/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* vim: set sw=4 sts=4 ts=4 expandtab: */ /* rsvg-shapes.c: Draw shapes with cairo Copyright (C) 2005 Dom Lachowicz Copyright (C) 2005 Caleb Moore Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Authors: Dom Lachowicz , Caleb Moore Carl Worth */ #include "rsvg-cairo-draw.h" #include "rsvg-cairo-render.h" #include "rsvg-cairo-clip.h" #include "rsvg-styles.h" #include "rsvg-path.h" #include "rsvg-filter.h" #include "rsvg-structure.h" #include "rsvg-image.h" #include #include #include static const cairo_user_data_key_t surface_pixel_data_key; static void _pattern_add_rsvg_color_stops (cairo_pattern_t * pattern, GPtrArray * stops, guint32 current_color_rgb, guint8 opacity) { gsize i; RsvgGradientStop *stop; RsvgNode *node; guint32 rgba; for (i = 0; i < stops->len; i++) { node = (RsvgNode *) g_ptr_array_index (stops, i); if (RSVG_NODE_TYPE (node) != RSVG_NODE_TYPE_STOP) continue; stop = (RsvgGradientStop *) node; rgba = stop->rgba; cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pattern, stop->offset, ((rgba >> 24) & 0xff) / 255.0, ((rgba >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0, ((rgba >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0, (((rgba >> 0) & 0xff) * opacity) / 255.0 / 255.0); } } static void _set_source_rsvg_linear_gradient (RsvgDrawingCtx * ctx, RsvgLinearGradient * linear, guint32 current_color_rgb, guint8 opacity, RsvgBbox bbox) { RsvgCairoRender *render = RSVG_CAIRO_RENDER (ctx->render); cairo_t *cr = render->cr; cairo_pattern_t *pattern; cairo_matrix_t matrix; RsvgLinearGradient statlinear; statlinear = *linear; linear = &statlinear; rsvg_linear_gradient_fix_fallback (ctx, linear); if (linear->has_current_color) current_color_rgb = linear->current_color; if (linear->obj_bbox) _rsvg_push_view_box (ctx, 1., 1.); pattern = cairo_pattern_create_linear (_rsvg_css_normalize_length (&linear->x1, ctx, 'h'), _rsvg_css_normalize_length (&linear->y1, ctx, 'v'), _rsvg_css_normalize_length (&linear->x2, ctx, 'h'), _rsvg_css_normalize_length (&linear->y2, ctx, 'v')); if (linear->obj_bbox) _rsvg_pop_view_box (ctx); matrix = linear->affine; if (linear->obj_bbox) { cairo_matrix_t bboxmatrix; cairo_matrix_init (&bboxmatrix, bbox.rect.width, 0, 0, bbox.rect.height, bbox.rect.x, bbox.rect.y); cairo_matrix_multiply (&matrix, &matrix, &bboxmatrix); } cairo_matrix_invert (&matrix); cairo_pattern_set_matrix (pattern, &matrix); cairo_pattern_set_extend (pattern, linear->spread); _pattern_add_rsvg_color_stops (pattern, linear->super.children, current_color_rgb, opacity); cairo_set_source (cr, pattern); cairo_pattern_destroy (pattern); } static void _set_source_rsvg_radial_gradient (RsvgDrawingCtx * ctx, RsvgRadialGradient * radial, guint32 current_color_rgb, guint8 opacity, RsvgBbox bbox) { RsvgCairoRender *render = RSVG_CAIRO_RENDER (ctx->render); cairo_t *cr = render->cr; cairo_pattern_t *pattern; cairo_matrix_t matrix; RsvgRadialGradient statradial; statradial = *radial; radial = &statradial; rsvg_radial_gradient_fix_fallback (ctx, radial); if (radial->has_current_color) current_color_rgb = radial->current_color; if (radial->obj_bbox) _rsvg_push_view_box (ctx, 1., 1.); pattern = cairo_pattern_create_radial (_rsvg_css_normalize_length (&radial->fx, ctx, 'h'), _rsvg_css_normalize_length (&radial->fy, ctx, 'v'), 0.0, _rsvg_css_normalize_length (&radial->cx, ctx, 'h'), _rsvg_css_normalize_length (&radial->cy, ctx, 'v'), _rsvg_css_normalize_length (&radial->r, ctx, 'o')); if (radial->obj_bbox) _rsvg_pop_view_box (ctx); matrix = radial->affine; if (radial->obj_bbox) { cairo_matrix_t bboxmatrix; cairo_matrix_init (&bboxmatrix, bbox.rect.width, 0, 0, bbox.rect.height, bbox.rect.x, bbox.rect.y); cairo_matrix_multiply (&matrix, &matrix, &bboxmatrix); } cairo_matrix_invert (&matrix); cairo_pattern_set_matrix (pattern, &matrix); cairo_pattern_set_extend (pattern, radial->spread); _pattern_add_rsvg_color_stops (pattern, radial->super.children, current_color_rgb, opacity); cairo_set_source (cr, pattern); cairo_pattern_destroy (pattern); } static void _set_source_rsvg_solid_color (RsvgDrawingCtx * ctx, RsvgSolidColor * color, guint8 opacity, guint32 current_color) { RsvgCairoRender *render = RSVG_CAIRO_RENDER (ctx->render); cairo_t *cr = render->cr; guint32 argb = color->argb; double r, g, b, a; if (color->currentcolor) argb = current_color; r = ((argb >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0; g = ((argb >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0; b = ((argb >> 0) & 0xff) / 255.0; a = (argb >> 24) / 255.0 * (opacity / 255.0); cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, r, g, b, a); } static void _set_source_rsvg_pattern (RsvgDrawingCtx * ctx, RsvgPattern * rsvg_pattern, guint8 opacity, RsvgBbox bbox) { RsvgCairoRender *render = RSVG_CAIRO_RENDER (ctx->render); RsvgPattern local_pattern = *rsvg_pattern; cairo_t *cr_render, *cr_pattern; cairo_pattern_t *pattern; cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_matrix_t matrix; cairo_matrix_t affine, caffine, taffine; double bbwscale, bbhscale, scwscale, schscale; double patternw, patternh, patternx, patterny; int pw, ph; rsvg_pattern = &local_pattern; rsvg_pattern_fix_fallback (ctx, rsvg_pattern); cr_render = render->cr; if (rsvg_pattern->obj_bbox) _rsvg_push_view_box (ctx, 1., 1.); patternx = _rsvg_css_normalize_length (&rsvg_pattern->x, ctx, 'h'); patterny = _rsvg_css_normalize_length (&rsvg_pattern->y, ctx, 'v'); patternw = _rsvg_css_normalize_length (&rsvg_pattern->width, ctx, 'h'); patternh = _rsvg_css_normalize_length (&rsvg_pattern->height, ctx, 'v'); if (rsvg_pattern->obj_bbox) _rsvg_pop_view_box (ctx); /* Work out the size of the rectangle so it takes into account the object bounding box */ if (rsvg_pattern->obj_bbox) { bbwscale = bbox.rect.width; bbhscale = bbox.rect.height; } else { bbwscale = 1.0; bbhscale = 1.0; } cairo_matrix_multiply (&taffine, &rsvg_pattern->affine, &rsvg_current_state (ctx)->affine); scwscale = sqrt (taffine.xx * taffine.xx + taffine.xy * taffine.xy); schscale = sqrt (taffine.yx * taffine.yx + taffine.yy * taffine.yy); pw = patternw * bbwscale * scwscale; ph = patternh * bbhscale * schscale; scwscale = (double) pw / (double) (patternw * bbwscale); schscale = (double) ph / (double) (patternh * bbhscale); surface = cairo_surface_create_similar (cairo_get_target (cr_render), CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, pw, ph); cr_pattern = cairo_create (surface); /* Create the pattern coordinate system */ if (rsvg_pattern->obj_bbox) { /* subtract the pattern origin */ cairo_matrix_init_translate (&affine, bbox.rect.x + patternx * bbox.rect.width, bbox.rect.y + patterny * bbox.rect.height); } else { /* subtract the pattern origin */ cairo_matrix_init_translate (&affine, patternx, patterny); } /* Apply the pattern transform */ cairo_matrix_multiply (&affine, &affine, &rsvg_pattern->affine); /* Create the pattern contents coordinate system */ if (rsvg_pattern->vbox.active) { /* If there is a vbox, use that */ double w, h, x, y; w = patternw * bbwscale; h = patternh * bbhscale; x = 0; y = 0; rsvg_preserve_aspect_ratio (rsvg_pattern->preserve_aspect_ratio, rsvg_pattern->vbox.rect.width, rsvg_pattern->vbox.rect.height, &w, &h, &x, &y); x -= rsvg_pattern->vbox.rect.x * w / rsvg_pattern->vbox.rect.width; y -= rsvg_pattern->vbox.rect.y * h / rsvg_pattern->vbox.rect.height; cairo_matrix_init (&caffine, w / rsvg_pattern->vbox.rect.width, 0, 0, h / rsvg_pattern->vbox.rect.height, x, y); _rsvg_push_view_box (ctx, rsvg_pattern->vbox.rect.width, rsvg_pattern->vbox.rect.height); } else if (rsvg_pattern->obj_cbbox) { /* If coords are in terms of the bounding box, use them */ cairo_matrix_init_scale (&caffine, bbox.rect.width, bbox.rect.height); _rsvg_push_view_box (ctx, 1., 1.); } else { cairo_matrix_init_identity (&caffine); } if (scwscale != 1.0 || schscale != 1.0) { cairo_matrix_t scalematrix; cairo_matrix_init_scale (&scalematrix, scwscale, schscale); cairo_matrix_multiply (&caffine, &caffine, &scalematrix); cairo_matrix_init_scale (&scalematrix, 1. / scwscale, 1. / schscale); cairo_matrix_multiply (&affine, &scalematrix, &affine); } /* Draw to another surface */ render->cr = cr_pattern; /* Set up transformations to be determined by the contents units */ rsvg_state_push (ctx); rsvg_current_state (ctx)->personal_affine = rsvg_current_state (ctx)->affine = caffine; /* Draw everything */ _rsvg_node_draw_children ((RsvgNode *) rsvg_pattern, ctx, 2); /* Return to the original coordinate system */ rsvg_state_pop (ctx); /* Set the render to draw where it used to */ render->cr = cr_render; pattern = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface (surface); cairo_pattern_set_extend (pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT); matrix = affine; if (cairo_matrix_invert (&matrix) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) goto out; cairo_pattern_set_matrix (pattern, &matrix); cairo_pattern_set_filter (pattern, CAIRO_FILTER_BEST); cairo_set_source (cr_render, pattern); cairo_pattern_destroy (pattern); cairo_destroy (cr_pattern); cairo_surface_destroy (surface); out: if (rsvg_pattern->obj_cbbox || rsvg_pattern->vbox.active) _rsvg_pop_view_box (ctx); } /* note: _set_source_rsvg_paint_server does not change cairo's CTM */ static void _set_source_rsvg_paint_server (RsvgDrawingCtx * ctx, guint32 current_color_rgb, RsvgPaintServer * ps, guint8 opacity, RsvgBbox bbox, guint32 current_color) { RsvgNode *node; switch (ps->type) { case RSVG_PAINT_SERVER_IRI: node = rsvg_acquire_node (ctx, ps->core.iri); if (node == NULL) break; else if (RSVG_NODE_TYPE (node) == RSVG_NODE_TYPE_LINEAR_GRADIENT) _set_source_rsvg_linear_gradient (ctx, (RsvgLinearGradient *) node, current_color_rgb, opacity, bbox); else if (RSVG_NODE_TYPE (node) == RSVG_NODE_TYPE_RADIAL_GRADIENT) _set_source_rsvg_radial_gradient (ctx, (RsvgRadialGradient *) node, current_color_rgb, opacity, bbox); else if (RSVG_NODE_TYPE (node) == RSVG_NODE_TYPE_PATTERN) _set_source_rsvg_pattern (ctx, (RsvgPattern *) node, opacity, bbox); rsvg_release_node (ctx, node); break; case RSVG_PAINT_SERVER_SOLID: _set_source_rsvg_solid_color (ctx, ps->core.color, opacity, current_color); break; } } static void _set_rsvg_affine (RsvgCairoRender * render, cairo_matrix_t *affine) { cairo_t * cr = render->cr; cairo_matrix_t matrix; gboolean nest = cr != render->initial_cr; cairo_matrix_init (&matrix, affine->xx, affine->yx, affine->xy, affine->yy, affine->x0 + (nest ? 0 : render->offset_x), affine->y0 + (nest ? 0 : render->offset_y)); cairo_set_matrix (cr, &matrix); } PangoContext * rsvg_cairo_create_pango_context (RsvgDrawingCtx * ctx) { PangoFontMap *fontmap; PangoContext *context; RsvgCairoRender *render = RSVG_CAIRO_RENDER (ctx->render); fontmap = pango_cairo_font_map_get_default (); context = pango_font_map_create_context (fontmap); pango_cairo_update_context (render->cr, context); pango_cairo_context_set_resolution (context, ctx->dpi_y); return context; } void rsvg_cairo_render_pango_layout (RsvgDrawingCtx * ctx, PangoLayout * layout, double x, double y) { RsvgCairoRender *render = RSVG_CAIRO_RENDER (ctx->render); RsvgState *state = rsvg_current_state (ctx); PangoRectangle ink; RsvgBbox bbox; PangoGravity gravity = pango_context_get_gravity (pango_layout_get_context (layout)); double rotation; cairo_set_antialias (render->cr, state->text_rendering_type); _set_rsvg_affine (render, &state->affine); pango_layout_get_extents (layout, &ink, NULL); rsvg_bbox_init (&bbox, &state->affine); if (PANGO_GRAVITY_IS_VERTICAL (gravity)) { bbox.rect.x = x + (ink.x - ink.height) / (double)PANGO_SCALE; bbox.rect.y = y + ink.y / (double)PANGO_SCALE; bbox.rect.width = ink.height / (double)PANGO_SCALE; bbox.rect.height = ink.width / (double)PANGO_SCALE; } else { bbox.rect.x = x + ink.x / (double)PANGO_SCALE; bbox.rect.y = y + ink.y / (double)PANGO_SCALE; bbox.rect.width = ink.width / (double)PANGO_SCALE; bbox.rect.height = ink.height / (double)PANGO_SCALE; } bbox.virgin = 0; rotation = pango_gravity_to_rotation (gravity); if (state->fill) { cairo_save (render->cr); cairo_move_to (render->cr, x, y); rsvg_bbox_insert (&render->bbox, &bbox); _set_source_rsvg_paint_server (ctx, state->current_color, state->fill, state->fill_opacity, bbox, rsvg_current_state (ctx)->current_color); if (rotation != 0.) cairo_rotate (render->cr, -rotation); pango_cairo_show_layout (render->cr, layout); cairo_restore (render->cr); } if (state->stroke) { cairo_save (render->cr); cairo_move_to (render->cr, x, y); rsvg_bbox_insert (&render->bbox, &bbox); _set_source_rsvg_paint_server (ctx, state->current_color, state->stroke, state->stroke_opacity, bbox, rsvg_current_state (ctx)->current_color); if (rotation != 0.) cairo_rotate (render->cr, -rotation); pango_cairo_layout_path (render->cr, layout); cairo_set_line_width (render->cr, _rsvg_css_normalize_length (&state->stroke_width, ctx, 'h')); cairo_set_miter_limit (render->cr, state->miter_limit); cairo_set_line_cap (render->cr, (cairo_line_cap_t) state->cap); cairo_set_line_join (render->cr, (cairo_line_join_t) state->join); cairo_set_dash (render->cr, state->dash.dash, state->dash.n_dash, _rsvg_css_normalize_length (&state->dash.offset, ctx, 'o')); cairo_stroke (render->cr); cairo_restore (render->cr); } } void rsvg_cairo_render_path (RsvgDrawingCtx * ctx, const cairo_path_t *path) { RsvgCairoRender *render = RSVG_CAIRO_RENDER (ctx->render); RsvgState *state = rsvg_current_state (ctx); cairo_t *cr; RsvgBbox bbox; double backup_tolerance; rsvg_cairo_push_discrete_layer (ctx); cr = render->cr; cairo_set_antialias (cr, state->shape_rendering_type); _set_rsvg_affine (render, &state->affine); cairo_set_line_width (cr, _rsvg_css_normalize_length (&state->stroke_width, ctx, 'h')); cairo_set_miter_limit (cr, state->miter_limit); cairo_set_line_cap (cr, (cairo_line_cap_t) state->cap); cairo_set_line_join (cr, (cairo_line_join_t) state->join); cairo_set_dash (cr, state->dash.dash, state->dash.n_dash, _rsvg_css_normalize_length (&state->dash.offset, ctx, 'o')); cairo_append_path (cr, path); rsvg_bbox_init (&bbox, &state->affine); backup_tolerance = cairo_get_tolerance (cr); cairo_set_tolerance (cr, 1.0); /* dropping the precision of cairo's bezier subdivision, yielding 2x _rendering_ time speedups, are these rather expensive operations really needed here? */ /* Bounding box for fill * * Unlike the case for stroke, for fills we always compute the bounding box. * In GNOME we have SVGs for symbolic icons where each icon has a bounding * rectangle with no fill and no stroke, and inside it there are the actual * paths for the icon's shape. We need to be able to compute the bounding * rectangle's extents, even when it has no fill nor stroke. */ { RsvgBbox fb; rsvg_bbox_init (&fb, &state->affine); cairo_fill_extents (cr, &fb.rect.x, &fb.rect.y, &fb.rect.width, &fb.rect.height); fb.rect.width -= fb.rect.x; fb.rect.height -= fb.rect.y; fb.virgin = 0; rsvg_bbox_insert (&bbox, &fb); } /* Bounding box for stroke */ if (state->stroke != NULL) { RsvgBbox sb; rsvg_bbox_init (&sb, &state->affine); cairo_stroke_extents (cr, &sb.rect.x, &sb.rect.y, &sb.rect.width, &sb.rect.height); sb.rect.width -= sb.rect.x; sb.rect.height -= sb.rect.y; sb.virgin = 0; rsvg_bbox_insert (&bbox, &sb); } cairo_set_tolerance (cr, backup_tolerance); rsvg_bbox_insert (&render->bbox, &bbox); if (state->fill != NULL) { int opacity; cairo_set_fill_rule (cr, state->fill_rule); opacity = state->fill_opacity; _set_source_rsvg_paint_server (ctx, state->current_color, state->fill, opacity, bbox, rsvg_current_state (ctx)->current_color); if (state->stroke != NULL) cairo_fill_preserve (cr); else cairo_fill (cr); } if (state->stroke != NULL) { int opacity; opacity = state->stroke_opacity; _set_source_rsvg_paint_server (ctx, state->current_color, state->stroke, opacity, bbox, rsvg_current_state (ctx)->current_color); cairo_stroke (cr); } cairo_new_path (cr); /* clear the path in case stroke == fill == NULL; otherwise we leave it around from computing the bounding box */ rsvg_cairo_pop_discrete_layer (ctx); } void rsvg_cairo_render_surface (RsvgDrawingCtx *ctx, cairo_surface_t *surface, double src_x, double src_y, double w, double h) { RsvgCairoRender *render = RSVG_CAIRO_RENDER (ctx->render); RsvgState *state = rsvg_current_state (ctx); int width, height; double dwidth, dheight; RsvgBbox bbox; if (surface == NULL) return; g_return_if_fail (cairo_surface_get_type (surface) == CAIRO_SURFACE_TYPE_IMAGE); dwidth = width = cairo_image_surface_get_width (surface); dheight = height = cairo_image_surface_get_height (surface); if (width == 0 || height == 0) return; rsvg_bbox_init (&bbox, &state->affine); bbox.rect.x = src_x; bbox.rect.y = src_y; bbox.rect.width = w; bbox.rect.height = h; bbox.virgin = 0; _set_rsvg_affine (render, &state->affine); cairo_scale (render->cr, w / dwidth, h / dheight); src_x *= dwidth / w; src_y *= dheight / h; cairo_set_operator (render->cr, state->comp_op); #if 1 cairo_set_source_surface (render->cr, surface, src_x, src_y); #else { cairo_pattern_t *pattern; cairo_matrix_t matrix; pattern = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface (surface); cairo_pattern_set_extend (pattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_PAD); cairo_matrix_init_translate (&matrix, -src_x, -src_y); cairo_pattern_set_matrix (pattern, &matrix); cairo_set_source (render->cr, pattern); cairo_pattern_destroy (pattern); } #endif cairo_paint (render->cr); rsvg_bbox_insert (&render->bbox, &bbox); } static void rsvg_cairo_generate_mask (cairo_t * cr, RsvgMask * self, RsvgDrawingCtx * ctx, RsvgBbox * bbox) { RsvgCairoRender *render = RSVG_CAIRO_RENDER (ctx->render); cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_t *mask_cr, *save_cr; RsvgState *state = rsvg_current_state (ctx); guint8 *pixels; guint32 width = render->width, height = render->height; guint32 rowstride = width * 4, row, i; cairo_matrix_t affinesave; double sx, sy, sw, sh; gboolean nest = cr != render->initial_cr; surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height); if (cairo_surface_status (surface) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { cairo_surface_destroy (surface); return; } pixels = cairo_image_surface_get_data (surface); rowstride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride (surface); if (self->maskunits == objectBoundingBox) _rsvg_push_view_box (ctx, 1, 1); sx = _rsvg_css_normalize_length (&self->x, ctx, 'h'); sy = _rsvg_css_normalize_length (&self->y, ctx, 'v'); sw = _rsvg_css_normalize_length (&self->width, ctx, 'h'); sh = _rsvg_css_normalize_length (&self->height, ctx, 'v'); if (self->maskunits == objectBoundingBox) _rsvg_pop_view_box (ctx); mask_cr = cairo_create (surface); save_cr = render->cr; render->cr = mask_cr; if (self->maskunits == objectBoundingBox) rsvg_cairo_add_clipping_rect (ctx, sx * bbox->rect.width + bbox->rect.x, sy * bbox->rect.height + bbox->rect.y, sw * bbox->rect.width, sh * bbox->rect.height); else rsvg_cairo_add_clipping_rect (ctx, sx, sy, sw, sh); /* Horribly dirty hack to have the bbox premultiplied to everything */ if (self->contentunits == objectBoundingBox) { cairo_matrix_t bbtransform; cairo_matrix_init (&bbtransform, bbox->rect.width, 0, 0, bbox->rect.height, bbox->rect.x, bbox->rect.y); affinesave = self->super.state->affine; cairo_matrix_multiply (&self->super.state->affine, &bbtransform, &self->super.state->affine); _rsvg_push_view_box (ctx, 1, 1); } rsvg_state_push (ctx); _rsvg_node_draw_children (&self->super, ctx, 0); rsvg_state_pop (ctx); if (self->contentunits == objectBoundingBox) { _rsvg_pop_view_box (ctx); self->super.state->affine = affinesave; } render->cr = save_cr; for (row = 0; row < height; row++) { guint8 *row_data = (pixels + (row * rowstride)); for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { guint32 *pixel = (guint32 *) row_data + i; *pixel = ((((*pixel & 0x00ff0000) >> 16) * 13817 + ((*pixel & 0x0000ff00) >> 8) * 46518 + ((*pixel & 0x000000ff)) * 4688) * state->opacity); } } cairo_destroy (mask_cr); cairo_identity_matrix (cr); cairo_mask_surface (cr, surface, nest ? 