#ifndef __CHDK_PTP_H #define __CHDK_PTP_H // CHDK PTP protocol interface (can also be used in client PTP programs) // Note: used in modules and platform independent code. // Do not add platform dependent stuff in here (#ifdef/#endif compile options or camera dependent values) #define PTP_CHDK_VERSION_MAJOR 2 // increase only with backwards incompatible changes (and reset minor) #define PTP_CHDK_VERSION_MINOR 6 // increase with extensions of functionality // minor > 1000 for development versions /* protocol version history 0.1 - initial proposal from mweerden, + luar 0.2 - Added ScriptStatus and ScriptSupport, based on work by ultimA 1.0 - removed old script result code (luar), replace with message system 2.0 - return PTP_CHDK_TYPE_TABLE for tables instead of TYPE_STRING, allow return of empty strings 2.1 - experimental live view, not formally released 2.2 - live view (work in progress) 2.3 - live view - released in 1.1 2.4 - live view protocol 2.1 2.5 - remote capture 2.6 - script execution flags */ #define PTP_OC_CHDK 0x9999 // N.B.: unused parameters should be set to 0 //enum ptp_chdk_command { enum PTP_CHDK_Command { PTP_CHDK_Version = 0, // return param1 is major version number // return param2 is minor version number PTP_CHDK_GetMemory, // param2 is base address (not NULL; circumvent by taking 0xFFFFFFFF and size+1) // param3 is size (in bytes) // return data is memory block PTP_CHDK_SetMemory, // param2 is address // param3 is size (in bytes) // data is new memory block PTP_CHDK_CallFunction, // data is array of function pointer and 32 bit int arguments (max: 10 args prior to protocol 2.5) // return param1 is return value PTP_CHDK_TempData, // data is data to be stored for later // param2 is for the TD flags below PTP_CHDK_UploadFile, // data is 4-byte length of filename, followed by filename and contents PTP_CHDK_DownloadFile, // preceded by PTP_CHDK_TempData with filename // return data are file contents PTP_CHDK_ExecuteScript, // data is script to be executed // param2 is language of script // in proto 2.6 and later, language is the lower byte, rest is used for PTP_CHDK_SCRIPT_FL* flags // return param1 is script id, like a process id // return param2 is status from ptp_chdk_script_error_type PTP_CHDK_ScriptStatus, // Script execution status // return param1 bits // PTP_CHDK_SCRIPT_STATUS_RUN is set if a script running, cleared if not // PTP_CHDK_SCRIPT_STATUS_MSG is set if script messages from script waiting to be read // all other bits and params are reserved for future use PTP_CHDK_ScriptSupport, // Which scripting interfaces are supported in this build // param1 CHDK_PTP_SUPPORT_LUA is set if lua is supported, cleared if not // all other bits and params are reserved for future use PTP_CHDK_ReadScriptMsg, // read next message from camera script system // return param1 is chdk_ptp_s_msg_type // return param2 is message subtype: // for script return and users this is ptp_chdk_script_data_type // for error ptp_chdk_script_error_type // return param3 is script id of script that generated the message // return param4 is length of the message data. // return data is message. // A minimum of 1 bytes of zeros is returned if the message has no data (empty string or type NONE) PTP_CHDK_WriteScriptMsg, // write a message for scripts running on camera // input param2 is target script id, 0=don't care. Messages for a non-running script will be discarded // data length is handled by ptp data phase // input