#!/usr/bin/env lua5.1 require"net" require"netutil" hex_dump = h local function check_ipv4() local n = net.init() n:ipv4{src="", dst="", protocol=2, len=20+4, options="AAAA"} n:eth{src="01:02:03:04:05:01", dst="01:02:03:04:05:02"} --ok=pcall(n.ipv4, n, {src="", dst="", protocol=2, len=20+4, options="AAAA"}) --assert(not ok, "net:ipv4 fails to detect incorrect usage of IPv4 options") end local function check_ptag() local n = net.init() eth = n:eth{src="01:02:03:04:05:01", dst="01:02:03:04:05:02"} ok=pcall(n.ipv4, n, {src="", dst="", protocol=2, len=20+4, options="AAAA", ptag = eth}) assert(not ok, "net:ipv4 fails to detect specifying a ptag when creating IPv4 options") end local function check_first() local n = net.init() ok=pcall(n.ipv4, n, {src="", dst="", protocol=2, len=20+4, options="AAAA"}) eth = n:eth{src="01:02:03:04:05:01", dst="01:02:03:04:05:02"} assert(ok, "net:ipv4 fails to construct ipv4 options correctly") end n = net.init() print(q(net.pton("01:02:03:04:05:06"))) print(q(net.pton(""))) print(q(net.pton("::1"))) n:udp{src=3, dst=5, payload="XXX"} ipv4 = n:ipv4{src="", dst="", protocol=17, len=20+8+3} n:eth{src="01:02:03:04:05:01", dst="01:02:03:04:05:02"} print(n:dump()) b1 = n:block() print(#b1, q(b1)) n:ipv4{src="", dst="", protocol=17, len=20+8+3, ptag=ipv4} --print(q({src="", dst="", protocol=17, len=20+8+3, ptag=ipv4})) print(n:dump()) b2 = n:block() print("b1=", q(b1)) print("b2=", q(b2)) assert(b1 == b2) check_ipv4() check_ptag() check_first() do print"\n\n# decode ipv4" local n = net.init() n:udp{src=1, dst=2, payload=" "} n:ipv4{src="", dst="", protocol=17, options="AAAA"} local b0 = n:block() print"= constructed:" print(n:dump()) print("b0", h(b0)) n:clear() print(n:dump()) print"= decoded:" assert(n:decode_ipv4(b0)) local ip1 = n:block(n:tag_below()) local b1 = n:block() if b0 ~= b1 then print(n:dump()) print("b1", h(b1)) end assert(b0 == b1) local bot = assert(n:tag_below()) local top = assert(n:tag_above()) print("bot", bot, "top", top) assert(bot == 3) assert(n:tag_below(bot) == nil) assert(n:tag_above(bot) == 2) assert(top == 1) assert(n:tag_above(top) == nil) assert(n:tag_below(top) == 2) assert(n:tag_type(bot) == "ipv4", n:tag_type(bot)) assert(n:tag_type(top) == "udp", n:tag_type(top)) udpt = n:get_udp() udpt.payload = "\0" assert(udpt.ptag == top) assert(n:udp(udpt)) local b2 = n:block() print(n:dump()) hex_dump(b2) -- everything up to the checksum should be the same assert(b1:sub(1, 20+4+6) == b2:sub(1, 20+4+6)) assert(b1:sub(20+4+7, 20+4+8) ~= b2:sub(20+4+7, 20+4+8)) assert(#n:block(n:tag_above()) == (8+1)) assert(n:block(n:tag_below()) == ip1) print"+pass" end do print"\n\n# pblock dump" local n = net.init() n:udp{src=1, dst=2, payload=" "} n:ipv4{src="", dst="", protocol=17, len=20+4, options="AAAA"} local ptag = n:tag_above() while ptag do --print("ptag", ptag) local pblock = n:pblock(ptag) local buf = pblock.buf pblock.buf = nil print(pblock, h(buf)) ptag = pblock.next end end local function hex_dump(s) print(h(s)) end net.IP = { UDP = 17, TCP = 6, } -- TODO: add to net function build_udp() local n = net.init() n:udp{src=0x88, dst=0x77, payload="xxxxx"} assert(not pcall(n.block, n)) print(n:get_udp()) n:ipv4{ protocol=net.IP.UDP, -- TODO: protocol should default to that of the next pblock len=20+8+5, src="", dst="", } local b = n:block() print("udp=", h(b)) print(n:get_udp()) return b end function build_tcp() local n = net.init() n:tcp{src=0x88, dst=0x77, seq=9, ack=10, flags=0xff, win=11, urg=13, payload="xxxxx"} --print(n:get_tcp()) print("n=") print(n:dump()) n:ipv4{ protocol=net.IP.TCP, -- TODO: protocol should default to that of the next pblock src="", dst="", options="oooooooo", } print("n=") print(n:dump()) print("tcp=", h(n:block())) print(n:get_tcp()) return n:block() end -- Build packets: udp = build_udp() tcp = build_tcp() igmp = "" do print("test: trailing garbage") local n = net.init() assert(n:decode_ip(tcp.."X")) local t = n:get_tcp() assert(t.payload == "xxxxx") print("+ok") end do print("test: decode truncated data") local ethip = "000000111111\8\0" local function roundtrip(input) local n = net.init() print("input", h(input)) assert(n:decode_eth(input)) print(n:dump()) local output = n:block() print("output", h(output)) print(n:dump()) assert(#output == #input) assertmostlyeql(4, output, input) -- strings are allowed to differ in the 4 checksum bytes n:destroy() end local function truncate_eth(eth) for i=#eth,0,-1 do print("decode "..i.."/"..#eth) roundtrip(string.sub(eth, 1,i)) end end local function truncate(pkt) assert(#ethip == (6+6+2)) truncate_eth(ethip..pkt) end truncate(udp) truncate(tcp) -- empty_udp: truncate"000e08dadb3f000c29a2eb6908004500002e00000000ff11a5b40a00010a0a00010113c413c4001ac227" -- empty_ip: truncate"000e08dadb3f000c29a2eb6908004500001400000000ff11a5b40a00010a0a000101" -- empty_eth: truncate"000e08dadb3f000c29a2eb690800" end do print("test: udp reencoding") n = net.init() n:decode_ipv4(udp) print("in", h(udp)) print(n:dump()) b0 = n:block() udpt = n:get_udp() print("b0", h(b0)) print("b0", udpt) -- identity n:udp(udpt) b1 = n:block() udpt = n:get_udp() print("b1", h(b1)) print("b1", udpt) assert(b0 == b1) -- extend payload udpt.payload = udpt.payload.."yy" n:udp(udpt) b2 = n:block() udpt = n:get_udp() print("b2", h(b2)) print("b2", udpt) assert(#b2 == #b1+2) assert(b2:sub(-2) == "yy") assert(udpt.payload == "xxxxxyy") -- truncate payload udpt.payload = nil n:udp(udpt) b3 = n:block() udpt = n:get_udp() print("b3", h(b3)) print("b3", udpt) assert(#b3 == #b1-5) assert(udpt.payload == "") print"+ok" end do print("ipv4 reencoding") n = net.init() n:decode_ipv4(udp) print("in", h(udp)) print(n:dump()) b0 = n:block() argt = n:get_ipv4() print("b0", h(b0)) print("b0", argt) -- identity n:ipv4(argt) b1 = n:block() argt = n:get_ipv4() print("b1", h(b1)) print("b1", argt) assert(b0 == b1) -- extend options argt.options = argt.options.."yy" n:ipv4(argt) b2 = n:block() argt = n:get_ipv4() otag = n:tag_above(argt.ptag) obuf = n:block(otag) print("b2", h(b2)) print("b2", argt) print(" otag", otag) print(" obuf", h(obuf)) assert(#b2 == #b1+4) assert("yy\0\0" == obuf) -- yy gets padded to 4 bytes assert(argt.options == obuf) assert(b2:sub(21,24) == obuf) -- truncate options argt.options = nil n:ipv4(argt) b3 = n:block() argt = n:get_ipv4() print("b3", h(b3)) print("b3", argt) assert(b3 == b1) assert(argt.options == "") assert(n:tag_above(argt.ptag) == n:get_udp().ptag) -- options block is now gone print"+ok" end do print"tcp encoding/decoding" n = net.init() tcpt = {src=0x88, dst=0x77, seq=9, ack=10, flags=0xff, win=11, urg=13, payload="xxxxx"} n:tcp(tcpt) t = n:get_tcp() print("tcp", tcpt) print("get", t) for k,v in pairs(tcpt) do print("set", k, v, "get", t[k]) assert(t[k] == v) end print("n=") print(n:dump()) n:ipv4{ protocol=net.IP.TCP, -- TODO: protocol should default to that of the next pblock