Detailed compilation instructions ================================= A full build of librsvg requires `autotools `__. A full build will produce these (see :doc:`product` for details): - ``rsvg-convert`` binary and its ``man`` page. - librsvg shared library with the GObject-based API. - Gdk-pixbuf loader for SVG files. - HTML documentation for the GObject-based API, with ``gi-docgen``. - GObject-introspection information for language bindings. - Vala language bindings. Librsvg uses a mostly normal `autotools `__ setup. The historical details of how librsvg integrates Cargo and Rust into its autotools setup are described in `this blog post `__, although hopefully you will not need to refer to it. It is perfectly fine to `ask the maintainer `__ if you have questions about the Autotools setup; it’s a tricky bit of machinery, and we are glad to help. The rest of this document explains librsvg’s peculiarities apart from the usual way of compiling Autotools projects: - `Basic compilation instructions <#basic-compilation-instructions>`__ - `Verbosity <#verbosity>`__ - `Debug or release builds <#debug-or-release-builds>`__ - `Selecting a Rust toolchain <#selecting-a-rust-toolchain>`__ - `Cross-compilation <#cross-compilation>`__ - `Building with no network access <#building-with-no-network-access>`__ - `Running "make distcheck" <#running-make-distcheck>`__ Basic compilation instructions ------------------------------ If you are compiling a tarball: .. code:: sh ./configure --enable-gtk-doc --enable-vala make make install See the ``INSTALL`` file for details on options you can pass to the ``configure`` script to select where to install the compiled library. If you are compiling from a git checkout: .. code:: sh ./ --enable-gtk-doc --enable-vala make make install The ``--enable-gtk-doc`` and ``--enable-vala`` arguments are optional. They will check that you have gi-docgen and the Vala compiler installed, respectively. Verbosity --------- By default the compilation process is quiet, and it just tells you which files it is compiling. If you wish to see the full compilation command lines, use “``make V=1``” instead of plain “``make``”. Debug or release builds ----------------------- Librsvg’s artifacts have code both in C and Rust, and each language has a different way of specifying compilation options to select compiler optimizations, or whether debug information should be included. - **Rust code:** the librsvg shared library, and the ``rsvg-convert`` binary. See below. - **C code:** the gdk-pixbuf loader; you should set the ``CFLAGS`` environment variable with compiler flags that you want to pass to the C compiler. Controlling debug or release mode for Rust ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - With a ``configure`` option: ``--enable-debug`` or ``--disable-debug`` - With an environment variable: ``LIBRSVG_DEBUG=yes`` or ``LIBRSVG_DEBUG=no`` For the Rust part of librsvg, we have a flag that you can pass at ``configure`` time. When enabled, the Rust sub-library will have debugging information and no compiler optimizations. **This flag is off by default:** if the flag is not specified, the Rust sub-library will be built in release mode (no debug information, full compiler optimizations). The rationale is that people who already had scripts in place to build binary packages for librsvg, generally from release tarballs, are already using conventional machinery to specify C compiler options, such as that in RPM specfiles or Debian source packages. However, they may not contemplate Rust libraries and they will certainly not want to modify their existing packaging scripts too much. So, by default, the Rust library builds in **release mode**, to make life easier to binary distributions. Librsvg’s build scripts will add ``--release`` to the Cargo command line by default. Developers can request a debug build of the Rust code by passing ``--enable-debug`` to the ``configure`` script, or by setting the ``LIBRSVG_DEBUG=yes`` environment variable before calling ``configure``. This will omit the ``--release`` option from Cargo, so that it will build the Rust sub-library in debug mode. In case both the environment variable and the command-line option are specified, the command-line option overrides the env var. Selecting a Rust toolchain -------------------------- By default, the configure/make steps will use the ``cargo`` binary that is found in your ``$PATH``. If you have a system installation of Rust and one in your home directory, or for special build systems, you may need to override the locations of ``cargo`` and/or ``rustc``. In this case, you can set any of these environment variables before running ``configure`` or ````: - ``RUSTC`` - path to the ``rustc`` compiler - ``CARGO`` - path to ``cargo`` Note that ``$RUSTC`` only gets used in the ``configure`` script to ensure that there is a Rust compiler installed with an appropriate version. The actual compilation process just uses ``$CARGO``, and assumes that that ``cargo`` binary will use the same Rust compiler as the other variable. Cross-compilation ----------------- If you need to cross-compile librsvg, specify the ``--host=TRIPLE`` to the ``configure`` script as usual with Autotools. This will cause librsvg’s build scripts to automatically pass ``--target=TRIPLE`` to ``cargo``. Note, however, that Rust may support different targets than the C compiler on your system. Rust’s supported targets can be found in the `rustc manual `__ You can check Jorge Aparicio’s `guide on cross-compilation for Rust `__ for more details. Overriding the Rust target name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you need ``cargo --target=FOO`` to obtain a different value from the one you specified for ``--host=TRIPLE``, you can use the ``RUST_TARGET`` variable, and this will be passed to ``cargo``. For example, .. code:: sh RUST_TARGET=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu ./configure --host=aarch64-buildroot-linux-gnu # will run "cargo --target=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu" for the Rust part Cross-compiling to a target not supported by Rust out of the box ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When building with a target that is not supported out of the box by Rust, you have to do this: 1. Create a `target JSON definition file `__. 2. Set the environment variable ``RUST_TARGET_PATH`` to its directory for the ``make`` command. Example: .. code:: sh cd /my/target/definition echo "JSON goes here" > MYMACHINE-VENDOR-OS.json cd /source/tree/for/librsvg ./configure --host=MYMACHINE-VENDOR-OS make RUST_TARGET_PATH=/my/target/definition Cross-compiling for win32 target ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can also cross-compile to win32 (Microsoft Windows) target by using `MinGW-w64 `__. You need to specify the appropriate target in the same way as usual: - Set an appropriate target via the ``--host`` configure option: - ``i686-w64-mingw32`` for 32-bit target - ``x86_64-w64-mingw32`` for 64-bit target - Set an appropriate RUST_TARGET: - ``i686-pc-windows-gnu`` for 32-bit target - ``x86_64-pc-windows-gnu`` for 64-bit target In addition you may need to link with some win32 specific libraries like ``LIBS="-lws2_32 -luserenv"``. Example: .. code:: sh ./configure \ --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 \ RUST_TARGET=x86_64-pc-windows-gnu \ LIBS="-lws2_32 -luserenv" make The most painful aspect of this way of building is preparing a win32 build for each of librsvg’s dependencies. `MXE `__ may help you on this work. Building with no network access ------------------------------- Automated build systems generally avoid network access so that they can compile from known-good sources, instead of pulling random updates from the net every time. However, normally Cargo likes to download dependencies when it first compiles a Rust project. You can use `cargo vendor `_ to download librsvg's Rust dependencies ahead of time, so that subsequent compilation don't require network access. Build systems can use `Cargo’s source replacement mechanism `_ to override the location of the source code for the Rust dependencies, for example, in order to patch one of the Rust crates that librsvg uses internally. Running ``make distcheck`` -------------------------- The ``make distcheck`` command will built a release tarball, extract it, compile it and test it. However, part of the ``make install`` process within that command will try to install the gdk-pixbuf loader in your system location, and it will fail. Please run ``make distcheck`` like this: :: $ make distcheck DESTDIR=/tmp/foo That ``DESTDIR`` will keep the gdk-pixbuf loader installation from trying to modify your system locations.