messages do not have type or subtype, they are always a string destined for the script (similar to USER/string) // output param1 is ptp_chdk_script_msg_status PTP_CHDK_GetDisplayData, // Return camera display data // This is defined as separate sub protocol in live_view.h // Changes to the sub-protocol will always be considered a minor change to the main protocol // param2 bitmask of data // output param1 = total size of data // return data is protocol information, frame buffer descriptions and selected display data // Currently a data phase is always returned. Future versions may define other behavior // for values in currently unused parameters. // Direct image capture over USB. // Use lua get_usb_capture_support for available data types, lua init_usb_capture for setup PTP_CHDK_RemoteCaptureIsReady, // Check if data is available // return param1 is status // 0 = not ready // 0x10000000 = remote capture not initialized // otherwise bitmask of PTP_CHDK_CAPTURE_* datatypes // return param2 is image number PTP_CHDK_RemoteCaptureGetData // retrieve data // param2 is bit indicating data type to get // return param1 is length // return param2 more chunks available? // 0 = no more chunks of selected format // return param3 seek required to pos (-1 = no seek) }; // data types as used by ReadScriptMessage enum ptp_chdk_script_data_type { PTP_CHDK_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED = 0, // type name will be returned in data PTP_CHDK_TYPE_NIL, PTP_CHDK_TYPE_BOOLEAN, PTP_CHDK_TYPE_INTEGER, PTP_CHDK_TYPE_STRING, // Empty strings are returned with length=0 PTP_CHDK_TYPE_TABLE, // tables are converted to a string by usb_msg_table_to_string, // this function can be overridden in lua to change the format // the string may be empty for an empty table }; // TempData flags #define PTP_CHDK_TD_DOWNLOAD 0x1 // download data instead of upload #define PTP_CHDK_TD_CLEAR 0x2 // clear the stored data; with DOWNLOAD this // means first download, then clear and // without DOWNLOAD this means no uploading, // just clear // Script Languages - for execution only lua is supported for now #define PTP_CHDK_SL_LUA 0 #define PTP_CHDK_SL_UBASIC 1 #define PTP_CHDK_SL_MASK 0xFF /* standard message chdkptp sends */ #define PTP_CHDK_LUA_SERIALIZE "\n\ serialize_r = function(v,opts,r,seen,depth)\n\ local vt = type(v)\n\ if vt == 'nil' or vt == 'boolean' or vt == 'number' then\n\ table.insert(r,tostring(v))\n\ return\n\ end\n\ if vt == 'string' then\n\ table.insert(r,string.format('%%q',v))\n\ return\n\ end\n\ if vt == 'table' then\n\ if not depth then\n\ depth = 1\n\ end\n\ if depth >= opts.maxdepth then\n\ error('serialize: max depth')\n\ end\n\ if not seen then\n\ seen={}\n\ elseif seen[v] then\n\ if opts.err_cycle then\n\ error('serialize: cycle')\n\ else\n\ table.insert(r,'\"cycle:'..tostring(v)..'\"')\n\ return\n\ end\n\ end\n\ seen[v] = true;\n\ table.insert(r,'{')\n\ for k,v1 in pairs(v) do\n\ if opts.pretty then\n\ table.insert(r,'\\n'..string.rep(' ',depth))\n\ end\n\ if type(k) == 'string' and string.match(k,'^[_%%a][%%a%%d_]*$') then\n\ table.insert(r,k)\n\ else\n\ table.insert(r,'[')\n\ serialize_r(k,opts,r,seen,depth+1)\n\ table.insert(r,']')\n\ end\n\ table.insert(r,'=')\n\ serialize_r(v1,opts,r,seen,depth+1)\n\ table.insert(r,',')\n\ end\n\ if opts.pretty then\n\ table.insert(r,'\\n'..string.rep(' ',depth-1))\n\ end\n\ table.insert(r,'}')\n\ return\n\ end\n\ if opts.err_type then\n\ error('serialize: unsupported type ' .. vt, 2)\n\ else\n\ table.insert(r,'\"'..tostring(v)..'