0 : render->offset_x, nest ? 0 : render->offset_y); cairo_surface_destroy (surface); } static void rsvg_cairo_push_render_stack (RsvgDrawingCtx * ctx) { RsvgCairoRender *render = RSVG_CAIRO_RENDER (ctx->render); cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_t *child_cr; RsvgBbox *bbox; RsvgState *state = rsvg_current_state (ctx); gboolean lateclip = FALSE; if (rsvg_current_state (ctx)->clip_path) { RsvgNode *node; node = rsvg_acquire_node (ctx, rsvg_current_state (ctx)->clip_path); if (node && RSVG_NODE_TYPE (node) == RSVG_NODE_TYPE_CLIP_PATH) { RsvgClipPath *clip_path = (RsvgClipPath *) node; switch (clip_path->units) { case userSpaceOnUse: rsvg_cairo_clip (ctx, clip_path, NULL); break; case objectBoundingBox: lateclip = TRUE; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } } rsvg_release_node (ctx, node); } if (state->opacity == 0xFF && !state->filter && !state->mask && !lateclip && (state->comp_op == CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER) && (state->enable_background == RSVG_ENABLE_BACKGROUND_ACCUMULATE)) return; if (!state->filter) { surface = cairo_surface_create_similar (cairo_get_target (render->cr), CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, render->width, render->height); } else { surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, render->width, render->height); /* The surface reference is owned by the child_cr created below and put on the cr_stack! */ render->surfaces_stack = g_list_prepend (render->surfaces_stack, surface); } #if 0 if (cairo_surface_status (surface) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { cairo_surface_destroy (surface); return; } #endif child_cr = cairo_create (surface); cairo_surface_destroy (surface); render->cr_stack = g_list_prepend (render->cr_stack, render->cr); render->cr = child_cr; bbox = g_new (RsvgBbox, 1); *bbox = render->bbox; render->bb_stack = g_list_prepend (render->bb_stack, bbox); rsvg_bbox_init (&render->bbox, &state->affine); } void rsvg_cairo_push_discrete_layer (RsvgDrawingCtx * ctx) { RsvgCairoRender *render = RSVG_CAIRO_RENDER (ctx->render); cairo_save (render->cr); rsvg_cairo_push_render_stack (ctx); } static void rsvg_cairo_pop_render_stack (RsvgDrawingCtx * ctx) { RsvgCairoRender *render = RSVG_CAIRO_RENDER (ctx->render); cairo_t *child_cr = render->cr; RsvgClipPath *lateclip = NULL; cairo_surface_t *surface = NULL; RsvgState *state = rsvg_current_state (ctx); gboolean nest, needs_destroy = FALSE; if (rsvg_current_state (ctx)->clip_path) { RsvgNode *node; node = rsvg_acquire_node (ctx, rsvg_current_state (ctx)->clip_path); if (node && RSVG_NODE_TYPE (node) == RSVG_NODE_TYPE_CLIP_PATH && ((RsvgClipPath *) node)->units == objectBoundingBox) lateclip = (RsvgClipPath *) node; else rsvg_release_node (ctx, node); } if (state->opacity == 0xFF && !state->filter && !state->mask && !lateclip && (state->comp_op == CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER) && (state->enable_background == RSVG_ENABLE_BACKGROUND_ACCUMULATE)) return; surface = cairo_get_target (child_cr); if (state->filter) { RsvgNode *filter; cairo_surface_t *output; filter = rsvg_acquire_node (ctx, state->filter); output = render->surfaces_stack->data; render->surfaces_stack = g_list_delete_link (render->surfaces_stack, render->surfaces_stack); if (filter && RSVG_NODE_TYPE (filter) == RSVG_NODE_TYPE_FILTER) { needs_destroy = TRUE; surface = rsvg_filter_render ((RsvgFilter *) filter, output, ctx, &render->bbox, "2103"); /* Don't destroy the output surface, it's owned by child_cr */ } rsvg_release_node (ctx, filter); } render->cr = (cairo_t *) render->cr_stack->data; render->cr_stack = g_list_delete_link (render->cr_stack, render->cr_stack); nest = render->cr != render->initial_cr; cairo_identity_matrix (render->cr); cairo_set_source_surface (render->cr, surface, nest ? 