# This file contains the configuration for the gitlab ci. # See the .gitlab-ci/generate-gitlab-ci.py file for more info # # We're happy to rebuild all containers when one changes. .default_tag: &default_tag '2021-07-30.0' distributions: - name: fedora tag: *default_tag versions: - '33' - '34' # last is picked for qemu want_qemu: true use_for_custom_build_tests: true use_for_qemu_tests: true packages: - git-core - gcc - gcc-c++ - pkgconf-pkg-config - meson - check-devel - libudev-devel - libevdev-devel - doxygen - graphviz - python3-sphinx - python3-recommonmark - python3-sphinx_rtd_theme - python3-pytest-xdist - libwacom-devel - cairo-devel - gtk4-devel - glib2-devel - mtdev-devel - diffutils - valgrind # for the valgrind run, optional - name: debian tag: *default_tag versions: - 'stable' packages: - git - gcc - g++ - pkg-config - meson - check - libudev-dev - libevdev-dev - doxygen - graphviz - python3-sphinx - python3-recommonmark - python3-sphinx-rtd-theme - python3-pytest-xdist - libwacom-dev - libcairo2-dev - libgtk-3-dev - libglib2.0-dev - libmtdev-dev - curl # for the coverity job - name: ubuntu tag: *default_tag versions: - '20.10' - '21.04' packages: - git - gcc - g++ - pkg-config - meson - check - libudev-dev - libevdev-dev - doxygen - graphviz - python3-sphinx - python3-recommonmark - python3-sphinx-rtd-theme - python3-pytest-xdist - libwacom-dev - libcairo2-dev - libgtk-3-dev - libglib2.0-dev - libmtdev-dev - name: arch tag: *default_tag versions: - 'rolling' packages: - git - gcc - pkgconfig - meson - check - libsystemd - libevdev - doxygen - graphviz - python-sphinx - python-recommonmark - python-sphinx_rtd_theme - python-pytest-xdist - libwacom - gtk4 - mtdev - diffutils - name: alpine tag: *default_tag versions: - 'latest' packages: - git - gcc build-base - pkgconfig - meson - check-dev - eudev-dev - libevdev-dev - libwacom-dev - cairo-dev - gtk4.0-dev - mtdev-dev - bash build: extra_variables: - "MESON_ARGS: '-Ddocumentation=false' # alpine does not have python-recommonmark" # We don't run the tests on alpine. The litest-selftest fails # for any tcase_add_exit_test/tcase_add_test_raise_signal # but someone more invested in musl will have to figure that out. - "MESON_TEST_ARGS: '' # litest-selftest fails on musl" - name: freebsd tag: *default_tag want_qemu: true skip_container: true versions: - '13.0' packages: - git - pkgconf - meson - libepoll-shim - libudev-devd - libevdev - libwacom - gtk3 - libmtdev - bash - wayland build: extra_variables: - "MESON_ARGS: '-Dtests=false -Ddocumentation=false' # doxygen drags down too many deps" # We don't run the tests on FreeBSD, someone would have to fix the # test suite to work on BSD first. - "MESON_TEST_ARGS: '' # test suite doesn't work on BSD yet" test_suites: - name: touchpad suites: - touchpad - name: tap suites: - touchpad-tap - name: touchpad-buttons suites: - touchpad-buttons - name: tablet suites: - tablet - name: gestures-device suites: - gestures - device - name: backends suites: - path - udev - name: misc suites: - log - misc - quirks - name: other devices suites: - keyboard - pad - switch - trackball - trackpoint - totem - touch - name: pointer suites: - pointer