\"')\n\ end\n\ end\n\ serialize_defaults = {\n\ maxdepth=10,\n\ err_type=true,\n\ err_cycle=true,\n\ pretty=false,\n\ }\n\ function serialize(v,opts)\n\ if opts then\n\ for k,v in pairs(serialize_defaults) do\n\ if not opts[k] then\n\ opts[k]=v\n\ end\n\ end\n\ else\n\ opts=serialize_defaults\n\ end\n\ local r={}\n\ serialize_r(v,opts,r)\n\ return table.concat(r)\n\ end\n" #define PTP_CHDK_LUA_SERIALIZE_SIMPLEQUOTE "\n\ serialize_r = function(v,opts,r,seen,depth)\n\ local vt = type(v)\n\ if vt == 'nil' or vt == 'boolean' or vt == 'number' then\n\ table.insert(r,tostring(v))\n\ return\n\ end\n\ if vt == 'string' then\n\ table.insert(r,string.format('%q',v))\n\ return\n\ end\n\ if vt == 'table' then\n\ if not depth then\n\ depth = 1\n\ end\n\ if depth >= opts.maxdepth then\n\ error('serialize: max depth')\n\ end\n\ if not seen then\n\ seen={}\n\ elseif seen[v] then\n\ if opts.err_cycle then\n\ error('serialize: cycle')\n\ else\n\ table.insert(r,'\"cycle:'..tostring(v)..'\"')\n\ return\n\ end\n\ end\n\ seen[v] = true;\n\ table.insert(r,'{')\n\ for k,v1 in pairs(v) do\n\ if opts.pretty then\n\ table.insert(r,'\\n'..string.rep(' ',depth))\n\ end\n\ if type(k) == 'string' and string.match(k,'^[_%a][%a%d_]*$') then\n\ table.insert(r,k)\n\ else\n\ table.insert(r,'[')\n\ serialize_r(k,opts,r,seen,depth+1)\n\ table.insert(r,']')\n\ end\n\ table.insert(r,'=')\n\ serialize_r(v1,opts,r,seen,depth+1)\n\ table.insert(r,',')\n\ end\n\ if opts.pretty then\n\ table.insert(r,'\\n'..string.rep(' ',depth-1))\n\ end\n\ table.insert(r,'}')\n\ return\n\ end\n\ if opts.err_type then\n\ error('serialize: unsupported type ' .. vt, 2)\n\ else\n\ table.insert(r,'\"'..tostring(v)..'\"')\n\ end\n\ end\n\ serialize_defaults = {\n\ maxdepth=10,\n\ err_type=true,\n\ err_cycle=true,\n\ pretty=false,\n\ }\n\ function serialize(v,opts)\n\ if opts then\n\ for k,v in pairs(serialize_defaults) do\n\ if not opts[k] then\n\ opts[k]=v\n\ end\n\ end\n\ else\n\ opts=serialize_defaults\n\ end\n\ local r={}\n\ serialize_r(v,opts,r)\n\ return table.concat(r)\n\ end\n" #define PTP_CHDK_LUA_SERIALIZE_MSGS \ PTP_CHDK_LUA_SERIALIZE\ "usb_msg_table_to_string=serialize\n" #define PTP_CHDK_LUA_SERIALIZE_MSGS_SIMPLEQUOTE \ PTP_CHDK_LUA_SERIALIZE_SIMPLEQUOTE\ "usb_msg_table_to_string=serialize\n" #define PTP_CHDK_LUA_EXTEND_TABLE \ "function extend_table(target,source,deep)\n\ if type(target) ~= 'table' then\n\ error('extend_table: target not table')\n\ end\n\ if source == nil then\n\ return target\n\ end\n\ if type(source) ~= 'table' then \n\ error('extend_table: source not table')\n\ end\n\ if source == target then\n\ error('extend_table: source == target')\n\ end\n\ if deep then\n\ return extend_table_r(target, source)\n\ else \n\ for k,v in pairs(source) do\n\ target[k]=v\n\ end\n\ return target\n\ end\n\ end\n" #define PTP_CHDK_LUA_MSG_BATCHER \ PTP_CHDK_LUA_SERIALIZE_MSGS \ PTP_CHDK_LUA_EXTEND_TABLE \ "function msg_batcher(opts)\n\ local t = extend_table({\n\ batchsize=50,\n\ batchgc='step',\n\ timeout=100000,\n\ },opts)\n\ t.data={}\n\ t.n=0\n\ if t.dbgmem then\n\ t.init_free = get_meminfo().free_block_max_size\n\ t.init_count = collectgarbage('count')\n\ end\n\ t.write=function(self,val)\n\ self.n = self.n+1\n\ self.data[self.n]=val\n\ if self.n >= self.batchsize then\n\ return self:flush()\n\ end\n\ return true\n\ end\n\ t.flush = function(self)\n\ if self.n > 0 then\n\ if self.dbgmem then\n\ local