#!/bin/sh INSTALL="@INSTALL@" HOTPLUGPATH=/etc/hotplug SCRIPTNAME=libmtp.sh USERMAP=libmtp.usermap UDEVPATH=/etc/udev/rules.d UDEVRULES=libmtp.rules # See if the parameter script ($2), device ($3) and productid ($4) # are already defined in the usermap ($1) function inmap { while read LINE; do if [ "x${LINE}" != "x" ]; then firstword=`echo ${LINE} | awk '{ print $1 }'` if [ ${firstword} != "#" ]; then # This is a device line entry script=${firstword} manid=`echo ${LINE} | awk '{ print $3 }'` productid=`echo ${LINE} | awk '{ print $4 }'` # Skip blank products... if [ "x${script}" = "x$2" ]; then if [ "x${manid}" = "x$3" ]; then if [ "x${productid}" = "x$4" ]; then echo "yes" return 0 fi fi fi fi fi done < $1 echo "no" return 0 } # Scan the usermap $2 for all devices in $1 to see if they are already # there, else patch the usermap. function patchusermap { # Nullify comment comment="" while read LINE; do if [ "x$LINE" != "x" ]; then firstword=`echo ${LINE} | awk '{ print $1 }'` if [ ${firstword} = "#" ]; then # This is a comment line, save it. comment=${LINE} else # This is a device line entry script=${firstword} manid=`echo ${LINE} | awk '{ print $3 }'` productid=`echo ${LINE} | awk '{ print $4 }'` # Skip blank products... if [ "x${manid}" != "x" ]; then # See if this product is already in the usermap echo "Checking for product ${productid} in $2..." if [ `inmap $2 ${script} ${manid} ${productid}` = "no" ]; then echo "Not present, adding to hotplug map." echo ${comment} >> $2 echo ${LINE} >> $2 comment="" else echo "Already installed." fi fi fi fi done < $1 } # Check for udev first if test -d ${UDEVPATH} ; then echo "You seem to have udev on your system. Installing udev rules..." ${INSTALL} ${UDEVRULES} ${UDEVPATH} echo "You may need additional setup to get correct permissions on your device." echo "See the INSTALL file for information." echo "Do you also want to install the old hotplug support (y/n)?" read IN if [ "$IN" = "y" ] || [ "$IN" = "Y" ]; then echo "Continuing..." else exit 0 fi fi # Check prerequisites COMMAND=`which grep 2> /dev/null` if [ "x${COMMAND}" = "x" ]; then echo "Missing grep program. Fatal error." exit 1 fi COMMAND=`which awk 2> /dev/null` if [ "x${COMMAND}" = "x" ]; then echo "Missing awk program. Fatal error." exit 1 fi # This script locates the hotplug distribution on a certain host # and sets up userland hotplugging scripts according to rules. # The in-parameters are the hotplug directory and the name of a # file of hotplug device entries and a script to be executed for # these deviced. if test -d ${HOTPLUGPATH} then echo "Hotplug in ${HOTPLUGPATH}" else echo "Hotplug missing on this system. Cannot install." exit 1 fi if test -d ${HOTPLUGPATH}/usb then echo "Has usb subdirectory." else mkdir ${HOTPLUGPATH}/usb fi echo "Installing script." ${INSTALL} nomadjukebox ${HOTPLUGPATH}/usb echo "Installing usermap." ${INSTALL} -m 644 ${USERMAP} ${HOTPLUGPATH}/usb # If we find a usb.usermap file, and we see that this distribution # of hotplug does not support private usermaps, then we need to # patch the usb.usermap file. # # Create a merged file, diff the files to each other, and if there # were mismatches, then patch the installed file. echo "Checking hotplugging CVS version..." echo "/etc/hotplug/usb/*.usermap support was added in august 2002" EDITMAP="yes" CVSTAG=`grep '\$Id:' /etc/hotplug/usb.agent` if [ "x${CVSTAG}" != "x" ]; then DATE=`echo ${CVSTAG} | awk '{ print $5 }'` echo "Hotplug version seems to be from ${DATE}" YEAR=`echo ${DATE} | awk 'BEGIN { FS="/"} {print $1; }'` MONTH=`echo ${DATE} | awk 'BEGIN { FS="/"} {print $2; }'` DAY=`echo ${DATE} | awk 'BEGIN { FS="/"} {print $3; }'` if [ "${YEAR}" -gt "2002" ]; then EDITMAP="no" else if [ "${YEAR}" -eq "2002" ]; then if [ "${MONTH}" -ge "08" ]; then EDITMAP="no" fi fi fi fi if [ "x${EDITMAP}" == "xyes" ]; then echo "We need to edit the ${HOTPLUGPATH}/usb.usermap if it exists..." if test -f ${HOTPLUGPATH}/usb.usermap then echo "We have a usb.usermap..." patchusermap ${USERMAP} /etc/hotplug/usb.usermap fi fi echo "Hotplugging successfully installed." exit 0