Listing raw device(s) Device 0 (VID=2b4c and PID=1005) is UNKNOWN in libmtp v1.1.12. Please report this VID/PID and the device model to the libmtp development team Found 1 device(s): 2b4c:1005 @ bus 6, dev 2 Attempting to connect device(s) Android device detected, assigning default bug flags USB low-level info: bcdUSB: 768 bDeviceClass: 0 bDeviceSubClass: 0 bDeviceProtocol: 0 idVendor: 2b4c idProduct: 1005 IN endpoint maxpacket: 1024 bytes OUT endpoint maxpacket: 1024 bytes Raw device info: Bus location: 6 Device number: 2 Device entry info: Vendor: (null) Vendor id: 0x2b4c Product: (null) Vendor id: 0x1005 Device flags: 0x18008106 Configuration 0, interface 0, altsetting 0: Interface description contains the string "MTP" Device recognized as MTP, no further probing. Device info: Manufacturer: ZUK Model: ZUK Z1 Device version: 1.0 Serial number: b8c1b4f2 Vendor extension ID: 0x00000006 Vendor extension description: 1.0; 1.0; Detected object size: 64 bits