count=collectgarbage('count')\n\ local free=get_meminfo().free_block_max_size\n\ self.data._dbg=string.format(\"count %%d (%%d) free %%d (%%d)\",\n\ count, count - self.init_count, free, self.init_free-free)\n\ end\n\ if not write_usb_msg(self.data,self.timeout) then\n\ return false\n\ end\n\ self.data={}\n\ self.n=0\n\ if self.batchgc then\n\ collectgarbage(self.batchgc)\n\ end\n\ if self.batchpause then\n\ sleep(self.batchpause)\n\ end\n\ end\n\ return true\n\ end\n\ return t\n\ end\n" #define PTP_CHDK_LUA_LS_SIMPLE \ PTP_CHDK_LUA_MSG_BATCHER \ "function ls_simple(path)\n\ local b=msg_batcher()\n\ local t,err=os.listdir(path)\n\ if not t then\n\ return false,err\n\ end\n\ for i,v in ipairs(t) do\n\ if not b:write(v) then\n\ return false\n\ end\n\ end\n\ return b:flush()\n\ end\n" #define PTP_CHDK_LUA_JOINPATH \ "function joinpath(...)\n\ local parts={...}\n\ if #parts < 2 then\n\ error('joinpath requires at least 2 parts',2)\n\ end\n\ local r=parts[1]\n\ for i = 2, #parts do\n\ local v = string.gsub(parts[i],'^/','')\n\ if not string.match(r,'/$') then\n\ r=r..'/'\n\ end\n\ r=r..v\n\ end\n\ return r\n\ end\n" #define PTP_CHDK_LUA_LS \ PTP_CHDK_LUA_MSG_BATCHER \ PTP_CHDK_LUA_JOINPATH \ "function ls_single(opts,b,path,v)\n\ if not opts.match or string.match(v,opts.match) then\n\ if opts.stat then\n\ local st,msg=os.stat(joinpath(path,v))\n\ if not st then\n\ return false,msg\n\ end\n\ if opts.stat == '/' then\n\ if st.is_dir then\n\ b:write(v .. '/')\n\ else\n\ b:write(v)\n\ end\n\ elseif opts.stat == '*' then\n\ st.name=v\n\ b:write(st)\n\ end\n\ else\n\ b:write(v)\n\ end\n\ end\n\ return true\n\ end\n\ \n\ function ls(path,opts_in)\n\ local opts={\n\ msglimit=50,\n\ msgtimeout=100000,\n\ dirsonly=true\n\ }\n\ if opts_in then\n\ for k,v in pairs(opts_in) do\n\ opts[k]=v\n\ end\n\ end\n\ local st, err = os.stat(path)\n\ if not st then\n\ return false, err\n\ end\n\ \n\ local b=msg_batcher{\n\ batchsize=opts.msglimit,\n\ timeout=opts.msgtimeout\n\ }\n\ \n\ if not st.is_dir then\n\ if opts.dirsonly then\n\ return false, 'not a directory'\n\ end\n\ if opts.stat == '*' then\n\ st.name=path\n\ b:write(st)\n\ else\n\ b:write(path)\n\ end\n\ b:flush()\n\ return true\n\ end\n\ \n\ if os.idir then\n\ for v in os.idir(path,opts.listall) do\n\ local status,err=ls_single(opts,b,path,v)\n\ if not status then\n\ return false, err\n\ end\n\ end\n\ else\n\ local t,msg=os.listdir(path,opts.listall)\n\ if not t then\n\ return false,msg\n\ end\n\ for i,v in ipairs(t) do\n\ local status,err=ls_single(opts,b,path,v)\n\ if not status then\n\ return false, err\n\ end\n\ end\n\ end\n\ b:flush()\n\ return true\n\ end\n" #define PTP_CHDK_LUA_RLIB_SHOOT_COMMON \ "function rlib_shoot_init_exp(opts) \n\ if opts.tv then\n\ set_tv96_direct(opts.tv)\n\ end\n\ if opts.sv then\n\ set_sv96(opts.sv)\n\ end\n\ if opts.svm then\n\ if type(sv96_market_to_real) ~= 'function' then\n\ error('svm not supported')\n\ end\n\ set_sv96(sv96_market_to_real(opts.svm))\n\ end\n\ if opts.isomode then\n\ set_iso_mode(opts.isomode)\n\ end\n\ if opts.av then\n\ set_av96_direct(opts.av)\n\ end\n\ if opts.nd then\n\ set_nd_filter(opts.nd)\n\ end\n\ if opts.sd then\n\ set_focus(opts.sd)\n\ end\n\ end\n" #define PTP_CHDK_LUA_RLIB_SHOOT \ PTP_CHDK_LUA_RLIB_SHOOT_COMMON \ "function rlib_shoot(opts)\n\ local rec,vid = get_mode()\n\ if not rec then\n\ return false,'not in rec mode'\n\ end\n\ \n\ rlib_shoot_init_exp(opts)\n\ \n\ local save_raw\n\ if opts.raw then\n\ save_raw=get_raw()\n\ set_raw(opts.raw)\n\ end\n\ local save_dng\n\ if opts.dng then\n\ save_dng=get_config_value(226)\n\ set_config_value(226,opts.dng)\n\ end\n\ shoot()\n\ local r\n\ if opts.info then\n\ r = {\n\ dir=get_image_dir(),\n\ exp=get_exp_count(),\n\ raw=(get_raw() == 1),\n\ }\n\ if r.raw then\n\ r.raw_in_dir = (get_config_value(35) == 1)\n\ r.raw_pfx = get_config_value(36)\n\ r.raw_ext = get_config_value(37)\n\ r.dng = (get_config_value(226) == 1)\n\ if r.dng then\n\ r.use_dng_ext = (get_config_value(234) == 1)\n\ end\n\ end\n\ else\n\ r=true\n\ end\n\ if save_raw then\n\ set_raw(save_raw)\n\ end\n\ if save_dng then\n\ set_config_value(226,save_dng)\n\ end\n\ return r\n\ end\n" // bit flags for script start #define PTP_CHDK_SCRIPT_FL_NOKILL 0x100 // if script is running return error instead of killing #define PTP_CHDK_SCRIPT_FL_FLUSH_CAM_MSGS 0x200 // discard existing cam->host messages before starting #define PTP_CHDK_SCRIPT_FL_FLUSH_HOST_MSGS 0x400 // discard existing host->cam messages before starting // bit flags for script status #define PTP_CHDK_SCRIPT_STATUS_RUN 0x1 // script running #define PTP_CHDK_SCRIPT_STATUS_MSG 0x2 // messages waiting // bit flags for scripting support #define PTP_CHDK_SCRIPT_SUPPORT_LUA 0x1 // bit flags for remote capture // used to select and also to indicate available data in PTP_CHDK_RemoteCaptureIsReady /* Full jpeg file. Note supported on all cameras, use Lua get_usb_capture_support to check */ #define PTP_CHDK_CAPTURE_JPG 0x1 /* Raw framebuffer data, in camera native format. A subset of rows may be requested in init_usb_capture. */ #define PTP_CHDK_CAPTURE_RAW 0x2 /* DNG header. The header will be DNG version 1.3 Does not include image data, clients wanting to create a DNG file should also request RAW Raw data for all known cameras will be packed, little endian. Client is responsible for reversing the byte order if creating a DNG. Can requested without RAW to get sensor dimensions, exif values etc. ifd 0 specifies a 128x96 RGB thumbnail, 4 byte aligned following the header client is responsible for generating thumbnail data. ifd 0 subifd 0 specifies the main image The image dimensions always contain the full sensor dimensions, if a sub-image was requested with init_usb_capture, the client is responsible for padding the data to the full image or adjusting dimensions. Bad pixels will not be patched, but DNG opcodes will specify how to patch them */ #define PTP_CHDK_CAPTURE_DNGHDR 0x4 // status from PTP_CHDK_RemoteCaptureIsReady if capture not enabled #define PTP_CHDK_CAPTURE_NOTSET 0x10000000 // message types enum ptp_chdk_script_msg_type { PTP_CHDK_S_MSGTYPE_NONE = 0, // no messages waiting PTP_CHDK_S_MSGTYPE_ERR, // error message PTP_CHDK_S_MSGTYPE_RET, // script return value PTP_CHDK_S_MSGTYPE_USER, // message queued by script // TODO chdk console data ? }; // error subtypes for PTP_CHDK_S_MSGTYPE_ERR and script startup status enum ptp_chdk_script_error_type { PTP_CHDK_S_ERRTYPE_NONE = 0, PTP_CHDK_S_ERRTYPE_COMPILE, PTP_CHDK_S_ERRTYPE_RUN, // the following are for ExecuteScript status only, not message types PTP_CHDK_S_ERR_SCRIPTRUNNING = 0x1000, // script already running with NOKILL }; // message status enum ptp_chdk_script_msg_status { PTP_CHDK_S_MSGSTATUS_OK = 0, // queued ok PTP_CHDK_S_MSGSTATUS_NOTRUN, // no script is running PTP_CHDK_S_MSGSTATUS_QFULL, // queue is full PTP_CHDK_S_MSGSTATUS_BADID, // specified ID is not running }; #endif // __CHDK_PTP_H