0 : render->offset_x, nest ? 0 : render->offset_y); if (lateclip) { rsvg_cairo_clip (ctx, lateclip, &render->bbox); rsvg_release_node (ctx, (RsvgNode *) lateclip); } cairo_set_operator (render->cr, state->comp_op); if (state->mask) { RsvgNode *mask; mask = rsvg_acquire_node (ctx, state->mask); if (mask && RSVG_NODE_TYPE (mask) == RSVG_NODE_TYPE_MASK) rsvg_cairo_generate_mask (render->cr, (RsvgMask *) mask, ctx, &render->bbox); rsvg_release_node (ctx, mask); } else if (state->opacity != 0xFF) cairo_paint_with_alpha (render->cr, (double) state->opacity / 255.0); else cairo_paint (render->cr); cairo_destroy (child_cr); rsvg_bbox_insert ((RsvgBbox *) render->bb_stack->data, &render->bbox); render->bbox = *((RsvgBbox *) render->bb_stack->data); g_free (render->bb_stack->data); render->bb_stack = g_list_delete_link (render->bb_stack, render->bb_stack); if (needs_destroy) { cairo_surface_destroy (surface); } } void rsvg_cairo_pop_discrete_layer (RsvgDrawingCtx * ctx) { RsvgCairoRender *render = RSVG_CAIRO_RENDER (ctx->render); rsvg_cairo_pop_render_stack (ctx); cairo_restore (render->cr); } void rsvg_cairo_add_clipping_rect (RsvgDrawingCtx * ctx, double x, double y, double w, double h) { RsvgCairoRender *render = RSVG_CAIRO_RENDER (ctx->render); cairo_t *cr = render->cr; _set_rsvg_affine (render, &rsvg_current_state (ctx)->affine); cairo_rectangle (cr, x, y, w, h); cairo_clip (cr); } cairo_surface_t * rsvg_cairo_get_surface_of_node (RsvgDrawingCtx *ctx, RsvgNode *drawable, double width, double height) { cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_t *cr; RsvgCairoRender *save_render = (RsvgCairoRender *) ctx->render; RsvgCairoRender *render; surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height); if (cairo_surface_status (surface) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { cairo_surface_destroy (surface); return NULL; } cr = cairo_create (surface); render = rsvg_cairo_render_new (cr, width, height); ctx->render = (RsvgRender *) render; rsvg_state_push (ctx); rsvg_node_draw (drawable, ctx, 0); rsvg_state_pop (ctx); cairo_destroy (cr); rsvg_render_free (ctx->render); ctx->render = (RsvgRender *) save_render; return surface; } cairo_surface_t * rsvg_cairo_surface_from_pixbuf (const GdkPixbuf *pixbuf) { gint width, height, gdk_rowstride, n_channels, cairo_rowstride; guchar *gdk_pixels, *cairo_pixels; cairo_format_t format; cairo_surface_t *surface; int j; if (pixbuf == NULL) return NULL; width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf); height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf); gdk_pixels = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (pixbuf); gdk_rowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (pixbuf); n_channels = gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels (pixbuf); if (n_channels == 3) format = CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24; else format = CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32; surface = cairo_image_surface_create (format, width, height); if (cairo_surface_status (surface) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { cairo_surface_destroy (surface); return NULL; } cairo_pixels = cairo_image_surface_get_data (surface); cairo_rowstride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride (surface); if (n_channels == 3) { for (j = height; j; j--) { guchar *p = gdk_pixels; guchar *q = cairo_pixels; guchar *end = p + 3 * width; while (p < end) { #if G_BYTE_ORDER == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN q[0] = p[2]; q[1] = p[1]; q[2] = p[0]; #else q[1] = p[0]; q[2] = p[1]; q[3] = p[2]; #endif p += 3; q += 4; } gdk_pixels += gdk_rowstride; cairo_pixels += cairo_rowstride; } } else { for (j = height; j; j--) { guchar *p = gdk_pixels; guchar *q = cairo_pixels; guchar *end = p + 4 * width; guint t1, t2, t3; #define MULT(d,c,a,t) G_STMT_START { t = c * a + 0x7f; d = ((t >> 8) + t) >> 8; } G_STMT_END while (p < end) { #if G_BYTE_ORDER == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN MULT (q[0], p[2], p[3], t1); MULT (q[1], p[1], p[3], t2); MULT (q[2], p[0], p[3], t3); q[3] = p[3]; #else q[0] = p[3]; MULT (q[1], p[0], p[3], t1); MULT (q[2], p[1], p[3], t2); MULT (q[3], p[2], p[3], t3); #endif p += 4; q += 4; } #undef MULT gdk_pixels += gdk_rowstride; cairo_pixels += cairo_rowstride; } } cairo_surface_mark_dirty (surface); return surface; } /* Copied from gtk+/gdk/gdkpixbuf-drawable.c, LGPL 2+. * * Copyright (C) 1999 Michael Zucchi * * Authors: Michael Zucchi * Cody Russell * Federico Mena-Quintero */ static void convert_alpha (guchar *dest_data, int dest_stride, guchar *src_data, int src_stride, int src_x, int src_y, int width, int height) { int x, y; src_data += src_stride * src_y + src_x * 4; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { guint32 *src = (guint32 *) src_data; for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { guint alpha = src[x] >> 24; if (alpha == 0) { dest_data[x * 4 + 0] = 0; dest_data[x * 4 + 1] = 0; dest_data[x * 4 + 2] = 0; } else { dest_data[x * 4 + 0] = (((src[x] & 0xff0000) >> 16) * 255 + alpha / 2) / alpha; dest_data[x * 4 + 1] = (((src[x] & 0x00ff00) >> 8) * 255 + alpha / 2) / alpha; dest_data[x * 4 + 2] = (((src[x] & 0x0000ff) >> 0) * 255 + alpha / 2) / alpha; } dest_data[x * 4 + 3] = alpha; } src_data += src_stride; dest_data += dest_stride; } } static void convert_no_alpha (guchar *dest_data, int dest_stride, guchar *src_data, int src_stride, int src_x, int src_y, int width, int height) { int x, y; src_data += src_stride * src_y + src_x * 4; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { guint32 *src = (guint32 *) src_data; for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { dest_data[x * 3 + 0] = src[x] >> 16; dest_data[x * 3 + 1] = src[x] >> 8; dest_data[x * 3 + 2] = src[x]; } src_data += src_stride; dest_data += dest_stride; } } GdkPixbuf * rsvg_cairo_surface_to_pixbuf (cairo_surface_t *surface) { cairo_content_t content; GdkPixbuf *dest; int width, height; /* General sanity checks */ g_assert (cairo_surface_get_type (surface) == CAIRO_SURFACE_TYPE_IMAGE); width = cairo_image_surface_get_width (surface); height = cairo_image_surface_get_height (surface); if (width == 0 || height == 0) return NULL; content = cairo_surface_get_content (surface) | CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR; dest = gdk_pixbuf_new (GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, !!(content & CAIRO_CONTENT_ALPHA), 8, width, height); if (gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha (dest)) convert_alpha (gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (dest), gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (dest), cairo_image_surface_get_data (surface), cairo_image_surface_get_stride (surface), 0, 0, width, height); else convert_no_alpha (gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (dest), gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (dest), cairo_image_surface_get_data (surface), cairo_image_surface_get_stride (surface), 0, 0, width, height); return dest; } /* This is unused but still exists for ABI compat. See bug #666868. */ void rsvg_cairo_to_pixbuf (guint8 * pixels, int rowstride, int height); void rsvg_cairo_to_pixbuf (guint8 * pixels, int rowstride, int height) { int row; /* un-premultiply data */ for (row = 0; row < height; row++) { guint8 *row_data = (pixels + (row * rowstride)); int i; for (i = 0; i < rowstride; i += 4) { guint8 *b = &row_data[i]; guint32 pixel; guint8 alpha; memcpy (&pixel, b, sizeof (guint32)); alpha = (pixel & 0xff000000) >> 24; if (alpha == 0) { b[0] = b[1] = b[2] = b[3] = 0; } else { b[0] = (((pixel & 0xff0000) >> 16) * 255 + alpha / 2) / alpha; b[1] = (((pixel & 0x00ff00) >> 8) * 255 + alpha / 2) / alpha; b[2] = (((pixel & 0x0000ff) >> 0) * 255 + alpha / 2) / alpha; b[3] = alpha; } } } }