/* * Copyright © 2006-2009 Simon Thum * Copyright © 2012 Jonas Ådahl * Copyright © 2014-2015 Red Hat, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include "filter.h" #include "libinput-util.h" #include "filter-private.h" /* * Default parameters for pointer acceleration profiles. */ #define DEFAULT_THRESHOLD v_ms2us(0.4) /* in units/us */ #define MINIMUM_THRESHOLD v_ms2us(0.2) /* in units/us */ #define DEFAULT_ACCELERATION 2.0 /* unitless factor */ #define DEFAULT_INCLINE 1.1 /* unitless factor */ struct pointer_accelerator_low_dpi { struct motion_filter base; accel_profile_func_t profile; double velocity; /* units/us */ double last_velocity; /* units/us */ struct pointer_trackers trackers; double threshold; /* units/us */ double accel; /* unitless factor */ double incline; /* incline of the function */ int dpi; }; /** * Custom acceleration function for mice < 1000dpi. * At slow motion, a single device unit causes a one-pixel movement. * The threshold/max accel depends on the DPI, the smaller the DPI the * earlier we accelerate and the higher the maximum acceleration is. Result: * at low speeds we get pixel-precision, at high speeds we get approx. the * same movement as a high-dpi mouse. * * Note: data fed to this function is in device units, not normalized. */ double pointer_accel_profile_linear_low_dpi(struct motion_filter *filter, void *data, double speed_in, /* in device units (units/us) */ uint64_t time) { struct pointer_accelerator_low_dpi *accel_filter = (struct pointer_accelerator_low_dpi *)filter; double max_accel = accel_filter->accel; /* unitless factor */ double threshold = accel_filter->threshold; /* units/us */ const double incline = accel_filter->incline; double dpi_factor = accel_filter->dpi/(double)DEFAULT_MOUSE_DPI; double factor; /* unitless */ /* dpi_factor is always < 1.0, increase max_accel, reduce the threshold so it kicks in earlier */ max_accel /= dpi_factor; threshold *= dpi_factor; /* see pointer_accel_profile_linear for a long description */ if (v_us2ms(speed_in) < 0.07) factor = 10 * v_us2ms(speed_in) + 0.3; else if (speed_in < threshold) factor = 1; else factor = incline * v_us2ms(speed_in - threshold) + 1; factor = min(max_accel, factor); return factor; } static inline double calculate_acceleration_factor(struct pointer_accelerator_low_dpi *accel, const struct device_float_coords *unaccelerated, void *data, uint64_t time) { double velocity; /* units/us in device-native dpi*/ double accel_factor; trackers_feed(&accel->trackers, unaccelerated, time); velocity = trackers_velocity(&accel->trackers, time); accel_factor = calculate_acceleration_simpsons(&accel->base, accel->profile, data, velocity, accel->last_velocity, time); accel->last_velocity = velocity; return accel_factor; } static struct device_float_coords accelerator_filter_generic(struct motion_filter *filter, const struct device_float_coords *unaccelerated, void *data, uint64_t time) { struct pointer_accelerator_low_dpi *accel = (struct pointer_accelerator_low_dpi *) filter; double accel_value; /* unitless factor */ struct device_float_coords accelerated; accel_value = calculate_acceleration_factor(accel, unaccelerated, data, time); accelerated.x = accel_value * unaccelerated->x; accelerated.y = accel_value * unaccelerated->y; return accelerated; } static struct normalized_coords accelerator_filter_unnormalized(struct motion_filter *filter, const struct device_float_coords *unaccelerated, void *data, uint64_t time) { struct device_float_coords accelerated; struct normalized_coords normalized; /* Accelerate for device units and return device units */ accelerated = accelerator_filter_generic(filter, unaccelerated, data, time); normalized.x = accelerated.x; normalized.y = accelerated.y; return normalized; } static struct normalized_coords accelerator_filter_noop(struct motion_filter *filter, const struct device_float_coords *unaccelerated, void *data, uint64_t time) { struct pointer_accelerator_low_dpi *accel = (struct pointer_accelerator_low_dpi *) filter; return normalize_for_dpi(unaccelerated, accel->dpi); } static void accelerator_restart(struct motion_filter *filter, void *data, uint64_t time) { struct pointer_accelerator_low_dpi *accel = (struct pointer_accelerator_low_dpi *) filter; trackers_reset(&accel->trackers, time); } static void accelerator_destroy(struct motion_filter *filter) { struct pointer_accelerator_low_dpi *accel = (struct pointer_accelerator_low_dpi *) filter; trackers_free(&accel->trackers); free(accel); } static bool accelerator_set_speed(struct motion_filter *filter, double speed_adjustment) { struct pointer_accelerator_low_dpi *accel_filter = (struct pointer_accelerator_low_dpi *)filter; assert(speed_adjustment >= -1.0 && speed_adjustment <= 1.0); /* Note: the numbers below are nothing but trial-and-error magic, don't read more into them other than "they mostly worked ok" */ /* delay when accel kicks in */ accel_filter->threshold = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD - v_ms2us(0.25) * speed_adjustment; if (accel_filter->threshold < MINIMUM_THRESHOLD) accel_filter->threshold = MINIMUM_THRESHOLD; /* adjust max accel factor */ accel_filter->accel = DEFAULT_ACCELERATION + speed_adjustment * 1.5; /* higher speed -> faster to reach max */ accel_filter->incline = DEFAULT_INCLINE + speed_adjustment * 0.75; filter->speed_adjustment = speed_adjustment; return true; } struct motion_filter_interface accelerator_interface_low_dpi = { .type = LIBINPUT_CONFIG_ACCEL_PROFILE_ADAPTIVE, .filter = accelerator_filter_unnormalized, .filter_constant = accelerator_filter_noop, .restart = accelerator_restart, .destroy = accelerator_destroy, .set_speed = accelerator_set_speed, }; static struct pointer_accelerator_low_dpi * create_default_filter(int dpi, bool use_velocity_averaging) { struct pointer_accelerator_low_dpi *filter; filter = zalloc(sizeof *filter); filter->last_velocity = 0.0; trackers_init(&filter->trackers, use_velocity_averaging ? 16 : 2); filter->threshold = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD; filter->accel = DEFAULT_ACCELERATION; filter->incline = DEFAULT_INCLINE; filter->dpi = dpi; return filter; } struct motion_filter * create_pointer_accelerator_filter_linear_low_dpi(int dpi, bool use_velocity_averaging) { struct pointer_accelerator_low_dpi *filter; filter = create_default_filter(dpi, use_velocity_averaging); if (!filter) return NULL; filter->base.interface = &accelerator_interface_low_dpi; filter->profile = pointer_accel_profile_linear_low_dpi; return &filter->base; }