the image in pixels per inch. Default is 96 DPI. ``-p`` *number*, ``--dpi-y`` *number* Set the Y resolution of the image in pixels per inch. Default is 96 DPI. ``-x`` *number*, ``--x-zoom`` *number* Horizontal scaling factor. Default is 1.0. ``-y`` *number*, ``--y-zoom`` *number* Vertical factor factor. Default is 1.0. ``-z`` *number*, ``--zoom`` *number* Horizontal and vertical scaling factor. Default is 1.0. CONTROLLING THE RENDERED APPEARANCE ----------------------------------- ``-b`` **, ``--background-color`` *[black, white, #abccee, #aaa...]* Specify the background color. If unspecified, ``none`` is used as the default; this will create transparent PNGs, or PDF/PS/EPS without a special background. The ** must be specified in CSS syntax: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value. For example, ``black``, ``#ff0000``, ``rgba(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)``. ``-s`` *filename.css*, ``--stylesheet`` *filename.css* Filename of a custom CSS stylesheet. ``-l`` *language-tag*, ``--accept-language`` *[es-MX,fr,en]* Specify which languages will be used for SVG documents with multiple languages. The string is formatted like an HTTP Accept-Language header, which is a comma-separated list of BCP47 language tags: https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/bcp47. The default is to use the language specified by environment variables; see the section "ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" below. OPTIONS SPECIFIC TO PDF/PS/EPS OUTPUT ------------------------------------- ``--keep-image-data`` For SVG documents that reference PNG or JPEG images, include the original, compressed images in the final output, rather than uncompressed RGB data. This is the default behavior for PDF and (E)PS output. ``--no-keep-image-data`` Do not include the original, compressed images but instead embed uncompressed RGB date in PDF or (E)PS output. This will most likely result in larger documents that are slower to read. MISCELLANEOUS ------------- ``-i`` *object-id*, ``--export-id`` *object-id* Allows to specify an SVG object that should be exported based on its XML ``id`` attribute. If not specified, all objects will be exported. ``-u``, ``--unlimited`` The XML parser has some guards designed to mitigate large CPU or memory consumption in the face of malicious documents. It may also refuse to resolve ``data:`` URIs used to embed image data in SVG documents. If you are running into such issues when converting a SVG, this option allows to turn off these guards. ``--testing`` For developers only: render images for librsvg's test suite. ``--completion`` *shell-name* Generate a script for a shell's Tab completion. You can use ``bash``, ``elvish``, ``fish``, ``powershell``, and ``zsh`` for the shell's name. Rsvg-convert will then write a suitable script to standard output. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ===================== ``SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`` If the selected output format is PDF, this variable can be used to control the CreationDate in the PDF file. This is useful for reproducible output. The environment variable must be set to a decimal number corresponding to a UNIX timestamp, defined as the number of seconds, excluding leap seconds, since 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC. The specification for this can be found at https://reproducible-builds.org/specs/source-date-epoch/ **System language** Unless the ``--accept-language`` option is specified, the default is to use the system's environment to detect the user's preferred language. This consults the environment variables ``LANGUAGE``, ``LC_ALL``, ``LC_MESSAGES``, and ``LANG``. MORE INFORMATION ================ Librsvg source repository and bug tracker: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/librsvg Wiki project page: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/LibRsvg SVG1.1 specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/ SVG2 specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG2 GNOME project page: http://www.gnome.org/