src="", dst="", options="oooooooo", } t = n:get_tcp() print("tcp", tcpt) print("get", t) for k,v in pairs(tcpt) do --print("set", k, v, "get", t[k]) assert(t[k] == v) end print("n=") print(n:dump()) print("tcp=", h(n:block())) print(n:get_tcp()) print"+ok" end -- Below is to check libnet's checksum algorithm... libnet appears to work as I -- expect, but it does not always get the results I find in pcaps, and that -- wireshark claims is correct. local function ip_pseudo(ip) if ip:sub(10, 10) ~= "\6" then -- it's not tcp! return nil, "not tcp" end return table.concat{ ip:sub(20-8+1, 20), -- src,dst "\0", ip:sub(10, 10), net.htons(#ip - 20), } end local function tcp_pseudo(tcp) return table.concat{ tcp:sub(1,16), "\0\0", -- checksum of zero tcp:sub(19) } end local function sum(ip0, nodst) local ip = ip_pseudo(ip0, nodst) if not ip then print "> Can't redo the checksum for non-tcp!" return end local tcp = tcp_pseudo(ip0:sub(21)) print("_ip", h(ip)) print("tcp", h(tcp), "pseudolen", ip:sub(-1):byte()) print("sum", h(net.checksum(ip..tcp))) end local function roundtrip_ipv4_from_eth(name, pkt0, checksum_bug) print"" print("test: roundtrip", name) local eth0 = b(pkt0) local n = net.init() assert(n:decode_eth(eth0)) local eth1 = n:block() print("eth0", h(eth0)) print("eth1", h(eth1)) local etht = n:get_eth() assert(etht) assert(not etht.payload) local ip0 = string.sub(b(pkt0), 15) -- skip 14 bytes of eth header local n = net.init() assert(n:decode_ipv4(ip0)) local ip1 = n:block() --print(n:dump()) print("ip0", h(ip0)) print("ip1", h(ip1)) local ptag = n:tag_above() while ptag do print("pblock", n:pblock(ptag)) ptag = n:tag_below(ptag) end sum(ip0) ipv4t = n:get_ipv4() print("ipv4", ipv4t) if ipv4t.protocol == 17 then print(n:get_udp()) elseif ipv4t.protocol == 6 then print(n:get_tcp()) end if not checksum_bug then assert(ip0 == ip1) print"+ok" else assert(ip0 ~= ip1) print"CHECKSUM BUG!!!!!!!!!!!!" end end roundtrip_ipv4_from_eth("tcp syn", "00006cc0001200e0ed11c80008004500002c831f00003506a3a09780980997809802dac2c350f463c4f30000000060020800d9ae0000020405b4") roundtrip_ipv4_from_eth("mysql ok response", "000c29161a1e002481ff557a08004508003f0251400040066496c0a8293cc0a8293d0cea9f0f612b1703494bc81a8018005b226c00000101080a576814f102fed42f0700000200000002000000") roundtrip_ipv4_from_eth("modbus tcp ack", "00005413e6b000e0ed11c7f00800450000283bbb40004006b7c0c0a86301c0a86302c3a601f63a18c8dd00018515501016d004070000") -- SR - I have absolutely no idea why libnet and I get different answers than -- what is in the pcap, and which wireshark claims is correct. roundtrip_ipv4_from_eth("tcp rst", "00006cc000be001577d8732a080045000028325200008006a906978098629780981404f9de8e00000000c7c2aca350140000f86a0000000000000000", true) roundtrip_ipv4_from_eth("modbus response", "00e0ed11c7f000005413e6b00800450000310000000040063373c0a86302c0a8630101f6c3a60001850c3a18c8dd50180108157c000001b800000003ff8f0300", true) roundtrip_ipv4_from_eth("snmp_packet", "08003715e6bc00123f4a33d2080045000052aa1a0000801111c3ac1f1336ac1f13493e2d00a1003e8d4d303402010004067075626c6963a027020127020100020100301c300c06082b060102010105000500300c06082b060102010106000500") roundtrip_ipv4_from_eth("tcp syn", "ffaaaaaaaaff00ff42c772910800450000280000000040067ccb7f0000027f000003800e000100000000000000005e02ffff23ce0000") -- reencoded as -- ffaaaaaaaaff00ff42c772910800450000280000000040067ccb7f0000027f000003800e000100000000000000005002ffff31ce0000 -- with different tcp checksum...