============================================================================== P O R T I N G S T A T U S ============================================================================== libnet is reasonably portable. If you verify libnet building and running successfully (sample code works) on platforms currently labeled UNKNOWN or not listed here at all, please send email to autostart.ini@gmail.com. libnet has been run successfully on at least the following operating systems: SYSTEM STATUS NOTES ============================================================================== LINUX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Linux 3.x FULL (primary development platform) SOLARIS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Solaris UNKNOWN not confirmed working in ages *BSD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FreeBSD UNKNOWN not confirmed working in ages OpenBSD UNKNOWN not confirmed working in ages NetBSD UNKNOWN not confirmed working in ages HP-UX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP-UX UNKNOWN not confirmed working in ages Apple (Darwin) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ macOS FULL not tested by me WINDOWS (Native/MinGW/Cygwin/Cross) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MSVC 14.0 FULL Working. See README.win32 for instructions MinGW (GCC 6.2) FULL Working. See README.win32 for instructions Cygwin UNKNOWN not confirmed working in ages ANDROID (Native/Cross) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Termux (clang 3.9.1) FULL Working. See detailed instructions below ARM Toolchain (gnueabi) FULL not tested by me Platform Specific Details/Instructions ====================================== ANDROID ------- libnet can be build natively on Android devices running 5.0 Lollipop (SDK 21) or higher using Termux (https://termux.com/). See the help pages of Termux for install and setup instructions. At the time of this writing, doxygen has not been ported to Android yet. So for this guide, we will build libnet without any docs. If you want docs you can do one the following: - build from a release (https://github.com/sgeto/libnet/releases) - compile docs on one of the supported platforms - port doxygen to Android Update: check out my port: https://github.com/sgeto/doxygen Update 2: my port has been merged into doxygen/master. Don't use my port. Get the real deal from their repo: https://github.com/doxygen/doxygen The minimum packages to install are: coreutils (important! Busybox alone is not enough!) autoconf automake m4 make libtool clang git (optional) After that: 1. $ git clone https://github.com/sgeto/libnet.git This is optional. As explained earlier, you can also build from a release. 2. $ cd libnet && autoreconf -i Attention! You can not use the autogen.sh bootstrapping script for this step. The Android file system only loosely resembles what many of us are used to from their *nix boxes. This means that in Android, many files and folders aren't located where you would expect them. As a result, many shell scripts, including this one, will not be able run because their shebangs are pointing to a none-existing location. (/bin/sh instead of /system/bin/sh or in Termux's case: /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/sh) 3. $ ./configure TMPDIR=$PREFIX/tmp --prefix=$PREFIX TMPDIR=$PREFIX/tmp Tell configure to use $PREFIX/tmp instead of /tmp This is the only MANDATORY configure option. This is due to the fact that config.guess is (without root privileges) unable to write to /tmp --prefix=$PREFIX where to (possibly) install libnet Use "$PREFIX" or make sure to add a valid path 4. $ make 5. $ make install This step is optional and really only works if the proper prefix has been set in step 3 Final Thoughts: - You don't need a rooted device to build libnet, but you need need root privileges in order to try the samples and to make use of libnet in general. - You can not execute anything libnet from the Termux shell, because it does not have root privileges. - Even when you elevate you prompt and become root (by typing 'su'), you will most likely still be unable to to use libnet right away. The reason for that is that root prompts in Android come with their own shell (which is separate from the one you use to elevate). So you need to either set or migrate the necessary environment variables you had in your previous (Termux) shell over to your newly spawn root shell. Specifically LD_LIBRARY_PATH If you don't know what that means just run this every time you're root and want to use libnet (adjust path accordingly): LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib