/* pngwin.dfn - define format of pngwin.def * * Last changed in libpng version 1.5.0 [April 29, 2010] * Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Glenn Randers-Pehrson * * This code is released under the libpng license. * For conditions of distribution and use, see the disclaimer * and license in png.h */ #define PNG_EXPORT(type, name, args, attributes, ordinal)\ PNG_DEFN_MAGIC- name @ordinal-PNG_DEFN_END #define PNG_REMOVED(type, name, args, attributes, ordinal)\ PNG_DEFN_MAGIC-; name @ordinal-PNG_DEFN_END #define PNG_EXPORT_LAST_ORDINAL(ordinal)\ PNG_DEFN_MAGIC-; @ordinal-PNG_DEFN_END PNG_DEFN_MAGIC-;---------------------------------------------------------------PNG_DEFN_END PNG_DEFN_MAGIC-; LIBPNG module definition file for Windows, WindowsCE and OS/2-PNG_DEFN_END PNG_DEFN_MAGIC-; On OS/2 uncomment lines preceded by ;0S2-PNG_DEFN_END PNG_DEFN_MAGIC-;---------------------------------------------------------------PNG_DEFN_END PNG_DEFN_MAGIC--PNG_DEFN_END PNG_DEFN_MAGIC-; If you give the library an explicit name one or other files-PNG_DEFN_END PNG_DEFN_MAGIC-; may need modifying to support the new name on one or more-PNG_DEFN_END PNG_DEFN_MAGIC-; systems.-PNG_DEFN_END PNG_DEFN_MAGIC-LIBRARY-PNG_DEFN_END PNG_DEFN_MAGIC-;OS2 DESCRIPTION "PNG image compression library"-PNG_DEFN_END PNG_DEFN_MAGIC-;OS2 CODE PRELOAD MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE-PNG_DEFN_END PNG_DEFN_MAGIC--PNG_DEFN_END PNG_DEFN_MAGIC-EXPORTS-PNG_DEFN_END PNG_DEFN_MAGIC-;Version PNGLIB_VERSION-PNG_DEFN_END /* Read the defaults, but use scripts/pnglibconf.h; the 'standard' * header file. */ #include "pnglibconf.h" #include "../png.h"